Westminster Presbyterian Church Weekly News
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Weekly News
Friday, April 17, 2015
Quote of the Week

Faith-based charity provides crumbs from the table; faith-based justice offers a place at the table.

-Bill Moyers

Discussion about 2015 Community Garden
Focus of the Week
The picture above captures the focus of this week's newsletter.  This past Sunday, April 12 a group of Westminster visitors and members had a spontaneous meeting after worship to talk about possible community garden projects this summer. The group standing together under the Easter banner speaks of our Easter faith!  
It is with the same spirit of spontaneity that we welcome you to the new mobile-friendly outlay of the Weekly News with more integration with our website.  
We hope you like it,    
Weekly Reflection
This past Sunday was filled with excitement at Westminster as we felt the post-Easter spirit in our midst urging us to embrace Easter as a way of life rather than seeing it as one Sunday of the year.  In worship we heard from College of Wooster sophomore Dylan Hamilton about the Living Wage campaign on campus, with people participating in a letter writing campaign after worship.  Also after worship two of our regular worshipers April Gamble and Janelle Quinn talked about two separate community garden projects in Wooster and we explored how Westminster can support these projects this summer.  In the coming weeks we will publish more information about these projects in the Weekly News.  
The morning was wrapped-up with a number of our members supporting Westminster choral scholar Lauren Vanden Broeck's  Junior Recital at Scheide Music Center.  
This coming Sunday promises to be equally exciting and energetic as we welcome students, parents, and teachers from Our Lady of Pompeii School in New York City in worship.  The choir is conducted by Mr. Curtis Gomes who worships with Westminster during the summer and is the son of the late Annetta L. Gomez-Jefferson (1927-2009), former member of Westminster. From 1974 to her retirement in 1995, Professor Gomez-Jefferson was a member of the faculty at The College of Wooster, where in 1982, she was asked to develop and chair a theatre department.  Mr. Gomes and his choirs have been visiting Westminster since 1979.


Blessings and see you in worship,


Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Would you like to help show hospitality to our annual visitors from New York City?  You have two opportunities to share the warmth of Westminster and Wooster this weekend; both in Mackey Hall in the Westminster Church House.  

The Weisses will be hosting breakfast on Saturday morning, Apr. 18th from 8 - 9:30 am.  Likewise, the Barbus host breakfast Sunday morning from 7:30 - 9:30am. If you'd like to come help make breakfast, help clean up, or chat with our visitors; this is a chance to have more interaction with the children (and parents & teachers) from Our Lady of Pompeii School than simply hearing them sing on Sunday morning.  

Thank you, Mr. Gomes, for the opportunity to share our community with people whose daily reality differs considerably from our rural one, and to receive the blessings of hosting this New York City Catholic school choir.  Contact Beth Coetzee to volunteer or just show up!

Annetta Gomez-Jefferson
This weekend we remember the life of one of Westminster's saints, Annetta Gomez-Jefferson (Dec. 5, 1927- Dec. 16, 2009) with the yearly visit of the Our Lady of Pompeii School in New York City under direction of Curtis Gomes. The following story was shared at Westminster as part of the Story Corps by Lemoine Peart, May 2009.    

"Annetta Jefferson from an early age knew her passion was acting and she went on to become an actress, a distinguished scholar, director, playwright, author, poet, speaker, teacher, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Born in Detroit, Michigan, she was the daughter of Reverend Joseph and Hazel Gomez. Early in her childhood, her family moved to Cleveland when her father, a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, became pastor of St. James A.M.E. Church-so most of her early education was in the Cleveland Public Schools. When her father was elected as the 67th Bishop of the A.M.E.Church, the family moved to Waco, Texas where she met and married Curtis Jefferson, Sr. and gave birth to her sons, Curtis and Joseph. Her older sister, Eula, lives in Michigan with her husband,Harold Williams." ...>>> (pdf) 

Worship at Westminster
Westminster Mosaic
"Fish and Loaf" by Hazel Shreve
Worship is at 10:45am in Mackey Hall in the Westminster Church House, 353 E. Pine Street.  At Westminster we believe that worship is everything we do, both inside and outside the church.  The worship life of our community is defined by our calling to peacemaking, a more just future for our world, and our desire to be mindful and "Intentionally Inclusive" as symbolized by the mosaic that is purposefully positioned for worshipers to see as they leave Mackey Hall.  The fish was the first symbol to be used by Jesus followers with the bread and fish combined referring the Jesus' miraculous feeding of the multitude.  

