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Weekly News                                  Friday, August 15, 2014 
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Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius, on the sign up sheet in Mackey Hall, or by contacting Carly Jones (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
People to People Summer Collections
People to People logo

The Benevolences Committee would like to concentrate on providing cereal and oatmeal to People to People during May through August. With children home during the summer, cereal makes an easy snack as well as a breakfast and the pantry always seems to need it.  Cereals which are lower in sugar and higher in  protein are most helpful.  

Dorothy Iams and Jean Brazee, regular volunteers at People to People, mentioned in worship that there is also a strong need for peanut butter, 4 to 6 oz. empty glass jars with lids, and dish detergent.   

Worship At Westminster
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Rev. Andries Coetzee preaching. Westminster will be celebrating the Blessing of the Backpacks as our children head back to school. 


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Worship service at 10:45am in Mackey Hall, Rev. Andries Coetzee preaching. Westminster will welcome first year and returning College of Wooster students in worship followed by our annual brownie reception. 


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Worship services at 10:45am in Mackey Hall, Rev. Andries Coetzee preaching. 

Worship Time Reminder
Just a reminder that beginning Sunday, August 24th, Westminster will move back to its regular 10:45am worship time.  Choir Rehearsals will start back up on Wednesday, August 20th at 7pm in Mackey Hall.   
Reflection of the Week
You Can Help
These past weeks have been filled with excitement here at Westminster as one of our dreams is about to come to fruition. To meet our future as a community of faith desiring to grow in hospitality and inclusiveness, we identified the need to build a bathroom on the same level as Mackey Hall.  If you have been in the position at Westminster of helping a person with mobility challenges from the Mackey level down the stairs to use the ADA bathroom in The Meeting Place, you will know what a cumbersome and possibly humiliating process that can be, even when using the chairlift.  To have people who just need to use the restroom, and those who assist them, go through such a process does not hold up to our core value of being "Intentionally Inclusive".
This summer the dream of an ADA accessible bathroom on the Mackey Hall level came nearer to reality under the leadership of our Building and Finance Cohort.  We are moving closer to its installation in the back-kitchen area with an anonymous matching gift of $10,000. Now the responsibility is on us to work together to raise the matching funds by October 1st!  Many members and friends of Westminster have contributed, but we still need $3,500 to meet our goal.  With this writing, I am extending the invitation to all of you who read the Weekly News to help Westminster be more inclusive.  You can read the letter that was mailed to the Congregation here and you can make an online donation now (any amount will greatly appreciated) 
at our online giving site here, hosted by the Presbyterian Foundation.  You can rest easy knowing that the transaction is safe and secure and your gift will be available to the ADA Bathroom Project immediately, with no waiting period.

General Assembly: Same-Gender

Gay Flag & Cross
This week we focus on the decision of the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church to grant pastors discretion in determining whether or not to conduct same-gender marriages in civil jurisdictions where such marriages are legal. The Assembly also proposed an amendment that would change the constitutional definition of marriage from "between a man and a woman" to "two people, traditionally [between] a man and a woman." The vote on the proposed amendment will go to the 171 presbyteries for ratification during the next year.

These are hallmark decisions for us at Westminster where we have been part of the struggle for LGBTQ equality in our denomination. This fall Westminster partners with Equality Ohio as we join other Ohioans to oppose discrimination.  In the next weeks we will share more information with you regarding the Non-Discrimination Campaign.

Back to School Sunday
back pack blessing
Join us this Sunday, August 17 at 10 a.m. for our annual Blessing of the Backpacks.  All kids (big and small) are asked to bring your school bags as we pray God's blessing on the start of another school year.  Your church family wants to celebrate and encourage you in this important yearly transition. 


Ice cream sundaes after worship!

Church World Service School Kits
Church World Services


Back to school sales are a common part of August and help us economically collect school supplies for Church World Service

school kits.  
As of August 14th, to achieve our goal of 100 school kits we'll need the following items:

 192 #2 pencils

108 spiral notebooks with 70 pages each

60 large erasers (not pencil cap style)

49 hand-held pencil sharpeners

34 boxes of 24-count crayons

28 pairs of BLUNT tip scissors


One-third of all kits CWS collects come from Ohio, so our contributions make a significant impact helping our sisters and brothers affected by natural disasters and human-made disasters such as war or political unrest.  Please contribute what you are able and remember "little things mean a lot".

