Dr. Monica Diedrich, The Pet Communicator
714. 772.2207
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How to Communicate with Your Pets
Dr. Monica's Guided Meditation CD or "live" Audio CD Workshop telling you all you need to know to become closer to your pets and to bring them closer to you.
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| Saturday,
June 23, 2012
Group Consultations
with all animals
15 minutes@ $35-45 per animal depending on whether at her home or at the horse's stall.
Contact Camille Burns at (714) 651-7403
July 29, 2012 Shiba Inu Annual Picnic 15 minutes' consultation for $35. 15th Annual Shiba-Inu Club of So. California Picnic at Tri-City Park in Placentia.
Recently when I was doing a group consultation, my clients asked if they were ever going to see another newsletter. That's when I realized it had been six months since I'd written the last one, so I knew the time had come for another update. In this newsletter, I'd like to share two things with you - a very interesting write-up by one of my clients from my recent visit to an Equestrian Center, and some highlights from my trip to Argentina last October/November.
A Day with the Horses: Dr. Monica's Visit to Peter Weber Equestrian Center (PWEC)
On Sunday April 22, 2012, Dr. Monica responded to a request to visit the Peter Weber Equestrian Center (PWEC) in Rolling Hills Estates, CA for the third annual Consultation Day. My name is Pamela and I've been the hostess/assistant for Dr. Monica on all three occasions.
It's been my utmost pleasure to have such an amicable alliance with her for all these years.
Pamela & Sarahorsie
| I met Dr. Monica for the first time April 14, 2005, when she agreed to come and visit my sweet thoroughbred mare, my Sarahorsie. However, she wasn't the first pet communicator I'd contacted.
Because of unforeseen circumstances, I'd actually needed to reschedule an upcoming appointment with my original pick, but when I did call my first pick, she informed me she was changing careers. She was now starring in a TV show as a "human medium" and was no longer consulting with animals.
I was crushed and asked if she could recommend another animal communicator. She highly suggested a fellow colleague, Dr. Monica Diedrich! I was searching for a seasoned professional in the field, with a reputation of authenticity, who would be willing to visit us in person.
After a brief phone conversation with Dr. Monica I was convinced. Not only did she agree to see us in person, but she also honored the agreed upon fee of my cancelled communicator. I was sold! Interestingly, Dr. Monica hadn't consulted with many horses in her practice, so she very much looked forward to the opportunity.
Our initial visit led to a special connection between us that eventually led to an article about Sarahorsie in Dr. Monica's book, Pets Have Feelings Too!, Chapter 15, "Pets As Soul Mates" - a most appreciated treasure and honor.
Since losing my sweet Sarahorsie in May 2009, I've spent more time at the stable where she used to live when we met 21 years ago. After sharing with so many others about all of the consecutive insightful, helpful, wonderful encounters Sarahorsie and I had experienced with Dr. Monica, many equestrian boarders requested that I schedule a day for her to visit the stable to consult with them about their horses. I was more than willing to oblige. As a gift for setting up a group consultation, Dr. Monica also talked with my Sarahorsie "in spirit."
Over the last three years of group consultations, the most significant reaction I've observed is the look of total amazement on clients' faces that says, "How did she know that about my animal!" The knowledge gleaned by the horse owner, plus the appreciation shown by the horse for being understood, are a combined reward to behold.
One such example the first year was of a handsome quarter horse gelding named Colonel. Dr. Monica translated for Colonel that he and his owner were not very compatible and he was not very happy. He really loved and felt more in sync with another horse woman.
Dr. Monica hesitated, trying to find a kind way to relay such contrary news, and both the owner and I were blown away by the information she shared. That was because just days before the consultation date, the owner had confided in me that she wasn't sure Colonel was a good match for her and thought he didn't like her very much.
