Westminster Presbyterian Church Weekly News
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Weekly News
Friday, August 7, 2015
Quote of the Week
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
Alan Watts
Focus of the Week
Once again Westminster will undergo change as our Church Administrator Carly Jones accepted a position with a local law firm to advance her career goals.  As a community of faith we will miss Carly and are thankful for her three years of service at Westminster.   


Weekly Reflection
Peace Pole

Searching for a quote on change this week was not difficult, as change is such an integral and necessary part of our lives. As a people of God, our very identity is buildton change as we follow the way of Jesus of Nazareth.  Therefore, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Westminster, as a community of faith, is not sheltered from change.  In fact for us as a church to engage in ministry, change is important and even necessary as we set our hearts and minds open to the work of the Spirit among us.

It is with such an attitude that I invite you to celebrate Carly's ministry among us, but also Westminster's journey forward. Within the next weeks we will communicate further how you best can engage the process as we will review our current staffing and explore new and bold ways to meet our future of  building a culture of peace.   


This past week the following letter was mailed to Westminster's members and friends announcing Carly's departure:


Dear Members and Friends,

I am writing to inform you that Carly Jones, Westminster's Church Administrator, has accepted a position at the law office of Margo Broehl.  As a community of faith we will miss Carly and are thankful for her three years of service at Westminster; however, we are pleased for the opportunity for her to advance her career goals.

We are grateful that Carly was able to begin working at Westminster just before Sue Brown's retirement and helped us through a period of transition.   As Westminster's Administrator, she has helped create a positive work environment, aided in improving our communication and relationship with The College of Wooster, served as staff support for the Building Committee where she has helped Westminster grow in hospitality, and assisted in implementing new technology to make our office more efficient.  Personally, I have always appreciated Carly's willingness to help with any task, her flexibility, and her ability to get things done in a timely manner. 

Carly's last day in the office will be Friday, August 14.  We invite you the following Sunday, August 16, to stay after our 10:00am worship service and join us in a cake reception to express our gratitude to Carly.  At that time Westminster will present a gift to Carly.  You are also welcome to bring a card or note expressing your thanks to her.  If you are unable to make it to worship, you may mail your cards to the church office at 353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691.

As in the past, we ask for your patience as we undergo transition with Carly's departure.  We will use this time as an opportunity to assess Westminster's staffing and specifically our administration and office needs.  During this time of discernment we will ask for your input and will communicate such opportunities through our Weekly News.  One of the challenges before us is keeping the office open for "regular hours".  Within the next week we will communicate reduced office hours and other arrangements beginning Monday, August 17.  For pastoral care needs I encourage you to contact me directly on my cell at 330-621-4269 (call or text) or from 10:00pm-8:00am on my home phone at 330-439-4280.  Please leave a message if I am not available to answer. Although Friday is my Sabbath Day, you are welcome to contact me with emergencies.

I am very thankful for the leadership of John Veney, Josie Drushal, Caryl Slater, and Beth Coetzee who will fulfill some of the administrative duties and emerging needs.  If you are willing to volunteer and help in the office during this time of transition, I encourage you to contact me on my cell at 330-621-4269 or e-mail.

Most of all, we would appreciate your prayers for Carly and her family as she starts a new position and also for Westminster during this time of transition.

Yours Faithfully,

Dries Coetzee


Today and Saturday I will be at the meeting of the Synod of the Covenant in Maumee, OH.  Please keep the work of the Synod in your prayers as well as our Presbytery with the announcement of Rev. Debbie Rundlett that she has accepted a position as Transitional Executive Presbyter of Chicago Presbytery.    


I am looking forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday,


Please Note
Westminster Grafic Vertical
Pastor Dries will not be in worship on Sunday, August 16, Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday, as he will attend the 2015 gathering of The Interfaith Network for Justice in Palestine next Friday, August 14th-Sunday, August 16th at Stony Point Center in New York.  

Westminster's regular worship hour of 10:45am will resume on August 30th with the return of the College of Wooster students.  

