Church Office Closure - July 3, 2015
In observance of the July 4th holiday, the Church Office will be closed Friday, July 3rd. The office will reopen at 9am for regular hours on Monday, July 6.
78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church
is Underway!
The 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church kicked off this week in Salt Lake City. All Saints is keeping close tabs to be your one-stop shop for the latest news from Salt Lake City. Click here to find out more. |
Parish School News: Montecito July 4 Parade!
Our very own school will be in the Montecito Village 4th of July Parade again this year! All past and present students and parents are invited to join Padric and her staff for a short walk down San Ysidro Road to lower Manning Park.The parade is also having a best patriotic costume theme and the All Saints team will be in Red, White & Blue.
If you are able to attend this event, please consider bringing your camera, we can always use photos like this for the school website, Bell Tower, etc.
No Sunday School July 5th
Summer Program Resumes July 12
All Saints' Special Summer Sunday School program will not meet Sunday, July 5th. Sunday School will resume Sunday, July 12th. Please meet in the Parish House at 10:00 a.m.
All Saints' Summer Sunday School Program began on June 21, and will continue through the end of July. Instead of separate classes, the children will meet together for special projects centered on God's Good Creation. Click here for more details. All ages are asked to meet in the Parish House at 10am. Nursery will be open for children 3 and under, and as always, children are welcome in church! |
St. Mike's Episcopal Campus Ministry at UCSB Benefits Big-Time from GIVE Yard Sale
The UCSB-sponsored monster yard sale where volunteers organized donations for ten days in Isla Vista and then sold them on Saturday and Sunday, June 20-21 netted a total of $27,965. Volunteers sorted donations, checked out electronic gadgets and electrical appliances, priced items and handled sales. The St. Mike's share based on number of volunteer hours donated was $3,235. Eleven All Saints parishioners and family members/relatives donated a total of 34.25 hours of the total of 195.25 hours donated for St. Mike's by 19 volunteers from St. Mike's, Trinity and All Saints. Thank you to all who ventured to Isla Vista and helped to make this success possible.
Service Opportunity for Young Folks and the Whole Family!
From the moment we are baptized, we are called to ministry - to serve God and others. Here are some great opportunities for the younger members (under 18) of Christ to serve God and our community:
- Serve lunch at Casa Esperanza homeless center in Santa Barbara Tuesday, June 30, July 28, & August 25
- Serve dinner to Isla Vista homeless Monday, June 29, July 27, August 31
- Distribute free fruit and veggies in Carp Wednesday, July 22, August 26
You will feel good while doing good! David Boyd, dboydinc@aol.com, is the contact for more information. |
Summer Film Festival Continues With Potluck on the Patio & Sleepless in Seattle
This Wednesday, July 8, join us a potluck on the patio. All are invited to bring a dish to share. After dinner, we'll watch Sleepless in Seattle. After the death of his wife, Sam Baldwin moves to Seattle with his son Jonah. When Jonah calls into a talk show radio program to find a new wife for his father, Sam grudgingly gets on the line to discuss his feelings. Annie Reed, a reporter in Baltimore, hears Sam speak and falls for him, even though she is engaged to be married. Unsure where it will lead, she write Sam a letter asking him to meet her at the Empire State Building on Valentine's Day. Don't miss this Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan classic!
July 8 - Sleepless in Seattle July 15 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom July 22 - The King's Speech July 29 - Imitation Game
Help Needed for Film Festival!
The Film Festival following Eventide is in full swing and volunteers are needed to help with the setup, serving, and clean up. A sign up sheet can be found on the Information Table. Remember that many hands make light work!
Take a Summer Trip with All Saints!
The trip to the Solvang theater is sold out, but there's still a chance to take a trip with All Saints this summer!
