Volume 16 Issue 25: Oct 16, 2014
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Do you have a Nordic training, technique, equipment, travel, or event question? Just email us at 
Monday's email
Sorry about Monday's email regarding West Yellowstone. It was to go only to the coaches list but I prompted it incorrectly.
Last Week's Winner

Last week's winner was Jonathan Rova who correctly identified that Start's SLMF Glder series to contain around 0, 5, 10 and 20% Fluor. 

When to use which?

The more moisture/humidity or dirt the more Fluor will aid speed over the length of a race.

In a Marathon, Fluor always helps because even if it is dry snow there is inevitably one section of the race that is dirty and skiing over just one section of dirt will slow a ski for the remainder of the race. Having more Fluor will not only manage moisture but also keep the ski cleaner and therefore faster. What is great about Start waxes is that their , L, M, H are as hard as their same colored S's but with the great addition of Fluor so you get Fluor with not giving up the correct hardness. 

Look for this week's hidden question below.  The first reader to answer correctly wins a prize from Bliz. 

Andy at SkiPost
This Bliz 

Bliz for winter are now in stores.



 Check out  the This Bliz video from Bliz World Cup stars including Charlotte Kalla, Marcus Hellner, and Robin Bryntesson. 

Be the 1st to email us on what Robyn says girls want and win a prize? 


and share the video with your friends.


This Bliz
This Bliz

Hip Replacement 



Dear SkiPost, 


I am a 45 y/o male who has been nordic ski and bike racing at an amateur level since the late 90's. My guess is that my left hip failed due to me never taking a break, multiple falls while road cycling, mountain biking and at least one foray back into snowboarding.  The falls combined with dysplasia kickstarted early onset osteoarthritis in my left hip joint.  After 8 years of putting off surgery, and a slowly diminishing ability to train or even recreationally exercise, I decided this past summer to have a THR.  Being an obsessive/compulsive athlete, like many of us are, I've had lots of issues with patience while my soft tissue and bone mend themselves.  I am only four months out since my surgery, but happy to say that I am able to walk, sleep and ride my bike with little to no difficulty.  While I am roller skiing a fair bit already, I've found that easy bike rides and swimming are the best exercises that seem to not exacerbate the weakened soft tissues.

My PT has been working with me quite a bit as well, doing quite a bit of stretching, strengthening and balance work.


That said, you won't see me doing any spenst or other explosive training stuff this year.Hiking with poles and mindful roller skiing is the ticket for me I think.


I am looking forward to skiing this year, and hoping to tour a 50k if I am feeling 100%.  If not?  Hey!  I'll be skiing! And at this point?  I'd rather ski every other day, continue to be active and not feel the pressure of having to train.


Maintaining a positive attitude, keeping your activities fun and keeping a flexible list of goals to achieve has been super helpful to me in my healing process.


The surgeon that replaced my hip has told me that by year two, post-op,

I should be back to my normal self.  Please see the links below to help with your point of reference regarding your decision.


No hip implant is perfect.  But the Doctor that places the implant should be.  I chose ceramic on ceramic for it's negligible wear properties, biocompatible materials and common use in younger, more active patients.


Your surgeon can help you decide, but ultimately, it's your decision.


Lycka till!  (good luck!)




Drive for 25 

October marked the launch of the National Nordic Foundation's Drive for 25 fundraising campaign. 

Why donate to the the NNF?

Because the NNF "Supports Tomorrow's Nordic Stars Today". 

It is that simple. If you get teary eyed, as I do, seeing American Nordic athletes challenge for World Cup and Olympic medals, then we need to provide a development pipeline for future stars to develop to international stars. Supporting this development pipeline is what the NNF does. 



Dear SkiPost,


How good is swimming for building a base in the summer.   I do three swim workouts: one speed and strength, one strength and endurance, and one pure endurance workout.  That is about seven hours of training. Then twice to three times a week I roller ski for recovery, doing a lot of specific strength work.   I also will race open water races ranging in distance from 1.5 km to 5km. My goal for 2015 is the VASA 50 km under four hours.


FYI- At 51, cross country skiing and swimming are the only sports I can beat my thirty year old son at.


