- Harriet Beecher Stowe
For information on upcoming Board, Committee and Commission meetings as well as other government-related meetings and events, please follow the link above to the Village Government Calendar.

April 4 Village Board Highlights

The Village Board met on Monday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall Court Room. These are the agenda items that the Board discussed or took action on during the meeting:
  1. Approved Presentation of Accounts April 4, 2016
  2. Approved Special Privilege Application for Outdoor Seating in the Public Way at:
    • 4330 N. Oakland Ave., business The Chocolate Factory
    • 4044 N. Oakland Ave., business Camp Bar
    • 4417 N. Oakland Ave., business Draft & Vessel
    • 4022 N. Oakland Ave., business Oakcrest Tavern
    • 4500 N. Oakland Ave., business Colectivo Coffee Roasters
    • 4511 N. Oakland Ave., business Nana Asian Fusion restaurant
    • 4106 N. Oakland Ave., business Stone Creek Coffee
  3. Presented Proclamation for Feerick Funeral Home's 120th Anniversary
  4. Discussed Possible Relocation of Police Department
  5. Approved Resolution Accepting the Donation of Funds for the Ghost Train
  6. Approved Special Privilege Application for Outdoor Seating in the Public Way at 4075 N. Oakland Ave., business Metro Market
  7. Approved Human Resources Manual
Unofficial Results from April 5 Election
The Spring Election was held on April 5.  The ballot contained the Presidential Preference, Justice of the Supreme Court, a number of Circuit Court Judges, County Executive, County Comptroller, County Supervisor, Village Trustee, Municipal Judge, and School Board Members. 

If you would like to review the April 5 Spring unofficial election results, feel free to click here

If you have questions about the unofficial election results or the voting process, please contact Village Clerk-Treasurer Tanya O'Malley at 414.847.2608 or via email at tomalley@villageofshorewood.org.

Village Thanks Election Inspectors

The Village of Shorewood would like to thank all the election inspectors who helped with the April 5 Spring election.  Their commitment to make the election run as smooth as possible is greatly appreciated.  
The Village also thanks our residents for participating in the voting process.

Last Scheduled Public Discussion on April 18 for Possible Police Department Relocation

There is still time to attend one more public meeting on the possible relocation of the Police Department building.  The Village Board will meet Monday, April 18 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss and possibly consider the option to purchase the A B Data building.
To view the presentation Chief Nimmer presented at a previous Village Board meeting click here.

The Shorewood Police Department is currently housed in a joint use facility with North Shore Fire Department. The police department staff of 33 employees occupies 5,000 sq. feet of the lower level while the fire station occupies the upper level of the building. Constructed in 1927, the building no longer adequately serves the needs of a modern law enforcement agency. 

A facility feasibility study conducted in 2007 by the Zimmerman Design Group, a leader in police architecture, led to the exploration of possible remodeling or a rebuild of the current facility as well as a move to one of several possible locations. After a thorough vetting process, Village and Police officials believe that the A B Data building at 4057 N. Wilson Drive meets all the needs of a modern police department today and for the foreseeable future.

The Village Board has built this project into its long-term financial plan and final consideration for approval for the purchase is anticipated at the April 18 meeting. The goal is for the new facility to be in place by summer 2017.

In the meantime, the Village, Police Department and Public Safety Committee encourage residents to attend the informational sessions and provide feedback or questions to Chief Nimmer at 414.847.2616 or Chris Swartz at 414.847.2701.  If you'd like to read the White Paper for the Police Department Facility, feel free to click here.

Public Meetings Today for Beverly Road Reconstruction, NE Combined Sewer Project

This year's major construction projects, the Street Reconstruction Program and the North East Combined Area Sewer Improvements, are scheduled to begin in mid-April.  Please click the links for maps and additional project information. 

To join the email distribution list for weekly construction status reports, please click here. Public informational meetings will be held on April 7 in the Village Center for each of the projects as follows:
  • 6 p.m. - Road Reconstruction Project
  • 6:30 p.m. - Lead Service Replacement Information
  • 7:30 p.m. - NE Area Combined Sewer Improvements
If you have questions, please feel free to call the Department of Public Works at 414.847.2650 or email dpw@villageofshorewood.org.

