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May 29, 2014

A prolific author, blogger, and public speaker specializing in American religion and culture, Dr. Diana Butler Bass will be with us at All Saints on the weekend of June 14 and 15.


Diana will be presenting a series of lectures on Saturday, 6/14 reflecting on "Christianity After Religion, What does meaningful faith look like in the world today?", and preaching at both our 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services on Sunday, 6/15.  


This is an incredible opportunity, not only for us, but for the whole Santa Barbara community, to engage with one of the leading theologians reflecting on the intersection of faith and culture today. Please join us for this most exciting day in our congregational life together. For more information, click here. 


Rev. Dr. Bob Honeychurch

Interim Rector 


All Saints Responds to Isla Vista Shooting
Click above to view a Noozhawk gallery of photos from the candlelight vigil held at UCSB

Please join us in prayer for all those affected by the tragic shooting in Isla Vista last Friday night. Last Sunday, May 25, services at All Saints began with prayers for the victims.


Click the link below to view a number of different resources related to the shooting, collected on the All Saints website, including how to donate to a fund established to assist the individuals and families of the victims.   


Acclaimed Author, Theologian Diana Butler-Bass to Speak, Preach at All Saints!

On Saturday, June 14, internationally-renowned theologian Diana Butler Bass will visit All Saints-by-the-Sea to explore recent trends in religion and spirituality that are challenging traditional institutions and opening the way for new patterns of faith.


Instead of doom and gloom, she finds much to cheer in the changing face of American religious life - and will argue that churches, synagogues and other faith communities need to open their hearts and minds to embrace a hope- filled future. Diana will return to All Saints the following day to preach at both the 8 and 10 a.m. services.  For fee and sign-up information, just click below.  Remember to register before June 9 for discounted rates! 

Blessings to All Fathers and Father Figures on Sunday, June 15 

Father Bob's dad: Fred Honeychurch

With Father's Day just around the corner we will be gathering photos of our fathers (and the people in that have been significant father figures in our lives) to display on our altar for both of our services on Father's Day, June 15. You can bring those pictures in to the Church Office any time between now and our services on Father's Day, and then retrieve your images any time after the conclusion of our 10 a.m. service on June 15.  So find that photo of dear old dad or a dear man in your life and bring it to the Church for our Father's Day festivities, as we remember those special people in our lives.


God, bless all the fathers in the world. Guide them to be good role models and loving to all their children. Help them to be a father like You are. Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way.  
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Set Aside Sunday, June 8 for Parish Pentecost Picnic: Get Your Red On! 

Summer begins at All Saints with our annual picnic on Pentecost set for June 8.  It will be a spirit-filled time beginning with worship services celebrating God's gift of the Holy Spirit and followed by BBQ, live music, games, face painting and prizes!

Miguel Ruiz and Andy Rosenberger will again lend a helping hand!


Wear something red to celebrate the birth of the Church and please feel free to dress casually.  The service music that day will be special too!  A sign-up sheet is available on the Information Table on Sunday or send an email to  See the Rev. Vicki with any questions


Volunteer Opportunity: Best Day Foundation

Best Day Foundation is an All Saints Outreach recipient that helps children with special needs build confidence and self-esteem through safe, fun, water activities like surfing and kayaking. Volunteers are needed for Best Days taking place this weekend: Saturday, May 31, and Sunday, June 1.   


Parishioners of all ages and mobility are encouraged to come and check out the fun on Saturday to see if they'd like to return on Sunday to help.  There is a job for everyone.  Contact parishioner Heather Smith or click the link below for more details 


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Holy Land Update From AFEDJ
Anne Lynn, President of American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, will visit All Saints next Wednesday evening, June 4 (after Eventide and supper) to bring us up-to-date on the situation in the Holy Land, how our Outreach gifts have been used, and the impact we've had. Click below for more details.

pentecostJoin All Saints' Summer Choir on Pentecost and Help Fulfill the Ministry of Music

At the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, June 8, we will participate in the Feast of Pentecost with a grand worship celebration.  The music of the day will kick off our summer Arts in Worship program, featuring music of the world-wide Anglican Communion.  But: we need your help: will you join our choir at 9:15 a.m. to rehearse the music of the morning?  It will be a diverse mix of American Gospel music, complete with a Bluegrass band.  You'll have a great musical experience and you'll participate in the musical ministry of leading the congregation in their singing.  Bring your voice, bring a friend and help us sing in the Feast of Pentecost!!  

