Westminster Presbyterian Church Weekly News
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Weekly News
Friday, June 12, 2015
Quote of the Week
"In our age of increasing distractions, it's more important than ever to find ways to maintain perspective, and remember that life is brief and tender. Death is something that we're often discouraged to talk about, or even think about, but I've realized that preparing for death is one of the most empowering things you can do. Thinking about death clarifies your life."
Candy Chang: Before I die I want to...Filmed July 2012 at TEDGlobal 2012
See the whole TED Talk here
See the TED Talk with Candy Chang here.
Westminster member and Wooster Hospice pioneer Fran Loess, just two weeks before she slipped into a coma and died on Saturday, March 26, 2005 at the age of 77.  About this picture her son Kurt Loess said, "To me this photo is a celebration of her life."
Focus of the Week
This week we engage the Presbyterian belief that "In life and in death we belong to God" (The Brief Statement of Faith). This comforting reality of God's presence in times of terminal illness and death is often overshadowed by the palpable pain of loss and grief, as we seldom talk about death, dying, and end of life issues in the midst of life and consequently leave such conversations to when we have no choice.   This reality is further complicated as scientific and technological developments have increased the capacity to prolong human life and laws have expanded the legal choices for those facing terminal illness.  
Weekly Reflection


Fran Loess receiving her 2003 National Hospice Award with Wayne County Hospice Directors Carol McKiernan and Beki McCurdy.
Fran Loess receiving her 2003 National Hospice Award with then Wayne County Hospice Directors Carol McKiernan and Beki McCurdy.

Last year the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Detroit approved an overture to convene a team of Presbyterians to produce a pastoral and educational booklet giving guidance on end-of-life issues.  This overture was the outcome of the pastoral struggle raised by the increase in the technological choices facing patients and their families at the end of their lives as well as physician-assisted suicide in five states and several nations.    


This coming Sunday, June 14, we will engage the "end-of-life" conversation with Bob Groverfull time chaplain for what is now Life Care Hospice, as our guest preacher.   Also on Sunday we will have copies of our Session approved Westminster Guide to Funeral/Memorial Services.   


Having Bob with us on Sunday also gives us the opportunity to reflect on the beginning years of Wayne County Hospice, now called Life Care Hospice, and the advocacy work of Westminster member Fran Loess.    In this Wooster Daily Record article  Loess to receive national hospice award published on July 31, 2003, reporter Stephanie Kandel described the foundational work of Fran, for which she earned the 2003 Volunteers are the Foundation of Hospice Award.


WOOSTER The hospice movement took hold in Fran Loess's heart even before it took hold in Wayne County.

A hospice volunteer for a quarter of a century, Loess will be honored this weekend with the 2003 Volunteers are the Foundation of Hospice Award.

Those who nominated her for the award contend Loess is the perfect example of the foundation of hospice. She was one of a small, tireless and fiercely determined group of people who established hospice care in the county more than 20 years ago. 

It was a heart-wrenching experience in 1975 that sparked her interest in hospice.

"We had a family crisis," she explained quietly. "Our 15-year-old son developed what turned out to be Reye Syndrome. ... We almost lost him several times,"

He was in a coma for 15 days and eventually pulled through, and the experience had a profound impact on Loess. 

"A lot of those people did not bring their children home," she said of the families she met while her son was hospitalized.

The work of Loess and others paid off when Hospice of Wayne County was incorporated and began serving patients in 1982. Loess was among the first volunteers commissioned by hospice. 

She's had 35 assignments since then, from a 5-year-old girl to elderly men and women. Being there to help people die with grace and peace, and to help families with the time, has been a transforming experience, she said. 

Hospice volunteers can find themselves doing any of myriad tasks, from medical care to housework to sitting silently and holding a hand. 

"Oh, I've scrubbed floors, and oh I've learned so much," Loess said, alight with the lessons and stories she's garnered from the people she's served.

"I am who I am today because of them," she said. "There isn't any way I resemble the person who I was in 1975, so it's an evolution that's very precious to me." 

At age 75, Loess is a gentle personality with a soft expression and a delightful laugh who said she hopes to help where she can and continue her volunteerism with hospice. She is thoroughly humbled by the thought of receiving such a prestigious award. 

"I'm just in shock," Loess said. "I'm stunned. It's just hard for me to believe." 

