New Blog! Parishioner Michael Swift: God the Giver
I moved to Santa Barbara just over two years ago to pursue a PhD in Physics at UCSB. For my first year, I lived in the overpriced grad student housing just north of Isla Vista. One night in September, shortly before classes started, I got an email. Rent was due. In fact, two month's rent was due. And I didn't have enough money to pay it. Most of my cash had gone into moving expenses, and my first paycheck for TAing wasn't for a month. I freaked out; this sort of thing just doesn't happen to me. I paid what I could, and then went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I kept worrying about how I was going to pay this bill. As I tossed and turned, I said a quick prayer. I didn't really know what to ask for. I just reached out to God, and trusted that God would take care of me.
You're Invited! Casas de las Flores Grand Opening
Thursday, Oct. 15th at 11:30 a.m.
Peoples' Self-Help Housing
 You are invited to the grand opening celebration by Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corp for Casas de las Flores Apartments (formerly the Carpinteria Camper Park). This will take place at 4096 Via Real, Carpinteria on Thursday, October 15, 2015, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. The event will include a program followed by a light lunch. Starting in 2009 and continuing for several years, the All Saints Outreach Committee granted tens of thousands of dollars, and All Saints parishioners donated hundreds of hours to enhance the quality of life for residents at the camper park. Some of the families had lived there for 20 years. Work included re-habilitating community bathrooms and painting common areas, readying vacated trailers for removal from the park, and paying for summer program activities and the after-school program instructor.
During this time, parishioners delivered healthy snacks weekly to the after-school homework helper and tutor program located in a classroom trailer at the park. Later, parishioners donated furniture and furnishings and helped many of the approximately 80 families move from dilapidated travel and camper trailers with built-in furniture to unfurnished apartments so that construction of the development could begin in 2014.
AND NOW it's time for the GRAND OPENING! The new complex will offer 43 units for low-income households and include a spacious community room, youth learning center, the Paul and Leslie Ridley-Tree Community Kitchen, offices, a playground and laundry facilities. Please join in this celebration with our friends. Additional details are available at the Information Table. |
Have you RSVP'd?
All Saints Fall Avocado Mixer
TOMORROW Saturday, October 10
Home of Sally Green
Transition House Dinner Sunday, October 11 at 5:30pm
 Sunday, October 11th is All Saints' night to prepare and serve dinner at Transition House, a homeless shelter for families. Please consider donating needed food or volunteering to serve that evening. Visit the Information Table on the patio after church on Sunday to get more details including what food is needed. David Boyd will be there to answer your questions - and to put you to work! We expect 55 family members to attend dinner, so many hands are needed.
Fun fact: Transition House residents say their very favorite Sunday dinner is the one All Saints provides! Come experience the joy of serving our brothers and sisters in need. |
Our St. Francis Pet Blessing & Intergenerational Worship was so much fun! Click here to view our photo album! (Special thank you to parishioner Sheri Benninghoven for capturing the day!)
*Photos from our Celebration of New Ministry service will be available to view soon! |
David Hart Memorial Service
A memorial service for David Hart is planned for Saturday, October 17th at 2:00 p.m. at All Saints-by-the-Sea.
God the Giver Christian Formation Series

Each hungry person, among the first century multitude of five thousand who gathered to hear the teachings of Jesus, discovered that he and she had enough and was enough - even more than enough!
(See John 6:1-14 or Matthew 14:13-21)
How can we, in the complexity of the twenty-first century, reconcile our economic and spiritual lives? Are the two antithetical or can one enliven the other? In four sessions beginning October 11th, parishioner Cecile Lyons, clinical and financial psychologist, will facilitate personal exploration of the subjective experience of money that will offer participants the opportunity to reduce money anxiety and fears of scarcity, as well as provide the possibility for increasing spiritual abundance and personal well-being.
Oct. 11th: Relationship between faith and finance - money as a spiritual practice.
Oct. 18th: Personal Money-Bio - expansive or constrictive for soulful living.
Oct. 25th: Money scripts behind stories of fear and faith, scarcity and abundance.
Nov. 1st: The Art of Balance: Giving and Receiving, Purposeful Prosperity
Silver, Gold, and Soul will meet Sundays 11:15am-12:30pm in the Parish House.
Questions may be directed to:
Notice of your interest in participation will assist in the planning so please sign up at the Information Table or by email.
Parish School Fall BBQ - ALL Are Invited!
Don't miss the preschool's Fall BBQ with pony rides and petting zoo on Friday, October 16th at 5 p.m. Contact school@asbts.org with questions!
2016 Axxess Books On Sale
Visit the Information Table after service on Sunday to purchase a 2016 Axxess book to benefit the parish school!
Save the Date: Newcomers Reception!
