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Weekly News                                Friday, August 9, 2013
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Sunday August 11th 
Worship at 10:00am
Glorifying God Through Music
Pastor Dries Preaching. 
Scripture: Isaiah 1: 1, 10-20 

Sunday August 18th
Worship at 10:00am
Blessing of the Backpacks
Pastor Dries Preaching.
Scripture: Isaiah 5:1-7

Sunday August 25th
Worship at 10:45am
College of Wooster Student Welcome
Pastor Dries Preaching.
Carly Out of Office
Our Church Secretary Carly Jones will be out of the office from Thursday, August 8th until Thursday, August 15th.  If you need assistance, please contact Dries.  The office will be closed on Friday, August 8th and Monday, August 11th. 
The  Ohio Light Opera will be closing up shop for the summer during on Sunday, August 11th.  This will affect the parking lot behind Freedlander and next to Morgan as wel.     
Also, the installation of the new cooling towers that service the chillers in Morgan Hall will begin Monday, August 5th.  Beginning as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, this parking lot will be closed off to allow for a large crane that will be used to remove the old towers and lift the new towers in place. The College will also need to close off access to the lot for the obvious safety reasons. The lot beside Morgan will remain open. The installation process is expected to last approximately 10 working days. There may be days during the installation the lot will be able to be open. The College will determine this on a day to day basis and will post the entrances accordingly.

Label Alert

Our Family Between now and September 1,  Westminster has the opportunity to receive twice the reimbursement for Our Family labels.  The Mission Committee asks you to scour your cupboards for Our Family labels and bring them to the box in the narthex of the church.  We will trim or remove them, count them, package them, and send them off.  All money raised goes to help others achieve a better life.  


Volunteer at Westminster

Volunteer Sighn-Up 

We still need help for Sunday August 18th for cookies and fruit for fellowship and flowers for worship.  If you can help, please sign up through Sign Up Genius  or by contacting Carly Jones  (cjones@wooster.eduor 330-263-2398) in the church office. 

Message from Dries
World Week of Prayer Educate
I have told many people that this has been the "non-summer" to me as it has passed much too fast.  In about a week and a half our children will go back to school, and then a week later on Sunday, August 25th we will welcome back new and returning College of Wooster students.  
Although I bemoan the end of summer, I am excited to continue many of our ministries with the return of students, college and school age.  Even before I came to Westminster, I was attracted to its Mission Statement posted on the website, with this community of faith's desire to;
  1. nurture every member into the covenant of the Christian life, and;
  2. to embrace with holy expectation the pursuit of wisdom;
To me this challenge still remains, especially when it comes to our school age children.  With the changing culture, churches are struggling to adapt to a new way of "being" in the world.  In the words of Dianna Butler Bass, we are experiencing a "'flip' from a faith that believed, then practiced, then belonged-  to a faith that belongs, then practices, then believes" [1].  

Our Congregational Life Cohort often talks about the reality that Westminster is indeed an alternative Christian Community; however, when it comes to teaching the next generation of faith, we revert to the model of our childhood.  It is in our inability to adapt to a new paradigm that we see the involvement of younger families drop, that volunteers experience burnout, and that we are struggling to recruit members to share their faith with the next generation. 

As we are planning to start the "educational program" (I am using quotation marks, as what exactly does it mean in our new ministry context?) for children and adults on September 15th, I suggest Westminster join Patheos (an online destination to engage in the global dialogue about religion and spirituality and to explore and experience the world's beliefs) in discerning this very important topic before us.  
The next five weeks we will link an article from scholars, practitioners, teachers, and parents from diverse traditions and perspectives to share their wisdom, insights, and best practices as they discern;  "How do we pass on our faith to children? This is a question most religious traditions care about deeply. We are concerned, perhaps, for our children's spiritual well-being, their moral grounding and behavior, and perhaps for the ultimate state of their souls. Without the commitment, creativity, and zeal of the next generation, our own values and beliefs may die with us. But what is the best way to communicate faith? If faith is 'caught, not taught,' then what can we do to make our spirituality contagious?" [2]
This week we will hear from Phyllis Tickle [3) as she discusses  



What we want to implant is an easy and natural affection for the holy, an inherent connectedness to an on-going story, and a sense of membership within a sustaining community that is always there to hold all of us as well as demand some things of us. ...>>> 


I am looking forward to hearing from you in the upcoming weeks as we continue this discussion that I believe is essential for Westminster as we meet our future.  Please talk to me during the time of fellowship after worship, come by the office, e-mail me, or call me at the Church Office. 



[1] The Future of Faith: An Interview With Diana Butler Bass

[2] Phyllis Tickle, founding editor of the Religion Department of Publishers Weekly, the international journal of the book industry, is frequently quoted in print sources, electronic media, and innumerable blogs and web sites. Tickle is an authority on religion in America and a much sought after lecturer on the subject.   

Hymn Sing this coming Sunday, August 11 at 10:00am

Hymn Sing This coming Sunday during worship we will sing some of those popular hymns from our Presbyterian Church (USA) Blue Hymnal that many feel we do not sing often enough. Please come prepared to ask Ken to to play your favorite hymn.

Habitat For Humanity Ecumenical Build

Habitat Wayne County On Saturday morning, August 3rd, nine members of Westminster attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Habitat Ecumenical Build.  We are excited to join other area churches in building a home for Heidi Dellafave and her family. We hope to have Heidi join us at our next Social Justice Potluck on Sunday, September 1st.

