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This Sunday's Readings:
September 11, 2015
New Date for Barbara Kucera Memorial
The memorial service for Barbara Kucera will be held on October 4th at 2pm at All Saints. 
Homecoming Sunday Is This Sunday!
Everyone Is Invited!
Homecoming is this coming Sunday, September 13 - All Saints welcomes the program year on Homecoming Sunday at 10 a.m. With a special intergenerational choir in full swing, we'll celebrate by coming together as the whole household of God! This Sunday, we will bless our Parish School teachers and Sunday School teachers. We'll also gather all of the children entrusted to our care in both the parish and the Parish School. Children will be invited to gather at the altar for hear a message from Rev. Aimée. Children from the Parish School and Sunday School will be blessed as they begin their school year, and every child will receive a book lovingly chosen for them that will help them grow in the loving image of God. Don't miss this special Sunday as we celebrate the new program year! 

The service will be followed by a potluck picnic on the patio to which all are invited! If you are moved to bring a dish to share, please do! 

Transition House Sunday Reminder: As we gather together to enjoy our potluck picnic, please remember that Sunday, September 13 is also All Saints' night to prepare and serve dinner at Transition House at 5:00 pm. Many hungry families rely on the loving kindness of volunteers to be able to have a hot meal. Before you leave, please see David Boyd ( at the Information Table to find out how you can help. 
Introducing All Saints' Food Wagon
Every Sunday Beginning Sept. 13
Starting Sunday, September 13, we will collect food for the hungry each Sunday. Food that you bring for the hungry will be gathered each Sunday at the entrance in a green wagon and brought forward to the altar with our offerings and oblations to God. The food will be donated to Cafe Picasso Food Pantry at St. Michael's University Church (St. Mike's) in Isla Vista to serve UCSB and SBCC students struggling with food insecurity. 

All Saints' Food Wagon provides us all with an opportunity to give out of our abundance. One way to do so is to try spending 10% (the biblical tithe) of your grocery bill on food that you will give away. Parents, you might invite your children weekly to choose the food that your family will bring to church to give to those who don't have enough to eat. This makes them aware of the blessings of their life and forms them at a young age to make a difference in the hurts of their world. Through this simple but loving service, both young and old can extend Christ's grace from the meal we share at the altar to our hungry neighbors' tables.

New Adult Formation Class Begins Next Week!

Mind of Faith - OS 2015

With our Homecoming Sunday arriving this Sunday, we will also celebrate a Homecoming Eventide next Wednesday, September 16. 

The first Eventide classes (after supper) start that even with a 3-week excursion taught by Pat McClure. She's given the classes an overall title that sounds like computer advertisement -The Mind of Faith - OS 2015 ...... because it turns out that our minds AND our faith depend entirely on the way we use the operating systems of our brain and heart.

She will unfold a new kind of Genesis story -  using the findings of brain research combined with the spiritual discoveries they're leading us to.  She'll outline the physical anatomy of thought and belief and unfold the pathway to spiritual transcendance that is embedded, but largely unused, in our 'leetle grey cells' and in our physical hearts.
  • The Biology of Transcendance on Sept  16th
  • The Anatomy of Evil on Sept. 23rd
  • The Frequencies of Spirit on Sept 30th
You're all invited and we hope you'll bring along some friends for what promises to be a fascinating start to our year of Eventide classes.

Sign up at the Information Table or simply come to class on Wednesday!

Silence is God's First Language: 

Prayer Groups Are Back In Full Swing

Beyond the words and thoughts of ordinary prayer, there is another way to encounter the Presence of God. It's a deliberate intention to become still within and to simply hold ourselves open to God's Presence. Called meditation in many traditions, it's known as contemplative prayer in Christianity. All Saints offers two versions of this deep prayer 
practice every week: Centering Prayer and Healing Presence, which are resuming after their summer hiatus on Sept. 6th. at 9:15 a.m.

Centering Prayer sessions are held every Thursday morning from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Youth Room of the Parish House. Centering Prayer sessions are also held every other Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. in the Church Office Conference Room. On alternate Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. we add a focus on healing as the intention of sitting silently in God's Presence.

They both follow the same practice. We sit in a circle, become inwardly quiet, and open our hearts, which guide body, mind, and soul to a new level of awareness that is felt rather than thought. Here, Silence is discovered to be alive - a fathomless field of being and in-formation, the still point of truth, the source from which all our reality flows.

