Welcome to Dr. Monica's!
News from Dr. Monica
The Pet Communicator
September 2014     
In This Issue
Introducing the New PetCommunicator.com
Sale on Media
September Seminar in Prescott, Arizona
Being an Empathic... Becoming Alvin the Cat
Dr. Monica Diedrich, The Pet Communicator 


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How to Communicate with Your Pets
Dr. Monica's Guided Meditation CD or "live" Audio CD Workshop telling you all you need to know to become closer to your pets and to bring them closer to you.
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Welcome to September! 2014 is speeding by and autumn is just about here. I hope you and your pets had an enjoyable and fun summer.

I am happy to share some exciting news. First, my new website is now live after about 20 years of the same old one. Second,  I'm running a fantastic sale on my CDs, which can be purchased online. And, I'll be in Arizona later this month giving a free workshop and offering private readings.

Read more about these happenings below...
Introducing the New PetCommunicator.com

After about 20 years of having the same website, I am excited to announce the new and improved version has just been made available to everyone.

This expanded version is sure to answer all the questions you have about me and about what I do. It is now more 'friendly' and you can see it on just about any computer and hand-held device, which you couldn't quite do before.

It's funny, but thinking back when I first started doing this, I had no idea what the difference was between an e-mail address and a webpage! And, it was thanks to my webmaster at that time, who convinced me that my personal name was not a good thing to have on my website, that I decided to use "Pet Communicator" instead and it stuck.

Having started so early on the Internet is also the reason why you can reach me at my two e-mail addresses that have my first name in them, [email protected] and [email protected] so it paid to be one of the first ones 'out' there.

At that time, there was a lady on television that had a program called "Pet Psychic" because it was the only way people understood what it was that we are able to do. But I didn't like the connotation of "psychic" so I stopped using it even though people would ask me what a "pet communicator" was.

A psychic tells you things that are going to happen in the future, things that you might have to avoid, roads or intersections that you might choose for a better outcome. A pet communicator doesn't. We simply translate what your animal is feeling emotionally or physically, thinking or remembering, and wanting from you or those around him. And, we also communicate with spirit.

I am very happy with how it looks so I invite you to visit the new website. You can directly make a comment on the website (they won't appear immediately as they get moderated first), especially if you would like to see something that is not on there. 
Sale on Media
I have greatly reduced the price on both my Guided Meditation and Workshop CDs. Each is available in both CD and electronic formats.

The Guided Meditation will open your heart and mind to receive information from your pets and help them heal.

The "How to Communicate with Your Pets" Workshop provides all you need to know to become closer to your pets and to bring them closer to you!

Click here to read more about them and to make your purchase. It's not too soon to start your holiday shopping, especially at these greatly reduced prices! And, while you're at it, don't forget to check out the many books I've written over the years, filled with much valuable information and heart-warming stories. Happy shopping!
September Seminar in Prescott, Arizona

I will be in Prescott giving a seminar on Saturday, September 27th, at 9.00 AM and it's FREE.

Consultations will follow that Saturday afternoon and maybe into Sunday if I have too many people interested to fit into Saturday afternoon. Visit my website for more details about this event. 
  • Please call Granite Gate Senior Living, a beautiful senior facility located at 3850 No. US Hwy 89, Prescott, AZ 86301 to reserve your seat. Remember, it's FREE!
  • If you want to have a private consultation, the space is limited, so please call 928.771.8200.

Because I always have requests to go in person somewhere, we have a new page on my website with information about sponsorship. So if you are interest in having your own workshop or in having me for consultations at your home or special event, be sure to check out the Sponsor Dr. Monica page there. 

Being an Empathic... Becoming Alvin the Cat
One of the comments I hear most often is "I wish I could do what you do." Sometimes I smile and say "You can"; other times I tell them about my workshops.

In reality, I feel that sometimes I wish I didn't have to be the way I am. I am not only able to translate what your animals tell me, but I am also an empathic. That means I am able to feel what others feel in my own body.

Take for example a recent client...

I walk into my office and see the answering machine is blinking, someone is crying into the message saying something about her cat. I have a lot of difficulty trying to understand what's being said when someone is upset, so I dial the number right away.

I am told that her cat Alvin is sick and lying down on the floor. He doesn't want to get up and would I please do an emergency reading right away to see how she can help her little Alvin.

That's when it happened.

I 'become' the animal. My extremities become their legs, paws, toes and pads. My insides are theirs. I am at the same time this big body inside their little body and I can feel the details.

Alvin's mind is still working, but his body is not. I feel what he is feeling. My mind is telling my legs to move but I can't. It feels like it happened all of a sudden, like a stroke. All I (now becoming Alvin) can do is moan but can't move. My Mom wants me to move and picks me up, but I fall down. She wants me to eat and I refuse, she wants me to drink but I just can't.

My body is now Alvin's body and I need to tell her what he feels. And I do as gently as I can, but I am not a veterinarian and I need to be cautious now. I don't know if I can last a few minutes, or a few hours. All I know is she doesn't want me to leave her and is crying next to me.
So I tell my client that it's imminent and she needs to take him to his vet right away. She complains, "He was just fine a couple of days ago, this happened all of a sudden, I don't understand it."

I repeat my findings, he can't move, he can't think, he just moans, this is the end of his life.

I receive a sharp "OK" and a "Thank you," knowing, and feeling she was not happy with me, maybe hoping I was wrong and there was a way of saving Alvin. I know it is hard so it doesn't bother me.

A few hours later I get another blinking light on the answering machine telling me someone has left me a message. I press "play." A crying voice tells me Alvin is gone, he didn't make it... A heartfelt thank you... Now she understands. Now she believes.

Rest in peace Alvin, and thank you. 
Until next time...

Love and Light, 

Dr. Monica Diedrich

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