She'd been getting assistance with Colonel from a fellow equestrian who got along with him swimmingly. When the truth came out, this affirmation turned out to be a huge relief. She ended up letting this woman keep him since she was a more suitable match for the gelding, affording everyone involved a very satisfying outcome. Colonel blew out of his nose to give his seal of approval!
During the second annual Consultation Day a standout reading was for a sixteen year old Irish thoroughbred named Patrick. The owner wanted to know if he had any pain and the exact location of that pain so she could have that area treated. She explained he seemed bothered and suffered more than usual during his riding lessons. Dr. Monica then described the area on his body that was causing him so much discomfort whenever he was being ridden.
X-rays confirmed Dr. Monica had pinpointed the spot precisely! His wither, the hump area at the base of the horse's mane, was injected with anti-inflammatory medications, and Patrick was soon back to his old self again, enjoying his work. This year's most memorable encounters included: a five month old baby horse, an Azteca, named Andelina; a filly named Prada, a three year old thoroughbred off the track; and, a handsome thirteen year old warm blood gelding named Monolo, nicknamed Rooster.
The very first thing Adelina (Addy) told Dr. Monica is that she was missing her equine mother. Her owner had been deeply troubled by this possibility herself, ever since she bought Addy. She was hoping to get some clarity through a communicator, and wept when Dr. Monica did indeed confirm this concern. The baby horse also told Dr. Monica that in the past four months she had learned to think of her human as her new Mom, bringing much needed comfort to her owner.
Prada was found loose in the neighborhood near the PWEC stable one day a couple months ago, all skin and bones. The original owner, and the caretaker at that time, were both deemed unable to care for her by the local Southern California Protection for Animals Center. The young thoroughbred was then signed over to the barn management who in turn gave her to a boarder as her new owner.
Dr. Monica, clueless to these circumstances, translated her first communication with Prada saying, "She has known hunger." Her new owners confirmed that she saves some hay daily so she knows there will still be food when she wants some. The filly extended an obvious thank you to Dr. Monica for communicating her angst by touching her shoulder with her muzzle.
The warm blood gelding, Rooster, couldn't wait to tell Dr. Monica how excited he was to see the rider coming to greet him this morning. He really likes her a lot and he couldn't wait to see her today. The owner/trainer confirmed he really does like this person very much!
Rooster also wanted to let his owner know he didn't like the current bit and much preferred the older one. This made the owner/trainer laugh loudly because she'd already figured that out. So, when the experienced rider showed up to tack Rooster for her lesson, she was instructed to use the old bit. The rider had already planned to ask about that, too, knowing the horse preferred it! Both she and Dr. Monica made Rooster's day!
Watching Dr. Monica work her magic is a privilege. A stable can be a very bustling place, and her uncanny ability to stay focused in the moment is second to none. The way she crafts her words when an animal has unfavorable responses to share is noteworthy.
There's a client metamorphosis that occurs when Dr. Monica is on target with their animal's translations. Not only are they dazed by her accuracy, there is often a huge opportunity to improve their pet's lives. Even more astounding are the noticeable gestures of glee, plus a smile on a horse's face, at the thought of being heard and understood, and having a chance to get issues off their chest.
One such horse looked very forlorn as he started his conversation with Dr. Monica while he stood at the back of his stall. He was missing the young girl he used to call his human. When Dr. Monica told him he did nothing to make the little girl he loved leave, he walked over to the stall gate glowing. He lowered his head and touched Dr. Monica's hand to say thank you for telling him that.
By day's end, everyone was so glad they'd scheduled a consultation and they were so pleased with the results. Any skeptics became believers, and everyone learned the benefits of the powerful art of effective animal communication.
Most of us believe in the long-held myth that people and animals can't communicate, but the first thing we need to understand is that we all possess the intrinsic skill to be more in tune with, and communicate with, our four-legged friends. We just need to learn how to use that innate ability. There are many how-to books and seminars dedicated to teaching the concepts of, and the valuable lessons learned from, talking with animals that will help you refine your own skills.