Thanks for your time. Mark


Dear Mark,


You raise an uncommon but good question, one we perhaps should pay more attention to.  Swimming is great exercise and cover much of the endurance and strength spectrum as you point out.  As for motions, we are dealing with a fish in- and out of water; while much of swim techniques can be correlated to the upper body work in Nordic skiing, the leg work is entirely different.  Also, swimming is based on buoyancy while skiing is upright and weight bearing with various degrees of ground impact, and we have to add in the sliding dimension.  Swimming is most often thought of as supplemental rather than primary exercise in ski training, but who says it couldn't be the other way around.  You are rollerskiing, add in some more weight bearing distance work on your legs, and you should be ready to ski.


If this program will get you through the Vasa 50K under 4 hours is impossible to say; make sure your "upright" training on your feet supports the duration you plan to be skiing.  This would probably not be the most commonly recommended training method in cross-country skiing, but it may be the best one for you. 


We have a number of good cross-over examples in swimming and skiing; the Vasa Trainer, widely used by swimmers, was conceived as an upper-body development tool for cross-country skiers, and we see multiple training methods and devices shared between the two sports.  For those who remember, current U.S. elite ski coach Scott Johnston went from the US Swim Team to the US Cross-country Ski Team, and Norwegian Dag-Atle Bj�rkheim swam himself onto their national ski team under the time and efficiency constraints of medical school.  You will find many excellent cross-over examples, but don't forget your legs are going to carry you 50K.


All the best,  -j  


Jon Engen, Sun Valley, ID  


Another question: upright work can mean running, bounding bleachers(my favorite) and mounting biking?  Anything that put pounding on the legs.

With my goal of a four hour 50km at VASA in training emphasis endurance, climbing power  then race pace work  in that order?  Climbing power and down hill  tech dice can be a combined workout?    Running I was taught that in each workout, you emphasize one part of devolopment(speed or endurance, power.  Time trails are for com binding them).  swim blended the different parts.  What is curent skiing philosophy on mixing workouts.


Dear M,


In response to your follow-up, any training on foot is good training.  However, to optimize your outcome, you may want to consult a coach who can guide you towards ski training based on your background, overall physical condition, location and training facilities, etc.  An individual's specific needs, including the endurance and intensity question, would be addressed simultaneously.  By all means, going up means coming down, so you get two birds in one stone by training hill repeats incorporating climbing and downhill technique.  Your example from running points back to the components of a ski training plan. 


As a recreationalist, feel good about enjoying a broad spectrum of activities of varied duration, intensity and resistance loads. Getting into more serious development, consult a coach or other training resources, seek out a clinic or master group, and embrace found info into your personal situation.  Ski training is always using "mixing" workouts as a method of maximizing the efficiency of labor and training time.  Beyond that, elite skiers are training about 15 different types of workout modes or activities, most of which address more than one skill or ability.  Good master skiers generally cover a slightly less number of activities, but pack a broad spectrum of development exercises into their time. 


All the best, 


Jon Engen, Sun Valley, ID  

Double Poling by 

David Lawrence

Video 1 = double pole overview explained using the new PSIA skills model (push-off, glide, weight transfer).


Double Pole Technique Overview, Cross Country Nordic Skiing
Double Pole Technique Overview, Cross Country Nordic Skiing

Video 2 = quick double pole drill built in an easy to follow progression. 

Double Pole Drill Progression Nordic Skiing
Double Pole Drill Progression Nordic Skiing


Check them out here: double poling videos.


Plus - The Biggest PSIA Nordic Event of the Year...


Be sure to sign-up for the first ever PSIA Nordic Ski Academy. 

You can read all about here.


Ski Fast!


David Lawrence


PSIA Nordic Team 


Follow for tips, videos and articles


Double Poling


Kim McKenney


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Double Pole 

It's a tongue in cheek article, but it also includes some tips for making it easier to learn to double pole. 




Article at  



Rollerskiing and Twigs


Dear SkiPost,


I started skate skiing late last season and picked it up again this pre-season as a way to get ready for the snow season.  While rollerski skating on a bike path a couple of weeks ago I hit a small twig which stopped my skate ski dead in its tracks.  I went down fast and hard.  I only have 250-300 miles on these wheels.  I would suspect that as wheels get worn they get smaller and will not roll over items as easy, but this seems too soon with such few miles.  I am now worried that it will occur again and find that small pebbles are creating problems. Any comments or advise.   I use Swenor Skate Elite Solid Rubber Wheels




Hi Jeff,

Your question is very timely since the fall season brings more leaves, sticks, and rollerskiers onto the trails.


