Volume 16 Issue 39: Jan 22, 2015
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Start's Difference?




I am one of the coaches XYZ Nordic Team and the main wax-guy. This last weekend we had a qualifier with Temps in the mid 20s, fresh snow, it should have been a killer wax day. Instead, our attempts with the T and S lines proved adequate, but not great. It was a sprint day. There was more moisture in the air than I realized and the tracks got more glazed and we weren't able to test on the race trails. Our kids did well, but their skis could have been better. Some of the other coaches used Start wax and had better grip than our skiers. Could you tell me a little about your hard waxes, their benefits and drawbacks. When does Start wax beat the competition? 




Coach XYZ Nordic  (name has been modified)



Pleasure meeting you via email. Glad to hear the word on Start is growing.


Catalog at this page

Tech manual here

And our Cliff Notes are linked here.


As you will see from our cliff notes we have many types of kick waxes that each have a specific snow condition where they excel. So rather than starting with one wax type with 20 waxes and moving up to a softer wax to try to get kick and never getting what you want. With Start, you select the wax type of the day based on snow type. And then you work with that wax type that has a broad temp range.


Terva (Tar) is for new snow

Synthetic is for dry snow

RF is for wet snow.

Oslo is for icy snow.



Each of these have special ingredients with specific properties for their ideal snow type.


Tar gets a hard outer layer that resists fresh fine grain snow from penetrating it which prevents icing but tars under layers remain soft so it bends for great kick.

Synthetic is tacky, yet extra durable for dry granular snow. RF manages the moisture yet is extra sticky for wet glazed tracks and gets a hard outer layer after a couple of km for wet new snow. Oslo is one part klister and 2 parts hardwax for icy and man made snow.


With different wax types for different snow types it makes it easier to match the wax for the race day.  You can use the waxes outside of their ideal types and ranges. But within their ideal snow type and range you get the best performance the easiest. 

Andy at SkiPost/Start

Waxless Ski Base Grinding  



I've raced for several years, but now my wife and I are primarily now "sport" skiers--we do the Birkie in Wave 7-8 in classic technique just for the experience and challenge. A few years ago, we both purchased a nice set of waxless classic skis (Atomic Vasa Race Posigrip) and they have been great, flex is right on and we usually keep up with other skiers even on downhills while striding up hills with relative ease.  After a few years of waxing and using them, it would be great to get them stonegrinded at some point to freshen up the bases for many more years. Is it possible to get them stoneground to freshen up the glide zones? 







Yes it is possible to have waxless positive bases stone ground. Many shops will say no, but if you go to nordic stonegring specialist they will likely say yes. It requires extra labor on their end so they may charge more but many nordic specialty shops can do this and give your base new life and speed.


Andy at SkiPost

How to Maximize Training for the Part-Time Skier


Can you reprint the tips on training for a part time skier?



By: Scott Loomis

This past season marked my last year as a full-time cross-country ski racer. After eight very worthwhile years of racing and training all over the world I have decided to move on to a new phase in my life. Whether that next phase involves working as a roadie for the next Van Halen world tour, joining the World Horseshoe Throwing circuit or attending graduate school only time will tell.
In the meantime, I am working 40 hours per week in Park City, taking two classes at the University of Utah and working a second job one day per week at a local hospital. All of this leaves me very little time for any sort of structured ski training. In fact, I am lucky if I can squeeze in three to five workouts each week.
I do not plan on completely abandoning the sport that I have spent so many years immersed in. After you spend so much time working towards something you love, it becomes hard to simply quit cold-turkey. I do hope to at least remain competitive on the American Ski Marathon Series next season. But how do I get to a competitive level on such a limited training schedule? What I have decided is that I need to figure out how to maximize my training as a part-time ski racer.
I recently read a short article on the internet about how Thomas Alsgaard is currently training three times per week in his preparation for next year's World Cup circuit. It would be nice if we all had the time (and insane physical capacity) to do this, but for those of us that are part-time racers and weekend warriors that work full-time and/or have families, we simply do not have enough hours in the day to do this. So the question is: What can we do to maximize the training we do have time for? What aspects of a training plan are most important? What can be left out or skipped?


1. Intensity
No matter how little time you are able to devote to training, you should always fit in one intensity workout every week to ten days starting in the summer. Maintaining that ability and feel of going hard throughout the year is important since it can be very difficult to regain once you have lost it. This is especially true the older you get.

Remember that an intensity workout can come in almost any shape or form. It doesn't have to be something done on rollerskis or involve skiwalking or bounding for a specific amount of time with a specific amount of rest. It can be as simple as going hard for twenty minutes in the middle of an hour long run or bike ride or even trying to mow your lawn in world-record time. I personally like doing track workouts because I feel that I am able to get a lot of out of them. I am able to fit a bunch of short intervals into a relatively small amount of time and by the end of the workout I feel pretty tired. It is also a matter of convenience since there is a track right down the street from my house. 

