Welcome to Dr. Monica's!
News from Dr. Monica
The Pet Communicator
In This Issue
My Friend Cosmo
The Next Few Months
Contacting Me While I'm in Argentina
When I Return From Argentina
Dr. Monica Diedrich, The Pet Communicator 

714. 772.2207
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My husband tells me rain is good. It keeps our grass green and our plants happy. It replenishes our reservoir and washes down the dust and dirt accumulated during the summer months.
Cat in the SunBut I'm a sun worshipper, and as I'm sitting at my desk looking out at the rain and the wind, I can't help but feel a little "off." I think I'm more like a cat who worships the sun and needs it to produce its own vitamins and energy.
I've read about a lot of people like me who need the sun. Some even need to sit in front of a special light each day to "recharge" their batteries, especially those who live in extreme climates.
But the sun is obscured by dark clouds today, and it's raining, so I decided to create a little sunshine in my thoughts by writing this newsletter, even as I'm watching my backyard becoming flooded.
My Friend Cosmo
When it comes to loving the sun, I think your heart will be touched by this story.
CosmoI met Cosmo, an 8-year-old yellow lab, about 4 years ago after his best buddy, Cooper, died. When he came to see me with his human parents, they were all very sad, and life just didn't seem to be the same.
Cosmo talked about his life, and immediately, I felt he was very spiritual and special. The problem was that he just couldn't function without a buddy, so he asked for a replacement, only this time he wanted a girl. His family then brought home a black lab for him named Chloe, and for Cosmo it was love at first sight.
We kept in touch off and on, especially after he was diagnosed with Histiocytic Sarcoma. His spleen was removed and he underwent chemotherapy. Through it all he showed not only his stoic side, but also his commitment to life and joy. He stayed with me for a week while his parents needed to attend an important family function. Even though he needed to take up to 25 pills a day, his spirit was always bright.
Cosmo survived his cancer, not for the 1 to 2 months he'd initially been given, but for a total of 7 months. I went to see him this past weekend to say goodbye, and to help him tell his family about his final wishes.
You know what his final request was? A day in the sun. Yep, that's all he wanted, to be surrounded by his loving family for just one more day in the sun. Mother Nature intervened, and after more than a week of clouds and lots of rain in Southern California, the sky cleared, the sun shone bright, and Cosmo got his wish.
Of course, I'll miss him, but I know he'll be part of every rainbow I'll see from now on.
May your own pet bring you sunshine wherever you are!
The Next Few Months
I want to share some news with you about what I'll be doing during the next few months from February to April.
On February 20th, I'm going to Argentina on a book tour again. Hopefully, my taxes will be finished ahead of time because we plan to be gone for seven weeks, but back in time to attend a friend's wedding on April 10th.
For those who want to schedule an appointment before I leave, I'll still be working up to, and including, February 19th, the last day before we leave. 
When we arrive in Buenos Aires, we'll be staying at a cousin's home for a week, and there'll be a family gathering at the end of the week on Sunday.
Plans for my first week there already include some scheduled private sessions, as well as a FREE class that I'll be giving, thanks to my sponsor Martha Cohen. It will take place on Saturday, February 27th at 3:00 p.m., at Carlos Calvo 3751, Boedo, Argentina. If you're attending, please bring a picture of your pet. I'll also be giving private 15 minute consultations after the class.
On Monday, after the Sunday family gathering, we'll be leaving for Mar del Plata, our primary destination in Argentina. Mar del Plata is a city that's very well known throughout the country as a resort. Millions of people go there during the summer months for vacation. Fortunately, by the time we arrive, school will be starting, so the crowds should be gone.

Mar del Plata, Argentina

My husband and I have our own apartment in Mar del Plata, just one floor below the apartment in which my mother and aunt live. Once we're settled in, it will pretty much be life as usual. I'll be spending time visiting with my mom and aunt, doing consultations from my computer, and of course, taking in the sun.
Contacting Me While I'm in Argentina 
During the seven weeks I'm away from home, I'll still be able to do phone, e-mail, and instant messaging consultations. You can e-mail or IM me, or call my regular phone number if you like (714) 772-2207.
For the first time, I'll be taking my Vonage box with me and connecting it through the computer, so I'll have instant international calling capabilities. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but they promise it will work, just as if I were at home. We'll reserve judgment, though, until we see it happen. Rest assured that if it doesn't work, I'll be at the computer returning your e-mails just as fast as I can.
When I Return From Argentina...
I'll be back in California at work on Monday, April 12th, answering e-mails and phone calls, and scheduling consultations. A Doggy Inn will also be ready to receive guests again on April 12th. 

 Rooms at The Doggy Inn
On Saturday, April 24th, beginning at 9:00 a.m., I'll be giving 15 minute consultations at Dr. Jacquie's clinic, 7085 Palm Avenue, in Highland CA. Reservations are a must. You can schedule an appointment time by calling her at (909)425-8849.
Also, May 1st is 15 minute Consultation Day @ $35-45 per animal depending on whether at her home or at the horse's stall. Email Camille Burns or phone her at (714) 651-7403.
Then, because so many people have requested it, on Saturday, September 25th, I'll be giving a workshop at Dr. Jacquie's from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. entitled "How To Communicate With Your Pets." If you'd like to attend, please call Dr. Jacquie to reserve your place because she has limited seating.
For those of you who are in the U.S., I'll see you when I get back! For the rest of the world, I'm only an e-mail away.
Love and Light, 

Dr. Monica Diedrich