Volume 14 Issue 41: Feb 7, 2013
SkiPost Felix
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before I included SkiTrax's latest contest and some other links.
Here is SkiPost #2 with correct links etc..
Andy at SkiPost
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Roto Waxing
Do you have any shortcuts for waxing a fleet of team skis or rental skis?
Yes, we have been in situations like this before and default to Roto waxing. If the fleet of skis you need to glide wax have been well taken care of and have a good amount of base wax in them you can do what we call Roto waxing.  In order to do this you will take a nylon Roto brush, run it over a block of the appropriate Start SG Hydrocarbon wax (This really only works on waxes as soft as SG 4, SG6, SG7).  Then quickly run the roto brush over the skis.  The heat the roto brush generates while it runs the length of the ski will apply wax to the base. This is only a shortcut to adjusting wax on a fleet of skis quickly. It is not recommended for race waxing, but in a pinch it can be better than doing nothing to the skis.
Andy at SkiPost

 Marathon Fueling

Start Easy!


and more info

Dear Ski Post -

Any tips on how to fuel the engine during a marathon?  Dealing with gloves and strapped on poles is very cumbersome when trying to take in calories, liquid and especially solid.  Not at all like the hands-free situation while running a marathon.  

Thank  you!  Hungry


If you start drinking early and use an energy drink you can survive most, if not all, of  a marathon without solid food. For extra energy you can staple a gel packs pack to your race bib. 


But one race day key to surviving a Marathon without the dreaded bonk is starting easy enough for at least the first 20 minutes. If you avoid oxygen debt at the start and ski into the race you can start burning fats and you can have enough fats to ski a marathon. But if you start out too fast you will start burning glycogen and then you will run out of energy. (In layman's terms) 


Warm Up to stay with leaders


You say start an event at fat burning levels and not go into oxygen debt. From my experience in races, the contenders start at break neck speed and never let up. If I start at a controlled pace, there's absolutely no chance of ever catching up. Hoping they will somehow hit the wall, but they never do and keep that insane pace all the way to the finish?



Yes the leaders do hammer from the gun, but they also warm up before the race so can go harder at the start and also have people hand them feed bottles during the race. Most master skiers use the beginning of the marathon race as their warm up so need to take it easier and they get less feed during the event.

Hi Andy,

Saw your call-out for more detailed info on carbs/glycogen, & fueling for a ski marathon.  I wrote about the topic a while ago on my ski team' s website. A bit long to summarize, but feel free to pass on the link if you think it's helpful!

PSIA Nordic Instructor Tip

Build Your Lesson One Piece at a Time



BY: David Lawrence


The Four Rules of One is a concept that helps instructors and coaches with a cardinal teaching rule --- teach and coach in a logical progression.


Sometimes coaches explain way too much, give way too much information and focus on too many skills before they let students or athletes experiment with the movements or ideas in a drill or on a ski.


Most students can only handle one idea at a time.  The Four Rules of One helps you build teaching progressions in a liner, step by step progression that builds small skills and movements into larger more complex skills and movements.


The idea is to Pick One Thing, Explain One Thing, Show One Thing, Ski One Thing and REPEAT!!!


For example, teaching body position, start by picking one thing to focus on, like legs.  Instead of explaining the whole body position paradigm including arms, spine, abdominals, head, eyes, poles, and everything else - pick one thing - the legs. 


Next, explain one thing, flex your ankles and knees.  Explain how we bend our knees and ankles keeping our hips over our ankles.  If we only bend our knees, the ankles remain flat and the hips go back.  A good skier bends both joints. Remember to explain only one thing and don't get lured into thinking you should explain more!


While you explain the concept, you can also show the concept by bending your ankles and knees.  So the third step is show one thing.  Again, don't get lured into showing more than just the one thing you picked to discuss.  This isn't the time to say, notice my spine, and my head and my arms.  Remember to pick one thing, explain one thing and show one thing.  Your student doesn't need more than that.  You'll show them all the other great stuff after they've had a chance to experiment with this one idea first!


Finally, ski one thing. Let the skiers ski, and give them feedback about that single task. Don't give feedback about other things. Let them focus and ski one thing, even if other technique pieces fall apart for a short time while they focus on a single item.


Now my favorite part, REPEAT!!! That's right, you go through the whole process again but this time you add the next element, the next piece to the puzzle.  You might show them how to round their back, relax their shoulders, push their hips forward or where to look when they ski.


The bottom line, build in a progression, from one small piece to the next.  You don't build a stone castle from one stone.  You construct the castle securing one stone on top of another, so to with teaching technique.  You place one movement pattern on top of another until you build an efficient skier.  You don't make great skiers all at once.


