Weekly News Friday, March 22, 2013
One Great Hour of Sharing
On Easter Sunday we will participate in the One Great Hour of Sharing Collection. Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God's love with our neighbors-in-need around the world. Your generous gifts to this Special Offering help provide relief those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed.
March Vegan Meal
We look forward to seeing you at this month's Vegan Potluck on Thursday, March 28th, at 6:00 p.m. in Mackey Hall. This month's Vegan meal will wrap up in time for those who would like to attend the 7pm Maundy Thursday service in The Meeting Place.
RSVP through following the link to Sign Up Genius or contact Carly Jones in the Church Office at cjones@wooster.edu or 330-263-2398.
 You will soon see a wooden barrel in the narthex, placed there by the Mission Committee. This is Westminster's "Ye Olde Cracker Barrel." Over the next two months we are challenging all to bring in different kinds of crackers and donate them to our People To People Cracker Barrel. Just think how many types of crackers are available these days - saltine crackers, Ritz crackers, oyster crackers, rye crackers...even Cracker Jacks! We'll keep a tally and share the results with you at the end of May. Get to know the cracker aisle in your local food market and let's put a box of crackers on everyone's table.
President Obama, You Are Welcome in Bethlehem
by Antwan I. Saca 03-20-2013 | 1:54pm
Mr. President, just like the many other visitors that we receive here in this land, we would do our best to overwhelm you with our cultural hospitality and our traditions. I would seize this opportunity to not only welcome you to visit Bethlehem, but also to welcome all U.S. citizens to visit my small city....�
Children Flourish in LGBTQ Families |
by More Light Presbyterians on March 9, 2013
"My moms have shown me and the world what a lasting, loving relationship can look like. And when I think of my own wedding, I can't imagine two better role models to base a family around than my moms." ~Brian ....>>
Invitation to Prayer
We are invited to pray, to be a prophetic witness, and support those who will gather this week in Washington DC and around the country as the Supreme Court hears arguments in two landmark cases. One (Perry) seeks to overturn Proposition 8, which bans same gender marriage in California, and the other (Windsor) seeks to strike down the Defense of Marriage act, which prevents the federal government from recognizing legal same gender marriage in any state.
Message from Dries
 If you ask me what my highlight was these past weeks in South Africa, the answer is easy ... it was to be with family! One of the aspects of African culture I admire and we learned so intimately when we adopted Alazar and Endalkachew from Ethiopia is that family has a much broader definition than what we consider in western culture. The man and woman down the street are your auntie and uncle and you might have two or more mothers and fathers and a family emerges that crosses the boundaries of genealogies. It is for this reason that I can easily say my highlight was being with family, ... my family of birth and my family in Christ. To spend two and a half weeks with my Westminster family was a privilege, as we got to know one another without makeup, coiffed hair, or a daily shave and shared experiences that will last a lifetime. And it was transformative to see and experience a community that included not just "us" but also our favorite bus driver, the tour guide that rubbed some the wrong way, the victim, the perpetrator, the one who was silent and stood by, and the one who lost a brother. Although we may never again see some of the people we met, they somehow changed us and we will never be the same. In some mysterious way they have become part of who we are and as we share our experiences from South Africa with you they may become part of who you are.This experience speaks to Easter! Easter is not only about death and resurrection; it's about transformation. Dr. Marcus J. Borg, in his sermon Born Again Part II, states that there are "two transformations at the center of the Christian life--the personal transformation and the social transformation ... Both are utterly central to Jesus, the New Testament and the Bible as a whole. If we emphasize only one of these, we miss half the gospel. The strength and weakness of much of conservative Christianity is that it emphasizes primarily the first. The strength and weakness of much of liberal Christianity has been that it emphasizes primarily the second. But both matter. Both are central. It seems to me that what we see in Jesus answers to our deepest personal longing--that longing to be born again, even as it answers to the world's greatest need--the kingdom of God, what life on earth would be like if God were king and the domination systems of this world were not. Or, even more simply, the Christian life is about our love for God, and loving God means paying attention to our relationship with God, and paying attention to that relationship is the process of being born again. Loving God means loving that which God loves. And that means the kingdom of God." As we celebrate Palm Sunday this coming weekend and enter Holy Week with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I do invite you to come and worship at Westminster. On Sunday I will preach about personal transformation and on Easter about social transformation. On Maundy Thursday and Good Friday we will experience the journey with Christ as we die to ourselves and resurrect to a new life, a new community.
It is good to be back and I will see you on Sunday!
On The Westminster Blog
Tuesday, March 19 marked the 10th anniversary of the war in Iraq. To me it is of great significance that we look back on ten years of war followed by the week we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem with his last meal with his disciples, his betrayal, his crucifixion, and his resurrection. For me these events in the life of Jesus of Nazareth is not just something that took place in the past, but it is something that is happening day after day. ...
Worship This Week
 Sermon: "To Die to One's Self"
by Pastor Dries
Passion/Palm Sunday
Gospel Reading
Westminster Presbyterian Church is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background,
Easter Basket & Egg Decorating!
Any and all children (and children-at-heart) are invited to color Easter eggs and decorate Easter Baskets on Palm Sunday March 24, 2013. We plan on meeting at 9:00 am in the children's classroom and then after church plan on delivering the baskets to our home-bound members. We hope to see you there! |
Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday- Sunday, March 24
Passion / Palm Sunday with Pastor Dries preaching at the 10:45am worship service in Mackey Hall.
Maundy Thursday- Thursday, March 28
Maundy Thursday Service with Communion in the "Meeting Place" after our Vegan Meal at 7pm. Pastor Dries will be leading the meditation.