She will receive the award Saturday in Columbus at a luncheon as part of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Conference. 

"We're just thrilled," said fellow volunteer Mary Jane Gustafson, who was one of Loess's nominators. "She's a special person." 

Hospice personnel and fellow volunteers who nominated Loess for the award referred to her as the "founding mother" and "mother of Hospice of Wayne County," lauding her dedication, generosity, enthusiasm and skill. 

"In 1982 when Hospice of Wayne County, Ohio, served its first patient, Fran was already a veteran," wrote Hospice Volunteer Coordinator Rebecca McCurdy in her nomination of Loess. "In 2003, as I write these words, Fran's service continues with the enthusiasm of a new convert, but with the depth and skill that her years of experience have earned her." 

"Fran not only works hard fulfilling her volunteer assignments but also continually models the basic ideals of hospice care in all her interactions with patients, families, team members and the community," wrote Executive Director Carol McKiernan. 

"Every hospice needs a Fran Loess," Gustafson wrote. 

I will see you in worship on Sunday as we engage life itself.

GuideGuide to Funeral/Memorial Services

Please pick up a copy of Westminster's Guide to Funeral/Memorial Services, which has been approved by Session, on Sunday or download it here. The booklet has information and suggestions covering all aspects of a funeral or memorial service at Westminster.  This guide aims not only to provide pertinent information when planning a funeral of a loved one, but also to help you think and plan your own funeral/memorial service.  Although it might seem strange for some people to contemplate their own death and pre-planning the arrangements, many people of faith do so and subsequently help their family, friends, and loved ones tremendously during a time of grief and loss.  Please feel free to contact Pastor Dries if you would like to discuss the information contained in the guide, talk about end-of-life issues, or would like to pre-plan your funeral/memorial service.

Gardening Opportunities Today


April Gamble invites you to join her at the the Wooster Community Hospital's GreenPoint Garden today, Friday,
from 8:30am-1:00pm
She also welcomes the opportunity to meet up at other times if you can't make these times.



Annual Outdoor Worship Service

Join us for our Oak Hill 13 Worshipannual Outdoor Worship Service, Sunday June 21st at 10:00am at Oak Hill Park. The service will be followed by a picnic lunch and time to explore the park.  Please come dressed to go for a walk or sit and visit with friends. If you are able to contribute, please bring a dessert or fruit to supplement the picnic lunch provided. You can sign up through Sign Up Genius on the June Hospitality page, by contacting Carly in the church office, or on the sign up board in the back of Mackey.

Mackey ADA Bathroom Moving Ahead
Mackey Sighn
It is with excitement that Session accepted a quote from Simonson Construction Services, Inc. from Ashland, OH in the amount of $27,120 for the installation of an the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant bathroom in the back kitchen area of Mackey Hall.  This quote was approved with the understanding that we will have to raise about $14,000 above the $21,000 we raised last year, as we need to include the cost of the abatement of the asbestos tile and the local architect.  

The bathroom will be located in the northeast corner of the back room of Mackey kitchen and will include some storage for supplies. In addition, we hope to enclose the area where mops are presently stored to give a neater appearance to the Church House. We will continue to keep you updated as things progress. If you have comments or questions please contact Caryl Slater, representing the Building Committee.
Worship at Westminster
Westminster Mosaic
"Fish and Loaf" by Hazel Shreve
Worship is at 10:00am in Mackey Hall in the Westminster Church House, 353 E. Pine Street.  

Sunday, June 14
As Presbyterians we confirm that "In life and in death we belong to God" (The Brief Statement of Faith). This comforting reality of God's presence in times of terminal illness and death is often overshadowed by the palpable pain of loss and grief, as we seldom talk about death, dying, and end of life issues in the midst of life and consequently leave such conversations to when we have no choice.

Outdoor Worship Service at 10:00am at Oak Hill Park, located on Oak Hill Road, followed by a picnic lunch and time to explore the park. Please come dressed to go for a walk on the various trails for all abilities or sit and visit while enjoying lunch. Sandwich trays, chips, & drinks will be provided. Those attending may bring fruit or dessert to add to the meal.
BobGuest Preacher Bob Grover
Bob Grover is chaplain at Life Care Hospice

Bob grew up in southern New York State as a Methodist preacher's kid. He graduated from Dickinson College in 1975.  For 25 years, Bob was a full time farrier in Northern Ohio. During his career he was the resident farrier for 10 years at the College of Veterinary Medicine at OSU as well as farrier science instructor at Otterbein College for 7 years.  Bob was a member of the American Farriers Association for 22 years, serving one term as treasurer, ten years as an examiner for their Certification Committee. Bob also was a guest lecturer at several veterinary schools for the AFA. 


