News from The Friends
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Join Us for MLK Day of Service ~ January 20th


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'"


Serve your community for MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 20th by improving habitat along the Cedar River with The Friends and King County Parks at Cavanaugh Pond Natural Area. Volunteers will help ensure healthy habitat by planting native trees and shrubs. Naturalists will be onsite giving free interpretive tours on the remarkable salmon of the Cedar River. Sign up today!

This is a great project for volunteers of all ages and skill levels. Bring your family for a day of service!
So Long to Our Interns

Interns Michelle & Erin

The Friends were fortunate to have two incredible Volunteer Habitat Restoration interns during the fall quarter. Michelle and Erin tackled restoration projects (and invasive plants!) with heart and diligence! We were very pleased to have their enthusiasm and leadership.

Read all about Erin's community-building experience as an intern with The Friends in our latest blog >
Where are the Salmon Now?
spawning sockeye

A common question for The Friends: where are the salmon? We are frequently asked what happens when salmon are not as easy to spot in the Cedar River. Learn more about the life cycle of salmon!
Chinook: Fry emerge and migrate to Lake Washington in January-April, while parr will stay in the Cedar until May-July
Sockeye: Fry are emerging and migrating to Lake Washington
Coho: Spawning November-March, eggs are hatching and fry emerging

Keep in mind that no matter what time of year, salmon always benefit from restoration and conservation efforts! Learn more about what you can do for salmon.
January 2014
In This Issue

 Make a Donation

Your donation empowers a community of sustainable, responsible watershed users. Thank you!

Calendar of Events


Drink Local with Hilliard's Beer  

Jan 9 ~ 4:00pm - 9:00pm

Learn More >

MLK Day of Service at Cavanaugh Pond

Jan 20 ~ 10:00am - 2:00pm

Sign Up Now!

MLK Day of Service at Log Cabin Natural Area 

Jan 20 ~ 10:00am - 2:00pm
Renton/Maple Vallue 

Registration Full

Planting at Wetherill Nature Preserve

Jan 25 ~ 10:00am - 2:00pm
Hunts/Yarrow Point 

Sign Up Now!

Drink Local with Reuben's Brews

Jan 30 ~ 4:00pm - 9:00pm

Learn More >

Planting along Issaquah Creek

Feb 1 ~ 10:00am - 2:00pm

Sign Up Now!

Planting at Log Cabin Natural Area 

Feb 8 ~ 10:00am - 2:00pm

Sign Up Now!

Love Your Watershed

Feb 15 ~ 10:00am - 2:00pm
Renton/Maple Valley 

Sign Up Now!

Friends of the Cedar River Watershed
6512 - 23rd Ave NW Ste 320, Seattle, WA 98117

Engaging people to enhance and sustain watersheds through
 restoration, education, and stewardship.