All Saints Goes to the Getty Center Tomorrow!
There's Still Room If You'd Like To Join!
A fall trip to the Getty Center is being planned for tomorrow Saturday, November 21st. There is still room on the bus, so please join us for a wonderful day experiencing art, architecture, gardens, food, and fellowship. Our trip will include traveling to the Getty by coach with Airbus, a private docent tour of the architecture and gardens of the Getty, self-guided tours of the new art exhibits for the holidays (Eat, Drink and Be Merry: Food in the Middle Ages and The Edible Moment: The Art of Food for Festivals), and of course time for lunch (with beautiful views) and shopping in the gift shop. The ticket price for the day is $60.00 per person and lunches will be paid individually. Our bus will depart All Saints at 8:00 a.m. and return around 5:30 p.m. Email Rev. Vicki Mouradian if you'd like to join: vicki@asbts.org |
Healing Presence Coming This Sunday, Nov. 22
The coming days are ringed with one great theme: Thanksgiving for the flow of blessing in our lives. Brother David Stendle-Rast, a highly-respected Benedictine monk, author and spiritual leader, tells us that such gratitude is the heart of prayer. He writes:
"Everything is a gift. The degree to which we are awake to this truth is a measure of our gratefulness, and gratefulness is a measure of our aliveness."
Sunday after Sunday, as we join together, prayerfully, in the field of Healing Presence between church services, we experience an upwelling of gratitude that clears our vision and opens our hearts. It is pure gift.
Please join us this coming Sunday at 9:15 in the office's Blue Room to share in the thanks-giving that becomes our response to God's gift of Life. And bring a friend!
A blessed Thanksgiving to you all!
Thanksgiving Day Service & Lunch
Thursday, November 26th
The service begins at 10:30 a.m. and the lunch follows. All are welcome! Sign up to bring a side dish at the Information Table; All Saints provides the main dish.
Reminder: No Eventide Until Wednesday, Dec 2.
O  ur Eventide service and supper will resume on December 2nd. Once again we will be serving soup and salad for Eventide dinner each week. Here's how it works: Large food storage containers are available from Anne HOpkinson and in teh Parish Hall Kitchen. Pick one of these up, fill it with your favorite soup, then put it in the stand alone freezer just inside the Parish House Kitchen (on the the "RH" side). Contact Anne at anne@asbts.org with any questions.
M-4 Turkey Drive Helps Feed Hungry Neighbors
 Our Annual M-4 Thanksgiving Turkey Drive collected 663 turkeys, 230 chickens, 1 ham, and 5 tofu turkeys. To put things into perspective, this coming Thanksgiving Day, over 2,600 hungry people, right here in our community, will enjoy a meal because of your generosity; and that doesn't count leftovers!
A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for yoru generosity. Each and every turkey and chicken donated has contributed toward our goal of feeding those in need.
From Matthew 25:35 "For I was hungry and you gave me food."
May God Bless each of you this Thanksgiving!
Martin Bell, Coordinator |
Wednesday Night Centering Prayer Begins Again
There is a place of deep peace within us all, and most of us long for quiet place where we can get in touch with it. Centering Prayer, Father Thomas Keating's form of meditation, is now being held on Wednesday evenings from 5:00pm-6:00pm in the Parish House youth room. It will include readings from Robert Sardello's book, "Silence, the Mystery of Wholeness", a 20-minute sit, and a brief discussion, as time allows. A perfect way to close out a busy day! For more information, contact Jaque Reed, 969-4409.
Impressive Lineup of Artists Donate To Inaugural St. Nicholas Market on Dec. 6
| Art by well-known local artist and parishioner Margaret Nadeau will be available at the St. Nicholas Market on Dec. 6 after the 10 a.m. service. |
Renowned local artists participating in the inaugural St. Nicholas Market on Dec. 6 include Margaret Nadeau, an award winning landscape painter and Jim Dow, a prominent water colorist and oil painter. Jim is donating six of his works.
Photography from his travels is being donated by Fred Allen while collages from Judy Neunuebel and paintings by Ken Jewesson are being offered for sale. All proceeds will benefit All Saints ministries for children and youth.
Watercolors and prints by Tony Askew and art by Chip Nichols are in the line-up of items for sale, along with historic etchings of Lincoln and Washington by W.H.W. Bicknell donated by Denny and Bitsy Bacon.
A wide assortment of contemporary prints and some excellent abstract collectible art have been donated from private collections.
2nd Annual ASBTS Christmas Card Contest Winners Announced!
Cards Available for Purchase At St. Nick Market
While this year's Christmas Card contest was a little quiet, the entries were beautiful! This year, there will be three Official ASBTS Christmas Cards featuring the artwork of Jim Dow, Sophie Graham and Christian Walter.
When you see them, please congratulate them! Cards will be available for purchase starting on S
unday, December 6th at the St. Nicholas Market.
