Westminster Presbyterian Church Weekly News
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Weekly News
Friday, August 14, 2015
Quote of the Week
Acts of kindness are contagious. They have a chain reaction - a domino effect. By doing kind acts we can inspire others to do the same.
Deacon Hands
Focus of the Week
This week in worship we will mark transitions as our children head back to school and Carly onto the next step on her career path, both with the blessings of our community of faith. And how shall we go forth during times of change and newness?  In our examining the theme this fall, "Connecting With Kindness", Sunday we will explore the domino effect of kindness. We'll look at two aspects of the domino effect - how kindness sets off a chain reaction, but also how even small acts of kindness can make big changes. To consider the question, "Can kindness save the world?" read the Weekly Reflection below.
Looking forward to being together in worship,
Weekly Reflection
Can kindness save the world? That is the question I posed as I reflected on the theme of 'transforming the world through loving kindness.' Are we really talking about changing the world through small acts of kindness, perhaps from one stranger to another? If so, are we discussing a movement like London's 'Kindness Offensive,' known for orchestrating large-scale 'random acts of kindness?' Although kindness is an important virtue, and the world is all the better for it, can friendly, gentle, caring, considerate, and helpful people change the entrenched systems of domination, poverty, and violence that we face in our neighborhoods, nation, and the global community? Kindness may give pleasure to others and make us feel better in return, but I suspect that transforming the world will require more than simple acts of kindness that lift someone's spirits.

Perhaps the answer to my question can be found by exploring the meaning of the phrase 'loving kindness.' That intriguing expression offers new insights. There are two ways of looking at this phrase and it turns out they are interconnected. The first, and perhaps the most obvious, is in reference to the poetry of Micah 6:8 in the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) translation-"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" In this context, it is important to grasp what it means to 'love kindness,' (a verb with an objective noun), particularly in partnership with such concepts as 'justice' and 'humility.' A second way of looking at the phrase is by examining the peculiar hyphenated word 'loving-kindness' (a compound noun), invented by Miles Coverdale (1488-1569) when he created the first English translation of the Bible in 1535. If this is the case, one wonders why 'kindness' needs a modifier. Is there any other kind of kindness than the loving kind?  Continue reading here.

Worship at Westminster
back pack blessing

Sunday, August 16th 

On Sunday, Aug. 16 we will have our annual Blessing of the Backpacks prior to the first day of public school for most.  We hope all children who will be returning to school of any kind will make a point to come to church at 10:00 with your school bags (or whatever you'd like to bring to represent your new school year), as we ask God's blessing on the start of another year of learning and growing.

P.S. We will be celebrating with ice cream sundaes during fellowship time after worship!
Thank You Westminster 
Dear Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Thank you so much for the graduation money. I put it towards a new laptop. Also, thank you for all of your support throughout the years. Thanks for everything, Sarah Veney

Thank you so very much for your generous gift in celebration of my graduation! This money is going straight into my savings account for my newly born adult life. With gratitude and lots of love -Dallas
Westminster Grafic Vertical
  • As next week will be our first week of transition, the Westminster office will be open from 9:00am until 1:00pm Monday to Friday. We welcome you to visit us outside of these hours by making an appointment by phoning the office during these hours or leaving a message.  Thank you for your generosity of spirit as we work together in ministry.
  • Pastor Dries is attending the 2015 gathering of The Interfaith Network for Justice in Palestine this Friday, August 14th through Sunday, August 16th at Stony Point Center in New York. 
  • Westminster's regular worship hour of 10:45am will resume on August 30th.
  • We will welcome first-year and returning College of Wooster students during worship and with our traditional "brownie reception" on Aug. 30 after worship.  If you can bake brownies to add to our welcome reception following worship, please sign up here or email Beth or call the church office at 330-263-2398 and leave a message.  Nothing says "We're glad you're here!" like homemade goodies.
Vegan Potluck
We look forward to seeing you at the first Vegan Potluck of the new school year on Thursday, August 27th, at 6:00 p.m. in Mackey Hall. This meal is a great opportunity for WPC members, Wooster community members, and College of Wooster students to enjoy delicious food and good fellowship while learning more about sustainable living. Just bring a pot-luck dish containing no meat, dairy, or eggs (no need for students to bring a dish).
The program for the month of August will feature Cheryl Weiss and others discussing the How/What/Why of the Vegan Meal. RSVP through Sign Up Genius, emailing the church office, or the sign up sheet in the back of Mackey during fellowship.

Gardening Opportunities


April Gamble invites you to join her at the the Wooster Community Hospital's GreenPoint Garden on Fridays, 8:30am-10:00am and/or Sundays from 7-8:30pm She also welcomes the opportunity to meet up at other times if you can't make it at those times.
School Kit Update


If our count is accurate, 11 more boxes of 24-count crayons will enable us to pack 110 school kits. Thanks to all of you who have purchased school supplies or provided money to purchase them. It's amazing how quickly we have been able to amass supplies!

People to People Ministries
People to People logo The new school year begins shortly and People to People has suggested canned fruit, apple sauce, syrup, complete pancake mix, crackers, spaghetti, and spaghetti sauce would be good additions to their food pantry.  The Benevolences Committee would like to encourage you to bring any or all of these items to the last Sunday of August and September.
Let's fill the kitchen cupboards of our friends and neighbors. 
Green Tip of the Week


If you live in a typical U.S. home, your appliances and home electronics, from clothes washers and dryers, to computers, to water heaters are responsible for about 20 percent of your energy bills. Plug home electronics into power strips; turn the power strips off when the equipment is not in use (TVs and DVDs in standby mode still use several watts of power).

Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius , on Sunday mornings on the clipboard on the window counter of the Mackey Hall kitchen, or by contacting  Beth Coetzee (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
What's happening at Westminster this week?
Tuesday, August 18th
1:00pm - Food Ministry Meeting 
2:00pm - Congregational Life Cohort Meeting
Wednesday, August 19th 
10:00am - Mission Cohort Meeting in The Lounge  
Friday, August 21st
Sunday, August 23rd

For the latest and most up-to-date information visit Westminster's calendar here.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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