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Weekly News                                 Friday, February 28, 2014 
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Sunday, March 2nd - 10:45am
Social Justice Potluck following worship. 

Wednesday, March 5th - 7pm

Ash Wednesday Service with First Presbyterian in Mackey Hall. 
Get Involved
Be a part of Westminster's Radical Hospitality! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship.  If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius, on the sign up board to the right of the name tags in the back of Mackey Hall, or by contacting Carly Jones (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
Retired Blue Hymnals

This coming Sunday will be your last change to retrieve an old blue hymnal that you gave in memory or honor of a loved one or cause.  All hymnals are in alphabetical order of person, group or cause honored. Even if you did not donate a hymnal but would like one (or more), there are plenty to go around. Help yourself!   

People To People Needs 
Complete pancake mix,
syrup, hot cereal, cold cereal,
crackers, peanut butter, jelly,
apple sauce, canned fruit, . We
can also use clean small jelly jars with lids

Personal Products:
Shampoo, men's and women's
deodorant, laundry soap, dish
soap, paper towels, toilet paper,
feminine products, and cleaning

Men's and women's boots size 9 or larger and gloves for men and boys.

Household Items:
Large electric heaters, bed
pillows, comforters (queen &
double), new blankets, toasters,
electric can openers, coffee pots,dish drainers, irons, large skillets, and Dutch ovens

Special Projects:
Toy Department needs:
Disposable cameras with
expiration dates of 2015 or
better, All Purpose Cleaner to
clean all those toys
Self-Adhesive Contact Paper
Floral or Craft Ribbon- all colors
Open Arms Hispanic Ministry Fundraiser and Thank You Banquet
open armsOpen Arms Hispanic Ministry cordially invites you to a Fundraiser and Thank You Banquet at Fairlawn Mennonite Church Community Center (on the back side of the building- 8520 Emerson Rd. Apple Creek, OH).  The banquet will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 from 6-8pm.  Please RSVP by February 28th to Dries.
Reflection of the Week
The difference one week can make!  Last week I was mowing the lawn at my parents' house in sunny South Africa.  This week, as I write this reflection, I am looking at the wonder of snow falling intermittently with the sun breaking through the clouds.  That is if we can still see the wonder in winter at this point!  
That makes me consider whether the difference that I am talking about has less to do with weather than perspective. It is amazing how a change of routine can change one's view on things.  My short trip to South Africa was a blessing, so to speak, as it made me feel so alive!  It does not happen often for people like us to decide on an impulse to travel halfway around the world to visit family and then be able to do it.  I know there are plenty of people who actually can and in fact do take trips across the world on a whim.  However, for people like us who are constrained by budget, obligations, and routine, it is difficult, and for many, impossible.
What made me feel alive about this trip was not the traveling, although I love it and in fact, I thrive on it; but it was about being present in the moment. It was invigorating to be aware of my own need and that of my family and to have the opportunity and ability to tend to that need.  This experience of "presentness" was deeply spiritual and energizing and gave way to feelings of happiness, freedom, and creativity.
To be present in the moment is in fact a deeply spiritual experience and is rooted in the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth.  In Jesus we see someone who was aware of his surroundings, his culture, and the needs of others and his own.
This Lent, which will start on Ash Wednesday, March 5, we invite you to enter a period of awareness.  To be more present in the moment as we journey with Jesus, carrying the cross of nonviolent resistance.  By tradition, on Ash Wednesday each year we mark ourselves with a cross of ashes, to signify our repentance of all that prevents us from following Jesus on his way to the cross. The violence and fear, which provoked imperial forces to execute Jesus, still dominate our lives and the agenda of world powers today. 
Our Lenten Witness this year will attempt to help us put our trust in God by reflecting on how we contribute to a culture of violence and fear; leading us to greater mindfulness, believing that the fruits of mindfulness are joy, compassion, forgiveness, and work for justice.

I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday as we conclude the season of Epiphany with the Transfiguration of Jesus, feasting together and extending the sacrament of communion to welcome all!


PS: I want to thank all of you who made it possible for me to be present with my family in South Africa.  A special word of thanks to Carly and Beth who did an excellent job supporting the many ministries of Westminster!
March Social Justice Potluck
On Sunday, March 2nd, we will host our monthly Social Justice Potluck. Join us as we "extend the table".  Local chef Linda Pattin will again provide the main dish. 

We invite you to bring a salad or dessert to round out the table. Students needn't bring food, just come!   

The speaker for the March Social Justice Potluck will be College of Wooster junior Teresa Butel who will be presenting on her I.S. topic "Refugee Identity Crisis in the Middle East".   The current hot topic about the Middle East is the refugee crisis sparked by the continuing Syrian war. While studying abroad in Jordan last semester, Teresa was confronted by this reality every day. Teresa's research was inspired by a comment made during a lecture on Palestinian refugees: "If Israelis make a claim to a homeland based on biblical recordings from centuries past, how can they not expect Palestinians to do the same based on recent memory?" Teresa's presentation will compare factors that impact the formation and maintenance of refugee identity in Palestinian and Syrian refugee communities living in the city of Amman, Jordan.   


RSVP through Sign Up Genius, to Carly in the church office, or the sign up board in the back of Mackey Hall.   

