Please join us Sunday, February 1, after the 10:00 a.m. service, for a reception on the patio as we say thank you and farewell to parishioner and Associate Music Director, Temmo Korishelli. Temmo leaves us due to budget constraints, after 26 years of service to All Saints' Music programs. Temmo has worked in the roles of section leader, cantor, assistant music director, interim music director, associate music director, and music director. He has also occasionally served as a thurifer and crucifer. During the February 1st service, Rev. Aimée will offer a special sending blessing to Temmo. You are invited to contribute to a "farewell purse" for Temmo on that day. Simply note on your check to All Saints by-the-Sea that it is "For Temmo," and place it in the offering plate. (Purse contributions will not be deductible.)
Annual Meeting Set for Sunday, February 8
All Saints' Annual Meeting: Celebrating Our Baptismal Ministry, is planned for Sunday, February 8. As in previous years, we will have one combined worship service, at 9:00 a.m. to accommodate the annual meeting. We will then have a special coffee hour. Read more.
Thank you, All Saints!
From Our Friends in Rwanda & Tanzania
 Over nine years ago, parishioners, Betsy & David Kain went to Rwanda to train Rwandan survivors to help other genocide survivors cope with the horrors of the psychological effects of the murders of their families. While there, the need was expressed for a milk producing Holstein to feed these hungry survivors. Two families in All Saints responded by donating a cow each. This led to raising money for breeding goats as well as more cows. Since then, the outreach committee has generously helped in the important challenge of giving of livestock. These survivors live in deep poverty and must rely upon subsistence farming to live. The program has been hugely successful. Be sure to visit the patio to see the photo display of this work. The display will be up throughout this month and will be in the Parish House during the week. Please know that these extremely poor survivors thank you and the outreach committee. Email the Outreach Committee if you'd like to get involved in this continuing meaningful ministry.
Opportunity to Give Altar and Chapel Flowers
Giving the flowers on the high altar or in the chapel is a lovely way to honor the memory of loved ones or to celebrate blessings, birthdays, or marriages. Many Sundays remain available in 2015, including next month! Please contact the Church Office at (805) 969-4771. |
Photo of the Week
Parish school children watch with wonder and amazement during an ice sculpture demonstration. This fun activity was part of their winter weather unit. COOL beans, huh?
You're Invited:
Rectory Blessing & Open House Feb 14
The Eyer-Delevett family invites everyone, adults and children, to a house blessing and open house at the rectory on Saturday, February 14 from 1-4 p.m. On this Valentine's Day, let's gather in love for blessing and fellowship as we begin our ministry together. There will be three opportunities to join in the house blessing throughout the afternoon with portions of the house blessed at 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. No RSVP necessary. Friends and family are weclome.
Don't Forget to Pick Up Your Copy
of the New Church Directory!
The 2015 church directory is finally complete! Printed copies are available, one for each family, for a suggested donation of $10. You can pick up your copy on the patio after church services or at the Church Office during the week.
Help Us Keep Our Commitment
to Fair Trade Coffee Hour
All Saints is committed to supporting fair trade products. Several years ago, we made the intentional choice to serve fair trade coffee at our Sunday coffee hours and events. You will notice a collection coffee can (pictured above - isn't Kathleen so clever!) on the coffee table on Sundays. Please consider a small donation of a dollar or two to help ensure the sustainability of our coffee ministry. Thank you!
Take a "Behind the Scenes" Sanctuary Tour,
Receive Update on Readiness & Preservation Project
Sign up for a sanctuary tour! Reserve your space now for sanctuary tours offered on two Sundays per month after the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services and once per month before Eventide. Learn more here.
 Sign up for your preferred date/time at the Information Table on the patio after church or email your preference. Tours are currently scheduled for the following: (you must sign up for a specific date and time and you will receive a confirmation email) - Wednesday, February 18 at 5:00 p.m.
- Sunday, February 22 at 9:10 a.m. or 11:15 a.m.
From the All Saints Archives
Newspaper clipping from 1954. "YESTERDAY at the first annual carnival given at the little Episcopal Church on Eucalyptus Lane, All Saints by-the-Sea, willing parishioners gave their time to the sale of things unusual. Left to right, Orian Haller, Mrs. William Gawzner, and Mrs. Irving Camp."
An Invitation to Serve:
Carpinteria Food Distribution, Jan. 28
As Christians we are called to be the heart and hands of Jesus Christ in the world. At All Saints, we are blessed to be able to do this in a variety of ways, including our feeding ministries. This coming Wednesday, Jan. 28, everyone is invited to help put free, healthy food in the hands of appreciative low-income families. From 1-2 p.m. we will package and distribute on-site donations of fruits and vegetables at the Carpinteria Children's Project on Main, located at 5201 8th Street in Carp. Thirty-five families throughout our community count on these donations. People of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to participate. If you are unable to serve this coming Wednesday, help is needed every fourth Wednesday of the month. Please sign up at the Information Table on the patio after service or contact David Boyd.
Book Club Meets Monday, Jan. 26
 The January meeting of the All Saints Book Club has been postponed until Monday, Jan. 26 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish House.This month's selection is The Gospel of Luke, one of the books of the New Testament.There is still time - please join us! Click here to learn more. Please contact Rev. Vicki if you have any questions.
Save the Date: Annual Golf Tournament, May 4
All Saints' annual Jim Bower Outreach Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday, May 4, 2015. The first planning meeting will be next Sunday, Jan. 25 at 9:00 am between services. Everyone is invited to attend. Golf experience is not a requirement. This event is currently the major fundraiser supporting Outreach ministries at All Saints. There is plenty to do in preparation even if you are not available to attend the event. This is truly a community effort and the more helping hands along the way, the more successful this event will be! Please join in the fun for this meaningful cause.
Friendship Center 16th Annual Festival of Hearts
Please join us for Friendship Center's 16th Annual Festival of Hearts Mardi Gras Magic!
Saturday, February 7, 2015 11:30 to 2:30 pm The Fess Parker Reagan Room, 633 E. Cabrillo Blvd.
- Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler! Enjoy a delicious lunch with local wines amid the elegance of the Fess Parker... festive Mardi Gras attire welcome!
- Silent Auction: Unique & Magical Heart-Art by Jeff Bridges, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Rod Lathim, and other local artists and celebrities
- Live Auction: Vacation getaways, wine tasting, and more...
- Party Favors: Choose from beautiful hand-decorated papier-mâché hearts by local art students
All proceeds from the event support our H.E.A.R.T. (Help Elders At Risk Today) Program, subsidizing the cost of adult day services for low-income aging and dependent adults and their families.
All Saints Parish School Celebrates 50 Years!
Our school began 50 years ago in February 1965 with 29 enrolled children, a pet rabbit, and two guinea pigs under the direction of Dr. Letty Lauffer (then, Mrs. Letty Failing). Oh my goodness...how we have grown! The school is planning a celebration this spring with a 1965 theme with food, music, and dancing! (date TBD - stay tuned for more details to come!)
We would like to invite past students! Please help us with contact information of past students by sending information to the school (click here). It should be a fun celebration with current and past students and parents! With love, Padric. |
Looking Ahead...
- January 25 - Sanctuary tours after both services (rsvp required)
- January 26 - Book Club
- February 8 - Annual Meeting with combined 9 a.m. service
- February 14 - Rectory Blessing and Open House
- February 18 - Sanctuary tour before eventide (rsvp required)
- February 22 - Bishop Diane Jardin Visit, Confirmation
- February 22 - Sanctuary tour before eventide (rsvp required)
Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then...
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world!
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.