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Weekly News                                Friday, June 14, 2013
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June 16: 
A service celebrating the "Men of the Church"
Pastor Dries will be preaching.

June 23:
Outdoor Worship at Oak Hill Park.  Pastor Dries will be leading worship.    
A Note of Appreciation

To the Organizers of the OLO Welcome Potluck: Thank you so much for welcoming us to Wooster with such a wonderful meal! We were greeted with such warmth and kindness by all involved and look forward to getting to know you this summer! Thanks again!
From: Tanya Roberts & Ned Hanlon 
(P.S. We look forward to hearing Tanya & Ned's vocal talents in worship.)
Immigration Reform
Immigration Read the latest in Immigration Reform on the The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) website.
IIC "is a partnership of faith-based organizations committed to enacting fair and humane immigration reform that reflects our mandate to welcome the stranger and treat all human beings with dignity and respect. Coalition members work together to advocate for just and equitable immigration policies, educate faith communities, and serve immigrant populations around the country." 
Action Alert

Protect the immigration bill from amendments that would delay or narrow the path to citizenship.

Call 1-866-940-2439

to be connected with your Senators.
Social Justice Potluck Update
There will be no Social Justice Potluck in the month of July.  We will gather together again in fellowship on August 4th for our next Social Justice Potluck. 
Message from Dries

Banners in Mackey This coming Sunday will be significant at Westminster as we mark a very important transition during worship. In addition to acknowledging the ministry of men in our midst (see below), we will celebrate our ability as a community of faith to adapt to a changing culture.  A momentous change Westminster underwent in recent years was the move from McGaw Chapel to Mackey Hall as our place of worship.  This shift was very symbolic of the North American changing culture as we move from the Christian Era to what is called Post-Christianity. Today most of our members find it meaningful to worship in Mackey Hall as it has become a symbol of our faith with its simplicity, openness, and flexibility.  Mackey Hall enables us to not only experience God in the sanctity of the space, but also to give expression to a faith that finds itself alive in works of Social Justice, and its desire to be hospitible as seen in the Vegan and Social Justice Potlucks.  We have indeed come to the point in our life together that we celebrate the "house" metaphor for our ministry with Mackey Hall as the place where we all gather and feel included.    

To make such a momentous change does not come easy and we are thankful for the leadership in Westminster that made it possible (and we celebrate their gifts and service to our congregation).  A very important contributing factor in the success of the transition were the three Peacemaking Initiatives; BorderLinks, Church Partnership, and Environmental Justice, each with their corresponding banner in Mackey Hall.  These initiatives gave expression to our passion for Social Justice and our desire to be a people who want to contribute to a culture of peace as we follow the ways of Jesus of Nazareth.  The banners in Mackey reminded us of our commitments and served as a visual expression of our ministry together.  

As we now restructure our Mission here at Westminster,
and more fully embrace the house metaphor with its emphasis on Social Justice through hospitality, the time has come to re-discover the old symbols of our community and envision new ones to give expression to our faith.

In order to do this, Session has approved Gayle Noble, Nahida Gordon, Heather Veney, and Vivian Holliday (with Pastor Dries Ex-Officio) to help re-imagine Mackey Hall and the Narthex.  In our work together we will consult with many of you and ask your advice.  I also invite you to talk to or e-mail us to give your input as we would love to hear from you!

As we begin our work we want toBanner Peace by Peace honor and celebrate our past as we live into the future. On Sunday, June 16, we will retire the three Peacemaking banners as well as the banner that was painted and donated by the Peace by Peace students from The College of Wooster.  

By taking these banners down it will help us to re-imagine the future as we start with a clean slate, so to speak.  Leading up to the fall you will see several projects coming to fruition in Mackey Hall and the Narthex, some being badly needed maintenance.

  1. Cleaning up of Mackey Hall with the removal of all clutter, painting of the walls, and deep cleaning.
  2. For the projection screen to work properly we will install a horizontal blind that will allow worshipers to continue to enjoy the beauty that the windows bring, with about 60% of the light being blocked out (some windows will remain uncovered).  We will also take down the curtain rails that are still mounted on all the window frames.
  3. The removal of both display cabinets in the Narthex in order to open up the space and make it more welcoming.

