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Weekly News                                Friday, August 30, 2013
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September Sign Up for Sundays
Volunteer Sighn-Up
The September signups are now available for Sunday flowers, greeters before worship, and goodies for fellowship time after worship.  If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign up Genius, the signup sheet at the refreshment table after church, or by contacting Carly Jones at 330-263-2398 or e-mail at cjones@wooster.edu.
Sunday, September 1st
Social Justice Potluck
Pastor Dries Preaching

Sunday, September 8th
Mieke Vandersall Visit
Guest Preacher Rev. Mieke Vandersall

Men's Breakfast with Dries

Dries Blog Starting this coming Tuesday, September 3 we will be starting a monthly breakfast with Dries on the first Tuesday of the month at the Downtown Buehler's at 7:45am.  Hope to see you there!

Presbyterian Women's Bible Study with Dries

Horizons 2013
Starting September 10th at 10am in The Lounge (the second Tuesday of the month) Pastor Dries will lead the Presbyterian Women's Bible Study.  We will be using the study published by Horizons entitled "An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy" by  
Janice Catron.  The class will continue through May 12th, 2014.  The study books are available in the office.

Adult Book Study with Dries

Booktrailer: Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity 
Booktrailer: Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity
On Sunday, September 15th we will start Adult Education in The Lounge at 9:30am. This fall we will study the first section of the book Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity by David Felton. We have ordered books and they are available from the church office. Contact Dries for more information. 

Study with Rev. Nthakhe

Tipi Jacob Nthakhe Starting October 2nd (and continuing every Wednesday in October) at 6pm in The Meeting place, you are invited for a simple meal of soup and bread and to be in conversation with the Rev. Tipi Jacob Nthakhe.  Jacob will share with us his story of faith in the struggle against apartheid and how the Belhar Confession gave voice to non-violent change for the Christian Community. 
Mark your Calendars
Monday, September 2nd:
Church Office closed in observance of Labor Day. Please contact Pastor Dries for pastoral care needs. 

Sunday, September 8th: Mieke Vandersall Visit

Sunday, September 15th: 
Sunday School begins

Thursday, September 19th: Vegan Potluck

Sunday, September 29th:
Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser Auction & Lunch.  We also welcome Rev.Tipi Jacob Nthakhe from South Africa. 
Sunday, October 13:
Open the Door to Equality Rally (Telling Our Stories).  Rally will begin at 3:45pm with one or two pieces by the combined UU/Westminster Presbyterian choirs. Speakers, including Pastor Dries, will begin at 4:00.
Message from Dries
Income Inequality By mSeattle

Many of us look forward to Labor Day as we celebrate the emotional end of summer with one last long weekend. While celebrating, we here at Westminster feel that Labor Day provides a unique opportunity for us to focus on the workplace with our emphasis on the here and the now.  We believe that the whole of our lives matters to God and that the kin-dom of God does not stop at the door to the workplace but extends to all aspects of life, including our work life. It is therefore, that amidst the celebration of the weekend we also 

Low Wage Buttonlament and commit ourselves to improving jobs so that every worker has wages, benefits, and work hours that allow them to be self sufficient. 

This coming Sunday we will focus on economic justice and fair treatment in the workplace; and that all people have dignity and deserve respect.   The reality is as stated in the United Church of Christ resources for Labor Day:


There are many people who have "jobs but their wages are very low. Or their employer may assign them too few hours. Or they may have been impoverished by paying medical bills. Or they may have borrowed money to pay for needed car repairs and then been drawn into a downward spiral of debt, extremely high interest payments, and poverty. 

Unless a household is independently wealthy, one or more family members must work. But just having a job does not necessarily mean a family is economically self-sufficient.

  • Over one in every four jobs (28%) pays poverty-level wages, so low that even a full-time worker cannot support a family above poverty.

  • Over 8 in 10 low-wage workers do not have a single paid sick day. If they get sick and cannot work, or if they must stay home with a sick child, they are not paid. And if they are gone too long they may be laid off.

  • Every week, over half of all low-wage workers are cheated - by their unscrupulous employers - out of some of their wages.

  • Over one-quarter (27%) of low-wage workers do not have health insurance, either from their own job or through a family member and, whether insured or not, nearly two-thirds of low-wage workers say it is difficult to pay for needed health care.

  • Many low-wage workers have unpredictable work schedules that vary week to week and day to day. Their incomes vary also. Many are required to be continually on call, available to come in for additional hours, or risk being penalized with reduced hours or even layoff. Many are sent home during scheduled shifts if business is slow. Such scheduling makes workers' income uncertain and variable. It also makes a second job, schooling, or scheduled child care nearly impossible." 