Newcomers are especially welcomed. Come and try it!
Education for Ministry Starts This Sunday!
The Education for Ministry group will meet for the first time this Sunday, September 13 at Trinity Episcopal Church in the library from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. For more information about this meeting or this unique adult formation group, please contact EfM Mentor Robert Brown at 

We Are God's Hands

On Monday, August 31, parishioners Grace and Ed Yoon and Alyce and David Boyd participated in the St. Brigid Fellowship of St. Athanasius Church to help provide and serve dinner to approximately 50 of God's poor and homeless souls who live in Isla Vista. Different churches and UCSB student organizations do this every Monday evening on the patio in front of the chapel for St. Michael's University Church and Episcopal Campus Ministry at UCSB. All Saints parishioners volunteer on the last Monday of each month. If you would like to help, please contact David Boyd,
Book Group meets next on Monday, September 14 at 6:00 p.m. for potluck and discussion in the Parish House. We will read Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, a work of historical fiction regarding the building of a Gothic cathedral in twelfth century England at the time when Empress Maud and Stephen were fighting for the crown after the death of Henry I. Everyone is invited to join this lively goup!

For more information, contact Rev. Vicki,

Thank You, All Saints!
"On behalf of the Board of Directors of Peoples' Self-Help Housing (PSHH), I would like to thank you for your in-kind donation of 232 backpacks for K-4, 126 backpacks for Dahlia, Chapel and St. Vincent's properties.

Because of support like yours, Peoples' can provide housing for special needs groups such as people with disabilities, fragile seniors, veterans, hard-working low income families, and the formerly homeless. With your help we have assisted nearly 1,200 low-income households to build their first home and have established more than 1,500 affordable rental units in 28 communities, in the Tri-Counties." Rochelle Rose, PSHH

Take a Sneak Peak Behind the Scenes With A Sanctuary Tour Sunday, September 20!

As explained during our Town Hall, recent Bell Tower special edition, and special RAAI, our church is in need of some TLC. Sunday, September 20, there will be an opportunity for a behind-the-scenes tour of our sanctuary at the 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. services. If you are interested in taking the tour, just meet at the Bell Tower at either 9:15 a.m. or 11:15 a.m. Questions about the Sanctuary Readiness Project? Just email:

Sunday School Kick-Off September 20

NEW Start Time - 9:50 a.m.

Sunday School begins Sunday, September 20, the week after Homecoming. We will continue with our current Sunday School Curriculum, Living the Good News. This curriculum is based on the Revised Common Lectionary readings for any given Sunday so that children and parents receive the same biblical message. Having this common lesson allows parents and children an opportunity to explore their biblical understanding together. our classes are taught by volunteer parishioners who delight in the spiritual formation of children. Classes are divided into three groups: Pre-K through Grade 2; Grades 3-5; and Grades 6-8. All meet in the Parish House. Classes begin at 9:50 a.m. and end just prior to our Eucharistic Celebration in the main church when children join their parents for communion. All children are welcome in both Sunday School and church. Contact Rev. Vicki at for more information about children & youth ministries at All Saints.
Fall Dates to Remember

Stay tuned for more details as dates draw near...
  • September 13 -Homecoming Sunday, 10 a.m. Potluck Picnic at 11 a.m.
  • September 13-Healing Presence resumes at 9:15 a.m.
  • September 13The EfM group starts at the Trinity Church library from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
  • September 14 - Book Club & Potluck at 6 p.m.
  • September 20 - Sunday School begins
  • September 22 - Bible & Babble with Potluck at 6 p.m.
  • September 23 - Adult formation begins: Wisdom Christianity
  • October 3 - Celebration of New Ministry & Reception at 10 a.m.
  • October 4 - St. Francis Pet Blessing at 10 a.m.
  • October 10 - Parish Social at 4 p.m.
  • October 23 - Newcomers Reception at 6 p.m.
  • November 1 - All Saints' Day with Baptism at 10 a.m.
  • November 6 - Family Dinner & Hoe-Down at 5 p.m.
  • November 15 - Family Advent Workshop & Pizza at 5 p.m.
  • December 6 - St. Nick Day & Christmas Market at 10 a.m.
Team All Saints Helps at Cleveland Elementary School
In support of the All Saints Outreach Focus Project, Parishioners Herb Tews, Leslie Huber, Joe Rawls, Gail Harling, Phil Wilcox and David Boyd are volunteering at Cleveland Elementary School at least two hours per week. They help teachers in classrooms with Kindergarten, Third and Fourth Grade students and in the library tutoring students in several grade levels. Mr. Gabe Sandoval the Cleveland principal is meeting with volunteers individually to communicate his vision for their contributions, and he has commented "I'm glad they are here. They have such a rich history of knowledge from their careers and experiences." 