It is with excitement that I am writing you this message, as my gut feeling tells me we have reached a point in our ministry together that we can move forward in meeting the next chapter in the life of Westminster Presbyterian Church.  I am excited because I am honored, privileged, and humbled to be here among you!





PS: Beth and I will be on vacation next week.  If you need pastoral assistance please contact Carly at the Church Office.

Outdoor Worship and Lunch at Oak Hill Park, Sunday, June 23, 2013

Oak Hill Park

Join us for worship at 10:00am Sunday, June 23rd at Oak Hill Park, located on Oak Hill Road, followed by a picnic lunch and time to explore the park.  Even if you aren't able to take advantage of the walking trails, please join your church family in this once-a-year 
outing where we can worship together out in God's great creation.
Westminster will provide sandwich trays and drinks and we ask members of the congregation to bring chips, fruit, or dessert to share.  So that we are good stewards of our resources and can order an accurate amount of food, please sign up in the back of Mackey Hall after worship on Sunday or through Sign Up Genius. 


Several members of Westminster played an instrumental role in bringing this community park to fruition. Their involvement in this project reflects Westminster's members' spirituality which goes beyond the ministry of the church as expressed in their community involvement. 

As we gather to worship, we will reflect on how we as Christians are called to fulfill a twofold socio-ecological responsibility: to care for people and for our planet. We will explore in conversation and silence how to weave community and individual responsibility to God's creation and creatures with responsibility to those whom Jesus would call, centuries later, "least of these".


Please come dressed to go for a walk on the various trails for all abilities or sit and visit with friends.  All ages and abilities are welcome and invited!

This Sunday in Worship, Men of the Church Sunday
Westminster Mosaic Throughout the liturgical year, the General Assembly has chosen special Sunday observances. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has designated certain Sundays to 
recognize the Gifts of Women, Older Adults, Families, Young People, and Men of the Church. Men of the Church Sunday is one of these special observances. It is a day for recognizing the gifts and contributions to ministry that men have made in every congregation, and to give thanks for the witness that they make in the home, the workplace, community, and church.
Men of the Church Sunday is designated as the Sunday usually recognized as Father's Day. It was an intentional act of the General Assembly to recognize the contributions of men, but not limit it to those men who have children, and to be inclusive of single men, step-parents, and men who are unable to be with their children on this day. Regardless of their family situation, all men of the church have been called by God to share their time, talents, spirit, and energies fulfilling their call to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
Westminster attending "Shared Space" Conference

June 26 - 28, Beth & Dries Coetzee and College of Wooster students, Evangeline Smith and Emi Donato, will attend "Shared Space", an ecumenical campus ministry leadership conference in Chicago. UKirk is joining with the Office of Collegiate Ministry as well as the United Methodist, UCC and other members of the Ecumenical Campus Ministries Team  of the World Council of Churches to host this event. Collegiate ministers from across five denominations will gather at "Shared Space" where they will each hold their respective events while intentionally sharing space, learning, meals, and other gatherings.


No lowest common denominators here. It seems many of us believe that we Christians should agree on everything. We think Christian unity means uniformity. But, true ecumenism is not about diluting ourselves, our experiences. and what we hold sacred. As we gather together, we will celebrate our own unique place in the Church while we lift up Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Methodists, Disciples of Christ, and others for being who they are.


Diana Butler Bass, an author, speaker, and independent scholar specializing in American religion and culture, will be the keynote speaker. She holds a Ph.D. in religious studies from Duke University and is the author of eight books.

