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Westminster World 

November 2012
  Sunday November 4th at 2am ends Daylight Savings Time 
Don't forget to turn your clocks back and enjoy an extra hour of sleep!


Message from Dries  

Message from Dries
Beth & Dries wedding This weekend Beth and I will celebrate our our 12th wedding anniversary on November 4th with friends in Sonoma, CA. Every year I wonder what we were thinking getting married so close to the Sunday that most congregations consider to be Stewardship Sunday.  In fact when we got married in Houston, TX at Saint Paul Presbyterian Church in 2000 it was the day before Stewardship Sunday.  The pastor wanted me to be back in worship that Sunday, until all the ladies of the Woman's Circle got wind of his idea and told him that if Beth and I are in worship the day after our wedding they will not turn in their pledge cards. Needless to say, I got the Sunday off and Beth and I got to go on our honeymoon.  
Thinking back however, Beth and my first serious correspondence took place after a Stewardship sermon I preached on Jeremiah 32.  After the sermon Beth wrote me and asked for the quote I used to end my sermon with. It was from the theologian, Alves, who describes life as a dance, saying that it is not possible to dance hearing conflicting melodies as we have to make a choice to which we will dance.  If we choose the tune played by the present reality, our lives will be realistic and pragmatic. Or, he said, we may choose to move our bodies under the spell of the mysterious rhythm which comes from the world we do not see, the rhythm of the future.  To dance to this tune is a risk, but if taken it contains the promises of freedom, love, and life. He concludes by saying ... "hope is hearing the melody of the future and faith is to dance it."  
When Beth and I got married we had a lot of odds against us with our difference in age, three kids, and me being from another country. Come Sunday November 4th, 12 years ago, we were willing to take the risk and now can celebrate and say with confidence that it was a risk worth taking!
In many ways Beth and my life is interwoven with Stewardship as our ministry together depend on our collective generosity. In other ways it is a reminder that Stewardship is so much more than the giving of money as it is a way of life, a willingness to take the risk and dance the the rhythm of the future.  Isn't this what Westminster Presbyterian Church is all about,?  A willingness to take the risk and dance!
In This Issue
Living & Learning
Vegan Potluck
PC (USA) Blogs
Reflections from the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and the Presbyterian Ministry
at the United Nations


Learning, sharing, advocating with PC(USA) Environmental Ministries 


Presbyterian News

Presbyterian News Service


Due Date For  December Westminster World

November 26

For contributions

please contact

 Sue Brown 

Visit us on the web at www.wpcwooster.org

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Westminster Welcomes Mike Raunick 

Introducing Mike Raunick as the new Music Director of Westminster Presbyterian
Mick Raunick
Mike (pictured here with his wife) is currently the Choir Director at Waynedale High School/John R. Lea Middle School in Apple Creek. Until June of this year, he was the part time Choir Director at  Wayne Presbyterian Church here in Wooster. Mike received his Bachelor of Music Education with High Distinction from Indiana University; Bloomington, IN in 2008.  

Meet our New Nursery Staff

Recently we have been fortunate to have two College of Wooster women join us on Sunday mornings to provide childcare and instruction in the nursery. Here is some info to help you get to know Julie McGowan and Danielle Reeder!

Julie is a senior Comparative Literature major from Memphis, TN.  She is a member of the Ultimate Frisbee team on campus, is a tour guide in the Admissions Office, and spent a semester in France for Study Abroad.  While in France, she was the teaching
assistant for a first grade class and helped teach English. She has also served as a nanny and babysitter for ages ranging from 9 months to 10 years.     

Danielle is a junior English major and Early Childhood Education minor from Wooster, OH. She has worked in the Office of the Registrar since she started at C.O.W. in August of 2010.  Danielle has worked with children with special needs, at the C.O.W. Nursery School, as well as done field placement experience at a couple elementary schools in town. 

We are very excited to have Danielle and Julie with us
and the gifts they can bring to our children!  

World Events- All Saints Day 


On All Saints Day remember those affected by Hurricane Sandy



"The church is catholic, universal, so are all her actions; all that she does belongs to all."




These are the words of John Donne, a cleric and poet, written upon listening to the death knells that rang each day announcing how many had died of the plague in seventeenth-century London. On All Saints Day as we remember all the saints whose witness prompted our faith in Jesus Christ, let us also remember our brothers and sisters who have been impacted by the massive storm that hit the eastern United States and parts of the Caribbean.


Please pray for the millions of people who have been affected by this storm. Stand in the GAP for them.


There are ways you can help:

Give. Provide financial support to aid in recovery efforts. You can give $10 now by texting PDA to 20222 or mail your gift referencing DR000187 to P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA.

Act. Make "Gift of the Heart" kits - clean up buckets, baby kits, hygiene kits and school kits. More than 18,000 kits have already been sent.

Organize volunteer teams. There will be tremendous need for volunteer teams to help in the clean-up and recovery efforts - that will span multiple states - including many communities still recovering from Hurricanes Irene and Lee.