We will welcome first-year and returning College of Wooster students during worship and with our traditional "brownie reception" on Aug. 30 after worship.  If you can bake brownies to add to our welcome reception following worship, please sign up at here or email Beth or call the church office at 330-263-2398 and leave a message.  Nothing says "We're glad you're here!" like homemade goodies!

DebbieDebbie Rundlett Accepted Position in Chicago
Ten years ago, I began a conversation with the General Presbyter Nominating Committee that led to God's call. It has been both a privilege and a joy to journey with you to make disciples, nurture faith, and serve the needs of the community-all in the name of Jesus.

To be sure, there have been challenging moments that have stretched and grown us. We have grieved together, even as we have celebrated together. I can say without hesitation that you are among the most extraordinary, Spirit-filled leaders that I have ever served with.

After an extended wrestling match with God, I have accepted the invitation of the Presbytery of Chicago to serve as their Transitional Executive Presbyter, effective October 15, 2015. I will conclude my service with you on September 30, then taking two weeks vacation to get us moved and settled.

As Council will share (in an upcoming letter), they have already scheduled a retreat with Sue Krummel, Mid Council Coordinator of the General Assembly, to explore transition models. Their plan is to come prepared to share their recommendations with you at the September meeting.

I ask for your prayers for the sale of our home and the transition we are entering. Know that I will be holding you in my prayers as you also enter transition. Truly, you are God's letter of recommendation inscribed upon my heart (c.f., II Corinthians 3:2-3).

With deep love in Christ,

Deborah Anne Rundlett
General Presbyter

Gardening Opportunities


April Gamble invites you to join her at the the Wooster Community Hospital's GreenPoint Garden on Fridays, 8:30am-10:00am and/or Sundays from 7-8:30pm She also welcomes the opportunity to meet up at other times if you can't make it at those times.
School Kit Update


If our count is accurate, 11 more boxes of 24-count crayons will enable us to pack 110 school kits. With no sales tax on school-related items this weekend and crayons available for 50 cents a box, it's an ideal time to assist children in need nationally and internationally with an inexpensive purchase.


Thanks to all of you who have purchased school supplies or provided money to purchase them. It's amazing how quickly we have been able to amass supplies!

Viola Startzman Clinic to celebrate 20 Years of Service


Since 1995, the Viola Startzman Clinic has been providing high-quality comprehensive health and dental care, medications, and related health services at no charge to qualifying patients.

A Community Celebration is being planned  for August 15 to mark the Clinic's 20th anniversary serving patients and help raise funds to launch into the next 20 years.  

Worship at Westminster
back pack blessing

Sunday, August 16th 

On Sunday, Aug. 16 we will have our annual Blessing of the Backpacks prior to the first day of public school for most.  We hope all children who will be returning to school of any kind will make a point to come to church at 10:00 with your school bags (or whatever you'd like to bring to represent your new school year), as we ask God's blessing on the start of another year of learning and growing.

P.S. We will be celebrating with ice cream sundaes during fellowship time after worship!
Green Tip of the Week


No hint of lint. Clean your dryer lint screen with every use and don't overload the dryer. You'll save up to 5 percent on your electricity bill -- which could mean an energy-equivalent savings of 350 million gallons of gasoline per year if everyone did this. Also, run your dryer during off-peak hours. Check with your utility company to see if they offer discounted rates during off-peak hours and verify when those hours are. Better yet, use a clothesline.      

Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius , on Sunday mornings on the clipboard on the window counter of the Mackey Hall kitchen, or by contacting Carly Jones (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
What's happening at Westminster this week?

Sunday, August 9th 

10:00am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Dries Coetzee leading worship
11:00am - Fellowship in Mackey Hall 
7:00pm - Garden volunteer time at GreenPoint Garden 
Monday, August 10th
12:00pm- Building Committee Meeting in the Lounge 
Friday, August 14th 

 8:30am- Garden Volunteer time at GreenPoint Garden 

Sunday, August 16th

10:00am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Blessing of the Backpacks with Beth Coetzee leading worship

11:00am - Fellowship in Mackey Hall
7:00pm - Garden volunteer time at GreenPoint Garden


For the latest and most up-to-date information visit Westminster's calendar here.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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