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Weekly News                                  Friday, January 23, 2015  
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Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius, on the sign up sheet in Mackey Hall, or by contacting Carly Jones 330-263-2398) in the church office. 
Worship At Westminster
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Worship service at 10:45am in Mackey Hall. Reflections on Montreat's College Conference,
Peace Bound. Led by our UKirk students who attended  Child-friendly worship. Westminster is an inclusive church.
Soup Sale

Italian Soup During these cold winter months, the Benevolences Committee will have soup for sale at the back of Mackey Hall each Sunday.  You are invited to donate $8.00 for a quart of original recipe, vegan or gluten free Famous Hearty Italian Soup.  Those who need a hand up to secure employment will thank you. The proceeds from these sales go to Wayne County Common Good/Hope Fund, who work with individuals to complete the GED requirements and obtain jobs.

People to People Donations
People to People logo
For the months of January and February we will collect soup and crackers for People to People.  All kinds of soup, canned, dried, Campbell's, Progresso, Our Family, Mrs. Grass', broth, bouillon, - if it's soup, it's welcome.  The People to People box is in the narthex under the coat rack bench.


2015 "Meal That Heals"

Please join us Monday, January 26 at TJ's Trio of Restaurants  4-9pm

Tickets are available at the Clinic or from any member of the Free Clinic Network or Viola Startzman Clinic Board of Trustees.  $30 per ticket.

A Note of Thanks 

In response to the delivery of Christmas gift bags to homebound members and friends, Nina Yarnell, Sandy Beery's mother, writes, "What a delightful surprise to see a lovely bag with a bow hanging on my door knob when I returned from an errand.  And what a wonderful array of tid-bits and gifts within! Your love expressed so thoughtfully was truly appreciated!" 

This Week in Pictures
Westminster engaged the Wooster community this past week. The following pictures tell the story!

Westminster hosted a "Faith in Action" workshop with Lisa Sharon Harper, Sojourners' Senior Director of Mobilizing. This workshop at Westminster was attended by 36 members of our community as we started our work against institutionalized racial injustice to make Wooster, Ohio a more caring and safe community for all.  
Lisa Sharon Harper in "The Meeting Place", Westminster Church House.

On Monday night, January 19th, over 20 members of Westminster joined the Wooster community in celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at St. Mary Catholic Church with a community meal and worship.
Westminster members participate in the community meal in the Parish Hall of St. Mary Catholic Church.
St. Mary's Sanctuary was packed with Wooster community members for the Annual MLK Service

Pastor Dries invited worshipers at St. Mary's on Monday, January 19th to action against violence.

Picture � Dan Starcher 

In our support and partnership with the Wooster community, Westminster hosted a farewell meal on Wednesday night, January 21 in honor of Pat O'Bryan from the Catholic Commission of Wayne County as he will move to Chicago at the end of January for a new position with the Roman Catholic Church.
Several area clergy and friends attended a farewell meal for Pat O'Bryan in "The Meeting Place"

Annual Meeting of the Congregation

Westminster Grafic Vertical Our Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be on Sunday, February 1st, 2015. This year we will have a different format and will worship around tables. Our service will include a sermon by Pastor Dries, reflecting on 2014, and envisioning on future. Immediately following the service, we will serve a soup and bread lunch while we hold the business portion of the Annual Meeting.  The Benevolence Committee will be preparing the soup (if you are interested in helping on Saturday, January 31st, contact Sue Coleman).  If you are able, please bring a batch of cookies to share for dessert.

Start Collecting Coins for Souper Bowl Sunday!

Souper Bowl Start collecting your coins now as our youth and children will take the "Souper Bowl of Caring" collection on Super Bowl Sunday, February, 1st. Last year children of our church collected $315 on Souper Bowl Sunday. The money was donated to Trinity United Church of Christ's breakfast program, which feeds an average of 60 people 5 mornings a week.   