David Lawrence  PSIA Nordic Demo Team 


Salomon's 2012 Birkie 





Tad Elliott and Holly Brooks returned from the European World Cup to successfully avenge previous 2nd place finishes and discovered the speedy ride of the Salomon Soft Ground skis in the process.


Salomon Complete Athletes put in impressive performances taking 5 of the 6 podium positions at the 39th American Birkebeiner.  While snow had been scarce last winter the Birkie trail had snowpack all last year. This snow was rock solid old hard pack seven days before the race.  But throughout race week 1-3 inches of warm wet 27 degree snow fell most days. The groomers bided their time and when they rolled out onto the course Friday night more than 6 inches of new snow had accumulated and temps had dropped into the teens. By Saturday morning a firm, yet flexible, corduroy track emerged. Race morning testing revealed that the Soft Grounds liked this surface as they seemed to "skim over the soft corduroy unimpeded."   

Birkie Podium 5/6 Salomon  


The athletes say it best:


Tad Elliott 1st U.S. Ski Team, "I skied on a pair of SoftGrounds that Zach Caldwell (my tech) handed me for the first time at the start line Birkie morning. I said really? He said yes, really. I said OK. Early in the race I was smashing them and they felt like nothing special. Then instead of smashing them, I relaxed, settled back and let them ride, and they just took off."


Tad Elliott Thrill
Tad's Thrill of Victory                    

Men's Finish Video

Caitlin Compton Gregg 2nd celebrating with hubby Brain Gregg 3rd 

Salomon Complete (Ski, Boot, Binding) Athletes 

have dominated the last 5 American Birkebeiners taking 

8 of 10 victories.


2012 Tad Elliott, Holly Brooks

2011 Caltlin Compton

2010 Rebecca Dussault

2009 Matt Liebsch, Rebecca Dussault

2008 Ivan Babikov, Evelyn Dong


Make yourself Salomon Complete and enjoy your best Birkie!


Birkie Wax Service at Riverbrook

Birkie Wax Job  
If you get your skis waxed at Riverbrook you will get waxed where last year's winners had their skis waxed. Read more about Caldwell Sport winning skis and wax jobs applied at Riverbrook here 

Start Race Day Waxing Suggestions


Owl Creek weekend, Aspen, CO

North End Classic Cable, WI

Vasaloppet USA Mora, MN

Pre - Birkie Hayward, WI


You can also select the race day wax alone. 

Download Start tech manual here.

Go to pages 20-30

Decide of you have new, old,  or coarse snow.

Determine he likely temp.

Read the recipe and wax your skis.


questions please email 

You can do it.
 SkiTrax FIS Fantasy 
Nordic Worlds Fiemme Contesta

SkiTrax FIS Fantasy Fiemme Worlds 2013 Contest Launching Soon - Salomon Grand Prize Worth $1,497


We are thrilled to announce that Salomon has come on board with a fabulous S-Lab grand prize package including skis, poles, boots and bindings valued at $1,497 for our final fantasy contest this season the FIS Fantasy Fiemme Worlds 2013 Contest launching soon.


Alex Boeuf Silver  


The 2013 Nordic World Championships take place from Feb. 20-March 3 in Val di Fiemme, Italy and we'll have lots of coverage and more contest news soon.


Check out our visit with Salomon's Isaac Wilson at the SIA Show 2013 Demo at Devil's Thumb Ranch in Colorado for the inside scoop on Salomon's new 2013/2014 S-Lab ski and boot line HERE.


for more info visit

Team News

 365 days until the 2014 Winter Olympic Games 

Sochi, Russia

Holly Sochi images  


Check out images from Sochi from Holly Brook recent Pre-Olympic World Cup racing Holly Brooks at Sochi

Training Programs and Camps 
Do you have a program you wish to promote? 
email and we will share.
Events and Destinations 
Nordic Job Openings

Nordic Job Opening? email to post

About SkiPost


Cross-Country skiing's community lodge. Where knowledge and stories are shared. The goal of SkiPost is to make the sport of Cross-Country skiing easier and more enjoyable for all who choose to participate. If you have questions on Cross-Country Skiing email us and visit


Enjoy Winter,

Andrew Gerlach
Director/Editor- SkiPost


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In This Issue
Roto Waxing
Marathon Fueling
One Piece at a Time
Birkie Flashback
Birkie Wax Service
Wax Suggestions
SkiTrax FIS Fantasy
365 days to Sochi
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