"Bide A Wee and Pray." These words are inscribed above the entryway of our beloved sanctuary,beckoning all who pass to come inside and encounter God. For 115 years, people have been accepting this invitation. One can feel the generations of prayers that have been offered in this holy space. We, too, have offered our deepest prayers in this church, and she has offered us sanctuary, sustenance, and a spiritual home.
Now, our beloved sanctuary is crying out for our care. Her foundation is crumbling and nonexistent in some areas, and her seismic supports are insufficient. The time has come for us to offer her the care she has provided the people of God for over a century.
This Sunday, June 7, at 11:30 we will hold a Town Hall meeting in the sanctuary to share with you the latest plans and price estimates for preserving and readying our sanctuary for generations of ministry to come. I urge you to attend. Not only will you hear from our architect and other leaders valuable information about the physical needs of our beloved sanctuary, but I will also share with you my vision of how these structural improvements will strengthen our mission and ministry to one another and our surrounding community. Finally, I need to hear your questions, hopes, and concerns regarding this missional objective.
God will call us to do much meaningful ministry together as parishioner and priest. The Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project is only the beginning. Please, plan to be present this Sunday at 11:30 a.m. so that we can begin this good work with strength, confidence, partnership, and, above all, prayer.
In Christ's love,
Family Feast Sunday, June 7 - Last Meeting Before Summer Hiatus
Family Feast will meet in the Parish Hall this Sunday, June 7th. All families with children are welcome to join in this special celebration of the Eucharist. All Saints celebrates this special Eucharist service geared specifically towards children and families on the first Sunday of each month in the Parish Hall concurrent with our 10 a.m. Sunday service. Specially-developed music, slides, service and Eucharist are the highlights of this ever-growing service. See you in the Parish Hall at 10 a.m.!
Requiescat in pace
Margaret Moore
April 16, 1926 - May 26, 2015
Rest eternal, grant unto her O Lord,
and let light perpetual shine upon her.
A memorial service for Margaret is planned for Saturday, June 6 at 12:00 p.m. at All Saints.
All Saints Book Club's July book: "The Fifth Gospel"
The All Saints Book Club will meet Monday, July 13th at 6 pm in the Parish House to discuss instant New York Times Bestseller The Fifth Gospel by Ian Caldwell. A lost gospel, a contentious relic, and a dying pope's final wish converge to send two brothers-both Vatican priests-on an intellectual quest to untangle Christianity's greatest historical mystery. At once a riveting intellectual thriller, a feast of biblical history and scholarship, and a moving family drama, The Fifth Gospel is "a story of sacrifice, forgiveness, and redemption. Peppered with references to real-life people, places, and events, the narrative rings true, taking the reader on an emotional journey nearly two thousand years in the making" (Library Journal, starred review). Everyone is invited to join in fellowship, potluck dinner, and discussion! Contact the Rev. Vicki with questions: vicki@asbts.org. Happy reading!
Summer Sunday School Plans Announced
 All Saints' Summer Sunday School Program begins on June 21, and will continue through the end of July. Instead of separate classes, the children will meet together for special projects centered on God's Good Creation. Click here for more details. |
All Saints Book Table - Summer Hours; Introducing "Recycled Reading Treats" Program
All Saints Book Table will be open during the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month during the summer after each worship service.
Episcopal summer reading list available - Looking for some really great summer reads? Look no further than the All Saints Book Table! The Rev. Vicki and Kathie Deviny have put together a summer book all star list to keep you busy (when you're not reading for Book Club that is!) Click here or stop by the Book Table after church to pick up a copy!
 All Saints will launch Recycled Reading Treats on July 13 to support our campus ministries. Our rolling Book Carts will offer a variety of gently used (very good condition, no markings, and no highlights) fiction, non-fiction, special interest, and children's books for sale for "good will offerings." Think "Library Book Sale." If a book sparks your interest, donate whatever you feel is in your price range. Our Recycled Reading Treats will be available on the second and fourth Sundays of the month during Coffee Hour after each service. Please consider donating to this church program by bringing your books to the church patio after services or during the week to the church office beginning June 8. Boxes for collection will be marked and obvious. Read and enjoy! Please contact Rev. Vicki with questions. |
New Blog: Hear What The Spirit is Saying to God's People: Eventide Reflection by Michael Swift
Below is an Eventide Reflection delivered by Michael Swift on Wednesday, May 27
Good evening everyone. It is wonderful to be with you all in this place.
Today we stand right between Pentecost, which was last Sunday, and Trinity Sunday, which is next Sunday. So I am departing from the assigned readings for today to talk about the person of the Trinity who is active in Pentecost: the Holy Spirit. ...Click here to read more
Congrats to David Telleen-Lawton, EfM Graduate!
Sunday, June 7 at the 8am worship service, we will celebrate the graduation of David Telleen-Lawton (also our Junior Warden) from the Education for Ministry (EfM) program. EfM is a four-year program for every baptized person, as we are all called to ministry. EfM's mission is to provide an educational foundation and support for all ministries through deepening of faith and understanding of the church and living theologically in the world. Local groups meet weekly from September through the following June. Meetings consist of worship, group study, and theological reflection - which is the heart of the program. Contact EfM mentor and ASBTS parishioner Robert Brown at (805) 895-3620.