Colectivo Founders Planning to Build a New Restaurant on Oakland Avenue

Colectivo co-founder Paul Miller submitted architectural renderings to Shorewood government officials for the restaurant, which will be located at the site of the old Verizon building at 4144 N. Oakland Ave. The other two Colectivo co-founders, Lincoln Fowler and Ward Fowler, are also involved in the restaurant, according to Scott Schwebel, the company's marketing director.

In his proposal, Miller said the restaurant will have a "simple off-the-grill menu utilizing high quality, honest ingredients." The restaurant will also have house-made, old-fashioned style soft serve ice cream. Beverages will range from fountain to proprietary tapped sodas and Colectivo beer.

The old Verizon building will be remodeled with several additions, and large glass garage doors will let light into the building. A year-round patio will feature a fire pit, permanent seating, a large caliper tree and living greened walls.The additions to the north and west sides of the building would increase the size of the building from 1,200 square feet to 2,170 square feet.

The planned renovations would remove the five existing parking spots on the property. The new restaurant is requesting to use 18 of the village's 50 parking spaces in the four-story Metro Market parking garage across the street.

The property is valued at $321,600, but with the renovations would rise to more than $800,000, according to village documents. Miller is requesting a $103,000 facade grant from the Shorewood Community Development Authority, which will meet on Friday, April 8.

The new business venture, which will have a different name than Colectivo, would lease the property. The property is being redeveloped as "an intentional counterpoint" to the two-story Metro Market, four-story parking garage and six story mixed-use building across the street, according to the submittal.

The grant request will need to be approved by both the CDA and Village Board. If the parking and grant requests are approved by the village, the business could open in late summer, Schwebel said.

Content from this article is found in the North Shore Now and the article (written by Jeff Rumage) can be accessed by clicking here.
Seeking Volunteers for Spring Yard Clean-Up on April 30
Please join your neighbors in volunteering for the annual Shorewood Connects Spring Yard Clean-Up to be held 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. on Saturday, April 30.  

After a light breakfast at Kingo Lutheran Church, volunteers will head out to rake and clean up the yards of older and disabled Shorewood residents.  It's a great way of connecting to your community.  

To volunteer, contact Michelle Boehm at 414.698.4369 or michelle.boehm@sbcglobal.net.

Thank you in advance to all the volunteers who invest their time and energy into helping out our wonderful community!

Curbside Brush Chipping Now Available
Public Works
Chippable brush is collected at the curbside once per month from April through November on a designated Thursday (schedule).

Branches with a minimum 1/2 inch diameter and 4-feet long and a maximum of 6-inch diameter and 7-feet long should be stacked neatly on the parkway with the stem end toward the curb. Garden material, vines, etc. are not considered brush and must be bagged as yard waste. Branches larger than 6 inches in diameter and stumps, roots, scrap wood, firewood, and logs are considered solid waste and will be picked up by special collection
only. Chippable brush cannot be picked up by special collection.

Small piles of branches and/or clippings will be collected at no charge. A fee will apply to large piles of branches which take longer than 15 minutes to collect and chip.

Please contact the DPW office at 414.847.2650 or visit our website for additional information.
Shorewood Historical Society Presents Shorewood in Pictures
In the early 1920s, the Presbyterian Church erected a tent on the property where they would build their first church on the corner of Oakland and Kenmore. The building they erected ("the little white church") is currently the home of the Shorewood Press and Robert Laurence Hair Studio.
Life in early 20th century Shorewood was captured by amateur photographer, Charles Sheldon. His pictures of church groups, store owners, double-deck buses, National Guard troops on parade, street scenes with open lots and even a few farm animals help us to imagine what life was like in early Shorewood.
Forty-one of Sheldon's pictures are now online for public viewing.   More pictures will be added to the online collection on a regular basis.   Digitizing pictures addresses two Shorewood Historical Society goals:  to bring Shorewood's story to the public in an easily accessible format, and to preserve the original photos.  To view the Sheldon pictures, log on to shorewoodhistory.org and click on Shorewood  Photos.
Village of Shorewood Receives Bird City Designation
The Village of Shorewood received the designation of Sustained Flight in the Bird City Wisconsin program. Bird City communities are at the forefront of efforts to forge a statewide coalition of citizens and public officials who recognize that birds are more than beautiful. Bird City Wisconsin expressed in their letter to the Village that they greatly appreciate the Village's efforts on behalf of birds and the environment.  

