At our Annual Meeting, we heard from Rev. Aimée that we are just beginning our ministry together, perched on the edge of what God will do with and through us. ( Click here to listen to her sermon/rector report.)What this will be is still ours to discover together, and is a task both exhilarating and daunting. We acknowledged that there will be some challenging times - including overcoming some difficult financial realities. The need to discuss our church's financial reality was fitting so that we can overcome it together, grounding our solution in the common purpose and mission to which God calls us.
Chip Nichols offered an important way forward: "If every one of our 420 member households gave $750 over and above whatever they have already pledged for 2015, it would erase the $315,000 deficit we are budgeting." Rev. Aimée did so and invited others to join.
We know not everyone can make an additional $750 pledge, and some can do much more. But giving out of gratitude for God's good gifts to us is something everyone can do. Your outgoing and current vestry & clergy have also met the challenge and pledged a total of $8,450 toward closing our deficit. Please prayerfully give as generously as you can to be a part of the solution.
Pledge cards are available in the pews, or you are also invited to call the church office. As we move forward as a household of God, we will walk forward in faith together, confident that God calls us to the place where our deep gladness and the world's hunger meet.
The 2014 Annual Meeting of the All Saints parish took place on Sunday, February 8 and was a morning of prayerful reflection and celebration of the baptismal ministries of the household of God. Because the ministry of Christ at All Saints grows out of our baptism, the Annual Meeting grew out of our worship together - a format that was fully embraced and celebrated by all. Click here to read more. The Annual Report is available here; audio of the sermon/rector report here; audio of Annual Meeting here. Click here to view all the photos from the day. Copies of the Annual Report will also be available on the patio this Sunday.
Vestry, Other Posts Elected at Annual Meeting
Parishioners elected members for Vestry, Diocesan Convention Delegates, and Nominating Committee at the Annual Meeting last week. Elected to the Vestry were: Charley Cairns, Charlotte "Chuck" DiTirro, Tom Mack (Senior Warden), Sally Messerlian, Nathan Sigler, and Raye Haskell Melville. The vestry has elected David Telleen-Lawton as Jr. Warden. Bios of our newly elected vestry leaders are available in the 2014 Annual Report, a copy of which is available at the Information Table on the patio, as well as on our website. Delegates to the Diocesan Convention are: Phil and Sally Wilcox, Ed and Grace Yoon, Charlotte "Chuck" DiTirro, and Mary Esperti and Diana Andonian as Alternates. The 2015 Nominating Committee is Tony Askew, Susan Gulbransen, Barbara Toumayan, and Bill Macfadyen. |
Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, February 18, marking the beginning of the Lenten season. Imposition of ashes will be offered at noon and at 7:30 p.m. in an effort to accommodate varying schedules.
Please note: no Eventide or supper on Ash Wednesday.
Lenten Series: Called to Life
Have you wondered where God is calling you? In the midst of life's busyness, we don't always give ourselves time to reflect on the deeper meaning of our lives in light of our faith. This Lenten season, you are invited to participate in "Called to Life," an adult formation series where we will explore how to listen for God and why we are all called to serve others.
Click here to learn more. |
Photo of the Week
Rev. Aimée presents outgoing Senior Warden, Chip Nichols with a gorgeous watercolor of All Saints by parishioner and artist, Jim Dow.
A million thanks for your gracious leadership, Chip!
Check out the rest of the photos from the Annual Meeting here.
Join the Madness!
Lent Madness Returns to All Saints
If you are looking for a Lenten discipline that is fun, educational, occasionally goofy, and always joyful, join the Lent Madness journey! Lent needn't be all doom and gloom. After all, what could be more joyful than a season specifically set aside to get closer to God? Join the Rev. Vicki Mouradian as she leads Team All Saints through Lenten Madness. Click here to learn more.
Lenten Resources Available at Book Table
The Book Table will be open on the patio during coffee hour. Rev. Vicki has stocked it with fresh titles and Lenten resources for all ages - including a Journey Through Lent, this year's Lent Madness booklets and brackets, and Lent Dice (what's that? Find out at the book table - they are amazing). Be sure to stop by and stock up! |
Pick Up Your Copy of the New Church Directory
Do you have the updated church directory? Pick up your copy (one per family, please) at the Information Table on the patio after church, or at the office during the week. A small donation of $10 is appreciated.
A small portion of the first batch of directories were missing a back page. If yours is among them, please call the office.
The season of Lent offers us a gracious opportunity to examine our lives in order to identify where we fall short and to turn our wills back toward God, whose nature is always to have mercy. Lent is an occasion to consider our spiritual health and deepen our spiritual lives. We do this by choosing well our Lenten disciplines that leads us more deeply into relationship with God and one another. This Lent, All Saints offers many opportunities to deepen your walk with Christ. Through seasonal opportunities for worship, devotion, and study, we hope you will find yourself not only willing but able to please God and participate more fully in the work of God's kingdom. Click here to learn more about Lent at All Saints.