Good Friday- Friday, March 29
Good Friday Service with Pastor Dries leading a meditative worship at 7pm in Mackey Hall.
Easter Sunday- Sunday, March 31
Celebration of the Risen Christ. Easter Morning Meditation Service at 8:30am in Mackey Hall. Followed by breakfast at 9:00am in The Meeting Place and a 9:45am Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. Traditional Easter Service at 10:45am in Mackey Hall. Pastor Dries preaching.
More Light Presbyterians invites us as we enter Holy Week to consider praying and meditating with artist Mary Button's Stations of the Cross: The Struggle for LGBT Equality, which seeks to "find the cross in our own time, in our own landscape."
These moving and beautiful images explore the ways in which the passion of Christ and the lives of LGBTQ people are connected, as are the lives of all who have suffered rejection and oppression.
The artist states; "We can only begin to understand the meaning of the crucifixion when we take away our polished and shiny crosses and try to locate the cross in our own time, in our own landscape."
- Mary Button
Read artist statement
Easter Breakfast
The Deacons will be hosting their annual breakfast on Easter morning at 9:00am. The Deacons will supply the main dish and those attending the brunch are asked to bring fruit or bread to add to the meal. Sign ups will be available in Mackey this Sunday or by contacting the church office. We could also use volunteers to help break down after the breakfast (10:15 am) to ready The Meeting Place for the Friends.
Easter Sunday Flowers
We have ordered Tulips, Daffodils, and Easter Lilies to decorate Mackey Hall on Easter Sunday. A maximum of 25 flowers will be ordered. In lieu of receiving a flower, you are able to donate the cost to People-to-People Ministries. Deadline to order is Sunday, March 24th. Order forms can be found in the Sunday bulletin announcement insert or online at: Easter Flower Order Form.
Directory Information
As you may know, WPC recently began using a new church management software . Through this system we are able to maintain information for the members of the congregation and print the directory. We also hope to start using the software to help organize additional information and serve the congregation more effectively. In order to do this, we need your help! On Easter Sunday, there will be packets for each household that you can pick up in the back of Mackey Hall after the service. We would like you to take time to confirm that the information that we have is correct, update information, as well fill out a time and talent survey. If you are not able to make it to church on Easter Sunday, we will mail your packet to your home. We are asking that these are returned to Carly Jones in the church office by April 21st. We really appreciate your help in this process. Please keep us updated if you have feedback, ideas on how to use the information, or ways to make the process run more smoothly in the future.
Green Tip of the Week
Another pervasive product with a severe environmental footprint, which can be eliminated by small lifestyle changes, is bottled water. In 1976, the average American consumed a gallon and a half of bottled water each year. By 2008, the number had grown to about 30 gallons of bottled water per person in the U.S.
For starters, plastic bottles are made from oil - an obvious problem. Oil is continually increasing in price and our peak oil production (many scientists believe) has already been reached, meaning scarcity will increase indefinitely. Why allocate an increasingly limited resource to the production of bottles? It is estimated that (if one includes all the energy into producing and transporting a bottle of water) that the amount of oil used to produce a single bottle would fill it 1/3 of the way. The cost is reason enough to give up bottled water. The average price of a bottle of water is a buck. When one fills up a glass at the faucet, the cost of that water is a fraction of a penny.
Lastly, proper disposal is rare. 40 million plastic water bottles go into the trash every day. Overall, only 12 percent of the plastic water bottles get recycled. The bottles are adding to landfills at an increasing rate. Recycling plastic bottles cuts down on the emissions that are inherent in burning fossil fuels to create new ones.
There are obvious solutions to this problem: purchase a BPA free bottle or re-fill-able water bottle and keep it with you. Find a drinking fountain instead of purchasing water. And please, if you want to recycle your plastic bottle, make sure you do it in the proper location to avoid cross-contamination.
Check out this article and many more suggestions like these at:
Presbyterian Church (USA) Weekly Blogs:
Upcomming Events
Peace Walker Bob Gross at Trinity United Church of Christ, 150 E. North Street, Wooster Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 @ 7:00 PM For more information see www.onearthpeace.org or Bob's blog: www.3Kmp.tumblr.com
Worship Workshop at Westminster, April 6, 2013 |
What's happening at Westminster this week?
All events can also be found on our website
www.wpcwooster.org We hope to see you there!
Sunday, March 24, 2013 - Palm Sunday
9:00am �- Easter Basket and Egg Decoration in Sunday School Room
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am - Worship Service in Mackey Hall
Pastor Dries preaching
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
7:00pm - Session Meeting in The Lounge
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
Thursday, March 28, 2013- Maundy Thursday
6:00pm - Vegan Meal in Mackey Hall 7:00pm - Maundy Thursday Service in The Meeting Place
Friday, March 29, 2013- Good Friday
7:00pm - Good Friday Service in Mackey Hall
Sunday, March 31, 2013 - Easter Sunday
8:30am �- Easter Meditation Service in Mackey Hall 9:00am�- Breakfast in The Meeting Place 9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall 9:45am - Easter Egg Hunt starting in The Meeting Place 10:45am - Worship Service in Mackey Hall Pastor Dries preaching
 "We are an Intentionally Inclusive Church"
Westminster Presbyterian Church embraces the "house" metaphor for our community as we worship at the Westminster Church House and have a strong sense of hospitality and desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all. We endeavor to give voice to a "progressive" expression of Christianity that emphasizes among other things:
- intellectual integrity in matters of faith;
- acceptance of all people regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation;
- openness toward the value of other religious traditions;
- a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
Andries J. Coetzee Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 Pine East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691