Volume 17 Issue 35: Dec 31, 2015
Ask us, We Answer
Do you have a Nordic training, technique, equipment, travel, or event question? Just email us at weanswer@skipost.com
Start Wax Recs?
This week we feature:
Andy at SkiPost/Start
Training Through a Race
How does one train through a race as opposed to peak at a race?
Dear DM,
Proper base and pre-competition training leads to a high level of fitness, which leads to consistent races all year long. A properly trained skier should be able to aim at a certain block or a few blocks of races throughout the season to "Peak at" and still compete consistently at a high level throughout the season through your "training races".
Blocks of Training Races
Endurance: Training volume must rise after a block of key races where the volume will have been lowered. Example: 1.5hour session level mostly in level 1.
Interval: Races and interval sessions must be balanced, but intervals cannot be neglected especially early in the race season. Be careful with intervals between race weekends, especially at altitude, as it can be hard to recover. Example: (LT) 3x7 minutes at 5 bpm over LT with 3 minutes rest. At the end of each interval you should feel like you could have kept going. At the end of the workout, you should feel like you could have done more. (VO2) 3min, 4min, 5min times 2 with equal recovery. Each interval should take you the same distance.
Speed: If not done systematically, must be incorporated into distance or interval work.
Specific Strength: For strength to continue to progress, specific strength must be conducted on snow as it was done on rollerskis early in the competition period.
General Strength: Circuit strength that aims to maintain max strength and power as well as a general muscular balance is important. Rollerboard can be used here and with all circuit strength. Example: Circuit using a wide variety of body weight exercises as well as more dynamic exercises to maintain power.
Race: Results are secondary to continued technical and fitness improvements. Example of an early race season week
Here you will see a training plan with races added as part of a long term peaking plan. These races are necessary to get you faster later in the season but not your ultimate goal. You need to training through these races.
General Strength
Vo2 Intervals
Short L1 Endurance + Speed
Long L1 Endurance
Vo2 Intervals
Short L1
Endurance + Speed
Blocks of Key Races
Endurance: Training volume drops. Training frequency (number of training outings) can remain unchanged to avoid feeling stale. Example: (frequency) lower the duration of endurance training but keep the number of sessions the same. (duration) lower the number of sessions but keep the duration the same.
Intensity: Sharpening intervals. Fitness has been gained; intervals now are for feeling sharp and fresh, not improving fitness level. Example: (peaking intervals) 3x3 minutes just below LT w/ equal recovery, followed by 3x2 minute above LT w/ equal recovery, followed by 4x30seconds all out with full recovery.
Speed: Same idea as with intervals.
Strength: Minimal maintenance strength if any at all.
Race: Achieving your racing goals is the focus. Please note: It can be good to bump up to a high(er) volume of training between important races so long as the intensity is kept very low. Sometimes using alternative methods of training, running, cycling, etc is a good way to do this. This helps keep the skier fresh, keep the muscles "clean" and "clear." You have to know yourself to monitor this.
Key Races
Here you will see a possible training plan to do great at one a "Goal" races 2 weeks out.
General Strength
Short L1 Endurance
Long L1 Endurance
Peaking Intervals
Short L1 Endurance + Speed
*Goal* Race
Which side to pole?
Dear SkiPost,
I wrote to you a few years ago on how often to use V-2 in races and practice because I thought was doing mostly V-1 when I skied. You were correct in surmising that I was doing more V-2 alternate than I realized, and you encouraged me to practice V-2. I now often do one session of roller skiing a week of an hour of just V-2 and have gotten comfortable (though not highly efficient) at frequently using it on the snow as well.
My question now is a basic one, but I've gotten a lot of conflicting advice regarding it from very good cross country skiers. Which side should a person be poling on in a turn? For example, turning right should the poling be on the right side or the left? Also, when on a trail that cants to one side, should the poling action be on the downhill or uphill side? Thanks in advance for answering what should be a basic question, but is perplexing to me.
The second question you asked is the easier, and I will answer it first. When skiing on a canted hill, pole on the uphill side. Always. Help yourself climb the hill, and let gravity aid you on the downstroke. This is why we encourage people to learn to ski with left and right leads, so that while skiing on a slanted hill, you can change leads to your benefit. Again, you need more help climbing, and should use poles on the uphill side.
As for going around a corner, this depends on your quickness, and on the sharpness of the corner, and on your technique. In general, for V2 or V2 alternate, I would tell you to pole on the inside step. So if you are turning right, pole on the right. However, there are times when if you are quick, and the corner is not too sharp, it is beneficial to pole on every step. NEVER pole on your outside step only.
