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Weekly News                                 Friday, March 13, 2015  
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Get Involved
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius, on the sign up sheet in Mackey Hall, or by contacting Carly Jones 330-263-2398) in the church office. 
Open Arms Hispanic Ministry

open arms Open Arms Hispanic Ministry cordially invites you to a Fundraiser and Thank You Banquet at Kidron Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall, 3987 County Highway 52, Kidron, OH on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
If you are interested please contact Carly.

Easter Sunday Flowers

Easter flowers

Help us celebrate Easter by purchasing flowers in honor or memory of a loved one.  Any money raised over the cost of the flowers will be donated to People to People Ministries.  You can find the form here or in your bulletin on Sunday.  Orders are due by Palm Sunday, March 29th.

Reflection of The Week

This week Barbara Tartir and I are attending the White Privilege Conference in Louisville, KY.  Connecting with our Lenten theme, "I am Human.  Created in the Image of God," Barbara and I will engage in "difficult and critical dialogues around white supremacy, white privilege, diversity, multicultural education and leadership, social & economic justice, and the intersecting systems of privilege and oppression."  We are looking forward to sharing our experiences with you in the future.


Holy Week Please consider attending our Holy Week Services which will be different this year, especially our Good Friday service.   


Thursday, April 2, Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service at 7:00pm in the Mackey Hall.   Communion will be celebrated.   



Friday, April 3, Good Friday 

"Seven Last Words from the Cross/Young Unarmed Black Men" at 5:30 pm, The Gazebo, Downtown Wooster.

You are invited to join Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wooster, OH for a Good Friday Service on Friday, April 3 at 5:30pm at the Gazebo, Downtown Wooster.  This service of reflection on the death of Jesus of Nazareth will take inspiration from the seven last words of Jesus, spoken from the cross, as we relate it to the last words of young, unarmed black men killed by an unjust system.  By having the service in the public square, we affirm that the death and resurrection of Jesus led to personal and political transformation as it invites us to stand against institutionalized racism and provides a space to put our faith into action.  While the service takes its inspiration from the Christian tradition, this event is open to all as we work together for a more just world.


Sunday, April 5, Easter Sunday

6:30am Sunrise Worship at Oak Hill Park pavilion

9:00am Brunch in The Meeting Place

10:45am Easter Service with Communion in Mackey Hall


Blessings and see you on Sunday in worship,


What You Think Matters Campaign 

"What You Think Matters" is Westminster's Session campaign to get your input on how we can best communicate with you and the community at large. 



As we engage in ministry, communication has become increasingly important.  Over the past years we have seen an increase in ways that churches can communicate to their members, visitors, and the global community.  Within the next month you will have the opportunity to complete this online survey that will help us better communicate with you. You will also receive a different survey via US postal service to be completed with your updated personal information for our church directory.


Please complete the electronic survey here. 
Children to Share Easter Baskets with Homebound Members
It is nearly time for Westminster's annual tradition of delivering Easter baskets to our homebound members.  Under the faithful direction of Ferenc and Candy Relle, all children are invited to join us Sunday, March 29th at 9am in the Sunday School room to color eggs and decorate baskets for our homebound members.  All materials will be provided.  Please RSVP to Beth if you plan to help deliver baskets after church so that we have adequate transportation for the event.  Come one!  Come all!  All children and grandchildren (and children-at-heart) are welcome!



Lent at Westminster

"Journey with us this Lent as we affirm that all of creation is a reflection of the Creator God"

Sunday, March 15, 2015  Guest Pastor preaching on the 4th Sunday in Lent.  Worship service at 10:45am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House. Child-friendly worship. Westminster is an inclusive church.  


Sunday, March 22, 2015 
Bobbi Douglas, Executive Director of Liberty Center, speaking and Rev. Andries Coetzee leading worship on the 5th Sunday in Lent. Worship service at 10:45am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church. Child-friendly worship. Westminster is an inclusive church.  