Friday, October 23rd
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
All Saints
Details to come! Contact the church office with questions: 969-4771 |
Remember Items for All Saints' Food Wagon
All Saints' Food Wagon program is off to a great start thanks to your generosity. This program will continue each Sunday, as we collect food for the hungry along with essential hygiene products. Food and items that you bring for the hungry will be gathered each Sunday at the entrance in a green wagon and brought forward to the altar with our offerings and oblations to God. Your donations will be delivered to Cafe Picasso Food Pantry at St. Michael's University Church (St. Mike's) in Isla Vista to serve UCSB and SBCC students struggling with food insecurity.
All Saints' Food Wagon provides us all with an opportunity to give out of our abundance. One way to do so is to try spending 10% (the biblical tithe) of your grocery bill on food that you will give away. Parents, you might invite your children weekly to choose the food that your family will bring to church to give to those who don't have enough to eat. This makes them aware of the blessings of their life and forms them at a young age to make a difference in the hurts of their world. Through this simple but loving service, both young and old can extend Christ's grace from the meal we share at the altar to our hungry neighbors' tables.
Sanctuary Readiness - Listening Session
In conjunction with the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project currently underway at All Saints, you are invited to a "listening session" with the design subcommittee chaired by Alyson Eyer-Delevett. The session is open to the whole parish and is scheduled for Sunday, October 18th at 11:30 a.m. We will meet in the Parish House. If you are able to attend, please RSVP to Stephanie@asbts.org |
Will You Help Deserving Low-Income, Aging and Veteran Residents?
 Volunteers are needed On Tuesdays and Thursdays (starting Tuesday August 31) to drive Victoria Hotel Manager to the Community Kitchen to pick up hot meals for low-income, aging, and veteran residents. See David Boyd at the Information Table on the patio after Sunday worship services or call the church office if you can help!
Hospitality Ministry Needs Help!
Please sign up to provide light refreshments one Sunday during coffee hour. We especially need help on the first and second Sundays of the month. Sign up on the refreshment table or contact Anne Hopkinson at anne@asbts.org or by calling 969-4771 |
Wednesday Evening Adult Formation Continues
With New 5-Class Series
Wednesday night Adult Formation continues with a five session class - Episcopalians in the 21st Century. Classes began this week, but there is still room to join! Explore the meaning and expression of personal faith through the lens of the Episcopal Church, a faith tradition where ancient wisdom meets modern practice. How are we challenged and upheld by God in the context of this day and age? How can the Holy Spirit bring us to fresh vision and deeper understanding through what we know to be church?
Classes will be led by Rev. Vicki Mouradian in the Parish House from 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. on the following Wednesday evenings: October 14, 21, 28 and November 4.
As a guide to the class we will follow the text, My Church Is Not Dying: Epscopalians in the 21st Century by Greg Garrett. The book will be available in class or you may purchase it online for an electronic version.
Please sign up for class at the information table after services. For more information, please contact Rev. Vicki at church vicki@asbts.org. |
Silence is God's First Language:
Prayer Groups Are Back In Full Swing
Dear Friends,
The Light has turned, and the high-summer presence of the Archangel Michael gives way to a time of turning inward as the presence of the Archangel Gabriel approaches. These seasons with their spiritual connotations become part of our healing landscape. Typically the first thought in healing goes to our outer, physical being. But psychology tells us that our inner feeling states shape our physical condition. George Melton wrote, "Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing - peace is the measure".
An inner re-ordering and insight, leaving peace in its wake, has become a common experience in our practice of Healing Presence. Please join us as we gather again this coming Sunday morning to move into prayerful silence, holding out our own needs and those of our companions to the flow of Healing Presence. ......at 9:15 in the Conference Room of the Church Office.
Photos for 2016 All Saints Parish Directory
It's hard to believe that it is time to put together an updated Parish Photo Directory! If you would like to be included in the 2016 Photo Directory, please have your picture taken after either the 8AM or 10AM services on Sunday, October 15th and/or Sunday, November 1st. If you already have your photo in the current directory there is no need to have it taken again unless you want a new photo. The opportunity to update your mailing address, phone numbers, and email address(es) will also be available.
Music, Fellowship, Food & Family
Join the Fun as All Saints!
Fall brings singing, dancing, eating, and a great time at All Saints! You don't want to miss it!
Once each quarter, during the 2015-16 season, All Saints' Music Ministry will host an evening of family fellowship, food, live music and dance. All ages are welcome!
Photo of the Week
St. Francis Day at All Saints.
All Saints-by-the-Sea now offers online giving.
Convenient. Easy. Secure.
Give out of God's love and gifts in your life that others may feel Christ's love and grace.
Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then...
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world!
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.