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This Sunday's Readings:
Psalm 90:1-6, 
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46

October 23, 2014

Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops. Proverbs 3:9

Heart-felt giving awakens us. All things come of thee, O Lord. And of thine own have we given thee. 1 Chronicles 29.

This Sunday, we will hear from Stephen Schaible, as he shares his pathway to giving. Consecration Sunday is next week, November 2. Bishop Burrill will be with us as a guest preacher. 

Please sign up for the Consecration Sunday Brunch at the Information Table after church today. And don't forget to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night, so you will be well rested for the celebration.

We ask you to prayerfully consider your gift to All Saints this year. We will fill out our giving cards in church and present them to God as a community next Sunday on All Saints Day. We hope you can be here with us.

Your Stewardship Committee,

Ladeen Miller, Chip Nichols, Rev. Vicki Mouradian,
Sally Messerlian, Denny Bacon, Karen Telleen-Lawton, Pat McClure, and Kathleen Winters

Requiescat in pace

Alfred Vance Morgan

April 13, 1936 - October 9, 2014


The memorial service for Al will be at All Saints
on Saturday, October 25 at 10:00 a.m. 

Reception to follow on the patio.


Rest eternal, grant unto him O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.

All Saints Welcomes
the Rev. Cannon Ray Fleming as Guest Preacher 
All Saints is pleased to welcome this Sunday's guest preacher, the Rev. Canon Ray Fleming. Fr. Ray is the former rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Laguna Beach, now retired. Born and raised in Worcester, Massachusetts, Fr. Ray graduated from Seabury - Western Theological Seminary in Chicago. He and his wife, Marcia, have two daughters, Holly and Pamela. Please join us in welcoming Fr. Ray to the pulpit this upcoming Sunday, October 26.
All Saints Joins Other M-4 Churches
in Frozen Turkey Drive 
The M-4 Churches are having a Turkey and Chicken Drive to benefit The Food Bank of Santa Barbara. This is the first year All Saints has participated in this turkey drive. How parish goal is to collect 200 frozen turkeys and/or chickens to feed the needy families in our community this Thanksgiving. Won't you help us reach our goal? Donating couldn't be easier - on Sunday, November 16 from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. a collection box will be set up in the Our Lady of Mount Carmel School parking lot. Learn more here.
Book Table Is Open This Sunday


Today, Rev. Vicki and Kathie Deviny are headed down to the Cathedral Bookstore in Los Angeles to pick up a fresh stock of titles as well as goodies for the upcoming Advent Season for our book table. The book table will be set up and open after each service this Sunday. Please stop by the book table after your worship service to browse our new offerings. 


 Photo of the Week

All Saints Parishioner, Jaque Reed poses in the sukkah during the Interfaith Sukkah for Peace. Members of Santa Barbara's faith community gathered for prayer, dialogue, and dinner in celebration of the Jewish harvest holiday of Sukkot.

Help Give Families a Home for Thanksgiving! 

Just a little paint is all that's needed to complete the Habitat Houses at 822 E. Canon Perdido St. that All Saints and the other M-4 churches helped build in March. Help get them ready for families to move into in time for Thanksgiving. Click here to find out how to help. 

Final Day for Directory Photos This Sunday

Last call for having your photo taken for our photo directory is this Sunday, October 26. A photographer will be on the patio after each service to take photos of any parishioner who wasn't able to have their photo taken in the spring. 