Things change for V1. While doing V1 around a corner, have your "high" side to the outside. An uphill turn will invariably lead to an angled track, and just like we mentioned before, you want to be poling on the uphill side. So for a right hand turn, have your left hand "high."
I recommend you try different techniques and lead sides for yourself. See if you can feel a difference. It might be that you are so much stronger on one side that my input is moot. Until you develop proficiency left and right handed, the gain is minimal.
Have a wonderful winter,
Michael Sinnott
Dirty Snow
My skiing is now mostly made of a handful of half and full marathons each year. As such, several of the point-to-point courses (think Noquemanon, Birkie) have road, bridge, and multi-use trail crossings and sections. After last season, I brought my skis in for stonegrinding following the Birkie. The tuning expert noted my skis were really dirty. I recalled that my skis were quite fast in the first half of the Birkie, but slowed down quite a bit after "OO" and subsequent road crossings which apparently had picked up debris particles. I'm a little confused on the use of moly or other similar products used to repel dirt. Can you help demystify the appropriate use of molybdenum products and what START offers? Would you recommend using a particular moly base wax for most marathon races to prevent dirt clinging onto skis going over road crossings and areas with trucked-in snow? Thanks! BV
Hello, Yes most people glide wax for the temp but you also need to wax for the Snow condition. Clean or dirty. One 1.2 km dirty section of snow can slow your skis for the other clean 49.5km of a 50km race.
At Start we have our BM wax line for dirty and coarse snow. BM has Molybdenum in it which is a dry lubricant that helps repel dirt it also has more than 20% Fluor which also helps repel dirt. Most artificial snow is very dirty. A 100% Fluor top coat over your chosen glider also helps keep skis clean. We also have BM series of 100% Fluor Top coats.
To wax for dirty snow especially a marathon.
Start with a cold base layer 1 -2 temp ranges colder than the given temp (We most often use Start SG10 green)
Then choose the glider slightly colder than the given temp but one for dirty snow. We use BM6-Green most often- (Perhaps apply this twice.)
Apply appropriate 100% Fluor top coat that will manage proper moisture content and it will also repel dirt. BM or FHF most often. (Perhaps apply this twice.)
Use a self-cleaning structure
I could get more complicated but this is the basics.
Let me know of you need more info.
Andy at SkiPost/Start
Knee Brace
I am a master nordic ski racer. I was trying to kick myself out of a situation in my kitchen and really did a great deal of damage to my kdee that ended up involving the whole leg. I took last winter off from sking, but want to get back in the game, this winter. The leg is very much better, but I am interested in finding a knee brace that will give me maximum support and flexability. Does anybody out there have any suggestions?
One Lens?
Dear SkiPost,
Does Bliz offer a Photohromatic lens that actually works in winter? Mine gets dark and then never changes back in the cold.
Yes, Bliz introduced the BLIZ ULS lens last spring after a winter of testing by World Cup Nordic stars. It filters light at the largest spectrum of any Photochromatic made form 15-89% so it is clear inside yet can block 89% of the light sunniest of days. Best of all it is fog free. Blow on the inner lens and no flog develops. This is why it is the overwhelming choice of World Cup stars including the uber dominant World Cup star Martin Johnsrud Sundby.
Sun Valley Ski Academy
Visits Minneapolis
will host a Q-and-A presentation on Monday, January 11 at 5 p.m. in the Chalet Fireplace Room at Theodore Wirth Park in Minneapolis.
Special guest speakers include:
Elite cross-country skier, Middlebury Ski Team & SVSA alumna and Olympic Hopeful Annie Pokorny '11;
Head of Community School and native Minnesotan Ben Pettit; SVSA parent, Armstrong High School alumnus & MN State High School Honoree in Cross-Country Skiing Mike Wolter;
Community School science teacher, SVSA alumnus and Dartmouth Cross-Country Ski Team alumnus Hannes Thum '03.
Bend Endurance Academy
asks for your help
Good Afternoon Ski Friends,
The Bend Endurance Academy is embarking on a campaign to gain equal access at our local ski area, Mt. Bachelor. I need your help.
Skiing is about access- access to kids, access to snow, access to funds, access to volunteers and officials, access to terrain. access to members and on and on. BEA has grown to over 600 kids over the last 7 years and we are not afforded the same access to the mountain as other local organizations with similar missions. Mt. Bachelor operates under a special use permit issued by the United States Forest Service.
The BEA board is asking you to sign a petition and write a letter of support.