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat Wayne County
June 2nd we were pleased to have Jane DalPra, the Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity in Wayne County, speak during the service about this organization's fine work in our community. During our Social Justice potluck after church, we enjoyed a great meal and were able to ask Jane DalPra and John Muskopf (from the Church Relations Committee of Habitat) questions and hear more about how we might participate in the upcoming Ecumenical Build on Mechanicsburg Road (groundbreaking is July 20, with a target finish date in late November).
Westminster's Session has expressed its desire by consensus for our participation in the Ecumenical Build, and now would love to hear your thoughts about your willingness to give time and money to this project.  Please let a member of the Mission Cohort know if you would like to see Westminster participate with other area churches in this Ecumenical Build by contacting Shelley Peterson, Elaine Smith Snyder or Nahida Gordon.  
Green Tip of the Week

Here is a list of 15 simple things to consider incorporating into your healthy routine to help balance your mind, body, and spirit.

1. Exercise - Find an exercise you enjoy and start doing it regularly.
2. Be grateful - Stop to think about the things you have going for you and appreciate them.
3. Get plenty of sleep - Sleep is regenerative for your body. The more sleep you get the better you will perform the next day.
4. Breathe deeply - Whenever you think about it stop and take a deep breath. Over time this will become a healthy habit.
5. Install a shower filter - Chlorine is a poison. You don't want to inhale it or absorb it through your skin while showering.
6. Ground yourself - Literally. Plant your bare feet on the earth as often as possible.
7. Eat organic - Chemicals are killing pests on the crops. They are not good for you either.
8. Do more yoga - Great for the body and mind.
9. Smile more - It feels great :)
10. Spend more time with loved ones - In our busy lives we need to make time for the people who matter to us most.
11. Live your passion - Do more of what you love.
12. Meditate - Set some time aside each day to rest your mind.
13. Drink clean water - Get a filtration system for your drinking water. Fluoride is not good for your body.
14. Get outdoors more - Go for a hike and enjoy nature.
15. Eat plenty of greens - Dark leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. They help alkalize the body.

Slowly start incorporating these ideas into your daily routine and see how they positively impact your overall health.

Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:

Aim is 'to remove one of the primary barriers' to starting new ministries June 7, 2013 Presbyterian Mission Agency Paul Seebeck Communications Associate, Evangelism and Church Growth LOUISVILLE A new grant program from the Presbyterian Mission Agency provides supplemental funding to partner congregations and/or presbyteries in support of new worshiping community leaders who would otherwise not be able to afford health insurance. ...�

06-10-2013 09:43:18 AM

Nigerian theology student wins WCRC award June 7, 2013 World Communion of Reformed Churches Communications Kristine Greenaway GENEVA A Nigerian theology student has won the top honor for the 2013 Lombard Prize for his paper on how the biblical concept of "paradise" affects contemporary attitudes towards the earth's human and natural resources.   ...�

June 7, 2013 Religion News Service Alan Gomez USA Today WASHINGTON During the last attempt to overhaul the nation's immigration laws in 2007, the Southern Baptist Convention never fully embraced a bipartisan bill that died in the face of conservative opposition. But in a sign of how differently the 2013 immigration debate is playing out, the convention is joining other evangelical organizations in a $250,000 media blitz to push members of Congress to pass a bill. ...�

Mark your Calendar:
Date                 Time                            Event                                       Location
June 23rd       10:00am                  Outdoor Worship Service                    Oak Hill Park Pavillion
June 30th       11:00am                  Ferenc Relle Retirement Reception      Mackey Hall
What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website

We hope to see you there!


Sunday, June 16, 2013

10:00am - Worship Service in Mackey Hall. Pastor Dries preaching.


Friday, June 21, 2013

7:00am - Dance Group in Mackey Hall.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

4:00-6:00pm­ - Gathering for the Parishes of Cheryl Weiss, Mercy Chewachong, Christine Jones, and Jean Brazee at the Weiss residence.  (If you are unable to make your parish gathering, you are invited and welcome to attend any.)


Sunday, June 23, 2013
10:00am - Outdoor Worship Service at Oak Hill Park. Pastor Dries will be leading worship.
Westminster Grafic Vertical
"We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:  
  • intellectual integrity in matters of faith; 
  • acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation; 
  • openness toward the value of other religious traditions; 
  • a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
Andries J. Coetzee
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691