Weekly News Friday, September 20th, 2013
Sunday, September 22nd
Pastor Dries preaching
Sunday, September 29th
Pastor Dries preaching as we welcome the Rev. Tipi Jacob Nthakhe in worship.
Sunday, October 6th
World Communion Sunday with a joint worship service at First Presbyterian Church.
Adult Book Study with Dries
| Booktrailer: Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity |
All are invited to join us at 9:30 Sunday mornings in the newly remodeled Lounge as we study the first section of the book Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity by David Felton. Books are available from the church office. Contact Dries for more information.
Confession of Belhar
The PC(USA) is considering whether to recommend the inclusion of the Belhar Confession in our Book of Confessions. As churches we are encouraged to study the Confession of Belhar.
"All Christians should heed their voice for the church's unity and against the corrosive ideology of racial division," said Charles Wiley, coordinator, Office of Theology and Worship, PC(USA). ...>>>
Study with Rev. Nthakhe
Starting October 2nd at 6pm in The Meeting Place (and continuing every Wednesday in October), you are invited for a simple meal of soup and bread and to join in conversation with the Rev. Tipi Jacob Nthakhe. Jacob will share with us his story of faith in the struggle against apartheid and how the Belhar Confession gave voice to non-violent change for the Christian Community.
Habitat Ecumenical Build Update
Here is the Habitat Update from Friday, September 13th: The foundation is complete and beams and joists have been delivered to site. We will be parging the block and setting bracing with the help of First Presbyterian on Saturday. Tuesday and Wednesday of next week we will tar the block, install foam insulation and prep for beam and joist construction with the United Methodists. The following Saturday we should begin the floors also with the UMC. Thank you all for your help. Check out the Habitat pictures on Shutterfly.
Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson Visit
Join us for a workshop with Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson (check out his bio ) where he will lead two sessions entitled "Fair Food and Farm Policy" and "Justice for the Worker". The first session will begin at 11:00am followed by a fair food lunch which will be provided by Westminster. A second session will follow at 1:00pm entitled "Justice for the Worker". All are invited to attend. If you will be attending the luncheon, please RSVP through Sign Up Genius or with Carly Jones (cjones@wooster.edu or 330-263-2398) in the Church Office. Check out our website for more details about the events occurring during Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson's visit.
Mark your calendar |
Sunday, September 29th:
Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser Auction & Lunch. We also welcome Rev. Tipi Jacob Nthakhe from South Africa.
Wednesday, October 2nd:
Conversations with Rev. Tipi Jacob Nthakhe Thursday, October 3rd: UKirk in the Meeting Place
Friday, October 4th - Sunday, October 6th:
Working for a Just & Peaceful World: A Weekend of Workshops featuring Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson. Worship will be at First Presbyterian Church.
Sunday, October 13th: Open the Door to Equality Rally (Telling Our Stories).
Rally will begin at 3:45pm with music by the combined UU/Westminster Presbyterian choirs. Speakers, including Pastor Dries, will begin at 4:00 pm.
Message from Dries
 These past weeks we have been reminded in very concrete ways of the role of church in society as Westminster has been a voice for justice regarding
1) the rights and dignity of all workers by speaking out against unfair International Trade Agreements and specifically the "Trade Promotion Authority", known as fast track; 2) immigration reform by attending an ecumenical prayer vigil and procession to Representative Robert Gibbs' office in Ashland, Ohio; 3) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) equality in Wooster, OH and in our denomination with the Rev. Mieke Vandesall preaching at Westminster on Sunday, September 8th; 4) non-violent intervention by co-sponsoring a peace vigil on Tuesday, September 10th in the Gazebo in the Downtown Wooster Square against military intervention in Syria; and 5) Middle East peace on Tuesday, September 17 as we introduced an overture, Engaging Presbyterians to Witness for Palestinian Human Rights and for Ending the Occupation of Palestine, at the meeting of Muskingham Valley Presbytery.
Add to the above, Westminster's desire to be a community of true hospitality as we gather around food and welcome all in our midst. As a church we are also there for those who are celebrating with the arrival of grandchildren, birthdays, and wedding anniversaries, but also for those who are sick, struggling, and mourning. Just this past week we have been reminded how fragile life can be with the death of Al Van Wie, and what a privilege it is to be there for Judy when she needed to experience the nearness and loving embrace of God.
