It's That Time Again - All Saints 2nd Annual Christmas Card Contest - With a Twist!
Back by popular demand...The All Saints Christmas Card Contest! This year there will be a little twist - we will have TWO categories that will result in TWO editions of 2015 ASBTS Christmas cards: a children's category and an adult category. Cards will be for sale at the St. Nicholas Christmas Market on December 6.
Everyone is encouraged to submit an image of original artwork for a chance to have your artwork featured on one of the two 2015 All Saints Christmas Card Contest by November 1. All media (paint, photography, sketch, etc.) are accepted, and all parishioners are invited to enter. Titles and/or brief descriptions are optional, but please no greetings.
Inspired by the national Episcopal Church's Christmas Card contest, All Saints launched the First Annual Christmas Card Contest last year to much fanfare and we are thrilled to bring it back again this year!
Here are the details:
Who can enter? All parishioners are invited and encouraged to enter!
What media are accepted? All media (oil, watercolor, photography, sketch, crayon, etc.) are accepted.
How do I enter? Send a photo or scan of your original artwork to: ChristmasCard@asbts.org
What's the deadline? Entries will be accepted through midnight PST on November 1.
Should my artwork be the size of a greeting card? No, we will work with the printer to get the winning artwork sized appropriately.
Do I need to include a greeting? No, please do not include a greeting on the artwork itself. A title and/or description is optional.
How will the winning entry be selected? The entire parish will have an opportunity to cast their votes for two 2015 All Saints-by-the-Sea Christmas Card; one featuring a child's artwork and the other an adult's artwork.
Will the Christmas cards be available for purchase? Yes! Both 2015 All Saints-by-the-Sea Christmas Cards featuring the winning artwork will be available for purchase in early December.
I still have more questions. Contact the Church Office at (805) 969-4771 for more information.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to have your artwork and/or your child's artwork featured on the 2015 All Saints' Christmas Cards!
Book Group's November Selection:
The Road to Character
 The Book Group will be reading The Road to Character by David Brooks for our next meeting on Monday, November 9, at 6:00 p.m. We will gather in the Parish House for potluck dinner and discussion. All are welcome! For more information, please contact Rev. Vicki Mouradian at the church: vicki@asbts.org.
Our St. Francis Pet Blessing & Intergenerational Worship was so much fun! Click here to view our photo album! (Special thank you to parishioner Sheri Benninghoven for capturing the day!)
Photos from Celebration of New Ministry service are available to view as well! Click here. |
David Hart Memorial Service
A memorial service for David Hart is planned for Saturday, October 17th at 2:00 p.m. at All Saints-by-the-Sea.

Each hungry person, among the first century multitude of five thousand who gathered to hear the teachings of Jesus, discovered that he and she had enough and was enough - even more than enough!
(See John 6:1-14 or Matthew 14:13-21)
On the patio on October 18 and 25, we will be creating together, as students of Jesus, a school of fish as a visual representation of the many gifts God gives us. You can fold your origami fish at coffee hour or at home, returning it to church by October 25.
Before you fold, consider how you experience God the Giver in your life and write a short note of thanksgiving or prayer on the white side of your origami paper. Contained within the folds of your origami will be your prayers in gratitude for how you experience God the Giver in your life.
Silver, Gold and Soul!
How can we, in the complexity of the twenty-first century, reconcile our economic and spiritual lives? Are the two antithetical or can one enliven the other? Parishioner Cecile Lyons, clinical and financial psychologist, will facilitate personal exploration of the subjective experience of money that will offer participants the opportunity to reduce money anxiety and fears of scarcity, as well as provide the possibility for increasing spiritual abundance and personal wellbeing.
Oct. 18th: Personal Money Bio - expansive or constrictive for soulful living.
Oct. 25th: Money scripts behind stories of fear and faith, scarcity and abundance.
Nov. 1st: The Art of Balance: Giving and Receiving. Purposeful Prosperity.
