Westminster Presbyterian Church Weekly News
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Weekly News
Friday, April 24, 2015
Quote of the Week

Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.

-Noam Chomsky

Our Lady of Pompeii School in New York City, NY
The Children's Choir from Our Lady of Pompeii School from New York City under the direction of Curtis Gomes and adult chaperones  visited Westminster this past Sunday, April 19. (Picture by Greg Barbu)
Focus of the Week
There is something sacred about feeding people and showing hospitality. This week we focus on our welcome to the stranger as we hosted the Children's Choir of Our Lady of Pompeii Catholic School in New York City here at Westminster last weekend. 
In the news this past week we read about the rise of xenophobia in South Africa that has led to increased intolerance and violence against people from other African countries, and also Europe faces a humanitarian crisis as numerous African migrants drowned in the Mediterranean
These events cause us to reflect on the United States, a nation of immigrants; yet what is happening on the US/Mexico border is a violation of human rights as mothers and children are being treated as criminals for seeking refuge from violence, corruption, and poverty.
Weekly Reflection


BoderLinks 2012 Group at fence
Westminster's 2012 delegation to BorderLinks visits the US/Mexico Border

Westminster has a long history in 
of following the Biblical mandate to open one's heart in hospitality and reach out in care for the stranger.  In the 1980s, many in the congregation supported the Sanctuary Movement, when faith communities, universities, and other organizations rallied to advocate on behalf of thousands of refugees fleeing persecution in Central America .  It was in this spirit that Westminster sponsored delegations of congregants and College of Wooster students to BorderLinks, a nonprofit educational organization in Tucson, Arizona that grew out of the Sanctuary movement to connect people to the reality of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands and immigrant communities in the United States. 

Through these experiences, Westminster cultivated its passion for immigration advocacy and our support of immigration reform.   
Don, David & Gayle Noble support CAMO
Westminster members Gayle and David Noble are passionate supporters of CAMO

In recent years, through the involvement of Westminster members, our church has started to address some of the key factors that make life intolerable for people in Central America and cause them to leave their homelands; by joining other local communities of faith, businesses, medical practices, and individuals in support of CAMO, Central American Medical Outreach, a humanitarian organization with its mission "to improve the quality of life of people in Central America by strengthening health care systems and promoting sustainable community development."  In addition to financial support from Westminster and some of our members, a group of volunteers perform hands-on mission work at CAMO's Orrville facility, typically on the last Wednesday of the month, to make a difference in Honduras.


This coming month Westminster will continue to open it's heart and take action for the
Westminster Blog
Click here
vulnerable and the stranger as we join the 
Wooster Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) for a joint worship service and fundraiser on Sunday, May 17 in Mackey Hall.  During this time we will show our support for Wooster native and immigration attorney Brian Hoffman as he speaks out against family detention and reaches out in care and concern for mothers and children who are being detained by our government.  Brian is taking a leave of absence from his law firm in Columbus, Ohio to spend six months in Texas coordinating a project that provides free legal services to women and children at a family detention center in Dilley, Texas.


Continue reading on the Westminster Blog.


Blessings and see you on Sunday!


BrianFaith in Action: Immigration, Sunday May 17

The Wooster Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and Westminster Presbyterian Church will be holding a joint worship service on Sunday, May 17 at 10:45 am in Westminster's Mackey Hall, 353 East Pine Street, Wooster, Ohio focusing on the US/Mexico Border crisis, family detention, and how we as people of faith can respond.  The guest speaker will be Wooster native and immigration attorney Brian Hoffman. Hoffman, who graduated from Wooster High School in 2001, practices immigration law in Columbus with the firm of Muchnicki & Bittner, LLP. He has represented immigrants from a variety of countries in asylum proceedings here in the U.S., and has travelled to family detention centers in New Mexico and Texas to help detained immigrant families fight their asylum cases. Hoffman is taking a leave of absence from his firm to spend six months in Texas coordinating a project that provides free legal services to women and children at a family detention center in Dilley, Texas. The families, many of whom are fleeing horrific violence in Central America and parts of Mexico, are applying for asylum in the United States, but often cannot afford legal representation to help them present their cases. Teams of volunteer attorneys have traveled from all over the United States to take cases at the detention center, which can house up to 2,500 people, and Hoffman will serve as the full-time coordinator for future teams of volunteers. Hoffman, who earned his law degree from The Ohio State University in 2009, will speak about his experiences at the detention facility, the immigration crisis at our southern border, and what you can do to help.