Sunday March 29, 2015  

Pastor Dries preaching on Palm Sunday and PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer Devin Johns speaking on Palm Sunday. Worship service at 10:45am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House. Child-friendly worship. Westminster is an inclusive church.  



Habitat News 

Habitat for Humanity in Wayne County will be sponsoring "A Hope Builder Lunch Fundraiser" on Sunday, March 22 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. to be held at Genesis Conference and Party Center - 10265 Wooster Pike (Route 3 North), Creston, Ohio. 


This is a delicious buffet style brunch, and tickets are $15 per person.  For each ticket sold, Habitat will receive $7.50!


For tickets, call Beth Weaver (330 263-1713) or visit the ReStore 6096 E. Lincoln Way, Wooster.

Hygiene Kits Donations

school kits

With spring and Lent comes the opportunity to collect items for Church World Service to assist our siblings in need, both nationally and internationally. Whether affected by natural, political, or economic disasters, little things mean a lot!


We need:

Nail clippers

Wide tooth combs

Bath-size bars of soap

Toothbrushes in individual packaging


Please keep these items in mind when shopping this month and next.


Your Benevolences Committee 

People to People Donations for March & April

People to People logo

Think "breakfast" when you think about People to People food items for March and April - hot and cold cereals, complete pancake mix (just add water) and syrup are the most needed items. Peanut butter and jelly make tasty spreads for toast, too.


The donation bin is under the bench in the narthex.

Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:
'Doing interfaith relations right' 03-11-2015 09:30:21 AM

Presbyterian Mission Agency and Louisville Seminary enter into historic partnership by collaborating on new course offering March 10, 2015 Dr. Christine Hong, a Louisville Seminary adjunct professor, teaches her "Multifaith Perspectives on Global Displacement" class this spring. In July 2015, Hong will join Louisville Seminary's full-time faculty as assistant professor of worship and evangelism. -Chris Wooton Presbyterian News Service Emily Enders Odom LOUISVILLE In a unique, proactive collaboration this spring with Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary's Doors to Dialogue (D2D) initiative, Christine Hong-assisted by two of her Presbyterian Mission Agency colleagues, Rob Fohr, a mission catalyst, and Sara Otoum, a social media specialist-is teaching a pilot course called "Multifaith Perspectives on Global Displacement."  ...�


March 9, 2015 Religion News Service Cathy Lynn Grossman WASHINGTON, DC A Pew Research survey released Thursday (March 5) finds the pontiff rates a 90 percent "very" or "mostly favorable" rating among U.S. Roman Catholics. For Mass-attending Catholics, it's a stratospheric 95 percent total positive rating. ...�


CPJ Training Day workshop offers grassroots strategies for change March 9, 2015 Presbyterian News Service Rick Jones LOUISVILLE  Three years ago, the Presbyterian Health Education and Welfare Association (PHEWA) convened a gathering of Presbyterians and members of other faith traditions to develop a network that would address issues arising from our nation's criminal justice system. The result was the establishment of the Presbyterian Criminal Justice Network (PCJN).  ...�

Green Tip of the Week

Reuse and recycle paper from the printer. For internal purposes, turn used printer paper into paper for the fax machine (just turn it over) and for drafts of other prints. Printing on the front and back also greatly reduces paper waste. To encourage people to recycle their paper waste, place a recycling bin near the printer. This will decrease your paper waste tremendously.

What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website

We hope to see you there!        



Sunday, March 15th
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall

10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Guest Pastor preaching  


Tuesday, March 17th
1:00pm - Food Ministry Meeting in the Lounge
2:00pm - Congregational Life Cohort Meeting in the Pastor's Study


Wednesday, March 18th
7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall


Thursday, March 19th
6:30pm - Dance Group in Mackey Hall


Sunday, March 22nd

9:30am - Visitor's Breakfast in The Meeting Place
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Bobbi Douglas speaking, Pastor Dries leading worship

Westminster Grafic Vertical
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:  
  • intellectual integrity in matters of faith; 
  • acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation; 
  • openness toward the value of other religious traditions; 
  • a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.

Andries J. Coetzee
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691