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November 6, 2014

I am delighted to report that Rev. Aimee has said goodbye to her church in Illinois, and she, Allyson, and Willa are preparing for their cross-country journey to meet the moving truck at the Rectory late next week. A committee of your fellow parishioners has been busy readying the Rectory for their arrival, with new carpeting, Willa's favorite paint color for her new room, starter groceries for the pantry and fridge, flowers for the house, and a spruced-up yard. But as all of you will remember from your last move, getting unpacked and acclimated is a multi-week process, even with a local move, and will be all the more so with a cross-country trek and a four-year-old to get ready for a new school. Rev. Aimee and her family will need this personal time so that she can be fully energized and engaged as she assumes leadership of our delegation for the Diocesan Convention on December 5 & 6 and leads her first services with us on December 7. While Rev. Aimee plans to meet personally with each of us as she joins this community of faith, let's please give her and her family the time and space they need for now.

Chip Nichols
Senior Warden
Requiescat in pace
John Lynn
February 5, 1944 - November 6, 2014

Details on a memorial service for John are pending.


Rest eternal, grant unto him O Lord,
and let light perpetual shine upon him.

Together We Can Feed 200 Needy Families
This Thanksgiving 
We are now 190 frozen turkeys (or chickens) away from our All Saints Parish goal in the M-4 Turkey drive. We have a long way to go in a short amount of time, and we desperately need the help of everyone. If you can commit to drop off just one frozen turkey or chicken on your way to or from church next Sunday, November 16th, together we can feed 200 hungry families this Thanksgiving. What a wonderful blessing! Frozen poultry will be collected from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the parking lot of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School. Attendants will be on hand to accept your frozen donation. Forms are available here and also at the Info Table and in the Church Office. If you will be out of town next Sunday, please consider making a financial donation (note "M-4 Turkey Drive" in the memo of your check). Thanks to two separate organizations, the money All Saints raises for this effort will be tripled this year. One in four suffers from hunger in our community, and hunger pangs are felt deeper during ThanksgivingThank you for helping to make this a memorial Thanksgiving by passing on the blessing of a hot meal to others. Contact the church office with any questions at (805) 969-4771.  Learn more here.
Tuesday, November 11 is Veteran's Day
Church Office Closed

The church office will be closed next Tuesday, November 11 in observance of Veteran's Day. Alan and Anne Hopkinson shared with us photos of ceramic poppies displayed around the Tower of London for each British and Commonwealth person who died in WWI. Anne's grandfather and four uncles, from the town of Staffordshire (where the poppies were made), were all killed in the Battle of Lous in Belgium and all have poppies in their name. 

All Saints Book Club Will Meet November 17

The All Saints Book Club will meet on Monday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish House to discuss this month's selection, "Peace Like a River" by Lief Enger. All are invited to this potluck gathering! Click here for more information about this month's selection. Contact Rev. Vicki at with any questions.
The Rev. William Tully to Visit All Saints
Sunday, November 16 
We are pleased to share that the Rev. William Tully will visit us at All Saints next Sunday, November 16 as guest preacher at both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. worship services. Learn more about Father Bill here. Please join us in welcoming Rev. Tully to the pulpit next Sunday!
 Photo of the Week

The good witch, Padric, helps a robot and dinosaur along the parade route while a skeleton works crowd control during the Parish School Halloween parade last week. 

Thanksgiving Day at All Saints

Thanksgiving Day, November 27, will be here before you know it! Consider celebrating with your All Saints family! Our Thanksgiving Day begins with worship at 10:30 a.m. followed by our festive Thanksgiving dinner at 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall.  Join us as we give God thanks for our many blessings and our vibrant church community which sustains us through God's love. Learn more by clicking here. A sign-up sheet is available on the information table following services.  Please be sure to let us know the number attending and what you are bringing so we can properly plan.  We look forward to having you with us!  Please contact Rev. Vicki with any questions 
Thank You, From Your Stewardship Committee
Thank you all for a joyous celebration of All Saints Day and our Consecration Sunday. We had a beautiful service and an exceptional festive brunch! A heartfelt thanks to each of you who thoughtfully completed your Intention of Giving Cards. We are well on our way. Your giving in the next year will enable the ministries so vital to the life of All Saints-by-the-Sea. For those of you who were unable to attend last Sunday, we are sorry and you were missed! There is still an opportunity to fill out your Giving Cards and participate in the vitality of our beloved church. Please pick up your card at the Information Table.
Parish School Food Drive
The preschool will be gathering non-perishable food to donate to the Food Bank of Santa Barbara from Wednesday, November 12 through Wednesday, November 19. A large barrel will be placed in the school library throughout the week and in the church courtyard for donations. Contact Padric Davis with questions.