Silver, Gold and Soul! will meet Sundays 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Parish House.
Questions may be directed to: drlyons@cecilelyonsphd.com
Notice of your interest in participation will assist in planning so please signup at the Info Table or by email.
Save the Date: Newcomers Reception!
Friday, October 23rd
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
All Saints
A wine and cheese reception is planned for Friday, October 23 from 5-7 pm at church. All are welcome! Contact the church office with questions: 969-4771 |
Remember Items for All Saints' Food Wagon
All Saints' Food Wagon program is off to a great start thanks to your generosity. This program will continue each Sunday, as we collect food for the hungry along with essential hygiene products. Food and items that you bring for the hungry will be gathered each Sunday at the entrance in a green wagon and brought forward to the altar with our offerings and oblations to God. Your donations will be delivered to Cafe Picasso Food Pantry at St. Michael's University Church (St. Mike's) in Isla Vista to serve UCSB and SBCC students struggling with food insecurity.
All Saints' Food Wagon provides us all with an opportunity to give out of our abundance. One way to do so is to try spending 10% (the biblical tithe) of your grocery bill on food that you will give away. Parents, you might invite your children weekly to choose the food that your family will bring to church to give to those who don't have enough to eat. This makes them aware of the blessings of their life and forms them at a young age to make a difference in the hurts of their world. Through this simple but loving service, both young and old can extend Christ's grace from the meal we share at the altar to our hungry neighbors' tables.
Don't forget to bring your pledge cards to church on All Saints Day, Nov. 1.
On November 1, we will celebrate All Saints' Day with the culmination of our exploration of God the Giver, when pledges will be completed and offered as an act of worship and in response to all that God has provided. If you are not able to attend worship on All Saints' Day, please send your Ministry Pledge card to the church office. |
Sanctuary Readiness - Listening Session
In conjunction with the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project currently underway at All Saints, you are invited to a "listening session" with the design subcommittee chaired by Alyson Eyer-Delevett. The session is open to the whole parish and is scheduled for Sunday, October 18th at 11:30 a.m. We will meet in the Parish Hall. If you are able to attend, please RSVP to Stephanie@asbts.org |
All Saints Goes to the Getty Center!
A fall trip to the Getty Center is being planned for Saturday, November 21st. Please join us for a wonderful day experiencing art, architecture, gardens, food, and fellowship. Our trip will include traveling to the Getty by coach with Airbus, a private docent tour of the architecture and gardens of the Getty, self-guided tours of the new art exhibits for the holidays (Eat, Drink and Be Merry: Food in the Middle Ages and The Edible Moment: The Art of Food for Festivals), and of course time for lunch (with beautiful views) and shopping in the gift shop. The ticket price for the day is $60.00 per person and lunches will be paid individually. Our bus will depart All Saints at 8:00 a.m. and return around 5:30 p.m. Reservations for the Getty trip can be made by completing forms available on our patio Info Table after worship services. An envelope will be available for your forms and payment at the table or you may return your forms and payment to the church office, attention Rev. Vicki Mouradian. Please contact Rev. Vicki with any questions: vicki@asbts.org |
Gobble, Gobble! The M-4 Turkey Drive is Around the Corner!
All Saints is pleased to share that we will participate in the M-4 Turkey Drive again this Thanksgiving season to help feed our hungry brothers and sisters. Please stay tuned for more details!
Hospitality Ministry Needs Help!
Please sign up to provide light refreshments one Sunday during coffee hour. We especially need help on the first and second Sundays of the month. Sign up on the refreshment table or contact Anne Hopkinson at anne@asbts.org or by calling 969-4771 |
Adult Formation Continues
Episcopalians in the 21st Century continues. Explore the meaning and expression of personal faith through the lens of the Episcopal Church, a faith tradition where ancient wisdom meets modern practice. How are we challenged and upheld by God in the context of this day and age? How can the Holy Spirit bring us to fresh vision and deeper understanding through what we know to be church?
