Dr. Monica Diedrich
Animal Communicator
P.O. Box 6107
Anaheim, CA 92816
714.772.2207 |
About Dr. Monica
In addition to private consultations in person, by phone or by e-mail, Dr. Monica also works in the community, offering 15-minute introductory consultations. Using her intuitive gift, she enables her clients to participate in a dialogue with their pets. After a consultation, they're better able to understand their pet's wishes, needs, fears, behavioral problems, health challenges or end-of-life requests. Dr. Monica feels her greatest gifts involve bringing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to as many animals as possible, and teaching people, who have an especially deep bond with their pets, to communicate effectively with them, thereby improving the quality of their pets' lives. |
If you're traveling this holiday season, here's an interesting service to check out online: a pet airline!
Hot Off the Press!!!
Your "Pet Bible"
For Pet's Sake, Do Something!
Book 3
How to Heal Your Pets Using Alternative and Complementary Therapies
The Grande Finale of the series: Everything you ever needed to know about alternative ways to heal your pet. Flower essences, essential oils, homeopathy, magnetic therapy, reflexology, massage, sound therapy, color and sound therapy, crystals, incense, much, much more!
Special Offer
Available Only
Through this e-Newsletter
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- Signed by the author
- Personal dedication
To purchase the book now, click the button below:
Book Review
"If you have a pet, don't just feed it. Listen. Dr. Monica can help you learn how. She's a born teacher, alternating between clear instructions and real-life examples."
- Rose Rosetree, author of Let Today Be a Holiday: 365 Ways to Co-Create with God |
Get all three books in the "For Pet's Sake, Do Something!" series:
Books One, Two, and Three
- $50 plus $8 shipping and handling (US addresses only. For international addresses, a separate shipping charge bill will be sent when order is received.)
- Bonus: Free meditation CD - Total savings: $25.97 - Book 3 signed by the author with a personal dedication
BOOK 1: How to Communicate with your Pets and Help Them Heal
BOOK 2: How To Heal Your Sick, Overfed, Bored Pets with Nutrition, Supplements, Herbs and Exercise
BOOK 3: How to Heal Your Pets Using Alternative and Complementary Therapies
To purchase the "For Pet's Sake, Do Something!" 3-Book Special Offer, click the button below:
Dr. Monica's Workshop
"How to Communicate With Your Pets"
(For Beginners)
Saturday, 02.07.09
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Fee: $50 per person
(usually $100)
Dr. Jacqueline De Grasse's Office
7085 Palm Avenue
Highland, CA 92346
* Space is limited *
Reserve your spot by calling 909.425.8849 OR by
Here's how you can contact Rog:
Roger Wyer
835 W. Warner Rd. Ste 101
Gilbert, AZ 85233
free e-newsletter about healing pets and plants
| |
This is my last e-newsletter of 2008 and as I sit down to write, I'm taking a little time to review what happened this year. 2008 started out with a four-month tour of South America where I hoped to get people interested in my books and what I do. It wasn't an easy task. There are a lot of people who still think humans are the only ones able to communicate. In many countries pets are considered cute only when they are young and often discarded when they don't meet the owners' expectations as they grow. By the time I returned home I was already booked for a month. This trend did not slow even with all the economic turmoil we seem to be going through. That has been amazing to me because I can see how the world is changing for the better. People are starting to see their interactions with pets as a valuable addition to their lives. They want to know from their pets if they feel loved and if there is anything they need. That is progress. Holidays are particularly busy for me. Humans are being pulled in all different directions, and during these hectic times we sometimes neglect our best friends - not on purpose, but mostly because we cannot find the time. They know this and forgive us. The ones that are very sick and dying take this opportunity to leave their bodies because they know their people are not going to be around that often. They do this on purpose and with determination. You see, most of you do not want to let them go no matter how sick they are. They, in turn, make their own choices. So, to me this is a time for healing, for acceptance and for moving on. So, instead of wishing you Happy Holidays, I will wish for you to have patience, acceptance, healing, and unconditional love towards others, and others towards you. Peace on Earth doesn't seem like such a far fetched idea anymore! |
e-Chapters |
I try to make it as easy as possible for you to communicate and heal your pets. You may prefer talking with me by phone, or meeting in person. You may choose to attend my workshops. You may want to read my books or from my website. Did you know that you can also access specific chapters from my books?
Maybe you aren't quite sure which book would be the best for you. Or maybe you only need to learn about one or two topics of special interest to you at the moment.
If so, you can purchase one or more book chapters individually online.