Happenings at St. Mike's Episcopal Campus Ministry at UCSB
Advent lessons and carols @ St. Mike's will be on Sunday, December 6 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, and you are invited to join St. Mike's for this annual event. It will be a night of Advent readings, choir anthems including a rousing Hallelujah Chorus and well-loved Christmas carols. The choir will include St. Mike's, Trinity and All Saints members and be directed by Grey Brothers from Trinity. Treat yourself to an evening of old fashioned caroling and community followed by conversation and sweet treats. David Boyd,dboydinc@aol.com is the contact for more information.
St. Nicholas Market Silent Auction Begins Next Sunday, Nov. 29; Items Available for Review Each Day Leading Up To Dec. 6 Event
| Who is St. Nick? Come find out on Dec. 6 after the 10 a.m. service and get your photo taken with him! |
The St. Nicholas Market silent auction items will be on display after church on Sunday, Nov. 29 and each week day until Dec. 6 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the Parish House. Stop by to peruse the items included in the auction and offer bids. The auction will end on Sunday, Dec. 6 at the Market! In addition to the silent auction, book table, art and other treasures for sale, St. Nicholas himself will be on our patio for photos with children and families! You won't want miss this special event in support of All Saints children and family ministries.
Remember Items for All Saints' Food Wagon
All Saints' Food Wagon program will continue each Sunday, as we collect food for the hungry along with essential hygiene products. Food and items that you bring for the hungry will be gathered each Sunday at the entrance in a green wagon and brought forward to the altar with our offerings and oblations to God. Your donations will be delivered to Cafe Picasso Food Pantry at St. Michael's University Church (St. Mike's) in Isla Vista to serve UCSB and SBCC students struggling with food insecurity.
All Saints' Food Wagon provides us all with an opportunity to give out of our abundance. One way to do so is to try spending 10% (the biblical tithe) of your grocery bill on food that you will give away. Parents, you might invite your children weekly to choose the food that your family will bring to church to give to those who don't have enough to eat. This makes them aware of the blessings of their life and forms them at a young age to make a difference in the hurts of their world. Through this simple but loving service, both young and old can extend Christ's grace from the meal we share at the altar to our hungry neighbors' tables.
So far we have received 168 Pledge Cards. 72 of these have made an increase over last year and 18 of these pledges are from brand new pledgers. The dollar total so far is $650,788.00 toward our preliminary 2016 pledge budget of $1,070,000.00. If you haven't turned in your pledge card yet, please feel free to drop it in the offering plate or mail/bring it to the church office.
 The nominating committee invites you to make recommendations of people to serve on vestry. The vestry is a body of non- ordained people in the Episcopal Church, duly elected by the members of the church to provide oversight with the rector of the spiritual and material concerns of the parish. Vestry members should have been active in the life and ministry of All Saints-by-the-Sea for one year. The nominating committee will enter into a period of discernment once names are received. Please submit names for vestry recommendations to David Telleen-Lawton at DTL@TMP.ucsb.edu by November 22nd. |
Photo of the Week
All Saints Parish School donated bags of food to the Food Bank of Santa Barbara this week... Just in time for Thanksgiving! Our school families brought in more than 700 pounds of food! A big thank you to the LeRenard family, who led this project!
All Saints is Off to Ireland!
October 16 - 25, 2016
Discover St. Patrick's Ireland with a Faith Tour designed by Collette.
Join parishioners, families, and friends for inspirational travel and fellowship while exploring world-famous spiritual sites in Ireland. Highlights of this trip will include Dublin, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Clonmacnoise, Westport, Knock Shrine, Galway, Croagh Patrick, Kylemore Abbey, Tobernalt Holy Well, Belleek, Belfast, Downpatirick, Armagh, and more. Our tour includes roundtrip air-fare from Los Angeles, complimentary transportation to the airport, hotel accommodations, daily breakfasts, four dinners, and gratuities for tour manager and bus driver.
Click here to
The office will be closing at 12Noon on Wednesday, November 25. The office will reopen for regular hours on Monday, November 30.
St. Nicholas Day: Sunday, December 6, 10 a.m.
Intergenerational Service
All are welcome, especially children, to a special day celebrating the witness of St. Nicholas. We being this Advent season following St. Nicholas' witness of self-giving love to help those in need. St. Nicholas himself will be present to guide us. Please bring your Giving Tree gifts to church that day (if you have not already dropped them off at the church office) and place them in the baptistry upon arrival.
All Saints-by-the-Sea now offers online giving.
Convenient. Easy. Secure.
Give out of God's love and gifts in your life that others may feel Christ's love and grace.
Looking Ahead...
- November 21 - All Saints Trip to the Getty
- November 21 - Joseph Ignatius memorial service
- November 25 - Church Office closes at Noon
- November 26 - Thanksgiving Day Service & Lunch at 10:30am
- December 6 - St. Nick Day & Christmas Market at 10am
- December 6 - St. Nicholas Intergenerational Service at 10am
- December 13 - All Saints School ice skating trip to Goleta
- December 24 - Christmas Eve Services at 4pm, 7:30pm, 10:30pm with Choral Singalongs at 7pm and 10pm
- December 25 - Christmas Day Service & Lunch at 10:30am
Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then...
Episcocat Priest says...
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world!
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.