It isn't common that the rollerski comes completely to a stop in such a violent way as to make you fall, but I think it is very common that debris will "catch" the wheel and cause you to lose control for a moment.  I'm coaching a lot of juniors and masters skiers right now and when we get to a section of trail with a lot of debris, we are only double-poling.  We will search for the cleanest sections of trail (or low-traffic road) to do our skating intervals.  

Sticks and stones are always a danger to rollerskiers but the times they are the most likely to cause the ski to stop are a) when you are moving slowly and there isn't enough momentum to roll over the object, b) when the wheels are becoming more worn out and/or smaller in diameter making it less-smooth for the wheel to roll over the object, and/or c) when there is a lot of pressure on the front wheel.  I'm not a physics guys, but I'm sure someone could present the mathematics behind your situation.  So, the question then becomes, "how do we fix these?".    


While this situation is more common with classic skis, or wide-wheeled skating skis, it can certainly happen with narrow-wheeled skate skis as well. 

Equipment solution.  The first solution is to mount the bindings are far backward as possible.  This reduces pressure on the front wheel decreasing the likelihood of situation "C."  Marwe rollerskis (sold by the author of this answer/article) have longer frames than many other models allowing you to shift more of the pressure toward the rear wheel.  An issue you may find with other brands is that the fork which connects the frame to the wheel wraps up onto the platform forcing the binding to be mounted further forward than optimal position.  The added benefit of mounting the bindings further back is that the ski will hang more naturally under the foot; more similar to a snow-ski than many other brands.


Training strategy solution.  The simplest way to decrease potential for wheel stoppage is to double pole through sections of trail that are particularly stick-y and stone-y.  If a section is really awful, try shifting your weight back slightly (I know this is bad technique but falling on your face is much worse technique) until you get to a more clear section.  Wait for the clear sections of trail to break out into your full-on V2 sprints!


Wheel durability varies hugely among different rollerski brands, but we have found that Marwe wheels are consistently the most durable on the market.  I have known skiers using other brands who will commonly go through 2-3 sets per year!  But I think wheel wear may be just a portion of the issue. 

Cheers to a lovely winter free of sticks on your trails! 


Kevin Johnson

GM at FinnSisu distributor of Marwe Rollerskis




Got Twigs? Go Tele!


I'm not talking about dropping a knee or anything, but a few inches of fore-aft offset achieves what Kevin referred to as 'shifting your weight back' on one ski, while shifting your weight forward on the other. The result is greater fore-aft stability. It only needs to be momentary, and I'll employ it when crossing weird lines in the pavement, twigs, pebbles or any interruption in forward glide. Should the front wheel stop, you can step forward into the opposite 'tele' stance, and glide on, OR step again.


This readiness to nimbly keep your feet under you also translates to on-snow situations, with slow snow, cones, leaves or needles, dips or bumps, or even challenging grip wax conditions. The same fore-aft separation is what so many skiers employ in aggressive all-out double poling to maximize extension and commitment, while retaining a modicum of fore-aft stability. 


While most of the above applies to classic, a bump encountered while skating can be recovered from with some quick steps too. One of the best bits of advice I can offer on this is to practice recovering. Unrehearsed recovery moves, while intended to avoid falls and injury, can by themselves lead to injury. Practice regaining your balance with twigs and pebbles before you're in the heat of the sprint, or the crux of the hill, and you'll have a reflex to rely on.


Scotty McGee

PSIA Nordic Team Coach



Twigs 2


Kevin's suggestions are good for rollerskiing longer bike paths, although from experience I found it easier to get thrown over by a rock or twig that you happen to hit wrong on a downhill than I think his comments perceive. I'd also add that on a wet leafy section of trail, it pays to ski conservatively, if not double pole, unless one has absolute confidence in the wheels. I found some wheels - my experience was mostly with Marwe's - really don't like wet leaves.   