Pray. Pray for families who lost homes and loved ones. Pray as they face power loss and other challenges brought on by further inclement weather. Pray for those seek to provide physical, emotional and spiritual comfort. Pray the hope of Christ will be evident in our response


 More Information 


Worship At Westminster 

Westminster Presbyterian Church is a safe place for all people  

to worship regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background  

or sexual orientation.   

Childcare is provided during worship 

Westminster Mosaic

Sunday, November 4 at 10:45 am 

Cheryl Khyllep will be preaching.    

Communion will be celebrated with Prof. Gordon Tait presiding.      

Sunday, November 11 at 10:45 am 

Pastor Dries preaching on Stewardship 


Sunday, November 18 at 10:45 am - Stewardship Sunday

Pastor Dries preaching

  Thanksgiving Sunday, November 25 at 10:45 am 

                                Pastor Dries preaching 

Living & Learning

Stories for Children 

Sunday School 

The theme for Sunday School this year will be 'Stories'.  

We will explore Old Testament stories in multidisciplinary  

ways, New Testament stories and parables, and stories of

people in our congregation.The objective is to provide a process
to make connections from the past to the present and to create
an understanding of how
people are connected through their experiences. Sunday School is from 9:45 - 10:30am.


Adult Study on Wednesdays     

Saving Jesus from the Church We have been very fortunate to have a constant group of about 14 participants in our Wednesday night book discussion of Saving Jesus From The Church - How To Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus by Robin R. Meyers. Pastor Dries is leading the discussion and a light supper is served. 

It is never too late to join the discussion!   


For the month of November we will discuss the following chapters each Wednesday:

November 7:   Chapter 10/Epilogue

November 14: Last Meeting and Reflection

Please email Dries at acoetzee@wooster.edu with questions.


Westminster Missions 


Middle East Peace 



October 5, 2012

PC(USA)'s Parsons, others see 'troubling,consistent pattern of disregard' by Israel government for U.S. policies 

Fifteen religious leaders representing many major faith groups in the country, have written a letter to Congress seeking to make U.S. military aid to Israel contingent upon its government's "compliance with applicable U.S. laws and policies."
Signers of the letter include Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons.
The signers say they "have worked for decades to support both Israelis and Palestinians in their desire to live in peace and well-being" and "have witnessed the pain and suffering of Israelis as a result of Palestinian actions and of Palestinians as a result of Israeli actions."
Though they recognize that both Israelis and Palestinians bear responsibility for the prolonged violence in the region, "unconditional U.S. military assistance to Israel has contributed to deteriorating conditions in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories which threaten to lead the region further away from the realization of a just peace. Furthermore, such aid sustains the conflict and undermines the long-term security interests of both Israelis and Palestinians."
The signers urge an immediate investigation into possible violations by Israel of the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act and the U.S. Arms Export Control Act, which respectively prohibit assistance to any country which engages in a consistent pattern of human rights violations and limit the use of U.S. weapons to "internal security" or "legitimate self-defense."
They urge Congress to hold hearings to examine Israel's compliance, and request regular reporting on compliance and the withholding of military aid for non-compliance.
The signers see a troubling and consistent pattern of disregard by the government of Israel for U.S. policies that support a just and lasting peace, particularly unbridled settlement construction in the West Bank. This year has also seen a dramatic rise in settler attacks against Palestinians with seeming impunity, they say.
"Continued U.S. military assistance to Israel offered without conditions or accountability," the signers conclude, "will only serve to sustain the status quo and Israel's military occupation of the Palestinian territories."
Click here to see the full text, read more, or join the discussion.  
Copies from the Presbyterian News Service by Jerry L. Van Marter, Louisville  

Middle East Peace 


US military aid to Israel violates domestic, international law    


Should the US government, based on international and domestic law, cut military aid and cease the transfer of weapons to Israel? (Luay Sababa/MaanImages)

The Middle East Study Committee of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has published "
Breaking Down the Walls", a report to be submitted to the church's 219th General Assembly this July.Some of the report's 39 recommendations have drawn harsh criticism. The Simon Wiesenthal Center declared in a 22 February action alert that "adoption of this poisonous document by the Presbyterian Church will be nothing short of a declaration of war on Israel and her supporters" ("Presbyterian Church USA Ready to Declare War Against Israel: Take Action Now").

Such attacks make exaggerated claims and misrepresent the recommendations. The Committee's intent is not to make war but rather peace.

To read more, please click here 

Article written and submitted by Nahida H. Gordon 




 Local Mission
 At our September meeting, the W.P.C. Mission Committee reflected on our purposes and goals. It should come as no surprise that we agreed our primary goal and guiding purpose is to alleviate suffering locally and globally - in short, to help people. 

