Weekly News Friday, October 18, 2013
Sunday, October 20th
Balajied and Cheryl Khyllep preaching, as Westminster will be serving as a neutral pulpit for two Presbyterian Churches in our area.
Sunday, October 27th
Pastor Dries preaching, as we welcome our College of Wooster students' families in worship and host them at a reception after worship.
Sunday, November 3rd
All Saints Sunday with
Pastor Dries preaching.
Church Office Closings
On Friday, October 18th the office will close at 11am. If you need assistance, please leave a message on the church voice mail and someone will return your call at the earliest convenience.
Sign Up Now for Sundays in October - Be a part of Westminster's Extravagant Hospitality!
Here's how you can help make Westminster a warm and welcoming community of faith! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius , on the sign up board to the right of the name tags in the back of Mackey Hall, or by contacting Carly Jones (cjones@wooster.edu or 330-263-2398) in the church office.
Children's Education
 This week will be fall themed as we appreciate the beauty of our world in this lovely season we find ourselves in! Join us as we will read scripture and poetry about fall, go on a short nature walk, and collect leaves to press and keep. Looking forward to seeing you, Evangeline
Message from Dries
Pastor Andries Coetzee
(Picture is from The Daily Record, Wooster, OH Monday, October 14, 2013)
Thank you to all who joined me for the 5th Annual Open the Door to Equality Rally Downtown Wooster. For Westminster it was a privilege to be a co-sponsor for this event for the first time as we joined Ohioans for Marriage Equality, PFLAG Wooster, and the Unitarian Universalist Social Action Committee who has sponsored this event in the past. You can read Daily Record Reporter Bobby Warren's article on this event by clicking here.
This coming week I invite you to further put your faith into action as Westminster's workday for the Habitat Ecumenical Build will be on Saturday, October 26th. Read more details below. Unfortunately I will not be able to make this workday as I will be out of the office on Thursday, October 24 attending the Israel/Palestine Mission Network meeting in Detroit with the theme, "Journey Toward Freedom, a reflection of our faith in the promise of justice and in steadfast hope" along with Don and Nahida Gordon. From there I will continue by joining the Synod of the Covenant on Friday, October 25th at a workshop on the Confession of Belhar and then the Stated Meeting of the Synod of the Covenant in Maumee on Saturday, October 26.
I am looking forward to seeing you Sunday in worship as we extend hospitality in welcoming Balajied and Cheryl Khyllep at Westminster. Bala and Cheryl will lead worship as they are interviewing to be co-pastors for two Presbyterian Churches in our Presbytery.
Blessings and see you on Sunday, Dries |
Westminster's Habitat Work Day

Saturday, Oct. 26th from 9am-3pm is Westminster's Workday at the Habitat Ecumenical Build! We need everybody to join in and help however you can!
We will be working inside the house to put in the insulation. This is a non-skilled job that everyone can help with. Sign up this Sunday in church with Jim Collier after worship, contact Carly in the Church Office, or you can use Sign Up Genius. Help at the site, help transport students, help provide lunch, or come take photos! The siding and roofing are up. Let's see how we can help, both inside and out!
Anyone volunteering must have filled out a Volunteer Form for Habitat. Many folks filled these out on Oct. 1st when Heidi Dellafave came to Westminster to speak. Extra copies will be available this Sunday with the Sign Up Sheet during refreshments in Mackey Hall.
We've supported this project monetarily; it's time to put our hands together. See you at the 2343 Mechanicsburg Rd. building site on Saturday, October 26th!
CAMO Volunteer Day
Come join us for a fruitful and satisfying morning at Westminster's monthly volunteer time at Central American Medical Outreach (322 Westwood Avenue, Orrville) next Wednesday, October 23rd (4th Wed. of the month) from 10am-12noon. Those who would like to carpool can meet at the Church House at 9:30am. CAMO depends on volunteers who regularly lend a hand in the U.S. to improve medical conditions for our brothers and sisters in Honduras. Please let Beth know if you will be able to join us this month by email or phone, 330-317-9914. Nothing lifts spirits like giving and nothing builds community like working together!
HOLLY House Fundraiser
Come Join Us: 
The Annual PIG ROAST for HOLLY House Inc. Holly House is a nonprofit organization designed to assist the homeless in finding and maintaining safe and affordable housing in Wayne County.
Where: Christmas Run Park, Main Pavilion Wooster, Ohio 44691
When: Saturday, October 19th from 3 pm to 8 pm
For more information: Pig Roast Flyer
Celebration of the life of Evelyn Camp Craig
The life of Evelyn Camp Craig will be celebrated with a reception at the Wooster Inn on Saturday, November 9, following a family graveside committal service. Evelyn was 104 years old when she died on August 13. Her son Rob, who has recently retired, was under the care of Westminster's Session as he prepared for ministry. Three generations of Scott and Rob Craig's family will be in Wooster for the weekend. Others who remember Evelyn and Bill, or have other connections with the Craig family are invited to come to the Inn anytime between 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. to share in visiting and refreshments. Reservations would be helpful. Rob may be reached afternoons and evenings at 812-764-0494.
Fall Academy of Religion Speaker: Carroll Bogert

Office of Interfaith Campus Ministries and The Fall Academy of Religion would like to invite you to our visiting Speaker: Carroll Bogert. She will be discussing Human Rights in the 21st Century: The Role for U.S. Leadership on Wednesday, October 23 at 7:30 PM. This event will take place on campus in the Lean Lecture room located on the lower level of Wishart Hall at Bever and University Streets on the campus of Wooster. Parking can be found behind and in front of Wishart hall. This event is free and open to the public, and we would like to extend a warm invitation to local communities of faith.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at ministries@wooster.edu or call us at (330) 263-2602. Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:
What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website
www.wpcwooster.org We hope to see you there!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall 9:30am - Adult Education in the Lounge
9:45am - Children's Education in the Sunday School Room 10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Balajied and Cheryl Khyllep preaching Tuesday, October 22, 2013 7:00pm - Session Meeting in The Lounge Wednesday, October 23, 2013 9:30am - Meet in Church Parking Lot for CAMO Work Day7:00pm - Choir Practice in Mackey Hall Thursday, October 24, 2013 7:00pm - Dance Group in Mackey Hall Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:00am-3:00pm�- Westminster Habitat for Humanity Work Day Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall 9:30am - Adult Education in the Lounge9:45am - Children's Education in the Sunday School Room 10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries Preaching. 12:00pm - College of Wooster Family Weekend Reception
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:
- intellectual integrity in matters of faith;
- acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation;
- openness toward the value of other religious traditions;
- a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
Andries J. Coetzee Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691