As you read the above bullet points you might have recognized someone you know that is among the so-called "working poor". While there are many factors that contribute to this sad reality in the United States the Presbyterian Church joins other mainline denominations in campaigning for the following:

  1. Raise the minimum wage
  2. Strengthen the right to organize
  3. Change unfair International Trade Agreements  
In this issue of Weekly News read more about the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s support of increasing the minimum wage and our denomination's statement on the right to organize
This coming Sunday we ask for more that "just listening" in worship as God calls us to take action and stand up for the rights and dignity of all workers by speaking out against unfair International Trade Agreements and specifically the "Trade Promotion Authority", known as fast track.  After worship you will have the opportunity to sign a postcard to Congressman Jim Renacci to vote "no" on fast track. As Presbyterians we believe that:

"Transparent debate must be part of any trade agreement. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will impact the lives of ordinary people in big ways - from labor rights to food safety. Should it be implemented, the TPP will include at least 40 percent of the global  economy.  Yet, its contents remain largely secret.  While there is little public input, roughly 600 corporate advisors have access to negotiators.

Congress must retain oversight of trade processes so that public discourse is strengthened. Fast track excludes the voice of the people". (PC (USA) Joining Hands, Presbyterian Mission Agency).   


Also in worship this Sunday you will have the opportunity to meet the Dellafave family who are the new owners of the Habitat Ecumenical Build home which we are helping to build.  During the potluck meal you will have the opportunity to sign up to help by completing Habitat's Volunteer Profile.


I am excited as we will gather in worship on Sunday to do God's work of justice!





PS: To all men of the church, I am looking forward to having breakfast with you this coming Tuesday at 7:45 am at the Downtown Buehler's.

Social Justice Potluck

Radical Hospitality

 Join us on this coming Sunday, September 1 as we "extend the table" and meet Heidi Dellafave and her family.  The Dellafave family are the new owners of the Habitat Ecumenical Build home with which we are participating. A main dish will be provided and we ask members of the congregation to bring fruit, salad, or dessert to round out the table. No need for students to bring a dish; just come.

RSVP through Sign Up Genius or to Carly Jones at cjones@wooster.edu.  

Habitat Ecumenibuild Update
Habitat Ecumenical Build
This coming week Habitat will be setting forms and pouring footers on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please contact Travis Miller at (330) 465-7681 if you plan to attend and let Carly at the Church Office know (330-263-2398) that you are participating.  
If you plan to volunteer for our Habitat Ecumenical Build, please complete the Habitat Volunteer information this Sunday after worship.
Westminster Student Welcome 2013

Student Welcome 2013

See more pictures: Click here

Pictures submitted By Greg Barbu

Upcoming Events
 Mieke Vandersall to journey with Westminster
Mieke is the Executive Director of Presbyterian Welcome, an organization that works for the full participation of individuals in contexts of faith, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. As followers of Christ, convinced by Scripture, they labor for a world where all persons might live into the calling that God has placed in their hearts. They are a resource, training current and future leaders of church and society. 
A graduate of The College of Wooster, she arrived in New York City in 1998 and began working with the international human rights organization, the National Labor Committee. Called back to serve the Presbyterian Church, she began her studies at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York and was ordained in 2004. Mieke has served the Presbyterian Church (USA) in various capacities.  She is the founder of Not So Churchy and is a subject in the feature-length documentary Out of Order. In her free time she plays with yarn and beads, practices her fiddle and studies karate. She is also the Board President for the Center for Anti-Violence Education. If you are interested in her writing you can read her blog at www.pastorized.com. 
Mike will participate in several event at Westminster and the community during her time with us.  

Thursday, September 5th at 6pm:  
Mieke will be our guest at the first UKirk@Westminster meeting of the year. 

Saturday, September 7th at 3pm: 
Mieke Vandersall will join Equality Ohio and PFLAG in the Westminster Lounge for a discussion on marriage equality.

