March 2016   
New England Region UUA
Clara Barton District Annual Meeting REMINDER
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Dear Clara Barton District Congregation Presidents and Ministers,

This is a reminder that the Clara Barton District annual meeting will be on Saturday, April 30 at Unitarian Universalist Society: East in Manchester, CT. The meeting is from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM. There will be paper materials mailed to congregations in early April, including delegate information. Any internal (within the congregation) processes for delegate selection and/or delegate instruction will need to be complete by April, prior to the annual meeting.
We are re-sending two items which have been previously sent by email. First, we are sending the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning the proposal to the dissolve the District. FAQs (PDF)   This will be the primary agenda item at the annual meeting. Second, we are re-sending the link to register for the meeting.  REGISTER HERE

If you have any questions, or need any additional information, please email Bill Young at, and he will either respond to you or connect you with whoever can best respond.
Clara Barton District Board of Directors


New England Region UUA | 182 Main Street | Watertown | MA | 02472