In the summer of 1996, Bob answered a call to serve Christ.  By the winter of 1999 he entered Ashland Theological Seminary.  Prior to entering seminary and pastoral ministry, Bob was a lay member in the United Methodist denomination for 22 years.  Bob served the Lord in various leadership positions which included: chair of Staff Parish Relations and Worship Committees, Lay Leader, Administrative Council chair, adult Sunday school teacher, worship leader, and men's bible study leader.


In the summer of 2000, Bob and Mary became busy working with a group of families who started planting a new church in Medina, Ohio.  He served as pastor New Hope Christian Fellowship from 2001 to May of 2010.  Bob was ordained as an Elder in the Brethren Church in late spring of 2004 after receiving an M.Div. from ATS.


In the fall of 2007 Bob started part time for Wayne County Hospice as one of their chaplains working a couple days a week.  By 2009, he was up to 4 days per week for hospice.  In 2010, He left pastoral ministry to devote all his energy to being a full time chaplain for what is now Life Care Hospice. Bob is one of four chaplains serving Life Care Hospice patients in this area. 


Since leaving pastoral ministry, Bob has occasionally done volunteer pulpit supply at West View Healthy Living, has done in-service teaching on spiritual care and spiritual abuse at LCH, facilitates a weekly men's Bible study, is on a men's retreat team and does neighborhood ministry a couple Saturdays a month.   Bob is available to speak at local churches, nursing facilities and other groups.


Bob and Mary reside in Lodi, Ohio and will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in December.  During warmer months Bob enjoys cycling.  They both enjoy frequently vacationing in the Outer Banks of NC.  Mary is involved in staff development and training new hires in the risk management sector for the Travelers Company.   They have 2 adult sons: Eric of Lodi, and Ben (Katie) of Barrington IL, and a 1 year old granddaughter, Hailey.

Christian Children's Home Grill-Off

Christian Children's home Christian Children's Home of Ohio's Third Annual Great Grill-Off is Sunday, June 14, from 12:30-4:00 p.m. at 2685 Armstrong Road, Wooster.  The event includes a burger tasting contest from area restaurants and teams, picnic foods, live music, children's games and crafts, hayrack rides, Poplar Ridge Stables open house and miniature horse rides.  Admission is free; simply make a monetary donation at the gate.  Info and registration for this charity event to support CCHO's Christian mission to hurting children and families is at www.ccho.org or 330.345.7949. 

People to People Donations

People to People logo

What's for lunch?

This month Westminster is collecting tuna fish, mayonnaise, peanut butter and jelly for the People to People box in the Narthex.

Green Tip of the Week

Place recycling bins in accessible, high-traffic areas and provide clear information about what can and cannot be recycled.

Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius, on Sunday mornings on the clipboard on the window counter of the Mackey Hall kitchen, or by contacting Carly Jones (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
Please Note
Westminster Grafic Vertical
No Weekly News in July
There will be no Weekly News in July as we are taking a break for the summer. Please make sure you have all your announcements for July to Dries  by Wednesday, June 24th.  

Westminster's Website Redesigned
In the next week, we ask your patience as Westminster's website will get a new look.  We are working with Spire Advertising, Inc., Ashland , OH, who designed our current website five years ago, to make our website mobile-friendly.  Thank you for your patience and for visiting our website at www.wpcwooster.org  
What's happening at Westminster this week?
Friday, June 12th
8:30am-1pm- Gardening at GreenPoint Garden

Sunday, June 14th

Monday, June 15th
10:00am - Building Committee Meeting in Mackey Hall   

Tuesday, June 16th
1:00pm - Food Ministry Meeting in the Lounge
2:00pm - Congregational Life Cohort Meeting in the Pastor's Study   

Sunday, June 21st

10:00am - Outdoor Worship service at Oak Hill Park


For the latest and most up-to-date information visit Westminster's calendar here.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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