TCC Masthead

CC Website

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Paul Straatmann

Paul Straatmann - 
Instructor - A 
graduate of the
Creative Center,
Mr. Straatmann holds an Associate of Occupational Studies degree in Design, Illustration and Computer Graphics, and a Bachelor of
Fine Arts in Graphic Design. He has 10 years of experience in graphic design
and photography.

Faces Cube

Yet Another Award for Creative Center for the Faces Campaign!

The Creative Center, along with Dotzler Creative Arts, won two additional design awards with their Faces marketing campaign.


The faces campaign as a whole as well as the faces cube (shown above) both won in the American Graphic Design & Advertising Awards.

Dotzler Creative Arts
is the affiliated design studio located next
door to the college. Several Creative Center instructors are involved in the conception and production of commercial designs
at Dotzler Creative Arts in addition to teaching at the college.

Alumni -
Where are you?
We want to stay in touch with our past graduates! If you, or a graduate you know, haven't received any information for a while, fill out the Alumni Update Form on our website.

Professional Development Seminar 2013
The 2013 Professional Development Seminar Has Been Scheduled!
Topic: cre8ivs@work: What's Current in Graphic Design and Advertising
Date: Friday,
June 21, 2013
Time: 9am - 4pm
Cost: $49.00
(includes continental breakfast and lunch)
Creative Center
10850 Emmet Street
Omaha, NE 68164

* Open to HS art teachers, college students, and graphic design and advertising professionals. 
* Ask questions and glean ideas from those who do it everyday. 
* Listen to creative professionals explain their creative processes. 
* Collect ideas and inspirations to take back into your workday.


Portfolio Review Night
Dates to Remember
March 29 - April 1
No Classes -
Easter Break

April 8-9
On Campus Interviews
students only

April 19
Parent/Teacher Open House @ 2pm - 4pm

April 24
All-School Guest Speaker @ 1pm
Micah Eldridge, 
college counselor

April 25
Portfolio Review
Night @ 6:30pm
Second- and Third-year students only

May 13-17
Finals Week

May 17
Last day of classes

May 27
Building Closed
Memorial Day Holiday

June 1

June 3
Classes Begin

August 12
First Day of Class
2013-14 Year Begins


2013 On-Campus Interviews
Practice for Real!

One of the curriculum areas in which the Creative Center strives to give our students a leg up is in preparation for the job hunt. For example, students are required to turn in their resume package (which includes their resume, a cover letter and a thank you letter) at least three times, beginning in their first year. 
On-Campus Interviews
During the students' second year, they participate in On-Campus Interviews, which are practice interviews conducted by professionals from around the area. These interviews are recorded and then the student and an instructor review and critique how the student conducted themselves during the interview.
On-Campus Interviews
This exercise allows students to see how the interviewer viewed their answers, their appearance, and even their attitudes. They then have an opportunity to refine their "game face" before interviewing for an actual position in the industry.
As a bonus, some employers take advantage of this exercise to conduct interviews for open positions in their company. Thank you to the following professionals and companies who are signed up to assist us with On-Campus Interviews this year!
Scott Bishop, Crave Engine
Jake Wiechman, Client Resources, Inc.
Pat Ervin, Fountain Creek DezignWorks
Gary Withrow, NEXADENTAL
Mike Duman, SKAR Advertising

Featured Project: Tear Sheets

In the design industry, tear sheets are pages with examples of a designer's work. Tear sheets can be attached to a resume either physically or digitally and sent to a prospective employer; they can also be left behind after an interview or other meeting as a visual reminder. Creative Center students create tear sheets as part of their resume package in second year. 
Below are images of some current CC students' self-promotional logos. Each logo is a link to their tear sheets, located online. Top to bottom:
Adam Bialas - graduate of Fullerton HS in Fullerton, NE
Helen Watkins - graduate of Guthrie Center HS in Guthrie Center, IA
Breanna Marsh - graduate of Millard South HS in Omaha, NE
Tony Rojas - graduate of Bishop Heelan Catholic HS in Sioux City, IA
Alexandria Wonka - graduate of Wahoo HS in Wahoo, NE
Samantha Thomas - graduate of Bellevue East HS in Bellevue, NE

Featured Project - Tear Sheets
Featured Project - Tear Sheets

Featured Project - Tear Sheets

Featured Project - Tear Sheets

Featured Project - Tear Sheets

Featured Project - Tear Sheets

Miranda Bouck

Graduate of the Month

Miranda Bouck
BFA '12    

Designer at Grain & Mortar
in Omaha, NE

High School:
Wayne High School
in Wayne, NE

What does the company do? 
  Grain & Mortar is a brand strategy and design company, and we do everything with our core values of honest, hard work, and trust. We believe these characteristics should influence everything we do in business and in life. We sincerely enjoy the work we do, and our clients reap the benefits. 

What does the graduate do?  
I do a little bit of everything, ranging from illustration, print design, client relations and support, to front-end web development and responsive web design. I help concept brand identities, responsive web design, and offer support to Mike & Erin when needed during super busy times.

 We have a broad range of clients, from a small mom & pop organic farm in Iowa, to Creighton University's College of Business Administration. Other clients includes Hayneedle, Omaha Bikes, Liazon, Inc. and we also work on recurring projects, like the rebranding of Barcamp Omaha each year.   

Since starting at Grain & Mortar, my skill set has not only improved, but continued to expand. Initially, I knew only a bit of web development and code, but now I am very efficient in HTML/CSS and can develop sites responsively. I work closely with the team and also with my clients one-on-one. I'm proud to be a member of this mustache'd group!

From the Director    Kim Guyer
It's amazing to think that we are less than two months from the end of the school year! Whew - that went fast! As we ramp up for the final push, I wish everyone serenity during these last crazy, fun days of school.

High school seniors, let us know if you are interested in pursuing a career in graphic design and advertising. Fall classes start on August 12, 2013.

Kim Guyer
Executive Director20 Anniversary Logo
Creative Center
10850 Emmet Street 

Omaha, NE 68164
402-898-1000 x205

Hall of Fame
Do you know someone who is interested in a career in art? Are you an art teacher or guidance counselor who would like to bring an art class to visit? Contact our Admissions department at 402-898-1000 or toll free at 888-898-1789 to make an appointment for a personal tour.

* The Creative Center is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).
* The Creative Center is authorized to operate as a four-year college offering a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree by the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education under section 85-2411.

Financial Aid is available to those who qualify. Gainful Employment information on the AOS and BFA degrees may be found online at and, respectively.