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This Sunday's Readings:
July 24, 2015


M-4 Half Day of Service Saturday- Volunteers Needed

**Friday (Today) Set Up Time Change**

The M-4 summer project to provide backpacks stuffed with critical supplies for school success to local children in need is just around the corner. The backpacks are ready to be stuff! 

On Saturday, July 25 from 10am-Noon, Montecito Covenant will host our M-4 day of service where we will stuff the backpacks.

Volunteers are needed for this day and for the evening of Friday, July 24 at 1 pm to help with preparation. Please show your support for this great M-4 work and community by volunteering on one or both days. Call the office with any questions!
Final Day to Sign Up for Youth Summit!
First Congregational Church in Santa Barbara is planning a Youth Summit in August. The Summit is available for 7th -12th graders and is an all weekend event from Friday, Aug. 7 at 5:00 p.m. to Sunday, Aug. 9 at 11:30 a.m. Click here for more details and how to sign up. 


Requiescat in pace

It is with sadness that we announce the death  

of parishioner Doddie Watling.   


Doddie died on July 18th in Idaho.

Please hold the Watling family in your prayers  

and bid the repose of the soul of Doddie. 


Rest eternal, grant unto her O Lord, 
and let light perpetual shine upon her.

Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce to visit All Saints

August 1st & 2nd
Mark your calendars for Bishop Bruce's upcoming visit! On Saturday, August 1, the parish is invited to a 90-minute presentation by Bishop Bruce on ways that All Saints can take a fresh look at stewardship. Then on Sunday, August 2, she will be in the pulpit. We are really looking forward to Bishop Bruce's unofficial visit!

Schedule on August 1

9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Parish-wide Presentation

10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Workshop with leadership

Last Day of our Summer Sunday School Schedule is Sunday!

All Saints' Special Summer Sunday School program concludes this week with worship & Eucharist on the beach with Rev. Vicki. During the month of August, Sunday School will be on summer break, but children are welcome to join their parents in church at either 8 a.m. or 10 a.m. services. Our 2015-2016 Sunday School program will begin on Sunday, September 20th.

All ages are asked to meet outside the Parish House at 10am. Nursery will be open for children 3 and under, and as always, children are welcome in church!
Save the Date: Homecoming!

Homecoming Sunday is September 13th!

Holy Happenings

What are Holy Happenings? Holy Happenings are events around town linking parishioners with the larger world of faith and justice:

ASBTS Holy Happenings/Holy Landers planning meeting

For all who are interested in the Holy Land, please come

Sunday, July 26 between services  to the Youth Room in the Parish House. Our goal will be to plan an event for the fall: a book group, a Wednesday evening speaker, or something new. Bring your ideas!

Upcoming Pilgrimage with Diocese:
Join Lutheran Bishop Guy Erwin and Episcopal tour organizer Canon Jim Newman in the Holy Land!  There is something incredibly powerful about traveling the paths of Jesus and his disciples that can be life changing for you, as it has been for so many others. Imagine...Bethlehem, Nazareth and Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Jordan River, and the mysterious stone city of Petra ... the sights, the sounds, the smells and the tastes will remain in your memory as you cherish the moments you spend with your fellow pilgrims. We are looking forward to sharing this journey of a lifetime with you. Space is limited, so it will be necessary for you to send in your reservation form and deposit as soon as possible. The trip will depart from Los Angeles on Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015, and return on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016 - an eleven-day tour. The cost from Los Angeles is $4148 ($3,343 + $805 in government taxes & airline fuel surcharges). For more information contact Canon Jim Newman at 310.391.5522, 888.802.6722 (toll-free) or brochure can be downloaded here.

Help Replenish Our Kitchens!

The kitchens at All Saints need some replenishing - will you help? The Wish List includes: Serving spoons, large forks, salad prongs, egg slicer, small sharp knives, serving bowls (all sizes, very big to small), spatulas, plastic freezer bags, plastic freezer containers, measuring cups, serving trays for cookies, salt and pepper shakers, graters, peelers, can opener, and colanders. Contact Anne in the office for more information or if you'd like to help,

All Saints' Summer Arts in Liturgy

Each summer, our 10:00 worship services are filled with music and liturgical language that is unique, and emphasizes a particular context.  This summer, we explore the variety of music published by the Episcopal Church. 


Did you know, our Church publishes 5 music publications for worship?  Like our familiar 1982 Hymnal, each has its own musical personality that reflects a unique context and culture.


In your bulletin, we'll note the source of each of the musical pieces not found in the '82 Hymnal and a brief description of each of those sources.


Let's enjoy some variety this summer, as we sing a broad selection of the music of the Episcopal Church!

Do Something Different This Summer for Community Service Hours!