Westminster children, come Sunday, Jan. 25th at 9:45am to the Sunday School Room where we will talk about hunger in our community and what people are doing to help right here in Wooster, Ohio.  Come share your experiences with food & hunger in our community. Together we will plan our 2015 collection and choose this year's Souper Bowl of Caring recipient.   This video tells the history of this special collection.  Let's tackle hunger together!


Join Pastor Dries in strengthening our Non-Violent Voice
Ashland center for Non-Violence Considering the Challenges to Nonviolence: Practical and Theoretical  
Saturday, March 28, 2015 
Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio.

ACN's first conference aims to respond seriously to challenges, questions, and objections to nonviolence. Our keynote speaker, Robert Brimlow of St. John Fisher College and author of What About Hitler?, will consider the challenge about nonviolence in the face of injustice. Although the concept of nonviolence is often considered only in relation to political and international matters, we expect to also host presentations that consider the challenges to nonviolence in the nation, in communities, in families, and in personal relationships. The conference is interdisciplinary and will consider challenges from a variety of areas, whether practical or theoretical, such as religion, business, education, the social sector (e.g. family), arts and entertainment, government, and media.

Early bird rate (through Jan 31): $50
Regular rate (after Jan 31): $65
Student early bird rate (through Jan 31): $15

Student regular rate (after Jan 31): $25

Conference fee includes lunch and access to all sessions, exhibits and conference materials.

All fees are nonrefundable after February 28. Cancellation prior to February 28 will incur a $15 processing charge per Registration.

Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:
January 22, 2015 Vertigo. Anemia. Depression. Receding gums. Early menopause. A double mastectomy. These are just a few of the many terrors that Margaret Feinberg hid from the public after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis in 2013 before age 40. While the popular Christian author's books have sold nearly a million copies and she speaks to more than 80,000 people each year, she couldn't find the words to share this part of herself. ...�
January 21, 2015 Walk with undocumented persons surviving along the United States-Mexico border in this video documentary produced by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s Office of the General Assembly. Journeying in Hope, which includes a companion print series, spotlights the immigration issue and amplifies efforts by the PC(USA) and its faith partners to provide sanctuary and support. ...�
Congregation is part of ecumenical coalition providing sanctuary, support January 21, 2015 Office of the General Assembly Toya Richards Jackson Director of Communications and Assistant Stated Clerk Tucson, Arizona There is activity everywhere - small-groups meeting around the campus, meals being prepared in the kitchen, day laborers waiting to be picked up for work, and even someone living on the grounds. Most of what happens at Southside centers on the congregation's deep-rooted commitment to love of neighbor and care for the stranger. Dubbed the birthplace of the sanctuary movement and situated 60 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border, Southside is the epicenter of the Christian Church's response to the United States immigration struggle. And Southside is, some assert, one of the best models for what the Church needs to do as the nation wrestles with immigration reform. ...�
Green Tip of the Week
Keep your car tuned up.  It's the easiest way to make your car more fuel efficient. A well-tuned car uses up to 9% less gasoline than a poorly tuned car. That means 9% fewer toxic emissions, and 9% more in your wallet. 
What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website

We hope to see you there!     


Sunday, January 25th
9:30am- Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall

10:45am- Worship in Mackey Hall, UKirk students reflecting on Montreat College Conference, Peace Bound


Tuesday, January 27th

8:30am - UKirk's Agape Latte in Kauke Old Main Cafe

7:00pm - Session in the Lounge


Wednesday, January 28th

10:00am- CAMO Volunteer Day (9:30am meet in church parking lot to carpool) 

7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall


Thursday, January 29th
6:30pm- Dance Group in Mackey Hall


Saturday, January 31st
The Benevolence Committee will be preparing soup in the Mackey kitchen for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. If you are interested in helping, contact Sue Coleman. 


Sunday, February 1st

9:30am- Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching

Noon- Annual Meeting of the Congregation 


Westminster Grafic Vertical
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:  
  • intellectual integrity in matters of faith; 
  • acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation; 
  • openness toward the value of other religious traditions; 
  • a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.

Andries J. Coetzee
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691