Dead Sea Scrolls, an Exhibition and in the IMAX Theater: Jerusalem, a 3D movie narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch Saturday, August 8 - The California Science Center, L.A. Lunch will be included. Round trip transportation to be provided by Santa Barbara Airbus. Depart All Saints 9:30 a.m. Return 6:30 p.m. Ticket Price: $70.00 per person. Sign up at the Information Table. |
Transition House Dinner, Sunday July 12
On the evening of Sunday, July 12 All Saints will serve dinner to 59 parents and children at Transition House. All are welcome and many hands are needed. We will serve dinner and are in need of volunteers. If you can help prepare the meal, please arrive at 5:00 p.m. Transition House is located at 425 E. Ortega Street. Please visit the Information Table on the patio after Sunday service or contact: Pat Murdy at murdybirdies@verizon.net or David Boyd at dboydinc@aol.com for more information.
Transition House is dedicated to the solution of family homelessness in the Santa Barbara community. All Saints has been blessed to be able to support this vital community organization for more than 20 years and you are invited to join in this critical ministry. |
All Saints-by-the-Sea now offers online giving.
Convenient. Easy. Secure.
Give out of God's love and gifts in your life that others may feel Christ's love and grace.
Help Needed! Caprinteria Food Distribution Wednesday, July 22
As Christians we are called to be the heart and hands of Jesus Christ in the world. At All Saints, we are blessed to be able to do this in a variety of ways, including our feeding ministries. Wednesday, July 22 everyone is invited to help put free, healthy food in the hands of appreciative low-income families. From 1-2 p.m. we will package and distribute on-site donations of fruits and vegetables at the Carpinteria Children's Project on Main, located at 5201 8th Street in Carp. Thirty-five families throughout our community count on these donations. People of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to participate. If you are unable to serve this coming Wednesday, help is needed every fourth Wednesday of the month. Please sign up at the Information Table on the patio after service or contact David Boyd at dboydinc@aol.com.
Save the Date & Plan to Serve:
July 25 M-4 Half Day of Service
The M-4 (Montecito 4) Churches are pleased to announce the summer service project - providing backpacks stuffed with critical supplies for school success to local children in need. These children are living in People's Self Help Housing communities and rely on these learning tools. Together with the other M-4 Churches, our goal is to provide backpacks and supplies to 310 children.
On Saturday, July 25 Montecito Covenant will host our M-4 day of service from 10am-Noon where we will stuff the backpacks. Volunteers are needed for this day and donations are greatly needed, as each church as been asked to raise $3,500 for this project. A donation of $45 will give one child a backpack and the majority of supplies needed to have a successful start to the school year. Please consider giving the gift of a backpack or two to help a child in need have the tools to succeed in school. Please note "M-4 Backpack Project" in the memo of your check and drop it in the Offertory plate or send it to the Church Office.
Photo of the Week
Parish School graduating Bears sing
"He's got the whole world in his hands" at graduation
All Saints "Recycled Reading Treats" Program Begins July 13
All Saints Book Table will be open during the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month during the summer after each worship service.
 All Saints will launch Recycled Reading Treats on July 13 to support our campus ministries. Our rolling Book Carts will offer a variety of gently used (very good condition, no markings, and no highlights) fiction, non-fiction, special interest, and children's books for sale for "good will offerings." Think "Library Book Sale." If a book sparks your interest, donate whatever you feel is in your price range. Our Recycled Reading Treats will be available on the second and fourth Sundays of the month during Coffee Hour after each service. Please consider donating to this church program by bringing your books to the church patio after services or during the week to the church office beginning June 8. Boxes for collection will be marked and obvious. Read and enjoy! Please contact Rev. Vicki with questions. |
Looking Ahead...
- July 8 - Film Festival - Sleepless in Seattle
- July 11 - All Saints Trip to Solvang Theater
- July 13 - Recycled Reading Treats Program Begins
- July 22 - Service Opportunity - Carpinteria Food Distribution
- July 27 - Service Opportunity - Dinner for Isla Vista Homeless
- July 28 - Service Opportunity - Casa Esperanza
- August 1 - Bishop Diane Bruce Visits All Saints
- August 2 - Bishop Diane Bruce Visits All Saints
- August 8 - All Saints' Trip to Dead Sea Scrolls and Imax
Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then...
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world!
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.