The service will begin at 10:45 and will include a shared meal. Donations will be used to help support the pro bono project at the Dilley Family Detention Center and information will be provided on how to volunteer. While the service takes its inspiration from the Quaker and Presbyterian traditions, this event is open to all as we work together for a more just world.

CAMO Work Day
Westminster members and friends, including Jeanne Bruce, volunteered at CAMO December 2014.
Join Westminster on Wednesday, April 29 as
we travel to the Central American Medical Outreach warehouse in Orrville. We sort and pack all kinds of donated laundry to be used in the hospital in Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras.  As we pack the boxes to be shipped, we truly feel connected to the patients who will be cared for in those hospital gowns, comforted in those sheets, treated by staff dressed in those scrubs. 
As we continue to volunteer at CAMO we remember longtime Westminster member Jeanne Bruce (February 26, 1923 - March 17, 2015) who was a devoted CAMO volunteer. A service of celebration for her life will be held on May 9th, 2015 at Westminster at 10:30am.  In what turned out to be Jeanne's last visit to CAMO in December 2014, she said, in a short video clip posted on CAMO's Facebook page,  "Holidays come and go, but we go on forever."  Click here to see the clip.
For more information contact Beth Coetzee . If you are interested in carpooling, we leave from the church parking lot at 9:30am and return by 12:30pm. 
Gomes Choir Visit 2015
This past weekend, Westminster welcomed the Gomes Choir for the thirty-sixth year. It was a joy to reconnect with Mr. Gomes, his student choir from Our Lady of Pompeii Catholic school in New York City, and the wonderful parents and teachers who chaperone. We eagerly anticipate visiting with friends we have come to know in past years and to meet new parents and teachers, too. Before returning home,  a number of chaperones commented on how welcomed and comfortable they felt with our congregation and how much they appreciated Dries' message of inclusiveness during the Sunday morning service. We are already looking forward to next year's Gomes Choir visit.
Submitted by Cheryl Weiss  

Vivian Holiday and Gomes greet each other after worship on Sunday.  Vivian and Gomes' mother Annetta Gomez-Jefferson (Dec. 5, 1927- Dec. 16, 2009) were colleagues at The College of Wooster and long-time friends along with David and Marty Moldstad.  (Picture by Greg Barbu)

Another highlight of last Sunday's service was College of Wooster senior Matt Germaine who played two moving pieces on his guitar: the Prelude, "How Can I Keep from Singing" and Offertory, "Amazing Grace."

Westminster is thankful for all the volunteers who made the visit possible through reaching out in welcome, providing supper on Friday night, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, and packing box lunches for their return trip on Sunday to New York City.     
Vegan Potluck
The Vegan Potluck at Westminster on Thursday, April 16 was a truly amazing event with one hundred people in attendance! It was very energizing to be with so many College students and community members who choose mindful eating habits and make a difference by building community and care for our planet.


"Thank you so much for opening your doors and your hearts to us over the years! It is so wonderful to be welcomed in to share in a meal and to be part of the community. These dinners have really opened up my eyes to what it means to eat mindfully... I never cared so much about where my food came from or the impact that its production has on the earth until attending these dinners."

Thank you!