I know you all care deeply about this sport. Exclusion does not serve the longevity of skiing. I appreciate your support.
Ben Husaby
Executive Director
Bend Endurance Academy
Supporting Tomorrow's Nordic Stars Today
National Nordic Foundation Allocates $154,280 to
XC Trail Tracker
(improved for use on mobile devices!)
xctrailtracker.com is a free website put together by Nordic skiers for Nordic skiers. This is a place where you can post a report of your time on the trails or read other skiers' reports to help figure out where the good snow or good grooming is, if it's worth driving to the trailhead, etc. If your favorite trails are not yet on the map, you can add them. xctrailtracker.com can be used for trails anywhere in the world!
Obviously, this type of site needs a critical mass to make it effective, so please join in!
"warm the cold"
"I have exercised induced asthma and Lungplus has definitely helped my performance as an athlete. When I saw this product I was a bit doubtful at first, I thought it might be hard to breathe through; now that I've tried it I would give this product 5 out of 5 stars. You can breathe very easily through it and it warms the cold air amazingly well. This is a great product for both athletes with asthma and without." http://lungplususa.com/
Start is the low swing weight and high durability
pole choice of CXC
Poles swing weight cont.
Dear SkiPost,
Regarding your poling swing weight estimates.
3 oz * 1lb/16 oz * 5 ft * 7000 = 6500 ft lbs
OK - the math works, but at 5'11" I would have to be moving my poles from eye level to just above my ankles every pole stroke, because the feet that matter in this bit of Newtonian mechanics are VERTICAL feet not feet of arc your hands travel through.
The math and argument are valid, just inflated by about 2.5X as 2 ft vertical per pole stroke is more realistic for someone of average height.
SkiPost reader
This Bliz
Bliz for winter are now in stores.
Check out the This Bliz video from Bliz World Cup stars including Charlotte Kalla, Marcus Hellner, and Robin Bryntesson.
Andy at SkiPost/Bliz
Salomon Nordic
Check out a Peter Schlickenrieder Ski Camp!
We are excited to announce that the eighth annual SkiTrax FIS Fantasy Tour de Ski 2016 Contest is coming soon for contestants.
PSIA Academy
Big news, the PSIA nordic team, composed of Megan Spurkland of Homer Women's Nordic fame & renown XC author, Scotty McGee, 3 term PSIA nordic team member and 2 term nordic team coach and me (David Lawrence) are hosting a cross country specific, 3 day clinic for PSIA members from around the country.
Details below...
PSIA Cross Country Academy 2016 February 2-4, 2016 Day 1 @ Copper Mountain (in conjunction with SIA Nordic Demo) Day 2 @ Frisco Nordic Day 3 @ Breckenridge Nordic
Deadline to Register: Jan 2, 2015 (four weeks prior)
January 29 - February 7, 2016
There's something fun for every member of the family!
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Sun Valley received over 70 inches of snow in December.
200 kilometers of trail are waiting for YOU!
Don't Miss Out on the
Greatest Show on Snow!
Tahoe Rim Tour & Race
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Tahoe XC - Tahoe City, CA to Northstar XC - Truckee, CA).
To celebrate the New Year and the new snow, we are offering a special deal on City of Lakes Loppet Ski Festival event registration. Sign up for your favorite event now through 11:59pm on New Year's Eve and save 10% off your registration.
Simply register online and when prompted for a promotional code, enter: LoppetWinter2016
Looking forward to seeing you on the trails soon and keep thinking snow!
The Loppet Crew!
2016 Great Bear Chase!
Registration is now open for the 36th annual UP Health System Portage Great Bear Chase. The race will take place on Saturday, March 5th, 2016 at the beautiful Swedetown Trails in Calumet, Michigan.
2016 Sisu Ski Fest!
Always the 2nd Saturday of the New Year
January 9th, 2016.
Copper Country Ski Tigers Head Coach Devo Program
Snow Mountain Ranch/YMCA of the Rockies, Granby Nordic Groomer info here
Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation Assistant Nordic Coach dan@MBSEF.org
Agamenticus Ski Club Assistant HS Coach & Assistant MS Coach
About SkiPost
Cross-Country skiing's community lodge. Where knowledge and stories are shared. The goal of SkiPost is to make the sport of Cross-Country skiing easier and more enjoyable for all who choose to participate. If you have questions on Cross-Country Skiing email us weanswer@SkiPost.com and visit SkiPost.com
Enjoy Winter,
Andrew Gerlach Director/Editor- SkiPost