From the moment we are baptized, we are called to ministry - to serve God and others. Here are some great opportunities for the younger members (under 18) of Christ to serve God and our community:
  • Serve lunch at Casa Esperanza homeless center in Santa Barbara Tuesday, July 28, & August 25 
  • Serve dinner to Isla Vista homeless Monday, July 27, August 31 
  • Distribute free fruit and veggies in Carp Wednesday, August 26 

You will feel good while doing good! David Boyd,, is the contact for more information.

Save the Date: Rev. Aimee's Installation!

The Rev. Aimee Eyer-Delevett's installation as Rector is set for Saturday, October 3 at 10 a.m. with the Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool presiding. A festive reception will follow. Stay tuned for more details.

Summer Film Festival Concludes Wednesday with The Imitation Game

This Wednesday, July 29, is our final film (with snacks including movie popcorn and candies) after Eventide supper in the Parish Hall. Our movie is The Imitation Game - During World War II, mathematician Alan Turing tries to crack the enigma code with help from fellow mathematicians.

Still Time to Sign up for August 8th Trip!
Dead Sea Scrolls, an Exhibition and in the IMAX Theater: Jerusalem, a 3D movie narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch
Saturday, August 8 - The California Science Center, L.A. Lunch will be included. Round trip transportation to be provided by Santa Barbara Airbus. Depart All Saints 9:30 a.m. Return 6:30 p.m. Ticket Price: $70.00 per person. Sign up at the Information Table.
Online Giving
All Saints-by-the-Sea now offers online giving.

Convenient. Easy. Secure.

Give out of God's love and gifts in your life that others may feel Christ's love and grace. 

All Saints Book Group September Selection Announced

Book Group meets next on Monday, September 14 at 6:00 p.m. for potluck and discussion in the Parish House. We will read Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, a work of historical fiction regarding the building of a Gothic cathedral in twelfth century England at the time when Empress Maud and Stephen were fighting for the crown after the death of Henry I. For more information, contact Rev. Vicki,

Sanctuary Tour - Take a Sneak Peak Behind the Scenes!

As explained during our Town Hall, recent Bell Tower special edition, and special RAAI, our church is in need of some TLC. Sunday, August 16, there will be an opportunity for a behind-the-scenes tour of our sanctuary at the 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. services. If you are interested in taking the tour, just meet at the Bell Tower at either 9:15 a.m. or 11:15 a.m. Questions about the Sanctuary Readiness Project? Just email:
 Photo of the Week

Rev Aimée with Supervisor Salud Carbajal at Love. Period. 

Looking Ahead...
  • July 26 - Holy Happenings Meeting between services
  • July 27 - Service Opportunity - Dinner for Isla Vista Homeless
  • July 28 - Service Opportunity - Casa Esperanza
  • August 1 - Bishop Diane Bruce Visits All Saints
  • August 2 - Bishop Diane Bruce Visits All Saints
  • August 8 - All Saints' Trip to Dead Sea Scrolls and Imax
  • August 16 - Sanctuary Tour after each service 

Meme of the Week

Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then... 


From Around the Web
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world! 

10 years building in NicaraguaFor the 10th consecutive year, St. John's Episcopal Church in Larchmont, New York partnered with Bridges to Community (a non-profit community development organization based in Ossining, New York), to travel to Nicaragua on a building and cultural exchange trip. 


All Saints-by-the-Sea Holds Town Hall; Seismic Challenges AddressedApproximately 90 attendees turned out for the Town Hall Meeting to hear an all-encompassing and revelatory update on the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project.


First female diocesan bishop in Church of England consecratedA wave of clapping and cheering greeted two newly consecrated bishops as they processed down a packed Canterbury Cathedral on a historic day. 

Ecumenical Institute for the Middle East will train young Christians A new initiative titled Ecumenical Institute for the Middle East is "promising and inspiring" in its attempt to train young Christians in ecumenical thought and history, according to Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC).

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada approves lay communion presidersThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) has voted to authorize temporary lay ministers, under very restricted circumstances, to "proclaim the Word and preside at Holy Communion" in underserved areas.

Bishop Coadjutor Search Committee Listening SessionThe Coadjutor Search Committee is charged with identifying candidates for the election of a bishop coadjutor who will eventually succeed J. Jon Bruno as bishop of Los Angeles. 

Album, video from June 12 Disney Hall concert to benefit 'Neighborhood Good'Digitally mastered CD and DVD recordings of the June 12 Disney Hall "Horizons & Heritage" Festival Concert marking the Episcopal Church's 150th year of parish ministry in Southern California may be ordered starting this week -- with proceeds set to benefit scholarships for deserving urban youth.

Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.

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