Town Hall Meeting THIS Sunday, June 7
Summer Is Here! Annual End of Year BBQ Kicks Off the Season at All Saints; Summer Schedules Begin
Summer has officially been "kicked off" at All Saints. Last week, parishioners and friends gathered to share in All Saints' Annual End of Year BBQ. The grills were fired up, faces were painted and games were played - all set to beach music tunes. It was a wonderful day of community and fellowship as we welcomed the new season. Click here to read more.
M-4 Summer Project - Backpacks for Area Children
The M-4 (Montecito 4) Churches are pleased to announce the summer service project - providing backpacks stuffed with critical supplies for school success to local children in need. These children are living in People's Self Help Housing communities and rely on these learning tools. Together with the other M-4 Churches, our goal is to provide backpacks and supplies to 310 children.
On Saturday, July 25 Montecito Covenant will host our M-4 day of service from 10am-Noon where we will stuff the backpacks. Volunteers are needed for this day and donations are greatly needed, as each church as been asked to raise $3,500 for this project. A donation of $45 will give one child a backpack and the majority of supplies needed to have a successful start to the school year. Please consider giving the gift of a backpack or two to help a child in need have the tools to succeed in school. Please note "M-4 Backpack Project" in the memo of your check.
Save the dates: June 10-21 to benefit St. Mike's Episcopal Ministry at UCSB
Volunteers will be needed to help sort, organize and sell stuff at the annual gigantic yard sale of donated clothing, furniture, household goods, kitchenware, toys, sports equipment, electronics, books and much more that UCSB students and Isla Vista residents no longer want or need. This is the UCSB-sponsored Project Give which takes place at Embarcadero Hall in I.V. Net proceeds of the sale are divided among participating I.V. churches and nonprofits according to the number of volunteer hours donated. Our donated hours will benefit St. Mike's. In 2014, 13 volunteers from St. Mike's, Trinity and All Saints donated 100 hours working at the sale which were valued at $3,044. Volunteer sign-up information will be provided when received in the near future. David Boyd, dboydinc@aol.com, is the contact for more information.
All Saints-by-the-Sea now offers online giving.
Convenient. Easy. Secure.
Give out of God's love and gifts in your life that others may feel Christ's love and grace.
Join ASBTS on a Summer Trip - Or Two!
My Fair Lady - Saturday, July 11 - Solvang Festival Theater
Performed by the Pacific Conservatory Theatre! Picnic Box Dinners provided by Connie Lindberg for dinner in a reserved picnic area. Bring wine or other beverages and a small appetizer to share. Round trip transportation provided by Santa Barbara Airbus. Depart All Saints 4:30 p.m. Return 11:30 p.m. Ticket Price: $80.00 per person. Sign up at the Information Table!
Dead Sea Scrolls, an Exhibition and in the IMAX Theater: Jerusalem, a 3D movie narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch Saturday, August 8 - The California Science Center, L.A. Lunch will be included. Round trip transportation to be provided by Santa Barbara Airbus. Depart All Saints 9:30 a.m. Return 6:30 p.m. Ticket Price: $70.00 per person. Sign up at the Information Table. |
Centering Prayer & Healing Presence on Summer Hiatus
The annual summer hiatus in our Sunday morning prayer meetings seems to have arrived. there will be no Sunday morning meetings of either Centering Prayer or Healing Presence for the months of June, July, and August. If enough of us are in town by mid-August, we'll start our between-service meetings again. Otherwise, the first Sunday in September will resume with 9:15 a.m. Centering Prayer and the second Sunday with 9:15 a.m. Healing Presence, and we'll be back to our alternating Sunday morning prayer sessions between the services.
We are already feeling the pull of Summer Solstice stretching out the hours like a great umbrella of time and light, allowing us to encounter more fully the tides of summertime living. May that outer light shift into experiences of the inner light of God's Presence for us in unexpected moments of discovery and play all summer long. |
Photo of the Week
Dual Miller is transformed into Spiderman at the Annual End-of-Year BBQ last week.
All Saints' 7-Week Summer Film Festival Line-Up Announced!
Thank you to everyone who sent in movie suggestions for this summer's film festival. Below is this year's schedule - films (with snacks!) are shown each Wednesday evenings after Eventide supper in the Parish Hall. See you there!
June 17 - The Book Thief June 24 - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel July 1 - Forrest Gump July 8 - Sleepless in Seattle July 15 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom July 22 - The King's Speech July 29 - Imitation Game
Looking Ahead...
- June 6 - Margaret Moore Memorial at Noon
- June 6 - Music of the English Church Concert at Trinity
- June 7 - Town Hall Meeting
- June 7 - Music of the English Church Concert at Trinity
- June 17 - Film Festival Begins
- June 21 - Summer Sunday School Begins
- July 11 - All Saints Trip to Solvang Theater
- August 1 - Bishop Diane Bruce Visits All Saints
- August 8 - All Saints' Trip to Dead Sea Scrolls and Imax
Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then...
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world!
Outreach with the Cleveland Clippers - You may think Santa Barbara Cleveland School's mascot is the Dolphins, but for a couple of days in early May they became the Cleveland Clippers.
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.