All these tasks are sacred as we communicate God's presence in the midst of life; however, they so easily can become simple tasks if we forget the reason we engage in them or when we neglect our spiritual health.
This coming Sunday I invite you to worship as our lectionary reading, 1 Timothy 2:1-8, invites us to spend our time in prayer, allowing God to be God, to remember who we are as children of God, and to take "ourselves" out of the way and allow God to be God through us.
See you in worship on Sunday,
Be a part of Westminster's Extravagant Hospitality!
Here's how you can help make Westminster a warm and welcoming community of faith! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, or to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius, or on the sign up board to the right of the name tags in the back of Mackey Hall, or by contacting Carly Jones (cjones@wooster.edu or 330-263-2398) in the church office. If September is a busy month, be sure to look for the October sign up coming soon!
Children's Education
 Last Sunday, 18 of us gathered in the upstairs Sunday School room for our Sunday School Kickoff! We ate pizza and fruit, met Evangeline, our Student Ministry Intern, and Emily, our nursery provider, had fun playing Over the Mountain, and talked about why we want to pass the faith on to our children and nurture them into a community of faith. It was great to be together and be reminded of how good it is to gather.
This coming Sunday, September 22nd, our children will be helping to assemble Gifts of the Heart school kits and hygiene kits at noon after worship, for distribution to places like Syrian refugee camps by Church World Service. You might want to take time to visit Church World Service's website to explore the ways we are making a positive difference in the lives of children we will never meet, but who are just like ours in many ways.
We are also excited to share that Evangeline will take on more of a leadership role in our Sunday School program. Children's ministry is her passion (she's had lots of experience at her home church, Westminster Pres in Madison, WI!) and we are thankful our children will be the beneficiaries of her energy, enthusiasm, and commitment. So....no 9:45 Sunday School this Sunday, but hope to see you in worship and afterwards to help pack "kits for kids"! Beth, Student Ministry Coordinator
Gifts of the Heart |
On Sunday, September 22nd after worship we will assemble the "Gifts of the Heart" school kits that we have been collecting over the summer. These kits provide some of the basic supplies needed for children in refugee camps. Many of you helped us in providing supplies and now we could use some help in assembling them. Come join the fun of helping others!
Monthly CAMO Volunteer Day
All are invited to join us for Westminster's monthly volunteer time at Central American Medical Outreach (322 Westwood Avenue, Orrville) next Wednesday, September 25th from 10am-12noon. Those who would like to carpool can meet at the Church House at 9:30am. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to volunteer right in our own area to help improve the quality of life of people in Central America. Please let Beth know if you will be able to join us this month by email or phone, 330-317-9914. The more the merrier!
Thank you, Westminster!
Dear Westminster Presbyterian Church, Thank you so much for your generous support of my year serving as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) of the PCUSA. Your financial support has helped to make the experience possible and your prayers and encouragement are certainly appreciated as well! If you're interested in the program or the work that I'm doing in Austin, please check out my blog. Thanks again!
Sincerely, Catherine Gillette
Soup Sale Makes Local Impact!
 Westminster has been an important supporter of the HOPE Fund-Helping Others Prepare for Employment. For the past three years the proceeds from the Hearty Italian Soup Sale have provided scholarship money for 80 ABLE students to take their GED Test! Nearly 100% received their GED's-an important first step to a job, better job or further career training.
Many ABLE students (Adult Basic Literacy Education) are working hard to earn their GED's before the end of 2013. This is a very important deadline. Due to more state and federal changes, beginning in 2014 computerized testing will make it much harder for lower-income adults to prepare for and take the GED test and the cost will triple from $40 to $120. Ouch!
Akron Beacon Journal Columnist, Bob Dyer, recently wrote about the unfairness of the changes to "the folks in a position to seek a GED" and to us, the taxpayers. He opens with, "If you tried to find a way to discourage uneducated people from developing the skills they need to get a decent job, you'd probably make a move much like this." And closes with, ".... you don't have to be a bleeding heart to think that giving them a hand now is better than giving them a perpetual handout." I encourage you to read his hard-hitting article.
I personally would like to thank you for Westminster's ongoing support of those who really want to work-on behalf of the HOPE Fund and the Common Good-the local organization that established the HOPE Fund at the Wayne County Community Foundation. Your support helps build the thriving workforce our community needs.
Winter's coming! Healthy, Hearty Italian Soup will be ready soon.