Now in its seventh year, Bird City Wisconsin has recognized 96 communities! The Village of Shorewood received a recognition letter and new decals for street signs. 

Members from the Shorewood Conservation Committee worked with Village staff to complete the application.  The Village would like to thank the Conservation Committee and DPW staff for their efforts.

Bicycle Safety Tips from Shorewood Police

As winter turns to spring, many residents will utilize their bicycles to get around the village. Here are a few bicycle safety tips to help keep you safe as you ride your bicycle:
  1. Protect Your Head - Wear a helmet.  Helmets can reduce the risk of severe brain injuries by 88 percent. 
  2. Stay Visible - If drivers can see you, they are less likely to hit you. Use lights and wear reflective or bright colored clothing when biking at night or in low-light conditions.
  3. Look, Signal & Look Again - Use hand signals to let drivers and other bicyclists know where you're going. Look and make eye contact. Don't assume drivers will stop.
  4. Stay Alert - Keep a lookout for obstacles in your path.
  5. Go with the Flow - Bike in the direction of traffic.
  6. Don't weave in and out of traffic - Drivers are used to the patterns of other drivers. Don't weave in and out of traffic. The more predictably you ride, the safer you are. Check for traffic. Be aware of traffic around you.
  7. Don't Get Distracted - Don't listen to music or talk on the phone while riding.
  8. Obey all Traffic Laws & Lights - Bicycles are considered "vehicles" on Wisconsin roadways. That means bicyclists must obey the rules of the road like any other vehicle and must be treated as equal users by all other vehicles.  One Village Ordinance that particularly pertains to bicycle operation within the Village is Ordinance # 207-5.  Part of that ordinance ties directly to bicycle safety and prohibits anyone from operating a bicycle on the sidewalk unless they meet one of the following exceptions :
    1. The operator is 12 years of age or less and is exercising due care for pedestrians and others utilizing the sidewalk. (It is encouraged that those under 12 walk their bikes around pedestrians.) 
    2. The operator is a disabled person and they are accompanied by a responsible adult.
    3. The operator is a law enforcement officer performing their official duties.
    4. The operator is riding a public park path or trail designated for bicycle use.  When utilizing those paths or trails designated for bicycle use the operator must yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian, exercise due care while operating their bicycle, and give audible signal when overtaking and passing a bicycle operator or pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
  9. Assure Bicycle Readiness - Before you ride, make sure your bicycle is properly adjusted, that your brakes are in good working order, and that your wheels are properly secured.
  10. Control Your Bicycle - Always ride with at least one hand on the handlebars. Carry books and other items in a bicycle carrier or backpack.

Book Some Time with Your Family!

Celebrate the importance of reading to and with your kids this spring. From April 10 through May 7 submit your photos of your family "booking" some time together. 

Parents, grandparents or guardians can email a picture of you reading with or to your child/children to Heide Piehler at heide.piehler@mcfls.org. Photos will be displayed in the library, on our social media and website with your consent.
All families submitting photos will be entered in a drawing for gift cards to Boswell Books or Barnes & Noble so they may add to their children's home library collection! Learn more on our website.
This contest is generously funded by the Friends of Shorewood Library. Happy reading!

Celebrate National Library Week April 10-16

Join the Shorewood Library as we celebrate the transformative power of libraries during National Library Week 2016.  We are kicking the week off with a one-of-a-kind evening of live theater. 