Bailey Connor

Economics and Anthropology '15

ADA Bathroom Update
Mackey Sighn

Architects' plans for an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant bathroom have been approved by the City of Wooster and we are on our way!  Two contractors have reviewed the plans, looked at the site, and we expect their quotations shortly.  If all goes well construction will begin toward the end of May.  The bathroom will be located in the northeast corner of the back room of Mackey kitchen and will include some storage for supplies.  In addition, we hope to enclose the area where mops are presently stored to give a neater appearance to our Church Home.  We will continue to keep you updated as things progress.  If you have comments or questions please contact Caryl Slater, representing the Building Committee.

Thank You
Maggie Beltran and our children prepare Easter baskets.

To the Children of the Westminster Church:


How thoughtful of you and what a nice surprise for me was your gift of an Easter basket with goodies ! Enclosed is a check for your church fund to continue your way of sharing Easter with us "oldies"


Thank you,

Nina Yarnell

Worship at Westminster
Westminster Mosaic
"Fish and Loaf" by Hazel Shreve
Worship is at 10:45am in Mackey Hall in the Westminster Church House, 353 E. Pine Street.  At Westminster we believe that worship is everything we do, both inside and outside the church.  The worship life of our community is defined by our calling to peacemaking, a more just future for our world, and our desire to be mindful and "Intentionally Inclusive" as symbolized by the mosaic that is purposefully positioned for worshipers to see as they leave Mackey Hall.  The fish was the first symbol to be used by Jesus followers with the bread and fish combined referring the Jesus' miraculous feeding of the multitude.  


The Rev. Deborah A. Rundlett preaching.  Debbie currently serves as General Presbyter of Muskingum Valley Presbytery with oversight of 85 congregations across 14 counties in Ohio. ...>>>

During worship we will recognize our seniors from The College of Wooster and celebrate our relationships and mutual ministry.   ...>>>

Sunday, May 10
A Reflection on Mother's Day from a Social Justice perspective, connecting the day of celebration to it's historical roots. ...>>>

Adult Education
Tent City, Wooster Ohio
Tent City, Wooster Ohio
Sunday, April 26 at 9:30 am

Liz Kittner '16 will lead a discussion about her experiences in DC, NYC, and Europe during the fall semester, regarding public policy on genocide and her passion to improve political structures to promote the value of human life.


Sunday, May 3 at 9:30 am

College of Wooster senior Teresa Butel - Sociology Major will lead a discussion on "Tent City" in Wooster based on her Independent Study entitled "A Paradox of Visibility: Case study of a tent city in Wooster, Ohio."


People to People logo
People to People Collections
For April, People to People ministries is looking for donations of breakfast foods.  Please deposit your donations in the bins under the coat rack in the Narthex.  Thanks for your generosity!
Church World Services
Hygiene Kids
Thanks to another donation, we only need the following to complete 45 kits for Church World Service/Presbyterian Disaster Relief:

     14 nail clippers

Little things mean a lot to our world siblings affected by natural and human-made disasters. Kits are used by relief agencies in our country and abroad.

Green Tip of the Week

Wash and dry full loads. If you are washing a small load, use the correct water-level setting. Also, when shopping for a new clothes dryer, look for one with a moisture sensor that automatically shuts off the machine when your clothes are dry. Not only will this save energy, it will save wear and tear on your clothes caused by over-drying.  

Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius, on Sunday mornings on the clipboard on the window counter of the Mackey Hall kitchen, or by contacting Carly Jones (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
What's happening at Westminster this week?
Friday, April 24th
9:00am - The College of Wooster Senior Research Symposium

Sunday, April 26th
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Rev. Deborah A. Rundlett preaching
12:00pm - Fellowship in Mackey Hall

Tuesday, April 28th
8:30am - UKirk's Agape Latte in Kauke Old Main Cafe

Wednesday, April 29th
10:00am - CAMO Volunteer Day (meet in church parking lot at 9:30am to carpool)
7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall

Thursday, April 30th
6:30pm - Dance Group in Mackey Hall

Sunday, May 3rd
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am - College of Wooster Senior Recognition Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries Preaching 
12:00pm - Reception for COW Graduates in Mackey Hall
For the latest and most up-to-date information visit Westminster's calendar here.

Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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