The advantages of purchasing a single chapter are many:
- You choose the chapter you most need to read
- You don't have to buy the complete book
- You don't have to wait for the book to arrive
- You pay with your credit card
- You don't pay any tax or shipping
- You download the information you need immediately
- You can read it on the computer
- You can print it out for later reading or reviewing
Each e-chapter download is individually priced according to the size of the chapter. Some chapters are grouped together because they provide a more complete answer to certain kinds of questions. I've been setting up these e-chapters a few at a time. If the chapters you're looking for are not available, you can contact me and I will upload them for you. |
Dr. Monica's Story
Jackson |
It always amazes me that I am able to talk with animals and their humans from all over the world. Although we may never meet in person, after our consultation I feel like I know them through the hearts and comments of their pets. Recently, I got a call from someone who, after reading my website, felt I was the right person to bring information from Jackson, their male Jack Russell Terrier. Jack had died too soon at the age of seven. While on the phone consultation, I asked if both husband and wife were listening in and was told they were in their car driving. I found that a bit odd but didn't ask any questions. They were attentive and listening to all the answers Jackson was providing to their questions, which had been submitted to me a week earlier. We were on the last question when the wife needed to step out of the car with her baby, who had started to fuss. The husband told me they had been driving towards a park in Brooklyn that was special to him. All of a sudden, as happens to me often, I see a picture in front of me that keeps repeating like a video loop inside my head. At those times I can't concentrate on what anything else than watching the video. I know it's the pet trying to send me a very important image. I can't go on unless I am able to translate it immediately. I had to interrupt the man to tell him I needed to translate a picture from Jackson and it was important. I asked him if he had Jackson's ashes because of what I was seeing. Imagine my surprise when his answer was, "Yes, I do have his ashes with me RIGHT NOW!" The instant I blurted out that question, another loop began. I translated this next loop like this: "Jackson wants you to put some of his ashes on his favorite spot in the park right now. He is waiting for me to translate that. He says it's important." The man told me this park is where he played as a child. It was also Jackson's favorite outing every day for the seven years of his life. This was the reason why he 'told' his parents they needed to drive to the park while we were having a conversation with him. It was his parents' choice to go to the park, but it was Jackson's intention that guided them there. His spirit and his ashes will forever be at their favorite park. |
What's Up |
Last time, I asked for a little push from you if you want to receive e-newsletters from me in the future. I got a little push. Thank you! Still, I'm struggling to get a two-way conversation going with you. It's important to me to hear your ideas and your stories. Unless you've published a book or written newsletters, you probably have no idea how wonderful it is to hear from readers. We're also wondering how to use e-newsletters effectively to get the word out about pet communication and healing - there are so many who need this help. So I just have to keep asking: if you have any ideas about reaching out or stories to share, or even if you just enjoy reading our e-newsletters, will you please take a few moments to send me an email? |
About My Next Workshop |
I am often asked to do workshops on how to communicate with your animals. It's generally women who are intuitive by nature who ask me to guide them into understanding their own pets, so they can have a better relationship with them. I have not been doing these workshops often enough, but I plan to offer more in the future. My first workshop of 2009 is geared towards beginners. This workshop is for those of you who may have received some kind of information from your pets, or maybe just a gut feeling that came to fruition - those who want to explore animal communication in a safe environment with a teacher because nothing is better than validations. My job will be simply to guide you as we open the door of possibilities. Since we are all different, how the information might come through and ultimately what kind of information will you be able to access in the beginning will be different for each one of you. For most of us, the fun part isn't the theory - it's actually communication with our pets. That's why I ask you to bring pictures of your pets, alive and deceased. We will also have three live animals for you to practice on and since you will know absolutely nothing about them, that's when the fun really begins! I hope you can make time to join me. The fee is half of what I normally charge in view of our economic times. Space is limited so you'll need to make reservations as soon as you can. Please contact Dr. Jacqueline De Grasse, my chiropractor colleague, at (909) 425-8849 or email me to reserve your spot. You'll find more information in the sidebar. Mark this date in your calendar: Saturday, February 7, 2009 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
See you there! |
Healing Together
by Roger Wyer |
What's troubling humans these days involves dramatic changes coming - in housing, jobs, government, and money. What's troubling me today involves how this affects our pets and plants. When humans leave their current situations and move on, they sometimes leave their pets and plants as part of the package. What becomes of them then? More pets on the street. More pets overcrowding shelters. More plants not cared for. More death. Many mistakes have been made. Pets and plants are in the wrong places. Humans are too. A big adjustment is necessary. During these upsets, much healing is required. It seems ironic, though everything seems stranger these days, that just when we most need the healing power of our pets and plants, we tend to discard them. As we move forward, let's pay attention to the ways we integrate pets and plants into our lives. Let's remember what's important to us in the deepest desires of our hearts. Let's never forget how closely pets and plants are connected to those deepest desires. Leave the big-screen TV; take the cat and the cactus. |
Q and A |
Q: I've been using essential oils to try to help my cat Ferocious and I'm starting to wonder if I'm doing more harm than good. Are there any negative side effects from using essential oils?
A: "Yes, there are. I've devoted several chapters in my latest book to essential oils because they can be so helpful - and, used incorrectly, they can cause trouble.
Here's a quote from The Pet Bible: Cats are very sensitive to strong odors. Also, their bodies can't easily excrete some of the chemical compounds found in essential oils because their livers don't have the enzymes necessary to do that job. Consequently, if certain essential oil chemicals accumulate in a cat's body, they can cause a toxic reaction and even death. Symptoms indicating a toxic build-up include being clumsy, uncoordinated, despondent, vomiting, drooling, being partially paralyzed, or acting dazed. If this happens, it's important to seek veterinary care and blood testing to see if the liver enzymes are elevated. You can purchase the book chapters about essential oils on my website. They contain a wealth of important information about which oils to use, when and how to use them, how they work, and cautions. |
Learn from our pets. Live in the now, forgive those who wronged you, love unconditionally! If someone needs you, just keep them company and maybe offer your hand, and smile, always smile...
Love and light, Dr. Monica | |