On a longer trail that I'm going out and back on, especially if doing the route more than once, I've often used my poles on the first trip to flip potentially troublesome rocks and branches/twigs off to the side, and even stopped to do it by hand.


As for short trail sections where one is doing intervals, such as where an uphill/downhill is involved, I found it helpful take a broom along and sweep the trail where needed before starting. Yes, really!  That several minutes makes it easier to concentrate on the skiing rather than constantly having to worry about one's life.


Finally, there were occasionally roads where I bit the bullet and wore knee and elbow protection, and even "crash pads" under my shorts (that's a brand name - they really do work).  I think when a technique, or even rollerskiing itself, is still new, that's not a bad idea.  And of course, a bike helmet.


Gene Goldenfeld

Skiboot History at Salomon Nordic


Start Gliders
Get more with Start

Start has reformulated its entire glide wax series SG, LF, MF, and HF.   



Follow SkiPost on Facebook to get SnowFinder updates.


Weston Ski Track
Help save Boston Skiing


Hello All,


There is a possibility that Weston Ski Tracks may cease to exist in next couple of years. Currently they are trying to limit snowmaking and do not want grooming to be done on the main part of the fairways. There is a group called Friends of Leo J Martin Skiing ( to prevent this from happening and they are hosting a celebration of skiing at Leo J Martin Golf Course aka. Weston Ski Tracks


What: 40 Year Celebration of Skiing at the Leo J Martin

When: 2-5 pm, December 14, 2014

Where: Charles River Water Authority Building, Leo J Martin Golf Course, Weston MA


CXC Super Fit Program


CXC Super Fit ProgramGet your equipment fit by using a state-of-the-art CXC 3D pressure mat and light table.

Bring your old skis to test if they have a good fit for you, learn what conditions they will ski the best and compare them to new skis side by side. CXC Team athletes and coaches will also assist in finding your best pair of skis from the store stock.

Each Superfit Weekend is also about getting advice on technique, training and waxing. CXC athletes and coaches will be on hand to complement the store's staff and assist you with boots selection and fitting, poles selection and length, ski apparel and wax box insights.

'CXC Super Fit' is a weekend sale program at select store locations filled with seminars, presentations and store specials. Receive information firsthand - talk to the athletes about the type of skis you need for certain snow conditions and ways to make them glide fast. 

In addition to all listed above you will also find:

Testing your ski fitness with Nordic Ergometer (simulates double poling on snow) - Measure force output from each of your poling motion with CXC's Power Poles -Learn about Paralympic Cross Country Skiing and Biathlon 

- 'Taste of Nordic' free rollerski and dry-land clinic 

Dates: October 24-26
Fri 10am-7pm
Sat 10am-4pm / *Technique Clinic - 9am
(*meet in shop parking lot)
Sun 12am-4pm


Dates: October 31-November 2
Fri 10am-7pm
Sat 10am-8pm / *Technique Clinic - 9am
(*meet in shop parking lot)

Sun 11am-6pm 


Dates: November 7-9
Fri 10am-8pm
Sat 10am-5pm / *Technique Clinic - 9am
(*meet in shop parking lot)

Sun 12am-4pm 


Dates: November 14-16
Fri 9am-8pm
Sat 9am-5pm / *Technique Clinic - 8am
(*meet in shop parking lot)

Sun 11am-5pm


Win an Erickson


Kent Eriksen Cycles, HED Cycling and Sram are partnering to support CXC's Adaptive Program for children with physical disabilities and visual impairment by giving away a dream bike to one lucky winner!

2014 CXC/Wayne Fish 

Coaches Certification & Conference

OCT 17-19


This year's CXC Coaches Conference will again be focused on CXC/USSA Level 100 Coaches Certification, introduce CXC/USSA Level 200 Coaches Certification and specific hands-on session for Adaptive coaching. Coaches will be able to complete full certification during the weekend and receive certification license and a patch. 





 Registration Open

November 25 - 29, 2014


Kick off your ski season at Yellowstone Ski Festival XC ClinicsGreat ski conditions, the Rendezvous trail system and the West Yellowstone ski culture make Thanksgiving week in West Yellowstone the best place in America to transition from dry-land training to on-snow skiing.