On Monday, April 11 at 7 p.m., actress Kristin Hammargren performs her one-woman show, Discovering Jane Austen, in which she portrays an actress exploring the life and works of Jane Austen as she prepares to go on stage. Arrive early for fun and fandom with tea and all-things-Austen trivia from 6-7 p.m. For more information, please visit the Shorewood Library website .

Other National Library Week events include:
  • Little Free Libraries informational display - All week.
  • Selfie Station to show your Library Love - All week. More information.
  • Book Speed Dating - Wednesday, April 13, 6:30 p.m. More information.
  • Color me Happy! - Thursday, April 14, 6:30 p.m. More information.
  • Stories Around the World - Saturday, April 16, 10:30 a.m. More information.
  • Maker's Day - Saturday, April 16, 1 p.m. More information.
  • We're also taking it to the streets all week with pop-up libraries on Monday at Metro Market, Wednesday at Colectivo and Thursday at Culver's.

Sustainable Shorewood Tip of the Week        

100+ Ways You and Community Members Can Conserve Water
An organization called "Water Use it Wisely" has created an interactive website illustrating several ways you and community members can conserve water usage.  Feel free to visit the website to learn ways to conserve water.  The website also lists interactive activities for children to learn the importance of conserving water.

Health Department Highlights        

Did You Know?
The first full week of April each year is National Public Health Week (NPHW). This is a time to recognize the contribution public health makes in developing healthier communities and a healthier nation. The American Public Health Association develops a campaign each year to address the public health concerns of the current year. Help us celebrate NPHW and get involved in the campaign by addressing some of these issues:
  • Building a nation of safe and healthy communities
  • Helping all young people graduate from high school
  • Addressing the relationship between increased economic mobility and better health
  • Addressing social justice and health
  • Giving everyone a choice of healthy food
  • Preparing for the health effects of climate change
  • Providing quality health care for everyone
  • Strengthening public health infrastructure and capacity
To learn how you can be a part of the movement and initiate change visit: http://www.nphw.org
Stop by Brown Deer Library and Shorewood Library and checkout the North Shore Health Department display board for NPHW! You can also visit www.nshealthdept.org to see what programs and services your health department offers.
Car Seat Recycle Day
  • Saturday, April 23 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • If your car seat is old, damaged, not usable, was involved in a car crash or bought at a thrift store, it could be putting children at risk for injury. Help get these car seats out of use by bringing it to the car seat recycle day at the North Shore Fire Rescue Station 81, 4401 W. River Lane, Brown Deer, WI
Upcoming Immunization Clinics (appointment required) - Please call the North Shore Health Department for an appointment at 414.371.2980.
  • Tuesday, April 12 from 10 - 11 a.m. - Brown Deer
  • Thursday, April 14 from 3 - 4:30 p.m. - Shorewood
  • Tuesday, April 26 from 4 - 5 p.m. - North Shore Library
Upcoming Adult Health Clinics (appointment required) - Please call the North Shore Health Department for an appointment at 414.371.2980.
  • Wednesday, April 20 from 8 - 10 a.m. - Brown Deer
  • Tuesday, April 26 from 8 - 10 a.m. - Shorewood
Upcoming Blood Pressure Screenings (walk-ins welcome - no appointment necessary)
  • Tuesday, April 26 from 3:30 - 4 p.m. - North Shore Library
  • Wednesday, April 27 from 3:30 - 5 p.m. - Shorewood
Upcoming Community Events

Welcome New Neighbor Reception
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9-11 a.m.
Metro Market in Shorewood (at the large table along the right side)

National Library Week
Sunday, April 10 through Saturday, April 16, 2016
Shorewood Public Library (Events listed in above article)

Trees of Edgewood Place (link)
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 7 p.m.
Shorewood Public Library

Solar Shorewood Group Buy Information Session
Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 6 p.m.
Three Lions Pub

Spring Yard Clean-Up
Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 9 a.m.
Breakfast Beforehand at Kingo Lutheran Church

Share Shorewood:  Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Week
Sunday, May 1 through Saturday, May 7, 2016
Village of Shorewood
Quick Links