From the All Saints Archives


St. Nick and All Saints-by-the-Sea

Put Christ back in Christmas and enjoy inter-generational, meaningful fun with St. Nick! The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, born during the third century, and known throughout the land for his generosity to those in need and his love for children. Click here to learn more about St. Nicholas and the many ways All Saints will be commemorating St. Nicholas! Contact Karen Telleen-Lawton.
2014 All Saints Christmas Card Contest 
Winner Announced!
We are pleased to announce the winning artwork, chosen by the parishioners of All Saints-by-the-Sea, for the 2014 All Saints Christmas Card is an oil painting of an All Saints ornament on a Christmas tree by parishioner, Denis Pariseau. 

Congratulations, Denis! 
Look for more details on purchasing cards in the coming week. Thank you so all who helped make this contest a hit, especially all the artists who entered. Click here to see all the entries this year.  
The Little Cottage Fashions-by-the-Sea Fundraiser a Success - Still Time to Help!
Thank you to all who came out to All 

Saints to support The Little Cottage, Cottage Hospital's hospitality organization on Tuesday. 
The Fashions-by-the-Sea fashion show fundraiser was a great success, and featured Jockey Person to Person women's clothes for every occasion.

Guests enjoyed delicious sweet treats, learned about The Little Cottage, had an opportunity to win lovely raffle prizes, and got to "shop with a purpose" after the fashion show. A percentage of the profits from the clothes sold went back to the organization. If you weren't able to make it Tuesday, you can still help! Margee Lennard, Jockey P2P Director, will continue to donate a portion of her profits throughout the entire month of November to The Little Cottage! Click here to shop these amazing women's fashions.

M-4 Thanksgiving Prayer Service, November 19
Montecito Covenant
This year's M-4 Thanksgiving service, bringing together all Montecito churches including All Saints, will be held on Wednesday, November 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Montecito Covenant. Please join Montecito's Christian faith community in this yearly tradition. This is a great service to bring financial donations for the M-4 Thanksgiving turkey drive, as the offering during this service will be donated to the Food Bank. Questions? Contact the Church Office at (805) 969-4771.

Looking Ahead...
  • November 9 - Baptism at 8:00 a.m. service
  • November 11 - Veteran's Day - Church Office Closed
  • November 13 - Candlelight Vigil - De La Guerra Plaza for                                     Santa Barbara's homeless youth, 5:30pm
  • November 16 - Drop off your frozen poultry at Our Lady of
                              Mount Carmel School for M-4 Turkey Drive
  • November 17 - All Saints Book Club Meeting
  • November 19 - M-4 Thanksgiving Service, Montecito Covenant
  • November 22 - Getty Villa Excursion
  • December 7 - Rev. Aimee's First Sunday at All Saints

Meme of the Week

Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then... 

From Around the Web
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world! 
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.

A Home for Thanksgiving - The Habitat for Humanity houses All Saints parishioners helped build are nearly ready for move-in. Just a little more help is needed.

General Seminary board of trustees, dean and faculty reach agreement - Nov. 5 statement announcing an agreement reached between the board of trustees, dean and faculty of General Theological Seminary.

Churches have role to play in fostering civil discourse in society - Forum's speakers agree people of faith can be catalysts for good in tough conversations.

Interfaith forum to be held at All Saints, PasadenaA Multi-Faith Future" will be the topic of an evening of conversation with Eboo Patel, Muslim interfaith activist, and the Rev. Canon Ed Bacon, rector of All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. at All Saints.

Did you know that each week's Sunday service bulletin is posted on the All Saints website?  Just click here. 
Are you on Facebook? Be sure to "LIKE" All Saints!