  • Train with and learn from a professional team of coaches (check them out here)
  • Develop and solidify good ski technique
  • Learn how to train more effectively
  • Get excellent on-snow base training to start the season

Whether you are a focused master skier preparing for the race season or a beginner skier wanting to be more efficient on skis, West Yellowstone XC ski clinics is the place for you to be Thanksgiving week.   Check out the full list of clinics and register at:


The new 5-day race focused training clinic is sure to be a popular this year.  World Cup skier Matt Liebsch,  Olympian Erich Wilbrecht and former US Ski Team coach Miles Minson are just a few of the top tier coaches working with the clinics this year.  Reserve a spot today. 


 Preseason discount trail passes for Yellowstone Ski Festival


*Order by October 31, 2014 for the best rate 


Prepaid trail passes are now available for the Yellowstone Ski Festival. Passes are valid from November 1-30.  


 more information at


SuperTour and other West Yellowstone Races.


Schedule for West Yellowstone Fall Camp is  




Register NOW before it's too Late!! 

We are just over 500 entries AWAY from the  10,500 race cap for the

 Swix American Birkebeiner!! 

 Don't Miss Out on the

Greatest Show on Snow!

Click Here for Event Details and to Register! * 



Nordic Job Openings

Nordic Job Opening? email to post


Mansfield Nordic Club seeks to hire a Junior Team Development coach to lead our top youth skiers toward higher level skiing on our Junior Competition team. Our new coach will be a high-energy skier with strong communication, leadership and interpersonal skills. The position is for approximately 15-20 hours per week, November 2014-March 2015. There is likely potential for this position to lead into the Head Coach for our Junior Competition Team in May 2015.

Our new coach will have primary responsibilities for:

* Coaching our Development Team with 10-12 fast, motivated skiers, age 12-16, who strive to make the MNC Competition Team. Several of these skiers are among the top in New England and ready for specialized technique and race coaching.
* Provide motivation, technique development and race savvy in a fun and energetic environment.
* Create a passion & joy for skiing with determination & toughness to be the best skier they can be.
* Collaborate closely with BKL and Competition Team head coaches to bridge athletes from the BKL youth program to the Junior Competition Team
* Expand the number of female athletes transitioning from BKL to Junior Team
* Provide race support at 8 NENSA Eastern Cup races and at 3-4 BKL races
* Design individualized training programs for each athlete with long & short range goal setting.
* Lead and train a parent volunteer wax team
* Actively communicate and coordinate with parents and with school ski team coaches Mansfield Nordic Club is one of the largest and most diverse Nordic ski clubs in New England with programs for 200+ skiers age 7-70. Our home training facility is the Ethan Allen Biathlon Range in Jericho, Vermont with snowmaking, lights, piston bully grooming, challenging competition level trails, stadium, full biathlon range, large lodge and 5km paved roller ski system. We also train at numerous facilities including Trapp Family Lodge and Craftsbury Outdoor Center. Our members range from recreational fitness skiers to top competitive skiers. Our youth, junior, collegiate and masters skiers have been on the podium at the New England BKL Festival, Junior Nationals, NCAA competitions and Masters National and World championships. We provide programs for Bill Koch League recreation skiers, Bill Koch League Race Team, Junior Development Team, Junior Competition Team and Masters fitness and Masters competitive groups. In addition to our winter skiing programs, we host a summer training program for junior skiers, a fall training program and a Thanksgiving Camp at Craftsbury with 2010 Olympian Garrott Kuzzy.

For more specific details on this position, email:

Soldier Hollow

Soldier Hollow Resort, located in Midway, UT, is seeking cross-country ski instructors and coaches for the 2014-15 winter season. Soldier Hollow, home of the 2002 Olympic cross country and biathlon events, is a full service Nordic center with 31km of trails, ski rentals, and lessons. In addition, Soldier Hollow offers recreational and competitive programs for over 400 youth. Email for more information on available positions.

Galena Lodge


Galena Lodge, 23 miles North of Ketchum/Sun Valley (Nordic Town USA), is looking for a full time ski instructor for the winter season. Job would include Nordic instruction (beginner to advanced but mostly beginner) in both classic and skate as well as the following duties: servicing yurts, shoveling snow, packing snowshoe trails, renting skis and snowshoes, selling merchandise, some restaurant work, working hard and being awesome! Season is from Mid november to early April. Contact Erin at 208-726-4010 or for more details.