Sunday, September 8th at 9:30 - 10:15 amMieke will moderate a special meeting of our Session in The Lounge.  All are welcome to join us as we:
  1. Reaffirm Westminster's January 2001 unanimous endorsement of the "Call to Covenant Community" of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians (see attached).
  2. Endorse the mission statement of More Light Presbyterians: "Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society."  
Sunday, September 8th at 10:45 am: Mieke will lead worship with Pastor Dries and College of Wooster sophomore Evangeline Smith, as we celebrate Westminster as an Open and Affirming Church of LGBTQ.   Mieke will preach and communion will be celebrated with refreshments following worship.
open arms Ecumenical Prayer Vigil and Procession
In support of Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Friday - September 6th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Join Westminster's Immigration Advocacy Group as we will participate in an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil and Procession Friday, September 6.  Procession begins at Emmanuel United Methodist Church located at 322 Cleveland Avenue, Ashland, Ohio and proceed to Representative Bob Gibbs Office located at 110 Cottage Street, Ashland.
The prayer vigil will include participants from various faith traditions and will feature speakers and representatives from the local communities including business leaders and affected family members. The purpose of the prayer vigil is to raise awareness with the goal of bringing justice to the immigration system with basis in the following principles:
  • Provides a path to citizenship for undocumented persons in the country;
  • Preserves family unity as a corner-stone of our national immigration system;
  • Provides legal paths for low-skilled immigrant workers to come and work in the United States;
  • Restores due process protections to our immigration enforcement policies;
  • Addresses the root causes (push factors) of migration, such as persecution and economic disparity
Contact Elaine Smith Snyder if you are interested in joining the Westminster delegation or Carly Jones at cjones@wooster.edu or 330-263-2398.

Sponsored by: Immigrant Worker Project (IWP); Open Arms Ministry; Salem Mennonite Church of Wooster; Catholic Diocese of Cleveland; Lutheran Church of the Covenant of Maple Heights; and The Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron.
Habitat Wayne CountyHabitat/Mackey Re-imagining Auction
The Westminster Mission and Building Committees, along with our Deacons, are organizing an auction fund-raising event for Sunday, September 29th after church.  We are looking for anyone interested in donating items, talents, or time to be auctioned off to the highest bidder!

Mackey Sighn

Donations in the past have ranged from handmade items to lake house rentals to oil change cards!  We've had folks offer skills like handy-man, baker or chef, entertainer, seamstress, gardener, artist, and chauffeur.  With a little creative thinking, you'd be surprised what you could

If you would like to participate click here to print the contribution form (pdf), or complete the one included in your bulletin.  Forms can be returned to Sue Coleman, Shelley Peterson, Lemoine Peart, Linda Barbu, or Christine Jones.  

 Our Family
Between now and September 1,  Westminster has the opportunity to receive twice the reimbursement for Our Family labels.  The Mission Committee asks you to scour your cupboards for Our Family labels and bring them to the box in the narthex of the church.  We will trim or remove them, count them, package them, and send them off.  All money raised goes to help others achieve a better life.  
People to People logo People to People Ministries
Food: Jelly, cereal, complete pancake mix, syrup, oatmeal, crackers, canned fruit, peanut butter, canned soups, and pork and beans 
Personal Products: Cleaning supplies, diapers (all sizes), toilet paper, paper towels, deodorant, and feminine products 
Household Items: SHORTAGE of ITEMS...King Sheet Sets, Bed Pillows, Adult Sleeping Bags, Dish Sets, drapes, shower curtain liners, toasters, coffee pots, pots and pans, large skillets, pitchers, electric sweepers, and food storage containers. 
Clothing: We need adult and children's white socks, men's boxers, boy's boxers size 18-20, boys underwear size 8, women's underwear size 5, girl's underwear sizes 4, 5, and 6, men's jeans sizes 
29, 30, 32, and men's tennis shoes size 12.
Presbyterian Church (USA) supports Minimum Wage Increase 
PC USA Public Witness 3
Odyssey Minimum Wage
See this video clip: "5 Things You Didn't Know About The Minimum Wage" 

Raise the Minimum Wage
A Job Should Keep You Out of Poverty, Not Trap You In It! 
"Our economy is stronger when we reward an honest day's work with honest wages...no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty, [we must] raise the federal minimum wage." -President Obama, State of the Union Address, February 12, 2013"

On June 25, 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law the Fair Labor Standards Act, creating a minimum wage, overtime, and basic labor standards. Seventy-five years later, these core labor protections are still the cornerstone of the U.S. economy. This bill was instrumental in ensuring that workers, especially those who are most vulnerable to unscrupulous employers, can make a living and provide for their families ...>>>

PC(USA) Joins other Faith Groups in Supporting Minimum Wage Increase
As communities of faith united by our common religious traditions and values of justice and compassion, we write to you today to urge you to co-sponsor and support the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013 recently introduced by Senator Tom Harkin and Representative George Miller.

