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April/May 2013
Vol. 3, Issue #4
In This Newsletter
Day of Service
Save Water - Do Your Part
High Weed Abatement
Customer Survey
April/May Priorities
Weekly Mowing
Irrigation Maintenance
Pest Control
Post Emergent Herbicide
Annual Flower Rotation
Tree & Shrub Fertilization 

Quick Links 

Landesign, Inc., offers
paperless billing
click here or contact Janessa at 578-2657

Email to Bob Cerri for Complimentary Site Analysis


Planet day of service
Planet Day of Service Volunteers
Planet day of service
Landesign crew at work on the BVV Spring Clean Up
Spring is a wonderful time of year; everything comes alive! April is a special month as we take part in a national volunteer event, hosted by PLANET, a national landscaping association. This day was created by the lawn care and landscape industry to draw attention to the importance of green spaces.

planet logo
Bennett Valley Vision (BVV) is an all volunteer group that is focused on making their neighborhood, an even nicer place to live. With their vision for ways to improve several bennett valley vision logoBennet Valley public areas, they recruit volunteers for two annual clean up days. Weeding, pruning, litter pick-up, spreading mulch, and plantings all took place on
April 13th and Landesign was a returning The Traversosvolunteer.

Not only do we enjoy taking part, it's so nice to be recognized by people like Mary Traverso, a BVV member. "Thanks again for sending your volunteers. They really are a professional group that does such nice work." For more information or to get involved, go to bennettvalleyvision

Enjoy the beautiful weather that lies ahead and take time to smell the flowers! 


John and Denise Fitzgerald
Landesign C & M, Founders


Save Waterconserve water
Do Your Part
At Landesign we take water conservation seriously and and it shows in the work we do for our clients. May is Water Awareness Month and as the weather warms up, here are some useful tips. For more info,

1. Check sprinkler system for proper function and leaks
2. Water a maximum of 3x a week, 4-6 minutes per station
3. Replace batteries in your controller so that settings are intact, even after a power surge or blackout
4. Invest in a smart timer which automatically adapts irrigation to the weather
5. Use native Californian plants, grasses & shrubs


Weed Abatement
We Can Help!  high weed mowing
As a property owner you are responsible for maintaining HIGH WEEDS throughout the dry season - May 15 - November 1. The defensible space should extend at least 30 feet from your home in all directions and also include fire precautions such as:

* Remove dead tree limbs overhanging your roof or chimney
* Create common areas between structures
* Clear flammable vegetation near wood piles and fuel storage containers
* Clear pine needles, and all debris from roofs on your property

Local fire departments require all high weeds to be cut down by June 1st to avoid fines. Call Bob Cerri at  707 578-2657 to schedule service.


Customer Survey
Responses Needed
We've extended the deadline! Please help us to better serve you by responding and submitting to our survey. If you've already provided feedback, THANK YOU.

If you haven't, please take the time to do so. To know better is to do better!

Landesign Construction & Maintenance, Inc.
1328 Airport Blvd.
Santa Rosa, California  95403
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