The Vegan Potluck is Back!

We look forward to seeing you at the first Vegan Potluck of the new school year on Thursday, August 28th, at 6:00 p.m. in Mackey Hall. This meal is a great opportunity for WPC members, Wooster community members, and College of Wooster students to enjoy delicious food and good fellowship while learning more about sustainable living. Just bring a pot-luck dish containing no meat, dairy, or eggs (no need for students to bring a dish).

The program for the month of August will feature Cheryl Weiss as she discusses the How/What/Why of the Vegan Meal.  Join us at 4:45pm for "Cooking with a Conscience" (class still taught by Natalie Friedrich) to learn how to make pesto and tomato-basil bruschetta. Sign up through Sign Up Genius, the sign up board in the back of Mackey Hall after worship, or by contacting the church office (330-263-2398).

Mission News

The Benevolences Committee of our Mission efforts decided to send our 40% of the Pentecost Offering ($88) to Wayne County Committee for Crippled Children and Adults.  

In July we sent $1,000 to defray the cost of Presbyterian Welcome's Retreat.  The Committee voted at its August meeting to send $250 to the Viola Startzman Free Clinic.  The Clinic provides valuable medical services to those in Wayne County who cannot afford health insurance or who are unable to pay for medical care.


Reminder:  As the summer winds down,  please don't forget to strip the labels from the many Our Family food items and bring them to church.  The collection box is under the bench in the coat hanging area.

Thank You from the Dellafaves 


"Dear Congregation, 

Anthony and I can't Thank You enough for all of your hard work and dedication, in helping us make our dream come true. We have been truly blessed by God, to be part of this community who helps each other.  This has been a wonderful journey and experience for us.  This is truly a gift that keeps giving.  Thank You!

Your friends in Christ,  

Heidi and Anthony Dellafave" 

Habitat Upcoming Events 

Habitat Wayne County

Bluegrass and BBQ, a fundraiser sponsored by TJ's Restaurant, Wayne Savings Bank and Hearts for Habitat, will take place August 25th from 4:30 - 9:00 at TJ's in downtown Wooster. Tickets are $20 if purchased in advance and $25 at the door. Live music will be available throughout the evening by 'The Backroom Boys,' John Schmid, and Upriver. BBQ chicken and pork will be options with corn on the cob and other delicious sides!  Gift baskets will be raffled off, and there will be also be 50/50 drawings. Tickets are available at the ReStore, TJ's Restaurant, and  Buehler's - Downtown, Milltown, and Orrville.

GA and Same Gender Marriage
Assembly approves allowing pastors to perform same-gender marriage where legal.  Sends proposed 
constitutional amendment changing marriage definition.After clearing a number of procedural hurdles, the 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) agreed to grant pastors discretion in determining whether or not to conduct same-gender marriages in civil jurisdictions where such marriages are legal.  The action effectively removes the ban on Presbyterian pastors marrying same-gender couples in those jurisdictions.

The Assembly approved sending out for presbytery approval a constitutional amendment to W-4.9001 of the PC(USA)'s Book of Order that would change the constitutional definition of marriage from "between a man and a woman" to "between two people, traditionally between a man and a woman."  The vote on the authoritative interpretation - which takes effect immediately - was 371-238 or 61 percent to 39 percent. ...>>>  

Read Responses on the decisions above

What Affirming Same-Sex Marriage Means for the Presbyterian Church MaryAnn McKibben Dana June 23, 2014
It's important to know what the change does and doesn't mean. Last week's ruling (called an Authoritative Interpretation) gives pastors and churches the latitude to perform same-sex weddings, but doesn't require anyone to do so. This will be small comfort to some who are convinced the PC(USA) is abandoning its biblical roots and kowtowing to cultural norms. My top-twenty happy day was one of grief for a decent-sized chunk of the church, and it's a heady thing to cast a vote that will cause pain to others. But we who celebrate this change have not abandoned the Bible. By affirming the right of committed gay couples to make life-long vows to one another, we are seeking to walk in the Way of Jesus, who stood with the outcast and proclaimed their full humanity.
The Assembly took a second action that day-we voted 71%-29% to amend our constitution's paragraph describing marriage-an amendment that must be ratified by a majority of our regional bodies, called presbyteries, over the next year. In typical Presbyterian style, the language was a compromise: marriage is a civil contract between "two people, traditionally a man and a woman." This wording describes the world as it is for a growing number of states, but also nods to historical realities....>>>  

