2008 ICM newsletter banner
Doing what we are called to do; doing what we are able to do; doing what must be done.


April 1, 2013
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
You can help prevent Child Abuse and Neglect.

According to Georgia CASA, in Georgia:

-- 32 children every day are the victims of confirmed abuse or neglect.

-- 174 incidents of child abuse and neglect are reported daily.

-- 77 children died from abuse and neglect in 2010.

-- On any given day, about 7,400 children are in the foster care system.

-- 13,127 children came through the foster care system during state fiscal year 2011. 
-- In fiscal year 2012, more than 8,800 children were served by CASA volunteers. More than 7,500 of those children were in the custody of the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS).


What can you do to help? 
  • Attend ICM's Mandatory Reporting Law for Child Abuse and the Faith Community
  • Visit our Child Abuse page for information and lists of resources.   
Congratulations!  2013 Legislative Session Wrap

YOU did it!  You didn't give up!


Certain Bills for 2013 Legislative Session Affecting Children

HB 242 - Juvenile Justice Reform - Passed the House & the Senate; on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature


HB 219 - Vacating delinquent adjudication for victims of CSEC - Passed the House & the Senate Judiciary Committee; included in HB 242 ,which was passed by the Senate and is on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature


HB 141 - National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline - Passed the House & the Senate; on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature


HB 350 - Group-care facility operators fingergprinting - Passed the House & the Senate; on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature


HB 354 - Early Care and Learning Centers to recommend liability insurance coverage for their clients (the children) - Passed the House & the Senate; on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature


HB 454 - Tax expenditure review; Passed the House & the Senate; on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature


HB 21 - Post Adoption Contact Agreement - Passed the House & the Senate (on day 40); on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature


HB 382 - Facility Recreation Use - Passed the House & the Senate (on day 40); on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature

HB 156 - Online Predators; child pornography - Passed the House & the Senate (on day 40); on its way to the Governor's desk for his signature


Let's keep the support going for 2014!  HB 290 - Family Care Act; Passed the House Committee on Human Relations & Aging; was stuck in House Rules; did not cross over


YOUR Next Step -- Celebrate with us!

Register Today!  Join ICM at "Coming Together for All Children, April 11, 6:00 p.m. 

4th Annual "Coming Together for All Children -- An ICM Welcome and Rededication Celebration"
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Reception Dinner begins at 6:00 p.m.
Program from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location:  Unitarian Universalist Church of Atlanta
1911 Cliff Valley Way, NE
Atlanta, GA 30329



- Celebrate 2013 legislative successes and efforts
-  Hear from foster youth and learn more about how you and your faith community can help Georgia's children in foster care
-  Bring your "Celebration of Giving" gift cards in support of the 21st Celebration of Excellence of Georgia's Foster Youth Graduating from High School and College (click on link for more information)
- Present children's Child Advocacy Award to winners of essay contest (click on link for more information; essay submission deadline, April 6)
-  Music, food, networking and much, much more!
Select the following link to register --
ICM Mission and Goals


The Interfaith Children's Movement (ICM) is an interfaith, grassroots, advocacy movement dedicated to improving the well-being of children in Georgia.  ICM was formed in 2001 as an intentional association of individuals and communities of faith from all religious traditions.


The Interfaith Children's Movement strives to be a voice for all children in Georgia, but especially the poor and marginalized whose voices are often unheard. 


ICM works closely with Georgia's policy-oriented child advocacy organizations, such as: 

Make a Special Contribution 
to ICM Today!


Your contributions help to create a better Georgia for children.  Make a monthly tax-deductible gift of $25.00 or a one-time gift of $100.00. Please make a secure, on-line, tax-deductible contribution. Do what must be done... GIVE to ICM today.
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Information Resourcing

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One of the most important things faith communities can do for children is to pray for them.


Every child is a child of God.  All children deserve justice, compassion and our prayers.


ICM encourages every faith community to become a spiritual witness for children. Hold a worship service in your church, synagogue, masjid / mosque or temple and invite others to join in praying for the well-being of all children. 

  ICM Prayer Breakfast Logo
Learn more about who we are and what we do; and how you can become a part of the Movement.