Mountain Shop in Portland OR


The Mountain Shop is Portland Oregon is seeking experienced Nordic Ski sales staff that have a serious passion for helping to expand and deepen the Nordic Culture in the Pacific Northwest.  An ideal candidate is a four season athlete with expert technical knowledge of Nordic ski gear, skiing technique (on snow and on roller skis) as well as ski tuning and maintenance.  We also have a serious commitment to adventure and road biking and looking for people how compliment the seasons with trail running, adventure biking and working with youth and adult programming, sponsoring races and an all-around. Please send your cover letter, resume, and an outdoor bio of your experience to Guy Trombley, General Manager of the Mountain Shop at

West Yellowstone Ski Education Foundation

Head Coach - West Yellowstone Nordic Ski Team


Position:  Head Coach - Nordic Ski Team


Primary Objective of Position:  Under limited supervision, acts as the Head Coach for the West Yellowstone Nordic Ski Team


Education and Experience:

The knowledge, skills, and abilities required for this position include the following:

  • Strong Nordic ski teaching and coaching knowledge and skills necessary to teach Classic and Freestyle techniques
  • Efficient verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to work independently and delegate responsibilities when necessary

email Moira Dow or call  617-697-6126


Moira Dow

Program Director

Yellowstone Ski Festival

West Yellowstone Ski Education Foundation

Vail Nordic Center Job Opportunities


The Vail Nordic Center is looking for employees for the 2014/15 Nordic season.  The ideal candidate has retail experience, Nordic knowledge, Nordic teaching experience, and is able to work in a fast paced environment.  Interested candidate, please submit a resume and letter via email check out


Yellowstone Track Systems, Inc.  

Job opening


Would you like to live in snow country?

Do you want a year round job.

Yellowstone Track Systems has an opening.

Pays well with benefits.  check out 


email Doug Edgerton


Crystal Lake Camp Ski Center/ SVVC Coordinator 

 Williamsport Pennsylvania


This position is unique as the member will be working with two organizations. This dual- purposed position will work as the Susquehanna Valley Velo Club (SVVC) Coordinator and as the Crystal Lake Camps (CLC) Ski Center Coordinator. Since both positions are relatively seasonal, the full-time position will be split their time based on each organization's needs.

If interested in the position, please contact:
Daryl Kern, STEP AmeriCorps


Head Development Coach & Assistant Coaches


Boulder Nordic Junior Race Team (BNJRT) seeks candidates for Head Development Coach and Assistant Coaches. The Head Development Coach will be responsible for overseeing development of younger skiers (U14-U8) and assisting (and collaborating with) the Head Coach for older skiers (U20-U16). Assistant Coaches will primarily coach younger skiers with options to assist on race weekends. We seek coaches that are able to teach classic and freestyle techniques to athletes from 8-19 years old with varied skiing and athletic backgrounds and are able to find creative ways to integrate fun into training.


About BNJRT:

About Boulder:

About Eldora Nordic:


Interested applicants please send a resume (PDF attachment) and cover letter (can be the body of the email) to the BNJRT Board of Directors at: The BNJRT BOD will review applicants and conduct interviews in the coming weeks.

About SkiPost


Cross-Country skiing's community lodge. Where knowledge and stories are shared. The goal of SkiPost is to make the sport of Cross-Country skiing easier and more enjoyable for all who choose to participate. If you have questions on Cross-Country Skiing email us and visit


Enjoy Winter,

Andrew Gerlach
Director/Editor- SkiPost
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Woodski roller skis, 
chosen by US Olympians

find the time
The one gift you receive at birth is time.  You'll never have more  than you have today.  Find the Time.

Salomon Nordic
on the Worldloppet



Nordic Ski Dolomites, Italy

Feb. 14-23, 2015

Fabulous Scenery!

1000 Km of groomed trails to explore.

Sign-up before Oct. 30th for best deal!



Jon Engen

CXC Academy


Get Lungplus to preheat your breath and save your lungs.
For more information go to 
ski erg
West Yellowstone





BLIZ America Dealers



For more BLIZ USA info 





West Yellowstone




Rossignol Catalog

CXC Academy

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