My fondest pursuit in consulting with an animal communicator was to improve my partnership with my Sarahorsie so that I could ensure her happiness. Most of my questions centered on what else I could do for her to make her daily life better.
My goal was to achieve common ground, whether clarifying reasons for behavioral problems or verifying joy. My theme focused on how we could speak the same language together to fix the small things and share endless delight. Bringing Dr. Monica into our lives brought us a wealth of affirmations. Every visit helped our relationship grow fonder and filled us with enlightenment. My heart runneth over knowing I gave my sweet Sarahorsie everything she wanted. We understood one another to a tee, and she loved her life!
At the end of the day, Dr. Monica thanked me for introducing horses into her practice over these past several years. That had been my gift to her. And, the most invaluable gift she showed me is that our animals are always speaking to us, always teaching us, if only we are willing to look and listen. |
Dogs and Subway (No, Not the Sandwich!)
I spent many days doing consultations for my clients during my trip to Argentina last fall, and was constantly reminded of the fact that all pets everywhere love their families, and they have worries, concerns, and behavioral problems, regardless of where they live in the world.
Many dogs in Argentina face some of the same problems as those in the United States. They're very social, but they have to spend many hours of the day all alone, and they live in close quarters with no yard, so they need to be walked several times a day. They crave attention from their human companions, but sometimes when they don't receive enough, they tend to act up in undesirable ways.
What's different in Argentina is that when pet dogs are walked, they're very often walked without any leash. MANY owners walk with their off-leash dogs in tow, talking with them, and circulating through narrow streets without ever worrying that their pets will wander off somewhere else. I've seen many of these people walk into stores or supermarkets and simply ask their dogs to wait for them outside until they come to get them.
Now, I want you to imagine doing that in a busy metropolis in the USA, like Los Angeles or New York, with thousands of people walking every which direction, trying to pet off-leash dogs, or simply bumping into them. Here, that would be a horrific situation, but in Argentina, I've seen it with my own eyes, and can attest to the fact that none of these dogs are interested in leaving their humans -- NONE!
Argentinian pets often don't have any of the luxuries we provide for our pets in the USA, but they don't seem to have any complaints. Many dogs in that country even have no families. They simply wander the streets, and even the subways (!), with incredible skill and courtesy.
Every time I visit, it's always so amazing to me how adaptable and resourceful these street dogs are. When it comes to finding food, they're experts! They'll discretely approach open-air cafes and restaurants, street vendors, small neighborhood markets, and apartment buildings where many people are coming and going. You won't see them begging. Instead, they'll approach, but sit as some distance, watching the floor to see if any food drops, or watching your hands to see if you might want to offer them something. They usually fare pretty well.
When it comes to navigating their territory, keep in mind that these street dogs are living in an incredibly busy city with an enormous amount of traffic. Crossing the street could be a life or death situation for them, but they're so used to all that traffic that they quickly learn to WAIT for the light to change in the direction they want to go. Yes, they know when the light turns green, and they cross appropriately, even when there aren't any people around!
But the one thing that REALLY throws me every time is seeing some of the street dogs taking the subway. Yes, they take the subway to the locations where they know people will feed them. They do that in the morning, and then they take the subway back 'home' in the afternoon. I was so dumbfounded by that particular behavior that I researched it on the internet and found an article about dogs doing that very same thing in Russia.
It's a necessity for these dogs to fend for themselves because there's no organized money to provide for them. No government agency helps them, and there are no rescue groups funded by big corporations or donations. Help is provided only by individuals who volunteer their time and money to care for those dogs who need medical assistance. It's a huge job, requiring enormous time and effort, yet many of my clients do just that.
After doing many consultations, and seeing the kindness of individuals who were caring for the most needy of the street dogs, I came back from Argentina with a renewed spirit and a deep desire to continue my work both here and abroad. What I do does make a difference when it comes to helping animals know that humans really do care about them and are on their side. |
Until next time...
Love and Light,
Dr. Monica Diedrich |