The point here is to periodically get your heart and lungs into you go about doing this really doesn't matter all that much, especially during the summer. It's not like your cardiovascular system knows what type of training method you are doing, all it knows is that it is working hard.


2. Over-Distance
One good over-distance day is second on my list. It is amazing how well an occasional OD can maintain your endurance. If you average 45 minutes per workout, try to fit in an easy 2 hour over-distance day. If you average 1 to 1.5 hours, try to fit in a nice 3-hour outing. Again, don't forget about the variety of training methods out there. A long kayak can be just as effective as a long mountain run. Also, try combination workouts, where you bike and run or rollerski and run, etc.


3. Skip the Weights
Unless you feel that your upperbody is your weakest link or you need to bulk up those beach muscles for that week on the houseboat in Lake Havasu, skip the trips to weight room during the summer. Some of you may disagree about this, but remember, I am talking about maximizing training on a limited schedule. Of course, if you have a lot of time to devote to ski training, consistent weight workouts can be a valuable supplement to your plan. If you like to rollerski during the off-season, throw in some double-pole only workouts and make those your strength workouts.

Weight training is really only beneficial if you are able to keep up with it on a weekly basis. So, I feel that it is best to start doing some in the fall and try to be consistent with it until you get on snow. I personally hate hanging out in the weight room. I would much rather go for a run than do sets on the bench press any day. 

For those of you that really need to improve your upperbody strength I suggest that you make a small investment in turning your garage into a Rocky Balboa old-school training gym. A padded mat, a couple of 25 lbs barbells and wooden box for dips and step-ups is all you need for a basic strength workout that is right there at home. You could even add a punching bag since it just looks cool hanging there and it makes you feel tough.


4. "Everyday" Workouts
For some of you, doing intervals may be unappealing and you really don't have time for OD workouts either, so training only consists of "everyday" workouts. These are simple workouts where you just head out and run or bike or whatever at a comfortable pace for the time available to you. If you are only able to train for 30 minutes three times per week, make sure that you are getting something out of them. Going at a level 1 pace for 30 minutes really doesn't do a whole lot for you, unless you are out of shape and just getting back into training or using it as a recovery workout. If you make some of these short workouts more like semi-pace workouts where you are training in your level 2 to 3 zone then you will get much more out of these days.

The main point I want to get across here is the importance of maintaining a good fitness level throughout the year and it that doesn't necessarily matter how you get it done. If you are able to throw occasional intensity and over-distance workouts into your training throughout the summer and fall, then you are going to be much better off come ski season. Have a great year see you at the race.

Classic Fit

How to make sure your classical skis are not too soft or too stiff, with a testboard?

1. Place the skis on the testboard.
2. Stand evenly with a flat foot on each ski with the front of your toes at the skis balance point or your ski boots in their bindings.
3. Place the testboard slider under the ball of your feet. Test to make sure the slider can move back and forth under your feet. If it cannot move the slider then the skis are to soft for you and you need stiffer skis and this test is over.
4. If the slider does move freely your skis are not too soft and you need to make sure they not too stiff. Put all your weight on one foot and pretend to kick. For an elite racer this will mean rising to the ball of one foot. For a beginner this will mean a slight weight shift to the front of one foot. 
5. Try to pull the slider out from underneath the ski, if you can, the pair of skis is too stiff and you need softer skis. If you can't move the slider than the skis are soft enough to get kick on. 

Andy at SkiPost


What is your opinion about the Roteffella Xcelerator mounting plates- the pink ones.  I'm a recreational skater, do you think they will help me going up hill?




FYI for full disclosure I am a consultant for Salomon. SNS race service invented the wedge and NNN copied with the pink piece you refer to. Each wedge shifts lifts your foot under your toes a few of mm. This slight shift helps the ski glide forward. Like a wet bar of soap in your hands. The wedge is widely accepted now and even integrated into the latest bindings. So yes I think it will help. But the help will be small. Your will still need to focus on good technique when climbing to get the foot forward and up the hill and maintaining glide.


Andy at SkiPost



Cross-country skiing and the world championships is a classic combination that has resulted in great victories for Sweden. Now it's time again. Supported by The Kurbits Race Suit − a new super garment developed exclusively for the upcoming world championships in Falun − Kalla, Olsson and the other Swedish skiers aim to repeat Torgny Mogren's feat from 1993.


Torgny Mogren's victory in the 50 K event at the world championships in Falun 1993 is one of the most celebrated moments in Swedish ski history. Twenty-two years later, the championships are finally back at home. And again Sweden boasts a world-class national team, unleashing intense passion and enormous expectations.


Technically Advanced Super Garment

In close collaboration with the Swedish skiers, CRAFT has developed yet another revolutionary racing outfit − The Kurbits Race Suit. This innovative garment is based on the suit that reaped great success at the Olympics in Sochi, where Charlotte Kalla won one gold and two silver medals.


Compared to its predecessor, The Kurbits Race Suit is made from a new material, a very thin and lightweight Italian polyester that offers superior function and body-temperature management. Compression fabrics in the legs keep the muscles focused while ultrasonic taped seams create a smooth surface for optimal aerodynamics.


