Sanctuary Readiness and Preservation Project
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November 16, 2015
Permit Requested from Santa Barbara County to Rebuild Bell Tower
An application for a "Substantial Conformity Determination" under All Saints' Conditional Use Permit has been submitted to Santa Barbara County to allow All Saints to completely remove and immediately rebuild our historic Bell Tower. 

"This is a huge step on our path to ensuring the safety of our structures and our parishioners," said Chip Nichols, chair of the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project Facilities Committee. Extensive work has been undertaken by members of the parish, our project architect, the structural engineer and architectural historians to determine the structural integrity of the Tower and it has been confirmed that it has no foundation or interior support. Extensive cracking has been documented throughout the structure but especially in vulnerable areas that dictate immediate action to deconstruct it and then rebuild it.
"We hope to have the permits in hand early in 2016 and begin construction soon after Easter 2016," Chip explained. The early success of the fundraising effort has allowed for this important step to be taken, strengthening it against collapsshould an earthquake strike.  The Vestry made the determination that the safety of parishioners as well as the Sanctuary building itself was of critical importance, thus this first step. To read the historical architectural report, engineering analysis and various architectural plans just click on this link.

Bell Tower Project Schedule
November-December 2015
Pursue permit, construction bids for deconstruction/reconstruction

January 2016
Parishwide launch of "How Firm Our Foundation" capital campaign

February 2016
Select contractor for Bell Tower work

March 2016
Easter - March 27

April 2016
Install fencing around construction area: north parking lot, main church entrance

Spring 2016
Parishwide Town Hall meeting regarding Bell Tower work as well as the seismic and other interior Sanctuary work

May-August 2016
Remove and rebuild Bell Tower

Parishioners From All Corners of Parish Weigh in Via "Listening Sessions"
During the summer and early fall, dozens of parishioners, parents, clergy and staff attended 14 different "listening sessions" to comment on the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project plans and provide input regarding the working areas of the Sanctuary. 

The input gathered is now being shared with and incorporated by our project architect, Bob Easton. Parishioner Alyson Eyer-Delevett is chair of the Design Subcommittee of the Facilities Committee and, along with project manager Richard Thorne, AIA, designed and led the sessions.
Over the coming few months, new conceptual floor plans, renderings and modeling will be created for the parish to review. Another Town Hall meeting will take place in the Spring of 2016.
All Saints' Neighbors Meet, Learn About Project, Give Favorable Reaction
The Vestry and the parish leadership hosted church neighbors on campus for a BBQ dinner and briefing on the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project plans.  Rev. Aimée described the needs of the Sanctuary and potential impacts on the neighborhood. You can read her comments by clicking here.
We are happy to report that we received a receptive attitude from those present as well as from a series of one-on-one meetings with interested neighbors.  We hope that this is the first of several ways that All Saints can become more fully in relationship with those who live around us.

Organ Builder Selected; Initial Discussions Under Way for New Instrument
Organ builder C.B. Fisk has been named as our preferred choice by the All Saints Vestry to build our new tracker organ, launching a two-plus year project to replace our current, failing organ.  Negotiations will now begin to identify major issues, a timeframe and overall budget. Fisk will send a team to All Saints in January to gather information about our music program needs and discuss instrument options.

Capital Campaign Staff News
Capital Campaign Assistant Stephanie Helper's last day at All Saints was last week.  Stephanie is on to her next adventure and moving back to the L.A. area and we wish her all the best.  Our new campaign assistant is Alyson Eyer-Delevett.  "All Saints' staff, the co-chairs, and our campaign consultant Jeff Conway are looking forward to working with Alyson and are excited about the wealth of skills that she is bringing to this position," said Kathleen Winters, All Saints' director of administration. The part-time position will help support the capital campaign and facilities work through next summer.
Online Survey, Comment Card Available

Just click on the link below and you will get a chance to fill out a special online survey and ask questions or weigh in on the project.


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