March 2016
In this issue you will find:
Groundbreaking Work: New Metric for Skills Builders' Wage Gains

I'm pleased to share with you a recent announcement from the Chancellor's Office, which marks the completion of
Strong Workforce recommendation #4B.
"The milestone announced recently recognizes all the hard work of CTE faculty and many other stakeholders," said Grant Goold, Chairman of the Career Technical Education Leadership Committee of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. "We should all thank the Chancellor's Office for implementing this critical improvement to the Student Success Scorecard to reflect the upskilling and reskilling reasons why community college student enroll in our CTE programs."

Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor
CCCCO Division of Workforce and Economic Development 

New California Community Colleges Accountability Metric Reveals Nearly $500 Million in Wage Gains by Students Who are "Skills Builders"
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Students who take career technical education courses to maintain or add to their job skills experience median wage increases of 13.6 percent, or $4,300, according to a new student performance measurement developed by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.

Statewide, total wage gains for these students measured in 2013-14 were $498 million, which benefited not only the students and their families but the California economy. Previously, these students had not been counted in state and federal accountability systems because they did not earn a certificate, degree or transfer to a four-year institution.

"These students come to us seeking to keep their skills current or move ahead in their careers and after finishing a few courses reap significant rewards," said California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice W. Harris. "We finally have a way to measure these successes and demonstrate the tremendous return on investment that these courses provide. A wage gain of $4,300 for courses that cost $46 a unit is a phenomenal value for students and the state."

"California's work on skills builders leads the nation in innovation and cutting-edge thinking," said Jeff Strohl, director of research at the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. "State after state has been focusing on understand ing sub-baccalaureate education, but very few, if any, have jumped into evaluating the population of non-completers in this way. The work on skills builders - the identification of how course clusters bring significant value to individuals and the state - is forcing a pause and reset in how we think about college dropouts by revealing that many students have figured out how to effectively engage the postsecondary system at low cost with high returns."

A new cohort definition for these students, dubbed "skills builders," will be added next month to the California Community Colleges' Student Success Scorecard, which provides the public with easy to read performance outcomes for all 113 community colleges. The general definition of a skills builder is a student who wants to improve their professional skills for ongoing employment. Most skills builders tend to be older and take only one or two career technical education courses.

"This new metric reveals a more comprehensive view of how community colleges are enhancing workers' skills in discreet and tactical ways that pay significant dividends for students and businesses," said David Rattray, executive vice president for education and workforce development for the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. "We now have another window into the economic benefits that community colleges provide our state."

Many students saw significant earnings gains after taking only a couple of courses. Skills builders are commonly found in fields such as administration of justice (7.7 percent median wage gain); child development education (15.7 percent gain); accounting (20.8 percent increase); fire technology (12.5 percent gain); business and commerce (25.4 percent wage gain); information technology (18.4 percent gain).

The addition of the skills builder metric to the Student Success Scorecard advances a goal of the Board of Governors' Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy, which calls for measuring student progress against common metrics among and improving the quality and accessibility of student outcome and labor market data.

Click here for a complete breakdown of the skills builder median salary changes by colleges and job fields.
Join Briefings on $200M Trailer Bill Language, SB 66 & AB 1892
Please join any of the following conference calls for an overview and discussion of the proposed trailer bill language to the Governor's proposed $200M Strong Workforce Program and to learn how Senate Bill 66 (Leyva) and Assembly Bill 1892 (Medina) will implement several Strong Workforce Task Force recommendations. Slides can be found here: PDF | PPTX
March 14th
Craig Justice
Van Ton-Quinlivan
March 17th
Gregory Anderson
Van Ton-Quinlivan
March 18th
Mollie Smith
Van Ton-Quinlivan
New INNOVATIONMAKER Investment Lines Up with President's Nation of Makers Initiative

In June 2014, President Obama hosted the first-ever Maker Faire and launched the Nation of Makers initiative, an all-hands-on-deck call to give many more students, entrepreneurs, and Americans of all backgrounds access to a new class of technologies -- such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and desktop machine tools -- that are enabling more Americans to design, build, and manufacture just about anything.
In recent years, the rise of the maker movement and growing community of self-identified "makers" is a huge opportunity for the United States. The rapid deployment of advanced tools like 3D printers, CNC machining, and tools for digital design -- and their precipitous drop in price -- is empowering tinkerers, entrepreneurs, and companies to transform an idea from a drawing on the back of a napkin to a working prototype faster than ever before.
These new tools can also help recreate "shop class" for the 21st century, giving students the types of hands-on STEM learning experiences that spark interest in science and technology careers and broader 21st century skills. It is also promoting a "maker mindset" -- dispositions and skills such as curiosity, collaborative problem-solving, and self-efficacy -- with mentors and educators also inspiring the next generation to invent, tinker, and learn vital skills in STEM education.


The California Community Colleges Workforce & Economic Development Division in partnership with the California Council on Science & Technology (CCST) has announced a $10M  INNOVATIONMAKER Investment 3 Solicitation of Interest to identify and network together 10+ colleges, including one lead for the community-of-practice, committed to exploring, setting up, and/or building out their connections to the Maker movement.  A requirement to participate is campus championship by a team consisting minimally of STEM/STEAM faculty paired with CTE faculty in order to benefit from inter-disciplinary collaboration.

the Administration announced new federal steps and private commitments to reach even more students and adults in the coming year:
  • The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is launching the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Makeover Challenge to encourage the creation of more makerspaces in American high schools. The new challenge will invite high schools to innovatively create more "makerspaces" where students have the tools, space, and mentors to design, build, and innovate. With a prize pool of $200,000 that will be divided equally among as many as 10 prize recipients, the challenge calls upon eligible high schools to design models of "makerspaces." These can be facilities such as classrooms, libraries, or mobile spaces equipped with the appropriate tools and CTE-trained educators.  The winners will be showcased to the broader CTE community as potential models for replication, particularly in schools that serve high proportions of low-income students. Participating schools will have access to a suite of resources that enable them to empower students to be makers of things, not just consumers of things. 
  • The White House, along with federal agencies and the broader community, will celebrate a National Week of Making: In line with the anniversary of the first-ever White House Maker Faire, the White House will participate in a National Week of Making this June 17-23, 2016. The week will coincide with the National Maker Faire in Washington, D.C. on June 18-19, featuring makers from across the country and will include participation of the Department of Education, National Science Foundation, U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Small Business Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Endowment of the Arts, Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Corporation for National and Community Service, and the Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Additional agency activities include the Department of Energy featured at the Bay Area Maker Faire with the "Make: ENERGY - From Discovery to Innovation" pavilion highlighting science and technology innovations at the National Laboratories, and the U.S. Navy expanding its current maker program to multiple regional centers through creation of mobile Fab Lab trailers.
Report & Recommendations

Task Force Info