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All Saints

This Sunday's Readings:
Exodus 12:1-14
Psalm 199:33-40, 
Romans 13:8-14
Matthew 18:15-20 
September 4, 2014

YOU are invited!

On Sunday, September 14, All Saints' Choir will return from summer hiatus and we'll welcome back many of our musicians This year, I'd like to extend a special invitation to those who are interested in singing with us, but unable to join us on our regular Thursday evening rehearsals.

This year we'll offer a new Sunday morning rehearsal schedule especially for you!  We'll gather at 8:15 am in the Parish Hall for a full rehearsal. These new rehearsals will also give choir members a scheduling choice each week. During each rehearsal, I'll spend time on the foundations to ensure absolutely everyone benefits - from the newest to the most advanced musicians.

Our choral season this year will include an enormous variety of liturgical music styles. Believe me, you'll NOT want to miss out on this opportunity to sing with one of the finest liturgical choral organization in Santa Barbara.

Joining is simple: just show up on September 14 at 8:15 am in the Parish Hall. Shoot me any email with any questions.
Please join us, won't you?

I can't wait to start making music with you all.

God's peace,
Steve O'Connor
Dir. Music Ministries
 Photo of the Week
Fresh paint, new benches, lush green "grass" - the All Saints Parish School is ready for the First Day of School on Monday. A HUGE thank you to Miguel and his team and our wonderful parishioner volunteers for your hard (back breaking?) work that has made our school look great for the students! Best of luck to School Director Padric and all her teachers for a great first day!
Special Announcement This Sunday
From The Vestry
Please be sure to join us this Sunday, September 7 for a very special announcement from the Vestry at both the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services regarding the much anticipated results of All Saints' Rector Search! Senior Warden Chip Nichols, along with the rest of the members of our Vestry will address both congregations with some exciting news. You won't want to miss it! 
Family Feast Returns This Sunday,
Followed by God, Music, & Fun
Family Feast returns this Sunday! Families and children, please join us as we celebrate this special Eucharist service geared specifically towards children and families on the first Sunday of each month in the Parish Hall concurrent with our 10 a.m. Sunday service.
Specially-developed music, slides, service and Eucharist are the highlights of this ever-growing
service. Following our Family Feast, children and families enjoy
our music education series, God, Music and Fun. Through the media
of singing, dance, rhythm activities and playing musical instruments, we will learn the stories of God's saving work in the world through the art of music. Participants learn the primary building blocks of making music and have much opportunity to express themselves through music in an environment that is creative and fun. All are warmly invited. Questions? Contact the Rev. Vicki
School Starts Next Week at All Saints Parish School
All Saints by-the-Sea Parish School is ready for the first day of school on September 8!  There are only a few spots remaining in the school (for children ages 2 years to 5 years).  With new grass, new paint, clean rugs and polished floors they're ready for a year of love, laughter and learning!  For information about the school or about enrolling a new student, please contact
School Director Padric Davis or call her at (805) 969-4946.

There's Still Time to Help: 

M-4 Churches Half Day of Service This Saturday

There's still time to help for just three short hours at the M-4 Half Day of Service this Saturday, September 6! Email Susan Evans or simply show up ready to work! We'll meet at 8:30 a.m. at Cleveland Elementary in the cafeteria for a light breakfast and then we'll all choose our work groups. There's something for everyone: choose from working in the garden or around the grounds, helping to set up computers, or helping teachers prepare their classrooms. See you Saturday!

All Saints' Homecoming & Teacher Commissioning Next Sunday, September 14

Join us on the patio next Sunday, September 14, after both the 8 and 10 a.m. services for brunch and fellowship as we give thanks for the bountiful gifts God has bestowed upon All Saints this past year and rejoice in the exciting new year ahead of us. Fr. Bob's last official Sunday at All Saints, we will bid him a warm and special farewell as he embarks on his new journey. We will welcome the children and teachers to the start of a new Sunday School year with a commissioning at the 10 a.m. service. We look forward to seeing you and your family next Sunday! Questions? Contact the Church Office at (805) 969-4771.
Adult & High School Confirmation Classes 
Offered This Fall
Confirmation classes will be offered for adults and high school students this fall in preparation for the November 23 visit of Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce.  Those who have been baptized are welcome to participate in this journey.  Anyone who has already been confirmed but wishes to formally reaffirm their faith, or those confirmed in different Christian denominations but wish to be formally received into the Episcopal Church are welcome to participate as well. 