Sanctuary Tours Continue in February, March
Behind-the-scenes sanctuary tours have been a great success. You can ask anyone who has participated, or you can see for yourself! The next tours are scheduled for the following dates and times:
- Wednesday, February 18 at 5:00 p.m.
- Sunday, February 22 at 9:10 a.m. or 11:15 a.m.
- Sunday, March 8 at 9:10 a.m. or 11:15 a.m.
Everyone is invited, but RSVPs are required due to limited group size. Sign up for your preferred date and time at the Information Table or click here to RSVP by email (tours@asbts.org). Once you sign up, you will receive an email confirmation.
From the All Saints Archives
Bishop Bruce Visits Sunday, Feb 22
Confirmation at 10:00 a.m.
Please join together in welcoming Bishop Diane Bruce on Sunday, February 22 when she visits All Saints. She will preach and preside during both worship services. During the 10 o'clock service, this year's class of confirmands: Shannon Evans, Ricardo Calderon, Mary Jo Yaeger, Terry Dodge, Syd Walker, Melinda Zerrenner, Sharon Bifano, Heather Childress, Hunter Hawley, Grace Yoon, Ed Yoon, Jim Haslem, Rose Hodge, Doug Davidson, and Robert Brown will be confirmed. Please plan to attend church for this joyous day!
Annual Golf Tournament: Volunteers Needed
All Saints' annual Jim Bower Outreach Golf Tournament will be Monday, May 4, 2015 and there is a lot to do! Volunteers are needed to help in the preparation of the event as well as on the day of the event. There is something that everyone can contribute to making our major Outreach fundraiser a success. Would you like to help, but aren't quite sure what you'd like to do? Email Sally Messerlian
(themesserls@gmail.com) - she is happy to help guide you! Donations for auction are also needed. No golf knowledge is required, only a generous spirit of service.
Wise Women to Meet Sunday, February 22
Wise Women (and men) will meet Sunday, February 22 after the 10:00 a.m. service in the Parish Hall for fellowship, lunch and a TED Talk by Lesley Hazelton, "Doubt is Essential to Faith."
Lent & Easter Music & Flower Donations
Thanksgivings, Celebrations, & Memorials
This Lenten season, you are invited to give a dedication for the succulents on the high altar for $35. There is also an opportunity to do the same at Easter, with your name and dedication being printed in the Easter bulletin. Please contact Anne in the Church Office (969-4771).
Wanted: Second Hand Camera
for Network for Africa Student
 Over the years All Saints has supported Network for Africa's work with survivors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The NGO is appealing for a secondhand video camera to help one of their genocide orphans, Gilbert Siboma, complete a course in film making. Gilbert is studying at the American Digital Media Academy in Kigal. He would ideally like a Canon EOS 5D Mark III or similar. If anyone has a video camera to spare, All Saints parishioner & part-time Santa Barbara resident Rebecca Tinsley will take it with her to Rwanda in March. If you can help please click here to contact her (tinsleyrc@aol.com). |

The Parent Council cordially invites you to an evening of Bollywood at the Coral Casino on Saturday, March 7. Enjoy dinner, live & silent auction and dance the night away while supporting one of the best preschool's in Santa Barbara - our very own Parish School! $150/ticket. Contact Deann (805) 453-1688 or Holly (805) 223-0648 to purchase tickets. |
Calling All Saints Parish School Alums, Former Parents, Teachers, Administrators
All Saints Parish School will celebrate their 50th Anniversary on Sunday, April 12 immediately following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. To commemorate this special day, we will have a special 10:00 a.m. worship service. If you are an alum, a former/current parent, teacher, administrator, board member, volunteer, etc. and would like to participate in this special service (as either reader, intercessor, LEM, acolyte, usher, etc.) please contact Anne in the Church Office (anne@asbts.org or 969-4771).
Padric also still needs help tracking down past students. Please help by sending information to the school (click here). |
Looking Ahead...
- February 14 - Rectory Blessing and Open House
- February 15 - Ann Funk's Memorial at 2:00 p.m.
- February 18 - Ash Wednesday; Services at noon and 7:30 p.m.
- February 18 - No Eventide or supper this Wednseday
- February 18 - Sanctuary tour (rsvp required)
- February 22 - Bishop Diane Jardin Visit, Confirmation
- February 22 - Wise Women after 10:00 a.m. service in PHouse
- February 22 - Sanctuary tour (rsvp required)
- February 28 - Carpinteria Food Distribution
Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then...
A Puritan Valentine
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world!
Bishop Bruno asks for 'water tithe' in Lent to support world water projects - With the approach of Lent and World Mission Sunday (Feb. 15), Bishop Jon Bruno invites congregations to join a year-long diocesan "water-tithing" program designed to address the challenges of extreme water insecurity that the Diocese of Los Angeles shares with regions and nations around the world.
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.