On the Third Sunday of Easter Pastor Dries will share a short meditation and we will be joined in worship by the children's choir from Our Lady of Pompeii School, New York, NY directed by Mr. Curtis Gomes, in what has become a yearly tradition since 1979. This service promises to be fun, energetic, and inspiring as the young people lead us in worship.  ...>>>

The Rev. Deborah A. Rundlett preaching.  Debbie currently serves as General Presbyter of Muskingum Valley Presbytery with oversight of 85 congregations across 14 counties in Ohio. ...>>>

During worship we will recognize our seniors from The College of Wooster and celebrate our relationships and mutual ministry. We are thankful for the time they have shared with us as fellow sojourners on our faith journey. Our choral scholars will send them off with a song and our choir will sing a special blessing. Come join us as together we bless the ties that bind.  ...>>>

Adult Education
Tent City, Wooster Ohio
Tent City, Wooster Ohio

Sunday, April 19, 9:30am

No Sunday School but we do invite you to come and volunteer to get Mackey ready for worship after our guests have been fed breakfast.  This is also a great time to be in conversation with the chaperones as students have their final rehearsal before worship.


Sunday, April 26 at 9:30 am

Liz Kittner '16 will lead a discussion about her experiences in DC, NYC, and Europe during the fall semester, regarding public policy on genocide and her passion to improve political structures to promote the value of human life.


Sunday, May 3 at 9:30 am

College of Wooster senior Teresa Butel - Sociology Major will lead a discussion on "Tent City" in Wooster based on her Independent Study entitled "A Paradox of Visibility: Case study of a tent city in Wooster, Ohio."


People to People logo
People to People Collections
For March/April, People to People ministries is looking for donations of breakfast foods.  Please deposit your donations in the bins under the coat rack in the Narthex.  Thanks for your generosity!
Church World Services
Hygiene Kids
Thanks to two large donations, we need the following to complete 45 kits for Church World Service/Presbyterian Disaster Relief:

     16 wide-tooth combs

     14 nail clippers

Little things mean a lot to our world siblings affected by natural and human-made disasters. Kits are used by relief agencies in our country and abroad.

Green Tip of the Week

Public transportation offers an immediate alternative for individuals seeking to reduce their energy use and carbon footprints. Taking public transit far exceeds the combined benefits of using energy-efficient light bulbs, adjusting thermostats, or weatherizing one's home. An individual switching from driving to transit can reduce his or her daily carbon emissions by 20 pounds. According to a U.S. Department of Energy report, the transportation share of total U.S. carbon dioxide emissions was 35.2% during 2011.  Click here to learn more about Wooster Transit.

Volunteer and Make a Difference!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius, on the sign up sheet in Mackey Hall, or by contacting Carly Jones (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
What's happening at Westminster this week?
Sunday, April 19th

9:30am- Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall

12:00pm - Fellowship in Mackey Hall

Tuesday, April 21st
8:30am - UKirk's Agape Latte in Kauke Old Main Cafe
1:00pm - Food Ministry Meeting in the Lounge
2:00pm - Congregational Life Cohort Meeting in Pastor's Study

Wednesday, April 22nd
7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall

Thursday, April 23rd
6:30pm - Dance Group in Mackey Hall

Sunday, April 26th
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Rev. Deborah A. Rundlett preaching
12:00pm - Fellowship in Mackey Hall

For the latest and most up-to-date information visit Westminster's calendar here.

Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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