Classes will be led by Rev. Vicki Mouradian in the Parish House from 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. on the following Wednesday evenings: October 21, 28 and November 4.
As a guide to the class we will follow the text, My Church Is Not Dying: Epscopalians in the 21st Century by Greg Garrett. The book will be available in class or you may purchase it online for an electronic version.
Please sign up for class at the information table after services. For more information, please contact Rev. Vicki at church vicki@asbts.org. |
Swing Your Partner, Do Sa Do!
November 6 at 5pm
 You and your entire family have the opportunity to join other families in singing, dancing, eating, and generally having a great time, right here at All Saints! We'll begin with an old-fashioned Square Dance and Bar-B-Que on Friday, November 6th at 5 p.m. Accompanied by the sounds of Americna Bluegrass music, you and your family can SWING YOUR PARTNER, PROMENADE and DO SA DO to your heart's content. If you're new to square dance, don't worry - we will teach you! We will gather at 5 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m. with dancing from 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All Saints will provide the main dish and a $10 donation per family is suggested. Side dishes are also needed and you can sign up at the Info Table. |
Photos for 2016 All Saints Parish Directory
It's hard to believe that it is time to put together an updated Parish Photo Directory! If you would like to be included in the 2016 Photo Directory, please have your picture taken after either the 8AM or 10AM services on Sunday, October 25th and/or Sunday, November 1st. If you already have your photo in the current directory there is no need to have it taken again unless you want a new photo. The opportunity to update your mailing address, phone numbers, and email address(es) will also be available.
 On All Saints Day, we will build an altar in the chapel in honor of the saints of our lives who have gone before us. Everyone is invited to bring a photo or a memento of a loved one who has joined the communion of saints to be displayed on the altar. Please bring your photo or memento of the deceased to church on Sunday, October 18 and 25 to be collected at the Information Table, or deliver it to the church office by Wednesday, October 28. (Please put your name on the back of your photo to facilitate getting photos back to the right owner.) You can reclaim your photo or memento after the 10 a.m. service on November 1.
Newcomers Class: Setting Our Hearts
 Setting Our Hearts will meet Sundays, 5:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. November 1-22 in the Parish House. This 4-week course is a unique and contemporary small group experience for adults offered to newcomers to All Saints-by-the-Sea and open to all people interested in taking a deeper look at their faith. Led by Rev. Aimee, Setting Our Hearts will explore basic Christian themes and symbols such as belonging, baptism, and communion, as understood in this Episcopal community of faith. Sign up now at the Info Table on the patio. |
Photo of the Week
The Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool offers a blessing at our Celebration of New Ministry aka Rev. Aimee's Installation
Listen to Bishop Glasspool's blessing by clicking here.
All Saints-by-the-Sea now offers online giving.
Convenient. Easy. Secure.
Give out of God's love and gifts in your life that others may feel Christ's love and grace.
Looking Ahead...
October 18 - Listening Session in the Parish Hall after 10am service
October 18 - God the Giver Christian Formation Series at 11:15
October 21 - Episcopalians in the 21st Century at 7:15pm
October 23 - Newcomers Reception at 5pm at church
- October 25 - God the Giver Christian Formation Series at 11:15
- October 25 - Directory Photos after the 8 & 10 services
- October 28 - Episcopalians in the 21st Century at 7:15pm
- November 1 - All Saints' Day with Baptism at 10am
- November 1 - God the Giver Christian Formation Series at 11:15
- November 1 - Newcomers Class: Setting Our Hearts begins at 5pm
- November 4 - Episcopalians in the 21st Century at 7:15pm
- November 6 - Family Dinner & Hoe-Down at 5pm
- November 15 - Family Advent Workshop & Pizza at 5pm
- November 21 - All Saints Trip to the Getty
- December 6 - St. Nick Day & Christmas Market at 10am
Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then...
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world!
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.