In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim - In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 

 Islamic Shura Council of So Cal

August 5, 2014 | 9 Shawwal 1435H

Newsletter Issue # 290 


"And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne, exalting

 [God] with praise of their Lord. And it will be judged between them in truth, and it will be said, "[All] praise to God , Lord of the worlds" ~ Qur'an 39:75


News The Islamic Shura Council congratulates and joins the Islamic Society of Orange County (ISOC) in welcoming its new President, Sister Duaa Alwan, a lifetime Islamic worker and a long time resident of Orange County. Sister Dua has been associated with ISOC for more than two decades and has served the community in various ways including but not limited to; leading/service programs - Mommy and Me; Summer Camps, Boy Scouts and Youth Group[s]. She is also a member of the Islamic Speakers Bureau and works closely with young professionals in mentoring their professional and spiritual life.


In a conversation with the Shura Council, Sister Duaa reaffirms that "ISOC will always have room for everyone who wants to be a constructive member of our community. ISOC has a legacy of being a cornerstone of the Muslim community in Southern California and will, InshaAlalh, continue to lead the way now and in future." 


The Golden State of California is becoming a Dust Bowl. We urge Muslims to organize special prayers (Dua Istisqa) as was done in the past; asking God, the Most Merciful to end the worst drought in the State's history.



A new documentary yet once again reveals all about the FBI's informants who are "manufacturing terror" in the Mosques and Muslim communities all over North America.

Experts say that Los Angeles County spends three times more in incarcerating the mentally ill for non-violent crimes than treating them in a mental hospital. 
Watch the inside of a jail here and here. We urge you to call your LA County Board of Supervisor and ask them to transfer mentally ill inmates to mental hospitals and also appoint an independent civilian oversight commission to right the wrongs at the LA County Jails.


The ACLU filed a lawsuit charging that the U.S. is denying citizenship to Muslims in its secret program - Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program (CAARP).


More than 40 organizations and hundreds of American Muslims signed this statement asking for an end to the Israeli aggression and occupation. If you would like to join them, click here to add your name and remember to pray for the people of Gaza. This Sunday, Aug. 10th, join a Peace Demonstration at the Israeli Consolate in LA from 1 pm - 3 pm.




Coming Events

We have a community calendar listing various events.  Below please find listed just a small sample of the events on our calendar. To view all events, click here.


Aug. 9

First Joint Masjid Soccer Tournament. See local Imams play soccer in Irvine.

Eid Dinner Celebration at ICSGV.


Aug. 10

IIOC Annual Eid Picnic

> Peace Demonstration at the Israeli Consolate, 11766 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles


Aug. 16

Deception: A Study of Shaytan two-day seminar in Riverside, free Friday night preview on the 15th.


Aug. 17

Eid and Back to School Celebration at OCS in Garden Grove.


Aug. 19

Living a Legacy of Learning with Sh. Mohammad Akram Nadwi at IIOC.


To list your upcoming event in our community calendar, just click here or email us at




Majlis Members



Shakeel Syed

Executive Director 

 Elaine Younes

  Office Manager 
Imam Abu Ishaq Abdul Hafiz
Prison Outreach Programs and Services Director
Kalim Farooki
Development Officer

Please make your Tax-deductible donation Today
Click Here!

 Member Organizations

Ahlul-Beyt Mosque
Islamic Education Center
Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah
Masjid Qurturbah
SABA Homes

 Sister Organizations



"Only Together We Can Make a Difference"

Islamic Shura Council of Southern California

TEL: (714) 373-6473 | FAX: (714) 239-6493



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The Islamic Shura Council is an umbrella organization of Mosques and Muslim organizations serving the Muslims of Southern California. Since 1995,  the Council continues to foster the spirit and culture of "working together" at all levels in one of the most diverse and largest Muslim populations in the country.