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This Sunday's Readings:
Genesis 29:15-30 Psalm 105:1-11 Romans 8:26-39  Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 
July 24, 2014
This summer, All Saints has been exploring the musical sounds of the World-Wide Anglican Communion.  We've worshiped with music from the Latin American countries and most recently, music of the Celtic world.  Join us this Sunday, July 27, at the 10 a.m. service, as we kick off a three week adventure into the musical world of the Caribbean and Hawaii.  You'll not want to miss this charming and rhythmically fascinating style.  See you in church!


God's Peace,


Steve O'Connor

Music Director

Photo of the Week

Kathleen Winters, Heather Childress, and Anne Hopkinson pose for a photo during a special staff meeting to welcome Kathleen.

Welcome, Kathleen Winters! 

All Saints' new Director of Administration, Kathleen Winters, started work last week. Her office is on the first floor of the Church Office - if you have a moment, please say hello! Kathleen is now officially on duty - please contact her with any administrative needs or questions: 805/969-4771 or

Pickin', Pine Trees, & Pals

All Saints' Music Director, Steve O'Connor, and parishioner, Robert Brown packed their tents & instruments and headed to Auburn for the California Coast Music Camp again this year. The duo joined fellow musicians from around the state for two weeks of camping, music workshops, and banjo flash mobs. Check out photos from music camp on Facebook.

No Mystery, Trip to the Pageant was a Blast

All Saints' trip to The Pageant of the Masters "The Art Detective" proved to be most exiting.  About 20 parishioners and friends joined the Rev. Vicki for an evening of art, mysteries, and theater in Laguna Beach. We took in the talents of local artists then enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner before being transported to Europe, Russia and back to the U.S. by the artistry and theatrical illusion of "living pictures". The adventure didn't end with the curtain - but carried us all the way back home to Santa Barbara. This trip won't soon be forgotten! View more photos here.

Newcomers Tour This Sunday

Join us this Sunday, July 27, after the 10 a.m. service. The All Saints' Welcome Committee is offering a newcomer campus tour. Newcomers are especially encouraged to join, but all are welcome on this informative and fun tour of our beautiful campus. We'll meet on the patio at 11:15 a.m. and the tour will last about 40 minutes. See you there!

Life in Christ with the Prayer
of St. Patrick Starts Next Week

There are many versions of the Prayer of St. Patrick but perhaps the best known and most widely accepted section reads:
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. 

A four week class regarding our personal interaction with the Prayer of St. Patrick will be offered after Eventide and soup supper on Wednesdays July 30, August 6, 13, and 20. We will meet in the Parish House at 7:15 p.m. to discover what this prayer might mean in your life! Family and friends are welcome.  For more information, please contact the Rev. Vicki Mouradian at the church 805/969-4771.  

Corrie Vande Beek's Fruit Punch Recipe 
Our beloved late friend and parishioner Corrie Vande Beek's fruit punch made a big splash last week at Robbie Boyd's farewell reception.  Many have requested the recipe for Corrie's delicious and refreshing punch, so we are happy to share it below. It's perfect for these warm summer days!


Heat 6 cups of water to dissolve 2 cups of sugar; cool
Blend: 6-7 bananas, 12 oz. frozen orange juice (thawed), 12 oz. frozen lemon juice (thawed), 46 oz can of pineapple juice

Add 4-5 qts of ginger ale (at the last minute)


Save the Date! Campus Cleanup August 23book
All Saints' Annual Campus Cleanup Day will be Saturday, August 23 this year. The work we accomplish in just a few hours this day is important in keeping our campus one of the most beautiful around. 
More details to come. In the meantime, contact Nathan Sigler with any questions.

"Education for Ministry" Offered 

Education for Ministry (EfM) will be offered in Santa Barbara this year beginning in September. EfM welcomes all new and returning participants to this program of theological education at a distance.

Local groups meet weekly throughout the United States and overseas from September through the following June. Meetings are generally three hours and consist of worship, group study, and theological reflection -- which is the heart of the program. EfM's mission is to provide an educational foundation and support for all ministries through deepening of faith and understanding of the church and living theologically in the world.

Please contact EfM mentor Robert Brown at 805/895-3620 for more information. 

In Memoriam 

Long-time parishioner and past Outreach Committee-member Lisa Chiles' memorial is planned for 2 p.m. on Sunday, August 3, at All Saints-by-the-Sea.
Looking Ahead...
  • July 27 - Newcomer Campus Tour
  • July 30 - Prayer of St. Patrick Series Begins
  • August 3 - Family Feast
  • August 16 - Tchaikovsky Spectacular with Fireworks
  • August 20 - Summer Potluck on the Patio  
  • August 23 - Campus Cleanup Day
  • September 14 - Homecoming Sunday
From Around the Web
There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week. Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories from the All Saints website and from around the Internet! 
Gaza's Al Ahli Hospital appeals for urgent help - One of more than 35 institutions run by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, the hospital is striving to meet the increased demands on its already-overburdened staff, who have tended to the wounded despite being surrounded by conflict, the challenges of diminishing medical supplies, and their own fatigue.  Read more...
West Texas: San Marcos church rekindles passion for God's creation -  St. Mark's Episcopal Church in San Marcos,Diocese of West Texas, sits at the base of a gentle embankment dappled in a profusion of bluebonnets and dotted by shady live oak trees... Read more... 

Get involved in the Lisa Chiles Cleveland Elementary School Focus Project - This year the Outreach Committee launched a Local Focus Project with the same goal as the international effort: to change lives through the hands-on ministry of our parishioners, as well as their donation parish and individual funds. Read more...
Did you know that each week's Sunday service bulletin is posted on the All Saints website?  
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