Additional volunteers are needed at Cleveland, and for more information, please contact Susan Evans, or David Boyd,
Will You Help Deserving Low-Income, Aging and Veteran Residents?
Volunteers are needed On Tuesdays and Thursdays (starting Tuesday August 31) to drive Victoria Hotel Manager to the Community Kitchen to pick up hot meals for low-income, aging, and veteran residents. See David Boyd at the Information Table on the patio after Sunday worship services or call the church office if you can help! 
Celebration of New Ministry 
with Rev. Aimee Eyer-Delevett: Saturday, October 3

On Saturday, October 3 at 10 a.m. we will hold our Celebration of New Ministry (aka Installation). This service liturgically marks the merger of our lives and work as people and priest in service of Christ and his kingdom. The Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool will preside, and a festive reception will follow. 

Looking For a Great Read? Check Out All Saints' Recycled Reading Treats

Our rolling book carts offer a variety of gently used (very good condition, no marking, and no highlights) fiction, non-fiction, special interest, and children's books for sale for "goodwill offerings." Think "Library Book Sale." If a book sparks your interest, donate whatever you feel is in your price range. Books will be available on second and fourth Sundays of the month during Coffee Hour after each service. Proceeds will support our campus ministries. 

Music, Fellowship, Food & Family

Join the Fun as All Saints!

Fall brings singing, dancing, eating, and a great time at All Saints! You don't want to miss it!

Once each quarter, during the 2015-16 season, All Saints' Music Ministry will host an evening of family fellowship, food, live music and dance. All ages are welcome!

Fall Square Dance We'll begin with an old-fashioned Square Dance & BBQ. Accompanied by the sounds of American Bluegrass music, you and your family can SWING YOUR PARTNER and DO-SI-DO to your heart's content. Dance instruction will be provided that evening - so all levels of Square Dance are encouraged to pull on your cowboy boots!

Winter Sock Hop During the winter, we'll host a 50s Sock Hop. Fonzie, Richie and Joanie won't make it, but don't let that stop you! We'll celebrate the "Happy Days" of our lives together as an All Saints family.

Spring Irish Feis Next on the calendar will be an evening of Celtic food and dance. Scheduled near St. Patrick's Day, All Saints will host an Irish Feis (dance festival) complete with loud shoes, rhinestones, curly wigs and soda bread. Again, this will be an opportunity for all to learn, participate, east some great food and have a wonderful time together.

Summer Luau We'll close the season with an authentic summer Luau. Bring your grass skirts, leis and "loud" shirts. We'll learn how to dance the hula and eat roast pig, poi and shave ice. 

These events will be designed to include absolutely all ages. Stay tuned for specifics on dates and times, and get ready for some fabulous family fun at All Saints this year!
New Date & Time for Weekly Bible & Babble
Bible & Babble will resume in the fall at a new time and on a new day. Beginning September 22, we will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays in the Parish House for Bible Study and Potluck. Please join us for this time of discussion and fellowship. We study the upcoming scripture readings for Sunday based on the Revised Common Lectionary and use Keeping Holy Time edited by Douglas E. Wingeier. Please contact Rev. Vicki at with questions. 
 Photo of the Week

All Saints-by-the-Sea Parish School all spruced up for the new school year and Open House

Online Giving
All Saints-by-the-Sea now offers online giving.

Convenient. Easy. Secure.

Give out of God's love and gifts in your life that others may feel Christ's love and grace. 

Looking Ahead...
  • September 13 - Healing Presence at 9:15am
  • September 13 - Homecoming Sunday, teachers commissioned at 10am; Potluck to follow 
  • September 13 - All Saints' Food Wagon begins
  • September 13 - All Saints' Night at Transition House at 5pm
  • September 13 - EfM begins at Trinity at 5:30pm
  • September 20 - Sunday School Resumes at 9:50am NEW TIME
  • September 20 - Sanctuary Tour after each service
  • September 22 - Bible & Babble resumes NEW DAY/TIME
  • October 3 - Celebration of New Ministry aka Installation at 10am service 
  • October 4 - Barbara Kucera's Memorial Service at 2pm

Meme of the Week

Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then... 


From Around the Web
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world! 

Bishop Coadjutor Search Online SurveyIf you did not attend one of the listening sessions, please fill out the survey. Responses gathered at the listening session have been noted for the committee's report.

Episcopal bishops to teach free online course on gun violence preventionEugene Taylor Sutton, bishop of the diocese of Maryland and Ian Douglas, bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut will teach an online course on a practical response to gun violence. The class, which is open to all, will be offered Sept. 14 - 28

Diocesan Convention to welcome Michael Curry, author Renita WeemsSpeakers set for Dec. 4-5 annual meeting in Ontario
All Saints-by-the-Sea Holds Town Hall; Seismic Challenges AddressedApproximately 90 attendees turned out for the Town Hall Meeting to hear an all-encompassing and revelatory update on the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project.
 Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.

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