If you already had your photo taken, you do not need to do it again.  If you aren't sure, please call the office and Kathleen will be happy to check the roster. Read more here. 
All Saints Parish School Halloween Parade: Friendly Witch Confirmed;
Princess Attendance Probable 
We have confirmed the Friendly Witch will be on the All Saints Parish School campus next week. She will be lead her tiny little ghosts and witches along with other costumed munchkins 'round the "big" ship in the annual Preschool Halloween Parade. It's double the fun this year with a parade Thursday, October 30 and Halloween Day - both parades will be at 11:00 a.m. Rumors of a princess or superhero appearance are in the process of being confirmed. Best go check it out yourself. See you 'round the "big" ship. 
Bishop Burrill Joins Us As Guest Preacher
Consecration Sunday, November 2
All Saints is pleased to welcome the Rt. Rev. William Burrill as guest pre  acher on Sunday, November 2 for Consecration Sunday. Bishop Burrill is the retired bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester, NY, and is the Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Arizona. Read Bishop Burrill's bio here.

From the All Saints Archives

In the spirit of Stewardship Season...


Letter from parishioner, Hyatt Reynolds to Rev. George Weld

October 8, 1926 

Rev. Weld's response to Mr. Reynolds

October 12, 1926

All Saints' Christmas Pageant Casting Call:
Baby Jesus

Of course any Christmas pageant just wouldn't be the same without a star - baby Jesus! If your infant would like to play the part of baby Jesus in this year's Christmas Pageant, on Sunday December 14, please contact Rev. Vicki at or (805) 969-4771.
Have You Cast Your Vote? Voting Is Open!
2014 All Saints Christmas Card Contest
The entries for All Saints' 2014 Christmas Card are in and voting is now officially open! Cast your vote for the original artwork you would like to see on this year's All Saints' Christmas Card. Voting will be open through November 5. All entries will be kept anonymous throughout the voting period and will be revealed once the winner is chosen. One vote per parishioner. The winning artist's work will be printed on All Saints' Christmas Card and cards will be available for purchase. Click here to vote!
Tickets Still Available: Getty Villa Excursion
Tickets are still available for our fall excursion to the Getty on Saturday, November 22. Tickets are $55 and include round trip transportation; lunch is not included in the price of the ticket. Space is limited, so sign up soon! Click here for more details. Sign up and release forms are available at the Information Table after both worship services or you can contact Rev. Vicki with any questions. 
Little Cottage Fashion Show

Please join us for a fashion show benefiting "The Little Cottage" on Tuesday, November 4. For more information about this important organization, click here

Meme of the Week

Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then... 

Looking Ahead...
  • October 24 - Parish School Fall BBQ
  • October 25 - Art, Biblical Brew and Fruit of the Vine Trip
  • October 30 & 31 - Parish School Halloween Parade
  • November 1 - Daylight Savings Time Ends - Fall Back
  • November 2 - Consecration Sunday
  • November 5 - Voting Closes in Christmas Card Contest
  • November 9 - Baptism Opportunity
  • November 19 - M-4 Thanksgiving Service, Montecito Covenant
  • November 22 - Getty Villa Excursion

From Around the Web
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the country and the world! 
Panorama: Blogs of the Episcopal Church - Various opinions and viewpoints of Episcopalians, as well as discussions of personal faith journeys, and conversations about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church.

All Saints Book Club: November SelectionAll Saints Book Group will next meet on Monday, November 17, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish House for a potluck dinner, fellowship and discussion of our current choice, "Peace Like A River" by Leif Enger.

Requiescat in pace: Bishop M. Thomas Shaw, SSJEThe Society of St. John the Evangelist has announced that the Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE, monk and, for 20 years, the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, died on Oct. 17.

Ferguson: "The 'come to Jesus' moment for us in the church" - The emerging movement, its youthful leadership and developing relationships have been compared to 1960s civil rights activism by some and called a human rights movement by others.

General Seminary faculty returning to work, devoted to reconciliationIn a letter to Bishop Mark Sisk, chair of the board of trustees for the General Theological Seminary, the eight striking faculty members have accepted the board's invitation to accept "provisional reinstatement" and to enter a process of reconciliation.
Time to prepare for Diocesan Convention - Theme of annual meeting will be 'Horizons & Heritage'.

Did you know that each week's Sunday service bulletin is posted on the All Saints website?  Just click here. 
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