Heteronormativity and the Book of Order by Donna Riley on July 2, 2014 

I appreciated the "big tent" intention to include a wide range of views on marriage in the PCUSA. I understood the strategic move to appease some "traditional marriage" advocates in the church in order to ensure passage of the amendment in the presbyteries. Still,  this is deeply problematic language to enshrine in our constitution. ...>>>

Green Tip of the Week

Gearing up for a summer picnic? Here are some earth-friendly ideas to help you keep your outdoor gatherings fun, simple and green.

  • Pack plenty of local, in-season fruits and vegetables and organic meat for you and your guests. 
  • Consider re-purposing your canvas grocery tote as a picnic bag or try searching your closets for backpacks or holiday baskets to tote your food and picnic supplies.
  • Try to choose a picnic destination that's easy to get to by biking, walking or using public transportation. 
  • Skip the individually packaged drinks and opt for coolers filled with your favorite party beverages. For food storage and leftovers, pack reusable tins and canisters.
  • Choose washable, reusable cloth napkins and tablecloths - check your closets again for old bandanas and bedsheets that you don't mind getting dirty.
  • If reusable isn't an option for cups, plates and utensils, choose biodegradable items or look for products made from recycled materials. Planning to grill? Look for recycled aluminum foil.
  • Stick to sunscreen and insect repellents made with fewer chemicals and avoid spraying your entire picnic area with toxic pest products.
  • Think green for your picnic activities and entertainment. Bring your favorite nature and wildlife field guides along with some binoculars and a journal for outdoor exploring. 
  • Remember to take your waste with you. Leftover picnic food in trashcans is often tempting to park animals. Bring an extra storage container for food waste and a tote bag for recycling. Also, consider using your melted ice to rinse reusable dishes and utensils. 

information provided by www.earthshare.org.

Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:

August 13, 2014 Religion News Service Lauren Markoe WASHINGTON When Philadelphia's St. Paul Baptist Church hired the Rev. Leslie Callahan as its first female pastor, in 2009, she was nearing her 40th birthday and the tick-tock of her biological clock was getting hard to ignore. ...�


'The status quo has become unbearable' August 12, 2014 Presbyterian News Service Bethany Daily LOUISVILLE Although the Rev. Kate Taber was commissioned as a mission co-worker serving the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Israel/Palestine earlier this year, she has several other experiences living and working in the region. Presbyterian News Service reached out to Taber to learn more about her work, especially in light of the current conflict, Operation Protective Edge. ...�


August 12, 2014 Displaced families from the minority Yazidi religious group, fleeing Islamic State violence in the Iraqi town of Sinjarl west of Mosul, take refuge at Dohuk province, Aug. 4, 2014. -REUTERS/Ari Jala Ecumenical News Mike Morelos JAKARTA Indonesia has issued a ban on the teachings of the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, being propagated online through a YouTube message encouraging locals to sign up with extremist movement. ...�

What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website

We hope to see you there!   

Sunday, August 17th

10:00am- Worship in Mackey Hall, Blessing of the Backpacks. Pastor Dries preaching  


Tuesday, August 19th
10:00am - Mission Cohort Meeting in the Lounge
11:00am - Equality Ohio Faith Leaders Meeting in the Lounge
2:00pm - Congregational Life Cohort Meeting in the Pastor's Study


Wednesday, August 20th
7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall


Thursday, August 21st
7:15am - Dance Group in Mackey Hall


Sunday, August 24th

9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Student Welcome Sunday. Pastor Dries preaching
Following Worship we will welcome College of Wooster students with our annual brownie reception. 


Westminster Grafic Vertical
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:  
  • intellectual integrity in matters of faith; 
  • acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation; 
  • openness toward the value of other religious traditions; 
  • a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
Andries J. Coetzee
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691