Ash Wednesday Service 

Ash Wednesday

In what has now become an annual tradition, you are invited to attend a joint Ash Wednesday potluck and service between First and Westminster Presbyterian Churches on Wednesday, March 5. Each year one of our churches hosts the service and this year the service will take place at Westminster.   


At 6:00pm we will gather in The Meeting Place for a potluck in which we will share our abundance with one another. Please bring enough food for your family and others who might join us (dishes and eating utensils will be provided).


At 7:00pm we will gather in Mackey Hall for a meditative worship service entitled "Overcome Violence: The Power and Promise of Peace." During the service you will be invited through mindfulness, prayer, reflection, and the imposition of ashes to become more aware of our culture of violence and how we contribute to it through word and deed. As we begin our Lenten journey, accompanying Jesus as he carries the cross of nonviolent resistance, we will be invited to participate in a "Lenten Fast from Violence" as we work to bring about his kin-dom of justice and peace.

Children's Education

Sunday School

Last Sunday we had a lovely discussion about the elements of worship. We looked at the bulletin together and asked questions about why we do what we do every Sunday. It was fun asking the kids what their favorite part of worship is, and what their least favorite part is. I know that I was more engaged with the service after talking about the meanings behind the elements; I hope they were too!


This week we will be talking about Lent, as it is the last Sunday before we enter into the season of Lent! I hope to give an overview of why we give up/take on things for Lent, and then discuss what kinds of things we could all do during Lent to be more mindful. Our church-wide theme is non-violence, so we'll touch on that as well. 


Looking forward to seeing you Sunday! 

Evangeline Smith

"Music from the Heart" Benefit Recital 
Announcing the ninth annual "Music From The Heart" performance on Sunday, March 16th at 7pm in Scheide Music Center on The College of Wooster campus.  This program of inspiring and beautiful music, will feature area healthcare professionals who will set down their stethoscopes and pick up their musical instruments. This year the program will feature The Next Generation- children of area healthcare professionals.  The proceeds from this year's event will be given to People To People Ministries to support its prescription medication assistance program, which addresses a huge need in our community, and functions solely on the basis of donations.

General admission seats will be available for $25.00 and level giving will start with two tickets at $100.00 and up.  There will be a reception following the concert for all attending.  All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed.  General admission tickets will be available at Aultman-Orrville Hospital, Buehler's Milltown, Wooster Community Hospital Gift Shop, all Ritzman Pharmacy locations in Wayne County, and People To People Ministries office starting February 18.

Speaking of Movies by Richard Figge

The Wolf of Wall Street, Nebraska

Martin Scorsese's long-heralded The Wolf of Wall Street is based on Jordan Belfort's 2007 memoir about naked greed and the fleecing of investors, activities expertly pursued with immense energy and a complete lack of conscience, all amidst an orgy of drugs, alcohol, hedonism, and debauchery. It is as if Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The King of Comedy, GoodFellas, Hugo) had been challenged to top all previous Wall Street film dramas. It is over the top, and it goes on for three hours. ...>>> (pdf)


Richard Figge is an emeritus Professor of German at The College of Wooster and member of St. James Episcopal Church, Wooster, OH.
Green Tip of the Week

Bringing lunch to work in reusable containers is likely the greenest (and healthiest) way to eat at work. Getting delivery and takeout almost inevitably ends with a miniature mountain of packaging waste. But if you do order delivery, join coworkers in placing a large order (more efficient than many separate ones). 

Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:

February 27, 2014 National Council of Churches Philip E. Jenks National Council of Churches News WASHINGTON The National Council of Churches (NCC) is joining with other member groups of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) to push for an end to solitary confinement in prisons. ...�


February 27, 2014 world Council of Churches World Council of Churches Communications ADDIS ABABA Member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in South Sudan say "we are tired of war," stressing the urgency to "work for peace and rebuild what has been destroyed."  ...�


Urgency of climate change must be met with effective strategy, socially responsible investment group says February 26, 2014 Presbyterian News Service Jerry L. Van Marter NEW YORK The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee (MRTI) charged by the General Assembly to ensure that church investments align with the church's social and environmental policies well knows the threats posed to Planet Earth by the continuing production and use of fossil fuels worldwide. But the group is clearly troubled by the growing movement in the church and by organizations such as 350.org to summarily divest from fossil fuel companies without utilizing other corporate engagement strategies that have proved effective over more than 30 years of MRTI activities. ...�

What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website

We hope to see you there!   

Sunday, March 2, 2014 
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
9:30am - Adult Education in the Lounge

9:45am - Children's Education in the Sunday School room

10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching

12:00pm - Social Justice Potluck in Mackey Hall, C.O.W. student Teresa Butel speaking   


Wednesday, March 5 2014

6:00pm - Ash Wednesday Potluck in The Meeting Place
7:00pm - Joint Ash Wednesday Service with First Presbyterian in Mackey Hall


Thursday, March 6, 2014

6:00pm - UKirk in The Meeting Place
6:30pm - Dance Group in Mackey Hall


Sunday, March 9, 2014- Daylight Savings Time starts 
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
9:30am - Adult Education in the Lounge

9:45am- Children's Education in the Sunday School room

10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching


Westminster Grafic Vertical
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:  
  • intellectual integrity in matters of faith; 
  • acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation; 
  • openness toward the value of other religious traditions; 
  • a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
Andries J. Coetzee
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691