This important piece of legislation would raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 in three increments of 95 cents. The bill would also provide for annual increases indexed to inflation to keep pace with the rising cost of living. Lastly, for the first time in 22 years, the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013 would raise the minimum wage for tipped workers from its current low rate of $2.13 by 95 cents per year until it is 70% of the regular minimum wage ...>>>
OrganizeThe Right To Organize
Labor unions have been instrumental in achieving a higher standard of living and in improving working conditions. They have helped to obtain safety and health measures against occupational risk; to achieve a larger degree of protection against child labor; to relieve the disabled, the sick, the unemployed; and to gain a more equitable share in the value of what they produce. -Board of Christian Education, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.
The right of labor to organize and to bargain collectively with employers is clearly an inalienable right in a democracy, and has so been recognized by our government. -Synod of Tennessee, Presbyterian Church of U.S.A.
Passing on the Faith: Teaching the next Generation [1]
Passing on the Faith: Teaching the next Generation is a series of articles published on Patheos.com from scholars, practitioners, teachers, and parents from diverse traditions and perspectives to share their wisdom, insights, and best practices as they discern;  "How do we pass on our faith to children? This is a question most religious traditions care about deeply. We are concerned, perhaps, for our children's spiritual well-being, their moral grounding and behavior, and perhaps for the ultimate state of their souls. Without the commitment, creativity, and zeal of the next generation, our own values and beliefs may die with us. But what is the best way to communicate faith? If faith is 'caught, not taught,' then what can we do to make our spirituality contagious?"

Monica A. Coleman

My curriculum for infant faith formation is a lot like day camp. We sing songs and go on field trips.

 My daughter has been crawling for three months. Our outings to the six a.m. worship service with our faith community have changed. We used to hold her in our arms, gently rocking or nursing her to sleep during the spoken message. Now, we find space on the carpet between the chairs and let her crawl to her heart's delight, intervening for safety and sound. ...>>>
Green Tip of the Week

How to make a non-toxic cleaning supply kit at home
Most modern synthetic cleaning products are based on age-old formulas using natural ingredients that were passed down through the generations because the chemistry was right. Going back to the original naturally derived ingredients is a way to make cleaning products that work, don't pollute and save you money. Most are found in your kitchen cupboards. Mix and match with well-chosen and environmentally friendly green cleaning products found in health food stores, and you can easily and simply transform your home into a non-toxic and healthy haven
Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:
08-29-2013 14:43:45 PM

August 29, 2013 Religion News Service Lauren Markoe and Adelle M. Banks WASHINGTON Fifty years to the day after Martin Luther King Jr. knocked on the nation's conscience with his dream, religious leaders gathered in a historic church to remind the nation that he was fueled by faith. ...�

08-29-2013 14:43:45 PM

For Such a Time as This commissions nine new pastoral residents August 28, 2013 The Revs. Peter Sanders (left) and Hal Bennett (right) talk about the "For Such a Time as This" program after they were commission as pastoral residents in the Class of 2013. -Jerry L. Van Marter Presbyterian News Service Bethany Daily LOUISVILLE The word "love" is thrown around a lot as a term of affection for everything from shoes to music, but real love demands action and commitment, said the Rev. Keri Shelton, a pastoral resident and mentor with For Such a Time as This. ...�

What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website

We hope to see you there!  


Sunday, September 1, 2013

9:30am -  Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall

10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall. Pastor Dries preaching. 

12:00pm - Social Justice Potluck in Mackey Hall.  


Monday, September 2, 2013  



Tuesday, September 3, 2013  

7:45am - Men's Breakfast with Dries at the Downtown Buehlers


Wednesday, September 4, 2013
7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall

Thursday, September 5, 2013
6:00pm - UKirk Meeting in The Meeting Place with the Rev. Mieke Vandersall visiting.

7:00pm - Dance Group in Mackey Hall  


Friday, September 6, 2013

3:00pm - Ecumenical Prayer Vigil and Procession for Immigration Reform at Emmanuel UMC in Ashland   

Saturday, September 7, 2013
3:00pm - Public meeting with the Rev. Mieke Vandersall in partnership with Equality Ohio and PFLAG in                     The Lounge

Sunday, September 8, 2013
9:30am -  Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
9:30am -  Special Called Meeting of Session in the Lounge.
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall. Rev. Mieke Vandersall preaching.


Westminster Grafic Vertical
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:  
  • intellectual integrity in matters of faith; 
  • acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation; 
  • openness toward the value of other religious traditions; 
  • a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
Andries J. Coetzee
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691