Thanks again,
Lemoine Peart
P.S. If you have extra zucchini's in your garden, please freeze some for us. Cut in � inch cubes, blanche for 45 seconds, drain off water completely, then freeze.
Mark your Calendars and Invite your Friends!
|  The Westminster Benefit Auction for the Habitat for Humanity Ecumenical Build and the Reimagining of Mackey Hall will take place on Sunday, September 29 after church. Our auctioneer will be our own Joe Hartzler! Please join us for an afternoon of fun and fundraising! Here are just a few of the great items that will be available for bidding: - One week at the Coleman Cottage on Lake Erie, sleeps 4, 2 baths, and a dock
- Pontoon boat excursion on Chippewa lake, wine & hors d'oeuvres (Summer 2014)
- 2 Season Passes for 13 home C.O.W. Men's Basketball games
- Vouchers for 2 pairs of Ohio Light Opera tickets
- Family Public Skate cards for the Alice Noble Ice Skating Rink (4 admissions + 4 skate rentals)
As a part of this fundraising event, a soup/salad/bread lunch will be available from the Deacons. |
Monday, October 7th: Troop 61 Spaghetti Dinner |
Come out and support our Troop 61 as they celebrate their 100th anniversary by attending the Spaghetti Supper.
When: Monday October 7th 5:00-7:30 PM
Where: Kittredge Dinning Hall (On the College of Wooster Campus, 535 E. Wayne Ave)
What: Spaghetti, Salad, Rolls, Ice Cream, Drinks. (Vegetarian sauce will be available.)
Tickets: Adults $8.00, Children $5.00 (under 5 free)
All of the proceeds assist the troop with purchase of equipment. This is our main fundraiser for the year.
Interested in Tickets: Let Jack Veney (johnveney@gmail.com 330-641-2303) know, or see any member of the troop.
People to People Ministry |
Eradicating Gun Violence |
We Remain Committed to Eradicating Gun Violence
September 17, 2013 By J. Herbert Nelson, II
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness (OPW) in Washington, DC, is saddened by the deaths of thirteen people (including the gunman) at the Washington Navy Yard on yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers on behalf of the families suffering loss today are heartfelt. The scriptures remind us, that If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. (Romans 14:8) We pray for each and our nation with the belief that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ promised that we would not have to face this moment alone.
The United States of America is in need of common sense gun laws. We are once again reminded that our nation is sadly entrapped by a culture of violence. We are still faced with gun deaths on the evening news every day. Each day, eight children per day are killed by guns in the United States. Our streets, schools, movie theaters, political rallies, workplaces, and houses of worship are no longer safe places. But it does not have to be this way.
Our office remains committed to prophetic advocacy regarding the implementation of common sense gun laws that will 1) ban the sale of assault weapons 2) eliminate straw purchases of guns 3) make gun trafficking a federal crime and 4) require universal background checks for all gun purchases. As witnessed yesterday, we are vulnerable in every facet of our lives. Even an armed and secure military workplace, where military and civilian workers together seek to protect the citizens of this country, is vulnerable to guns when they are in the wrong hands.
Together, we can make a difference and save thousands of lives. Call on the President and Members of Congress today. Tell them to move forward with meaningful legislation that will significantly reduce the plague of gun violence in this nation.
I urge you to take this issue seriously in your local communities. Gun violence can be reduced if we possess the will to hold our elected officials accountable to the common good.
In the faith we share,
J. Herbert Nelson, II
The Reverend J. Herbert Nelson, II, is the Director for Public Witness of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), serving the Office of Public Witness in Washington, DC.
Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:
What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website
www.wpcwooster.org We hope to see you there!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
9:30am - Adult Education in the Lounge
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching 12:00pm - Gifts of the Heart assembling with Children's Sunday School Tuesday, September 24, 20132:00pm - Congregational Life Cohort Meeting in Pastor's Study 7:00pm - Session Meeting in The Lounge
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
9:30am - Monthly CAMO Volunteer Time- meet in Church parking lot
7:00pm - Choir Practice in Mackey Hall Thursday, September 26, 2013 7:00pm - Dance Group in Mackey Hall Sunday, September 29, 20139:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall 9:30am - Adult Education in the Lounge
9:45am - Children's Education in the Sunday School Room
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching 12:00pm - Fundraiser Auction & Meal in Mackey Hall
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:
- intellectual integrity in matters of faith;
- acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation;
- openness toward the value of other religious traditions;
- a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
Andries J. Coetzee Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691