LGBTQ Inclusion
Brian Ellison
Saturday, August 10, Rev. Brian Ellison to speak at Westminster 
The new executive director of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians will be in Wooster the weekend of August 10-11.  On Saturday, Brian will meet at 2 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church with anyone in the presbytery who is interested in the Covenant Network. Everyone is welcome - whether a Network member or not - to come and share experiences, ask questions, discuss issues, or just listen. 
At 3 p.m., following the Covenant Network gathering, Brian Ellison will be joined by PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) to discuss the topic, "Preparing for Marriage Equality in Ohio."  On Sunday, Brian will preach at First Presbyterian Church (10 a.m.) and lead the adult education program following worship.    
Brian has a long history of leadership in our denomination. As a high school student, he was a young adult delegate (YAD) to the General Assembly. While still a college student, he chaired the committee to nominate the stated clerk of the General Assembly. Since his ordination in 1999, Brian has served as moderator and stated clerk of his presbytery and as chair of its committee on ministry. In the general assembly, he currently serves as a member the Board of Pensions and as chair of the Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) Committee. 
If you have any questions, feel free to call Bruce Ballantine at First Church (330-264-9420) or Andries Coetzee at Westminster Church (330-263-2398). 
Mieke-VandersallSeptember 5th - 8th, Rev. Mieke Vandersall to journey with Westminster
Mieke is the Executive Director of Presbyterian Welcome, an organization that works for the full participation of individuals in contexts of faith, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. As followers of Christ, convinced by Scripture, they labor for a world where all persons might live into the calling that God has placed in their hearts. They are a resource, training current and future leaders of church and society. 
A graduate of The College of Wooster, she arrived in New York City in 1998 and began working with the international human rights organization, The National Labor Committee. Called back to serve the Presbyterian Church, she began her studies at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York and was ordained in 2004. Mieke has served the Presbyterian Church (USA) in various capacities.  She is the founder of Not So Churchy and is a subject in the feature-length documentary Out of Order. In her free time she plays with yarn and beads, practices her fiddle and studies karate. She is also the Board President for the Center for Anti-Violence Education. If you are interested in her writing you can read her blog at www.pastorized.com. 
Church World ServicesChurch World Service
Our annual collection for Church World Service (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance partner) is on!  We need toothbrushes and nail clippers for hygiene kits.  For school kits, we need:
School Kits (to make 100 kits) 

147 - 70 page spiral notebooks (enough for 49 kits)

35 boxes of 24-count crayons

30 pencil sharpeners


Hygiene Kits (to make 50 kits)

36 nail clippers

10 wide tooth combs

4 hand towels

Thanks for your donations to this important cause!divider People to People logo People to People Ministries Needs for August
Staple items are always needed - We are very low on canned fruit, apple sauce, syrup, complete pancake 
mix, crackers, spaghetti sauce, and spaghetti.
Personal Products: 
Diapers, tampons, razors, laundry soap, paper towels, and toilet paper.
Household Items: 
We can really use bed pillows, king size sheet sets, adult sleeping bags, and wash cloths. We can also use shower curtain liners, dish sets, coffee cups, large casserole dishes, coffee pots, irons, pots and pans, crock pots, throw rugs, and sweepers.  
Clothing Items: 
Adult and children's low cuff white socks, Men's boxers all sizes, Teen boy's jeans sizes 29, 30, 40 and larger, boy's and girl's jeans sizes 6, 7, and 8, men's tennis shoes, and men's work boots.
Fundraiser Events
CAMO Logo Camo's Salsa Sizzle

You are invited to the Salsa Sizzle, the annual Fundraiser for the Women's Shelter in Honduras August 17th at the Wooster Inn.  There is a live band, wonderful music, great people, and dancing...food did I mention food?!  We are hoping to get a Westminster table together for the event, so if you are interested, please contact Carly in the church office (cjones@wooster.edu or 330-263-2398).  


Christian Children's home Christian Children's Home of Ohio

How can a burger, ice cream, and day of fun bring healing in Jesus' name to hurting children and families in Ohio?  When they're enjoyed at Christian Children's Home of Ohio's Great Grill-Off on Sunday, August 18, from 12:30-4 at 2685 Armstrong Road, Wooster.  Enjoy a mini burger contest with area restaurants and CCHO teams, picnic foods, live music, children's activities, stables open house, and more.  The event is free; simply make a monetary donation at the gate.  Proceeds will provide critical upgrades to CCHO's children's residential center.  Learn more at www.ccho.org or call 330.345.7949.

Green Tip of the Week

Promote Healthier Communities for our Children 

Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:
The church speaks on race 08-05-2013 10:19:05 AM

In light of George Zimmerman's acquittal last month of the murder of Trayvon Martin, a panel of Presbyterian leaders talked race matters Saturday (Aug. 3) at Big Tent. ...�


Beliefs shape behavior 08-05-2013 10:19:05 AM

Think about someone you know who really lives the Christian faith. What does that look like? This opening exercise sparked lively discussions around tables at 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday (Aug. 3) morning in a plenary session under the Big Tent led by the Rev. Cynthia Campbell, pastor of Highland Presbyterian Church in Louisville and former president of McCormick Theological Seminary. By the way they live, other Christians "can call us to a higher and deeper faith," Campbell explained at the end of the table discussions. ...�

What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website

We hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

10:00am - Worship in Mackey Hall. Pastor Dries will be preaching.


Monday, August 12, 2013

12:00pm - Building Committee Meeting in The Lounge.  


Wednesday, August 14, 2013
5:00pm - Personnel Committee in the Pastor's Study.


Friday, August 16, 2013

7:00am - Dance Group in Mackey Hall.  


Sunday, August 18, 2013

10:00am - We will celebrate the "Blessing of the Backpacks" in Worship. Pastor Dries will be  preaching.  



Westminster Grafic Vertical
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:  
  • intellectual integrity in matters of faith; 
  • acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation; 
  • openness toward the value of other religious traditions; 
  • a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
Andries J. Coetzee
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691