2008 ICM newsletter banner
Doing what we are called to do; doing what we are able to do; doing what must be done.


February 18, 2014
HB 875 Gun Carry Bill - PASSED the House
With passage of HB 875, gun carry bill, in the House today, the bill moves to the Senate.  
Unofficial Result:  119 Yea - 56 Nay.  Once the vote result is placed on the General Assembly's Web site, we will report back.
SB 350 Privatization of Foster Care - PASSED the Senate
With passage of SB 350, privatization of foster care, in the Senate today, the bill moves to the House.
Unofficial Result:  31 Yea - 18 Nay.  Once the vote result is placed on the General Assembly's Web site, we will report back.
REGISTER TODAY - End Mass Incarceration: Healing Communities Training, Feb. 22
Click on image below to go to registration page.

NEW DATE:  ICM Partners with US Department of Health and Human Services Human Trafficking Forum, February 27
The US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families in partnership with the Interfaith Children's Movement, the US Department of Justice, Community Relations Service and others will be holding a forum on Human Trafficking: Addressing Services for Exploited and Trafficked Children and Youth on February 27, 2014 at The Atlanta Workforce Development Agency, 818 Pollard Blvd., SW, Atlanta, GA  30314 from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.


Registration is free, but required for all participants.  There will not be a lunch provided, however, there is a cafeteria onsite and a restaurant within walking distance of the venue for your convenience.

Please complete the registration form and return it by e-mail to koneta.perkins@acf.hhs.gov, or fax 404-562-2981. 

If you are not able to attend, please consider sending a representative.  Should you have any questions please call Koneta Perkins at 404-562-2956 or Bridget Minor at 404-562-2903.
ICM as Partner Sponsor of Legislative Reception Hosted by Voices for GA's Children
ICM is a partner sponsor of the annual Legislative Reception hosted by Voices for GA's Children. This year's reception is in honor of Bright from the Start, Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, and Georgia's Leadership for Young Children.  The date has been rescheduled to February 27.  Please register today, and we'll see you there! 
Calling all middle and high school students:  Please join the Fulton County Office of Children & Youth and numerous community partners for
"Peace Party ATL" an anti-violence youth rally taking place on Thursday, February 27, 5:00 p.m. at the King Center. Click on link to register.
The Fulton County Commission on Disability Affairs (CODA) invites you to attend upcoming "Listen And Learn" sessions on February 26 and March 5.  For more information, visit this link.


DMST (Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking) Lobby Day has been rescheduled to March 13.  DMST Lobby Day is sponsored by StreetGRACE, Wellspring Living and youthSpark!  For more information, please visit DMST Lobby Day.


Child Sex Trafficking Webinar SeriesWeb-based training series for Georgia healthcare professionals on child sex trafficking.  Presented by The Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Stephanie V. Blank Center for Safe and Healthy Children and the Governor's Office for Children and Families.


Was former teacher mandated to report student-coach sexual relationship? 


Bright from the Start: DECAL Proposes Changes to Transportation Rules, Meeting Date:  Feb. 20 


Bright from the Start: Credential Requirements for Directors and Lead Teachers 

Bright from the Start:  Methods of Delivery for Determination Letters Based on Fingerprints 

Bright from the Start:  Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is looking for eligible sponsors to serve nutritious meals to children next summer. More info can be found at http://decal.ga.gov/. 

ICM Mission and Goals


The Interfaith Children's Movement (ICM) is a grassroots, advocacy movement dedicated to improving the well-being of children in Georgia.  ICM was formed in 2001 as an intentional association of individuals and communities of faith from all religious traditions.


The Interfaith Children's Movement strives to be a voice for all children in Georgia, but especially the poor and marginalized whose voices are often unheard. 


ICM works closely with Georgia's policy-oriented child advocacy organizations, such as: 

Make a Special Contribution 
to ICM Today!


Your contributions help to create a better Georgia for children.  Make a monthly tax-deductible gift of $25.00 or a one-time gift of $100.00. Please make a secure, on-line, tax-deductible contribution. Do what must be done... GIVE to ICM today.
Make a Donation
Wednesday's Child Georgia



Wednesday's Child, sponsored by the Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption, is a weekly television feature about adoption that helps find permanent, loving, adoptive families for children in foster care.
Wednesday's Child Georgia is a partnership of the Georgia Department of Human Services, Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption  and Fox 5 TV - Atlanta.

Information Resourcing

GA-CAN Legislative Updates


Barton Child Law and Policy Center Legislative Updates


Released:  GBPI Poverty Report 

(72% of GA children in poverty are under the age of 12.) 

Find Your Legislators



One of the most important things faith communities can do for children is to pray for them.


Every child is a child of God.  All children deserve justice, compassion and our prayers.


ICM encourages every faith community to become a spiritual witness for children. Hold a worship service in your church, synagogue, masjid / mosque or temple and invite others to join in praying for the well-being of all children. 

  ICM Prayer Breakfast Logo
Learn more about who we are and what we do; and how you can become a part of the Movement.