Second Annual All Saints Film Festival Kicks Off June 11; "Monuments Men" is First Up

All Saints is once again hosting a five-week summer film festival beginning June 11.  The Parish Hall will be transformed into a movie theater, complete with professional sound, HD projection, fresh-popped popcorn, Red Vines and soft drinks.  We'll feature a different movie each Wednesday evening after Eventide through July 9.


Monuments Men
We'll enjoy an eclectic line up of films, beginning with the newly released "Monuments Men," but we need your help in filling out the calendar for the remaining weeks.  Do you have a favorite flick?  Send your suggestions in to Steve O'Connor.  We'll take everyone's suggestions and our selection committee will make the final choices.  See you at the movies!

Recruitment for Director of Administration Begins; Application Information Online

As we've all been told, our beloved Director of Administration, Robbie Boyd, is planning to relocate with his family to the East Coast later this summer.  The Vestry has launched the recruitment to fill this important position.  The job description is now available on the All Saints website, click below to read it.  


Summer Bus Trips Announced: Pageant of the Masters and Hollywood Bowl!
Two fabulous summer outings have been planned for All Saints: a trip to Laguna Beach to visit the Festival of Arts and attend the Pageant of the Masters on July 20; and a trip to the Hollywood Bowl to hear and see the Tchaikovsky Spectacular with Fireworks on Aug. 16. These two popular programs usually sell-out year after year!  Join members of our All Saints family for two evenings of fun, beauty and fellowship! Family members and friends are very welcome!  Click below to get all the details and sign up!  

Graduate Recognition Sunday: June 15

On Sunday, June 15, at the 10 a.m. service, All Saints will be honoring our High School Seniors who graduate this May or June. If your family includes a graduating senior, please let the Rev. Vicki Mouradian know. We wish to recognize each Senior and send them off with our blessing. Please include the name of their High School and they're future plans: going on to college (institution name), travel, work, etc.

Summer Sunday School Program to Run from 

June 15 to July 27

Summer Sunday School begins this summer on June 15 and continues through the end of July.  We will not be having separate classes but instead will have the children meet together for special projects centered on God's Good Creation.  Each week will focus on a theme and be led by parishioners, clergy and staff: 


June 15 - Father's Day Crafts with Corinne Walter

June 22 - Music Day with Steve O'Connor and Robert Brown

June 29 - Art Day with Ken Jewesson

July 6 -  Family Feast with Rev. Vicki and Youth Group with Alyssa Mueller and Michael Swift

July 13 - Walk to the Beach with Heather Childress and Alex Smith

July 20 - Baking for Outreach with Kathryn Roberts and Alex Smith

July 27 - Crafts Day - leader to be announced


Please contact the Rev. Vicki Mouradian at the Church Office, 969-4771 if you have any questions. 


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Looking Ahead...
  • May 31 - Best Day Volunteer Opportunity
  • June 1 -Best Day Volunteer Opportunity 
  • June 4 - Visiting Speaker: AFEDJ  
  • June 8 - Pentecost / Baptisms / Parish Family Picnic
  • June 11 - Film Festival Begins 
  • June 14 - Diana Butler Bass Workshop  
  • June 15 - Father's Day / Graduate Recognition 
  • June 15 - Summer Sunday School Begins 
  • July 20Festival of Arts / Pageant of the Masters
  • August 16 - Tchaikovsky Spectacular with Fireworks