Welcome to Dr. Monica's!
News from Dr. Monica
The Pet Communicator
September 2013    
In This Issue
My Activities
Kismet's Story - 180 "First Dates"
Vacation Plans
My Availability
A Note About My Newsletters
Dr. Monica Diedrich, The Pet Communicator 

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Schedule of Events

Dr. Monica will be giving a seminar and a workshop on October 25th and 26th in Zagreb, Croatia.  She will also be available for private consultations.

For more information, email Dunja Pavlicek.

I haven't written a newsletter in quite a while, either because I was especially busy, or because we had some personal losses of both family and pets to cope with as a family. But when I woke up today, I knew it was time to bring everyone up to date once again, and to share Kismet's story with you.
My Activities

It seems that Mother Nature forgot about July and August and decided to give us 100+ degree heat every day in September instead. But regardless of the temperature, I'm still as busy as ever.

In addition to my regular full consultation schedule, toward the end of August, I traveled to Prescott, AZ to give a seminar and to do some private consultations.

Krka National Park
Krka National Park, Croatia
And, I'll be going to Croatia in October! I've been invited to go to Zagreb and other cities in Croatia to give seminars and workshops there. This is a great honor for me and I'm looking forward to this new adventure. It's a little scary because the language is so different, but they promised me that I will have a good translator. I've seen pictures of the country and it is beautiful.

My schedule starts with a seminar on Friday, October 25th at 7:00 PM at the Hotel Antunovic, Zagreb, Croatia, at the Beethoven Hall. And, on Saturday, I'll present a workshop for all of those who would like to learn more details about Animal Communication. There will also be one-on-one consultations. For more information, email Dunja Pavlicek.

I know Croatia is very far away, but if you know anyone in Croatia or nearby, please forward this newsletter to them to let them know about the October seminars and workshops.

Kismet's Story - 180 "First Dates"
At the end of August, a couple came to see me with two of their dogs. One was a female Coonhound mix and the other a small breed mix.

Coonhound I didn't ask my clients for information about their pets ahead of time because I wanted to be sure they realized that the answers to their questions were coming directly from their pets.

In the beginning, I told them that Kismet was very slow about sending me her pictures and that there was something very unusual about that. It didn't feel to me as if it was a regular conversation. They didn't make any comment about that information... so, I continued.

I told them that Kismet didn't like her name at all. It just didn't make sense to her and therefore she didn't respond to it. They agreed with that statement. She'd been a rescue who had come to them with that name about six months before.

I told them that it also felt to me as if some 'wires' in Kismet's brain were not really connecting. They nodded their heads in agreement, which confirmed what I was sensing.

One of them asked me to ask Kismet about her past to see if she remembered anything before being rescued by them. As soon as I posed the question, her pictures came in very fast and very clear.

She showed me how she'd been badly mistreated at the hands of a man, and how she was punched and kicked with heavy boots. One of those times, the kick was so intense that she ended up lying on her side. Her new family confirmed that she had had a broken tooth and a broken jaw.

Everything about her past came in so fast that I knew, right then and there, that in the present, she was suffering from short term memory loss caused, either directly or indirectly, by the blows. Each night, every memory of the previous day was erased, and the next morning she had to learn who everyone was all over again.

My clients were familiar with the Adam Sandler movie "50 First Dates," so they immediately understood what Kismet was going through. They then told me that, EVERY morning for the past 180 days, she'd acted as if she'd never met or known her loving daddy, yet by the end of the day she was definitely Daddy's Little Girl and couldn't get enough of him, only to forget who he was by the next morning.

Every single morning had been a struggle just to let him feed her. She wouldn't come to him. She'd cower and try to escape because she didn't remember that this was her new dad. But later on when he arrived home, she'd recognize him and play, and even ask for pets.

This information about her short term memory loss clarified everything for them, and together we created a plan to deal with the situation. I was able to tell Kismet many things, but we don't know if she'll be able to remember any of that new information. But for her humans, the communication was successful and they're now able to understand Kismet much better.  
Vacation Plans
vacation Toward the end of September, my hubby and I will be going on a much needed week of vacation. I'm really looking forward to that! It's hard to disconnect from the busy everyday world, even on vacation, with the availability of e-mails and ringing smart phones, but we've made it a point to go somewhere where there's limited Internet access so I won't be too tempted to keep right on working.

We'll be gone from September 20th through September 30th, and I'll return all e-mails and phone messages as soon as we return.
My Availability
Even though I seem to routinely have a very busy schedule, I always try to make time for people in need, and I try my best to get back to everyone within 24 hours if I can.

I was reminded recently about one of those occasions when I was able to reply very quickly, and about how very much that reply helped. During August, a past client from Venezuela, no less, dropped by my office just to give me a gift. She's an international painter specializing in painting just cats. She brought me two wonderful paintings, one to keep and one to offer next time I have a special event.

She reminded me that after reading my first book, she'd e-mailed me to say that she'd lost a beloved pet. I answered her e-mail the very same day. She was in shock because she thought I wouldn't have time or the inclination to reply to her. But when she saw that I had written her back and she read what I had to say, she said her pain lessened immediately and she felt so much better. She thanked me for reaching out to her at her weakest moment.  

If you ever need me, remember that I'm just an e-mail or a phone call away... [email protected] or (714) 772-2207.
A Note About My Newsletters

If you've received this newsletter, it's because you signed up to receive it. Please feel free to forward it on to any of your friends.

Please remind your friends that if they want to receive it directly, it's necessary for them to sign up. They can do so by going to my website www.petcommunicator.com and scrolling down to the very end of the left hand column. Tell them I promise not to clog up anybody's inbox! I only write 3-4 newsletters each year.
Until next time...

Love and Light, 

Dr. Monica Diedrich