Due to our very successful Bed and Breakfast program, we were able to make some recent donations in our local community.  A $500 donation was sent to the Wayne County Habitat for Humanity organization to help with the much needed roof repair of the ReStore on Spruce Street Extension in downtown Wooster. The ReStore is a wonderful mission project, in and of itself. They accept donations of "building materials and related usable 'stuff' that includes tools, appliances and lawn and garden items. Examples include new, excess inventory, over-runs and used material and appliances." (www.waynehabitat.org/Restore.html) They then either use these items or sell them at reasonable prices to members of our community, creating income and providing materials for the construction of new Habitat homes in Wayne County. We are pleased and proud to support this organization whose goals are to help families in need of affordable housing, to eliminate sub-standard housing in Wayne County, and to prevent reusable items from going to landfills. The ReStore is always looking for volunteers too! Just call the Volunteer Coordinator at 330-263-1713.
A second $500 donation was sent to CAMO (Central American Medical Outreach) in Orrville to help with their ongoing assistance to the people of Honduras. Their mission as a humanitarian organization is to "improve the quality of life of people in Central America by strengthening health care systems and promoting sustainable community development. CAMO serves around 100,000 people annually with services ranging from breast exams and prosthesis to neo-natal care and eye surgery." (www.camo.org) We want to help support this amazing organization, not only with our donations, but also with our volunteerism. Another W.P.C. work morning at CAMO is planned for November 10. Submitted by Shelley Peterson.


Alternative Gift Giving 

Once again on Sunday, December 9th, Westminster and other area churches invite you to First Presbyterian Church in Wooster for the 2012 Alternative Gift Market from 12:00 to 2:30. This festive event is an opportunity to get an early start on your Christmas shopping and simultaneously support various life-giving projects from around the world, including our own neighborhoods.You will be able to purchase food for the hungry, care for the sick, shelter for the homeless, renewal for our endangered planet, and much more - truly meaningful alternatives to the usual holiday gifts - in honor of your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and children's teachers.

As an added feature to our market, beautiful handmade crafts from developing countries will be available for purchase, as well as, syrup and Fair Trade coffees and teas. Also, plan on having lunch and enjoy some homemade soups, hot chicken sandwiches, hotdogs, a variety of pies and a cup of coffee at a very low cost in Bruch Hall while shopping at the market. Proceeds from the lunch are shared among People to People Ministries, Salvation Army, UCC Breakfasts, and Methodist Church Meals Together. We are also looking for volunteers to prepare a display for Westminster's projects:

Let Bill Weiss know (bweiss1587@gmail.com) if you are interested in helping with the Alternative Gift Market. We look forward to seeing you and your friends at this year's market! 


Sustainable Living

Vegan Pot Luck 

We look forward to seeing you at the next vegan potluck on Thursday, November 15th, at 6:00 p.m. in Mackey Hall. This meal is a great opportunity for WPC members, others in Wooster, and College of Wooster students to enjoy delicious food and good fellowship while learning more about sustainable living. Just bring a pot-luck dish containing no meat, dairy, or eggs (no need for students to bring a dish).

This month you are invited to enjoy a "Cooking with Natalie" opportunity. Natalie Friedrich of Local Roots will lead a cooking class focusing on dishes for holiday dining. If you are interested, please sign up below, come have fun, and learn a thing or two about vegan cooking.

Program of the Month: Joe Kovach, Associate Professor of Entomology at the OARDC, will be speaking. Sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E49AFAF23A13-november1 or contact Beth Coetzee for more information: bcoetzee@wooster.edu  
"Taste of BorderLinks" Cookbooks

BorderLinks cookbook We now have 10 more copies of the "Taste of BorderLinks" cookbooks available at $10 each. These popular cookbooks contain healthy, sustainable and vegetarian meals inspired by BorderLinks' delegations. Books are available in the Narthex and payment can be given in the Church Office or to Bill Weiss.     


Upcoming Events

CAMO Volunteer Work Day
CAMO Logo On Saturday morning, November 10, we will have another opportunity

to volunteer at the Central American Medical Outreach (CAMO) warehouse.  The Missions Committee invites you to join together  

to make a difference in the lives of the people of Honduras by volunteering from 10am - 12:00pm at CAMO's Orrville facility.  More information to follow.  Contact  Beth Coetzee to sign up for this time of                                  fellowship and mission.


Congregational Meeting Westminster Logo
Sunday, November 11th
Please join us for a Westminster Presbyterian Church Congregational meeting following the service on November 11th.  This time will be used to elect new elders and deacons for the class of 2014 as well as discuss changes to the Bylaws.  



Hanging of the Greens
Sunday, November 25th
Advent Wreath
Please join us after worship on the 25th for the annual Hanging of Greens and decoration of the church for the Christmas Season.
The Deacons will be providing a light lunch to those helping with the "Greening of the Church."  Bring your creativity and holiday spirit!

Contact Us

For more information please contact:

Sue Brown  



Carly Jones



Office Hours


9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

and by appointment

Ph: 330-263-2398

Fax 330-263-2228


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Westminster's website at www.wpcwooster.org  

Visit Westminster's calendar