Searching for a quote on change this week was not difficult, as change is such an integral and necessary part of our lives. As a people of God, our very identity is buildton change as we follow the way of Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Westminster, as a community of faith, is not sheltered from change. In fact for us as a church to engage in ministry, change is important and even necessary as we set our hearts and minds open to the work of the Spirit among us.
It is with such an attitude that I invite you to celebrate Carly's ministry among us, but also Westminster's journey forward. Within the next weeks we will communicate further how you best can engage the process as we will review our current staffing and explore new and bold ways to meet our future of building a culture of peace.
This past week the following letter was mailed to Westminster's members and friends announcing Carly's departure:
Dear Members and Friends,
I am writing to inform you that Carly Jones, Westminster's Church Administrator, has accepted a position at the law office of Margo Broehl. As a community of faith we will miss Carly and are thankful for her three years of service at Westminster; however, we are pleased for the opportunity for her to advance her career goals.
We are grateful that Carly was able to begin working at Westminster just before Sue Brown's retirement and helped us through a period of transition. As Westminster's Administrator, she has helped create a positive work environment, aided in improving our communication and relationship with The College of Wooster, served as staff support for the Building Committee where she has helped Westminster grow in hospitality, and assisted in implementing new technology to make our office more efficient. Personally, I have always appreciated Carly's willingness to help with any task, her flexibility, and her ability to get things done in a timely manner.
Carly's last day in the office will be Friday, August 14. We invite you the following Sunday, August 16, to stay after our 10:00am worship service and join us in a cake reception to express our gratitude to Carly. At that time Westminster will present a gift to Carly. You are also welcome to bring a card or note expressing your thanks to her. If you are unable to make it to worship, you may mail your cards to the church office at 353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691.
As in the past, we ask for your patience as we undergo transition with Carly's departure. We will use this time as an opportunity to assess Westminster's staffing and specifically our administration and office needs. During this time of discernment we will ask for your input and will communicate such opportunities through our Weekly News. One of the challenges before us is keeping the office open for "regular hours". Within the next week we will communicate reduced office hours and other arrangements beginning Monday, August 17. For pastoral care needs I encourage you to contact me directly on my cell at 330-621-4269 (call or text) or from 10:00pm-8:00am on my home phone at 330-439-4280. Please leave a message if I am not available to answer. Although Friday is my Sabbath Day, you are welcome to contact me with emergencies.
I am very thankful for the leadership of John Veney, Josie Drushal, Caryl Slater, and Beth Coetzee who will fulfill some of the administrative duties and emerging needs. If you are willing to volunteer and help in the office during this time of transition, I encourage you to contact me on my cell at 330-621-4269 or e-mail.
Most of all, we would appreciate your prayers for Carly and her family as she starts a new position and also for Westminster during this time of transition.
Yours Faithfully,
Dries Coetzee
Today and Saturday I will be at the meeting of the Synod of the Covenant in Maumee, OH. Please keep the work of the Synod in your prayers as well as our Presbytery with the announcement of Rev. Debbie Rundlett that she has accepted a position as Transitional Executive Presbyter of Chicago Presbytery.
I am looking forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday,