Ask us, We Answer
Do you have a Nordic training, technique, equipment, travel, or event question? Just email us at
Dear SkiPost,
I am planning on traveling some next winter to race some ski marathons. What are 3-4 must do" US events ?
signed, got the marathon itch.
Dear got the marathon itch.
I would suggest starting you season with a visit to the West Yellowstone Ski Festival over Thanksgiving week. The joy of West is that you can ski from the front door of your hotel to the trails. Demo the latest and greatest gear. Ski until lunch. eat allot and ski again. Then mingle with thousands of other nordic enthusiasts and gear reps at the nightly expo. Get a leg up on you rivals and over-ski over Thanksgiving.
For guaranteed enjoyment and a non-intimidating race length do the Boulder Mountain Tour in Sun Valley, Idaho. Fast times, sunny days and good food make for an always enjoyable experience.
Another non intimidating in distance marathon with the best finish line festivities and food is The Great Ski Race from Tahoe City to Truckee.
For old school charm I love the Minnesota Finlandia. When I go to the MinnFinn I feel like it is my first marathon in 1982 all over again.and I love it.
American Birkebeiner is the granddaddy of World and US Loppets so it must be on everyone's bucket list. But do the Birkie when you are fully prepared and do a Birkie Qualifier first to get in the wave the appropriate paced race wave.
I will list a few more and more details on each next week and world loppets in future weeks
Pole Tips on Running Tracks
Dear SkiPost
Our school district is considering resurfacing the high school running track, which our local Nordic team has used for summer and fall roller skiing once per week for about a half-dozen years. Some people in the community feel that roller skiing is much more wearing on a track surface than running, and that roller skiing should be banned from a new track. Most skiers think the perception is wrong, since two sharp points of the poles are a tiny fraction of the number of sharp points on a pair of track shoes. The history of the track and the nature of the wear also suggest that skiing has insignificant impact. Still, we need to make our case. Does anyone have any information about the wear-and-tear caused by roller skiing on a typical modern running track?
If any SkiPost readers have insight they would like to share on this issue please email us at
Pole Tips on Running Tracks feedback
Dear Ski Post,
I have been a serious master's racer for decades and roller ski all summer. We have several turf fields and a modern, high tech track at our nearby town fields. I would NEVER think of roller skiing on the track. Not only do I fear that the carbide tips (or regular tips) would severely damage the surface, but even the hard, small wheels would exert quite a few pounds per square inch on the relatively soft surface. There are plenty of roads and parking lots where troller skiing can be done. Our very successful Cambridge Sports Union program uses a track for running testing (3k for time), but never roller skiing. I would not try and fight this battle with your local administrators!
Re: ski poles on running track.
I attend many outdoor high school track meets that use modern synthetic firm rubber surfaces on the track. The track meets at these facilities require that racing shoes use short (about 1/8") blunt nubbie spikes to avoid track damage- no long spikes allowed. I predict that aggressive carbide road tips on poles are going to tear up the track, despite their lower volume of use. The alternative would be to make the roller workouts no-pole. Another alternative would be to come up with a soft rubber tip. Maybe it could even fit over the carbide road tips. Such a tip would also be useful on concrete surfaces on which traditional carbide tips don't get any bite.
Dear SkiPost
I'm sorry, but I think if I was a high school administrator and my school had just paid a lot of money to resurface the running track, I would be perfectly justified in saying that there will be no more rollerskiing, biking, rollerblading, etc., on that track. The spikes used on a pair of track spikes typically aren't that long, and there are at least 5-6 of them spread out over the surface of the foot strike area, and they are pretty thin, as opposed to one long, thicker roller ferrule punching down into the track with (ideally) a fair amount of force. It's entirely possible that allowing rollerskiing on the track could void the warranty if the track does end up getting damaged. I don't know what the alternatives are for this individual, but I think it's reasonable for the school to ban activities on the new track for which the surface wasn't intended, I.e. other than running or walking.
Anyway, I would expect the wheel resistance on the new track to be high enough to make it not very conducive to good technique training anyway, and if the desire is for the increased poling resistance, then either break out the bungees for strength training, or have the athlete drag a tire while rollerskiing on pavement.
Anchorage, Alaska
I would encourage the use of old ski poles; take the baskets off and wrap the bottom with "hockey" tape (also known as friction tape south of the 49th). You will get sufficient grip and not harm the surface of the track. It will take some time to get the feel for grip on the track but in due course you will wonder why you didn't "go tape" sooner. Two more advantages of "hockey" tape: less of a jolt to your arms/body and reducing the risk of injury due to sharpness of the ferrules.
All the best,
I've been using the same section of the paved B&A trail for 15 years and there is no damage I can see attributable to my poles even on the plank bridge I cross on a regular basis. There has been a lot of wear but that is general deterioration due to sun/rain/freezing and some due to occasional maintenance vehicles on the path (parallel depressions 8 inches wide are a pretty strong indicator). What the poles do is trivial. You should be able to demo that yourself by examining a pole plant mark, if you even find it. Worst case would be a scratch mark following a plant & slip.
I'm not an expert on this subject, but I have certainly been around the track a few times in my life. One thing that I have noticed over the years, is that track surfaces continue to evolve. I'm old enough to remember running on a grass field track, cinder track, and asphalt. What I have noticed in more recent years is that tracks are not an asphalt material anymore. They tend to be a springy rubber like compound. So, when you ask if poling on a running track is detrimental to the surface, you need to make sure you are comparing like surfaces (ie doing tests on the old track to evaluate wear may not apply to the new surface if a different material). Also, be careful when making a claim that there are several track spikes on each shoe, in most cases, the spikes are only a couple of mm in length. I can easily imagine someone doing a sprint start on roller skis that the tips of a sharpened pair of pole tips would go into the surface quite a ways. Finally, if the group paying for the replacement of the track doesn't get funding from other users (roller skiers, YMCA running groups, soccer/football players in cleats, etc), then they probably have a greater say in who can use the facility. Sorry my thoughts on this subject only added more questions, but as both a Nordic skier and a former track hog, I can understand why both groups would want shared or exclusive use.
Summer Training
Dear SkiPost,
Some people tell me summer should be all about base work. Others (including SkiPost) emphasize that I do not do enough intervals. So what is it? Should I just do base work in summer or should I work on intervals or both? Signed confused.
Dear confused,
Cross-country skiing is a primarily aerobic sport. The best way to develop your aerobic system, and even your higher end fitness (V02 max and lactate threshold) is with easy to moderate (60 to 80% of max heart-rate) intensity distance (45min to 2hr) sessions. This type of training comprise about 80% of the training load, even for elite ski racers.
This being true, it is also the case that the training week should be built around one to three harder training sessions. A harder training session is either a short hard session or a long easy session. For instance many programs are built around two interval sessions and one long (3hr) easy (heart rate around 70% of max) session.
Your body adapts to a certain stress after 4 to 6 weeks and so if you don't change that stress, doing what you have already been doing will only serve to maintain what you have built. It can be helpful to look toward your racing season and plan backward. You should end up with a plan that builds toward the racing season. The basic idea is to build your aerobic base over the summer, work on more race like aerobic and anaerobic fitness in the fall and early winter, and race fast in the winter.
In the summer then you would consider doing mostly easy to moderate intensity workouts with one session a week of harder training, and some strength training.
Monday: speed and spenst. Spenst = as per the spenst email. Start the workout with a warm up, spenst and then do speed. Speed = controlled efforts at higher than race pace of 15 to 30 seconds in ski terrain. Start with 5 to 10 sprints and build to around 20 taking 2 to 5 minutes rest between. Or you can simply build sprints and spenst into a distance session so that as you run or rollerski along you sprint or jump up hills as you come to them.
Tuesday: Easy distance session (1 to 2hrs at around 70% of max hr). Strength training = high repetitions (20 to 30) with lower weight. Weight should be such that you cannot do more than 3 sets of 20 to 30 (you finish the first set no problem, struggle at the end of the second set, and have a tough time getting 20 to 30 on the last set.) Focus on ski specific strength including a lot of stomach and back work.
Wednesday: Easy distance or off.
Thursday: Easy distance and strength (specific strength on rollerskis is great).
Friday: Easy distance or off
Saturday: Intervals. Build up to higher intensity as the fall goes on. Start with intervals of 5 to 10 minutes with 3 to 5 minute rest between at 80 to 90% of max hr. Build up to intervals of 3 to 5 minutes at 90 to 95% of max hr. Total "on" time should also increase as the fall goes on. Start with 10 to 15 minutes of "on" time and build to 30 or 45 minutes of interval time. In all cases intervals should NOT leave you totally wasted. At the end of your interval session you should always feel like you could do one more, and with pacing you should make the same distance with each interval (every 5 minutes should take you the same distance). If you go shorter each time than you are going too fast.
Sunday: long easy distance. Hr 60 to 70% of max - 3hours.
This is only an example. As the summer/fall/early winter goes on you extend the duration of the workouts gradually, making sure you get lots of rest so that you are getting stronger and feeling better rather than getting more and more tired as the summer goes on. For instance, you could do the above week for two weeks then take one week easier before returning to the above week schedule. For example: Week one = 6 hours, wk 2 = 6hrs, wk 3 = 4hrs, wk 5 = 7hrs, wk 6 = 8hrs, wk 7 = 5hrs, wk 8 = 7hrs, wk 9 = 10hrs, wk 10 = 6hrs... build up so that your biggest weeks are late in the fall or early in the winter.
There is a lot of training material out there, but this is the basic idea: training breaks the body down, rest builds it back to a level higher than before training. Remember REST builds the body up.
What do you think of slacklining as a balance training vehicle for xc skiing? It's a popular past time in the rock climbing world.
Signed unbalanced
Dear Unbalanced, Yes I would consider the Slackline a good tool to work on balance and foot feel. Above is a picture of my daughter on the slack line in our yard. As with all training tools it is best to be as specific as possible. But if you can add the slack line to your training without taking out ski specific actions I can only see benefits. Andy at SkiPost |
Citizen Skier Ski Technique Clinics
Join CXC for one or several of its ski technique clinics at select CXC Masters Team Chapter locations. Open to non-members. We work on ski technique, agility and strength.
PRICE: full day, $100 / full weekend, $200 / full season, $500
Never Forget! Igor Legacy Camp Recap
by Bill Pierce
I've had some amazing mentors in my lifetime! Parents, relatives, friends, business associates, and others have all contributed to my life and learning! Whether they were younger or older, I have learned many things from many different people. Igor was one of these individuals.
The First Annual Igor Legacy Camp happened this past weekend and I am so lucky that I could get to be a part of it. If I had to state what the theme of the camp was it would be this simple; Enjoy Moving, Enjoy Life!! The young athletes that attended were mostly 10-14 years of age with a few exceptions above and below that group.
The best sessions were the morning warm ups and the basic functional movement sessions during the day. Steve Myrland and Dr. Jim Mullen are the best strength and movement coaches in the business! Really, they are! They are kids at heart with professional refinements for functional movement and strength...
Read Full Story / Camp Action in Photos
Birkie T-Shirt Design Contest
The American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation's annual Birkie T-Shirt Design Contest is now open for entries! The winning design will be featured as the official T-shirt of the 2015 Swix American Birkebeiner to be held February 19-22nd, 2015-the 42nd annual event.
Anyone Can Enter the Contest - No Design Experience Necessary
Deadline for Entries is July 15th, 2014
T-Shirt Design Guidelines and Rules

The first UltrAspire vest to integrate with the Molecular Belt System™ (MBS)! It allows carriage of bottles on the back with a vest front, while using your choice of MBS belt. The whole reason it was created was to enable a race vest with the flexibility of the MBS belt for customization. It's the UltrAspire Kinetic Vest two-bottle concept now made MBS compatible. So, it's all about Choice! And, the adjustable yoke keeps bottles positioned properly for low center of gravity and ease of access. As a result, the surface area taken up by the pack is much lower, meaning a much cooler carriage of gear.
 | UltrAspire Ribos MBS Vest Pack Tutorial |
Wax Nerds Wanted
Why Start? Because Start delivers the most complete wax system available. More kickers, more gliders, more fluor... Get More with Start.
Apply to be a Start Waxing Ambassador & Hometown Hero.
Anette B�e
Ski Coach - Instructor
Anette B�e , the multiple time Olympic and World Championship medalist from Norway is looking to share her coaching and ski instructing skills with North Americans.
Anette has been a coach for the:
Norwegian Women's Cross Country Ski Team
Norwegian Women's Hockey Team
and run her own ski school.
Education: Norwegian University of Sports; Bachelor phys.ed. Norwegian School of Marketing, Oslo, Norway Norway Future Female leader & coach program
If you are looking for a highly qualified coach and instructor and would like to discuss the options with Anette email
and we will put you in touch with her.
The Utah Nordic Alliance (TUNA) Seeking Head Coach
The Utah Nordic Alliance (TUNA) is seeking a full-time year-round Coach/Director to lead the competition and recreational ski programs. The Coach/Director will be a primary coach for the Comp and Jr Comp teams and will be responsible for oversight and development of an integrated recreational and competition program to develop skiers following the mission of the TUNA Junior Program. Please refer to the attached position description for details. Interested applicants should review the position description for details and send applications and inquiries to
Duties will include:
- Preparing and supervising team and individual training plans for Comp Team athletes.
- Administrative duties in connection with the operation of the Comp and Junior Comp teams.
- Providing coaching and waxing support for local ski races, travel with the Comp Team for out-of-town trips, provide coaching and wax support for IMD Junior National Championship Qualifier events, and organize and lead a number of out of town training camps. The Coach will also provide support for select regional and National events.
- Planning, organization, and coach recruitment for TUNA's Recreation and Development programs.
- Assisting the TUNA Board in team development functions and fund raising.
- Maintaining on-going communication with Comp and Jr. Comp Team athletes and their parents.
This is a year-round position that, in addition to Winter skiing activities and competitions, also includes Summer and Fall dryland training and training camp responsibilities. Interested candidates are encouraged to send a cover letter, resum�, and list of three references to
Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation
Junior Nordic Head Coach
Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation (TVSEF) based out of Driggs, Idaho, wishes to retain a head coach who will have primary responsibility of coaching our middle school and high school aged team members. The head coach will also have the responsibility of the day to day planning, administration, and oversight of all our Junior Nordic Programs. The job will be salaried and seasonal from approximately October - March. Contact Dan Streubel at for further information and to obtain a detailed job description of our head coach position.
Leavenworth Winter Sports Club
Head Coach/ Program Director for Nordic Team
Leavenworth, WA
The Leavenworth Winter Sports Club is seeking a Head Coach/Program Director to work with its Nordic Program, serving kindergarten through high school age skiers and competitive racers. This is an exciting opportunity to join an established Club with very successful programs and develop a comprehensive Nordic Program for all ages.
This is a seasonal salaried position (December through March) that requires availability for weekly practice and perform other aspects of running the team including travel to scheduled races and camps. The position is seasonal part-time (June -November) as off-season training programs are developed.
1. Energetic and highly self-motivated 2. Collegiate or national level racing and/or coaching experience 3. Planning, budgeting and organizing skills 4. Team leadership 5. Strong written and verbal communication skills
Duties include: 1. Guide and develop the overall LWSC Nordic Program structure and vision 2. Athlete education and coaching, with an emphasis on fitness, technique and skill development 3. Supervise and conduct safe, fun and developmentally appropriate practices and activities for each age group. 3. Plan, develop, and implement training plans and practice sessions for high school age skiers 4. Identify strengths and weaknesses of athletes 5. Nurture and develop athletes' potential skills and abilities 6. Analyze and evaluate athlete's performances and modify training programs 7. Maintain scheduling with different age group practices 8. Work with and manage assistant coaches and parent volunteers conducting practices, waxing, events, races, and carpooling. 9. Communicate with athletes and families by email, website, and social media about schedules and upcoming events (LWSC staff will assist in these duties when applicable). 10. Attend races with the team. Coordinate waxing (both classic and skate) and wax testing while at races. 11. Assist in fundraisers and functions over the course of the year.
Please send resumes and references to: Mark Milliette, General Manager |
Summit Nordic Ski Club
head coach
SNSC is an established Nordic ski club located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, home to four outstanding Nordic ski centers, as well as Breckenridge, Keystone, Arapahoe Basin and Copper Mountain alpine ski resorts . Located just 75 miles west of Denver, this outdoor oriented community offers excellent training facilities including 40 miles of detached paved bike paths and an extensive trail
"The primary mission of the Summit Nordic Ski Club is to provide the youth of Summit County with a well-balanced ski racing program including fitness, self-esteem, and character building through training
and competition within a nurturing environment. '
Responsibilities Include:
Coaching junior skiers from our Prep, Devo and Comp programs including those who are aspiring to compete at Jr Nationals and the Scando Cup.
Head Coach will be travelling with athletes to appropriate racing opportunities and camps. Develop a regular schedule of practice and training for our athletes.
Qualifications Include:
Ability and desire to work with all age groups and abilities
Strong communication and organizational skills
Previous coaching experience preferred
This year around position involves coaching and mentoring U12 thru U20 aged athletes and to help foster and grow Nordic Racing in our community.
Reply with a cover letter and resume to:
Nordic Center Director
at Snow Mountain Ranch/YMCA of the Rockies,
Granby CO
Position Summary:
Responsible for managing and directing all operational aspects of the Nordic Center, including year-round trail development and maintenance, and coordinating year-round special events. Manages specialty retail outlets on property.
To see an overview of the position, including requirements, compensation, and the application process, please view:
More than 20,000 skiers per year visit our property covering 5,200 acres of mountain meadows at an altitude of 9,000 feet. Snow Mountain Ranch's Nordic Center has more than 100 kilometers of groomed trails accommodating everyone from the first-time classic cross-country skier or snowshoer to the elite racer/skate skier. We are proud to host members of the U.S. Paralympics Nordic team for their training, regional races, the Colorado Biathlon, and other world class events. Beyond cross country skiing, families and groups can enjoy ice skating, sledding & tubing, snowshoeing and sleigh rides. Canine companions are welcome to join skiers on some of the trails, for a full-family workout.
Applications due by May 30, 2014.
About SkiPost
Cross-Country skiing's community lodge. Where knowledge and stories are shared. The goal of SkiPost is to make the sport of Cross-Country skiing easier and more enjoyable for all who choose to participate. If you have questions on Cross-Country Skiing email us and visit
Enjoy Winter,
Andrew Gerlach Director/Editor- SkiPost