The suit comes packed with innovative features such as Moving Wing Technology ™, which is a wing-like construction piece at the upper back that ensures total freedom of movement and allows the skiers to transmit all their power into each pole stroke. In addition, three-dimensional ergonomic design provides perfect fit and optimal comfort.


 "We know that the suit delivers, as we saw during the Olympics," says CRAFT's CEO Jonas Peterson. "It's really exciting to dress one of Sweden's best national teams for the season's greatest ski event."

A Tribute to Traditions

The Kurbits Race Suit combines the classic Swedish cross-country colors blue, yellow and white with a modern kurbits' pattern uniquely designed for the great event on home soil.  "By letting the suit be inspired by traditional Swedish handicraft we connect the graphic expression and the beautiful decorations to the event in Falun," says CRAFT's designer Lena Karlsson. "We have based the design on the old traditions of kurbits and given it a modern twist." The national team's head coach Rikard Grip is very pleased with the new suit. "It's extremely important that the skiers can perform optimally − both during training and races," he says. "And I'm sure it will be a great experience for the skiers to put on this exclusive suit and race in front of the home crowd." The Kurbits Race Suit is developed exclusively for the world championships in Falun.


Watch the Video

Team Gregg uses Vector 450



"I have a SuperTour and a NorAM podium this year which is a solid start to my ski racing season. One of my key objectives has been to stay healthy despite all the stress, travel and racing.  To optimize my health I discovered a cool new concept of using antibodies found in the yolk of common eggs to fight off germs in the gut.  The product called Vector450 is pure antibodies and I have noticed a couple of things from this supplement.  First of all I haven't really been sick this year.  I have felt the effects of my body being run down and being on the edge of catching a cold but haven't ever been laid up by sickness.  Secondly my recovery time after intensity sessions seems to be better than ever.  Vector450 is certainly worth trying."



 - Brian Gregg


Train Perform Recover with Vector450



World Cup Action

Otepaa Saturday
Otepaa Saturday
Otepaa Sunday
Otepaa Sunday

Where can we watch the World Cup action from US computers?


Cross Country events streamed live at 

IBU World Cup Biathlon  

SkiPost will host archive links to taped events. See Top Right Column


Andy at SkiPost

Check out the all new Start Waxing Guide.



Start Race Day Wax Recs here

Select Events & Destinations

Jan 23-25, 2015


February 7, 2015

The most beautiful Nordic race you'll ever ski.


We've got something for everyone!


BMT 34.3 km

 Half Boulder 15 km (with the option to be timed this year) 


Join the fun in the UNTIMED "40th Wave" for those who have the guts but don't want the glory!


Registrations are coming in hot!  You DON'T want to miss out on this year's race. Go to

 to register NOW!


Coming for the week?  Go to
 and check out what's planned for the Sun Valley Nordic Festival

January 30 - February 8, 2015




Coming for the week?  

Go to and check out what's planned for the Sun Valley Nordic Festival January 30 - February 8, 2015

  Owl Creek Chase

Feb 15th


Sunday, March 1st 2015 | 

Mt. Van Hoevenberg at The Olympic Sports Complex

The Lake Placid Loppet is one of the best events of its kind in the country. Over the past 30 years, thousands of skiers have enjoyed skiing and racing on the challenging Mt. Van Hoevenberg trails at the Olympic Sports Complex. The Lake Placid Loppet is conducted by the NYS Olympic Regional Development Authority on the Olympic Sports Complex Cross Country Ski Trails.  The Loppet and Kort -Loppet run on a slightly modified version of the 50km course constructed for the 1980 Winter Olympics making it one of the most challenging citizen races in the world.  Skiers should consider carefully whether to enter the 25k or 50km event. However, many recreational skiers do participate at a less strenuous touring pace.


Nordic Job Openings

Nordic Job Opening? email to post

About SkiPost


Cross-Country skiing's community lodge. Where knowledge and stories are shared. The goal of SkiPost is to make the sport of Cross-Country skiing easier and more enjoyable for all who choose to participate. If you have questions on Cross-Country Skiing email us and visit


Enjoy Winter,

Andrew Gerlach
Director/Editor- SkiPost
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Waxless Grinding
Part Time skier
Classic Fit
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Wax Manual
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New World Wax Table 
 "The best table in the entire world!"

Salomon Nordic
on the Worldloppet

Rossignol Web


find the time
The one gift you receive at birth is time.  You'll never have more  than you have today.  Find the Time.

Nordic Ski Dolomites, Italy

Feb. 14-23, 2015

Fabulous Scenery!

1000 Km of groomed trails to explore.

Sign-up before Oct. 30th for best deal!


Jon Engen

CXC Academy
Vector 450


Get Lungplus to preheat your breath and save your lungs. 



Owl Creek



West Yellowstone



Rossignol Catalog

Bliz RX

Start Race Service



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