Adult Confirmation Class will be held on the following Wednesdays: September 17 and 24; October 1, 8, 15, and 22 in the Parish House from 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. 

High School Confirmation Class will be held on the following Sundays:  September 21 and 28; October 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 

Both adults and high schoolers must complete at least four of the six classes in order to be confirmed. Sign up at the Information Table on the patio starting this Sunday, or contact the Rev. Vicki.
Sunday School Classes Resume September 21

Sunday School classes will start on Sunday, September 21 at 10 a.m. We will have four classrooms this year, all meeting in the Parish House: Pre-K to Kindergarten; 1st-3rd grades; 4th-5th grades; and 6th-8th grades. All children are welcome to join us as we discover the 
wo nders of God's love through the curriculum "Living the Good News". Our nursery will be open for children 3 years and under in the Bumble Bee room in the Parish School. We welcome back our Sunday School teachers and our children and look forward to a great year! Teachers, please plan to be at the 10 a.m. service next week to be commissioned. To learn more about Sunday School at All Saints, contact the Rev. Vicki at or call the Church Office at (805) 969-4771.
All Saints' Choir Is Back Next Sunday
With NEW Additional Sunday Morning Rehearsals
We welcome back the All Saints Choir on Sunday, September 14. The choir's first rehearsal will be Thursday, September 11. Our Music Director Steve O'Connor is pleased to offer additional Sunday morning rehearsals for parishioners wishing to sing in the choir but unable to make Thursday evening rehearsals. If you'd like to learn more about the choir, please contact Steve

From the All Saints Archives

Invitation to the "Consecration Service, All-Saints'-By-The-Sea"


The All Saints Book Club Meets Monday Evening

Join the All Saints Book Club Monday evening as we explore grace and what it means in today's world with this month's selection, Philip Yancey's novel, What's So Amazing About Grace?. Join us in the Parish House at 6 p.m. for a potluck dinner and lively discussion of Yancey's personal and provocative book on a most poignant topic. Email the Rev. Vicki with questions. Friends & family are welcome!
Refreshment Table Volunteers Needed 
We are in need of individuals or families to volunteer for the Refreshment Table at Coffee Hour on Sundays. Duties include providing and setting up light refreshments - donuts, pastries or cookies. If you are able to assist on Sundays please contact Anne Hopkinson. A sign-up sheet will also be at the Information Table.
St. Michael's Episcopal Church In Need of Election Workers for Nov. 4 General Election
Please join volunteers from Trinity and St. Michael's Episcopal Churches to be an election worker in a precinct at the St. Michael's chapel in Isla Vista and donate your stipend to benefit St. Michael's Episcopal Campus Ministry at UCSB. Isla Vista is where election action will be and you can be part of it. Half- and full-day positions are available and training will be provided the week of October 20. A sign-up sheet will be available at the Information Table after the services this Sunday. For more information, please contact David Boyd, (805) 969-2710.

Meme of the Week

Because we all deserve a chuckle now and then... 

Looking Ahead...
  • September 6 - M-4 Day of Service @ Cleveland Elementary
  • September 7 - Special Vestry Announcement at Both Services
  • September 7  - Family Feast and God, Music & Fun
  • September 8 - First Day of School, Parish School
  • September 8 - All Saints Book Club Meets
  • September 9 - Finance Committee Meeting
  • September 9 - Vestry Meeting
  • September 11 - Outreach Committee Meeting
  • September 11 - First Choir Rehearsal
  • September 14 - Homecoming Sunday
  • September 14 - Sunday Morning Choir Rehearsal
  • September 14 - All Saints Night @ Transition House
  • September 17 - Adult Confirmation Classes Begin
  • September 21 - Sunday School Begins
  • September 21 - High School Confirmation Classes Begin
  • October 12 - Wise Women Returns

From Around the Web
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the Internet! 

Did you know that each week's Sunday service bulletin is posted on the All Saints website?  Just click here. 
Are you on Facebook? Be sure to "LIKE" All Saints!